If the DNC election was "rigged" - how was it "rigged"?

Billary machine had the race wrapped up before even one vote cast.

So what? Sounds like good politics to me.
Corrupt system. Just like "Crooked Hillary."
and yet you can't point to anything that is 'corrupt'
Super Delegates corrupt the process.

How so? They aren't bound delegates. They can back anyone in the race.
Why do these party insiders get to make a choice at all? Delegates should all be elected by the voters.
So what? Sounds like good politics to me.
Corrupt system. Just like "Crooked Hillary."
and yet you can't point to anything that is 'corrupt'
Super Delegates corrupt the process.

How so? They aren't bound delegates. They can back anyone in the race.
Why do these party insiders get to make a choice at all? Delegates should all be elected by the voters.
if it bothers you that much become a democrat and work to have the rules changed.

as it is the super delegates have never played a real role in the selection of the nominee
So what? Sounds like good politics to me.
Corrupt system. Just like "Crooked Hillary."
and yet you can't point to anything that is 'corrupt'
Super Delegates corrupt the process.

How so? They aren't bound delegates. They can back anyone in the race.
Why do these party insiders get to make a choice at all? Delegates should all be elected by the voters.

Are you suggesting a change to the U.S. Constitution?

The U.S. Constitution: The Delegates
Billary machine had the race wrapped up before even one vote cast.

So what? Sounds like good politics to me.
Corrupt system. Just like "Crooked Hillary."
and yet you can't point to anything that is 'corrupt'
Super Delegates corrupt the process.
they never have. they have never gone against the will of the popular vote.

so find a new line, because that dog don't hunt.
Super Delegates did not come into play until 1976 after the McGovern commission tried to make sure they would not have another 1968 fiasco.
So what? Sounds like good politics to me.
Corrupt system. Just like "Crooked Hillary."
and yet you can't point to anything that is 'corrupt'
Super Delegates corrupt the process.
they never have. they have never gone against the will of the popular vote.

so find a new line, because that dog don't hunt.
Super Delegates did not come into play until 1976 after the McGovern commission tried to make sure they would not have another 1968 fiasco.

Are they illegal?
Corrupt system. Just like "Crooked Hillary."
and yet you can't point to anything that is 'corrupt'
Super Delegates corrupt the process.

How so? They aren't bound delegates. They can back anyone in the race.
Why do these party insiders get to make a choice at all? Delegates should all be elected by the voters.
if it bothers you that much become a democrat and work to have the rules changed.

as it is the super delegates have never played a real role in the selection of the nominee
I was a Democrat. I was a super delegate to Boston in 2004. Party left me. Now they are all socialist loons.
So what? Sounds like good politics to me.
Corrupt system. Just like "Crooked Hillary."
and yet you can't point to anything that is 'corrupt'
Super Delegates corrupt the process.

How so? They aren't bound delegates. They can back anyone in the race.
Why do these party insiders get to make a choice at all? Delegates should all be elected by the voters.

That's their rules. Your opinion has not been necessary since they were installed in '84.
Corrupt system. Just like "Crooked Hillary."
and yet you can't point to anything that is 'corrupt'
Super Delegates corrupt the process.
they never have. they have never gone against the will of the popular vote.

so find a new line, because that dog don't hunt.
Super Delegates did not come into play until 1976 after the McGovern commission tried to make sure they would not have another 1968 fiasco.

Are they illegal?
Nope. It is a way for party insiders to control who the nominee will be and not be chosen by the people.
Please explain exactly how it was supposedly "rigged" - with "credible" sources that can be verified as fact. Just because the DNC may have "favored" Hillary over Bernie doesn't mean it was "rigged". The DNC "favored" Obama over Hillary in 2008. Bernie wasn't "cheated" out of anything. The DNC election process never changed from beginning to end. Even Bernie said publicly that Hillary won fair and square - which she did. So, stop with the "rigged" shit or explain to us with "credible" sources that can be verified as fact exactly how it was supposedly "rigged".

So, you are claiming that having the DNC "superdelegats" in the bag for Hillary from the VERY beginning, that having the Democrats who were flipping coins call the caucuses in Iowa for Hillary EACH time there was a tie wasn't rigging the election, you're as big a liar as Hillary.

I love how the Hillarybots rate my post as funny because they can't honestly acknowledge that the fix was in and Hillary was ordained. However, what they've really done is start the Democratic Party on the road to irrelevance. WE are the future.
superdelegates are part of the process. the rest of your post is ridiculous.
Coin-Toss Fact-Check: No, Coin Flips Did Not Win Iowa For Hillary Clinton

LOL! Yeah, believe the establishment, not your lying eyes.
wow. so you aren't even going to pretend to be interested in the facts. at least you're making that clear.

When a Hillarybot offers a fact, Hell will have been frozen over for a decade.
Corrupt system. Just like "Crooked Hillary."
and yet you can't point to anything that is 'corrupt'
Super Delegates corrupt the process.

How so? They aren't bound delegates. They can back anyone in the race.
Why do these party insiders get to make a choice at all? Delegates should all be elected by the voters.

That's their rules. Your opinion has not been necessary since they were installed in '84.
Try 1976.
and yet you can't point to anything that is 'corrupt'
Super Delegates corrupt the process.

How so? They aren't bound delegates. They can back anyone in the race.
Why do these party insiders get to make a choice at all? Delegates should all be elected by the voters.
if it bothers you that much become a democrat and work to have the rules changed.

as it is the super delegates have never played a real role in the selection of the nominee
I was a Democrat. I was a super delegate to Boston in 2004. Party left me. Now they are all socialist loons.

You're full of shit. You didn't even know what a super delegate was.

Your credibility is circling the drain with the GOP.
Look, I love that Bernie ran, he helped move the platform to the left and brought up important issues, I just think if he wants to run as a Democrat, run as a Democrat. If you want to run as an "anti-party" guy, run as the anti party guy...in November. He wanted to play it bi-political or to have his cake and eat it too. Pfffft.
that's what he's always wanted - which is why he's never been a democrat and why he never actually accomplished anything.

Great, he accomplished his goals, the candidate with the most electoral votes won and Bernie never had to embrace being a Democrat. Sounds like winning all around. Now let's elect Hillary the 45th President of the United States!

Not a chance in Hell

Can I quote you on that in Nov?

and yet you can't point to anything that is 'corrupt'
Super Delegates corrupt the process.

How so? They aren't bound delegates. They can back anyone in the race.
Why do these party insiders get to make a choice at all? Delegates should all be elected by the voters.

That's their rules. Your opinion has not been necessary since they were installed in '84.
Try 1976.

Super delegates as they exist today were first used in the '84 election.

A History of 'Super-Delegates' in the Democratic Party
Look, I love that Bernie ran, he helped move the platform to the left and brought up important issues, I just think if he wants to run as a Democrat, run as a Democrat. If you want to run as an "anti-party" guy, run as the anti party guy...in November. He wanted to play it bi-political or to have his cake and eat it too. Pfffft.
that's what he's always wanted - which is why he's never been a democrat and why he never actually accomplished anything.

Great, he accomplished his goals, the candidate with the most electoral votes won and Bernie never had to embrace being a Democrat. Sounds like winning all around. Now let's elect Hillary the 45th President of the United States!

Not a chance in Hell

same thing I said about Obama in 08 ... guess what?

Jill Stein or Alyson Kennedy
Super Delegates corrupt the process.

How so? They aren't bound delegates. They can back anyone in the race.
Why do these party insiders get to make a choice at all? Delegates should all be elected by the voters.

That's their rules. Your opinion has not been necessary since they were installed in '84.
Try 1976.

Super delegates as they exist today were first used in the '84 election.

A History of 'Super-Delegates' in the Democratic Party
How did the Democrats do that year? Oh yes, they nominated Mondale instead of Hart.
Who says the DNC is "supposed to be neutral"

Are you actually saying that perhaps RNC could have also been conspiring against Trump?

You so crazy, that is impossible.

Oh, you mean the RNC didn't conspire against Trump? Funny...

Trump won..

Do you see the difference now?

Seriously, you NaziCons aren't "REALLY" that dumb, are you?

Have someone read this to you and explain what it means.

"On behalf of everyone at the DNC, we want to offer a deep and sincere apology to Senator Sanders, his supporters, and the entire Democratic Party for the inexcusable remarks made over email. These comments do not reflect the values of the DNC or our steadfast commitment to neutrality during the nominating process. The DNC does not -- and will not -- tolerate disrespectful language exhibited toward our candidates. Individual staffers have also rightfully apologized for their comments, and the DNC is taking appropriate action to ensure it never happens again."
How so? They aren't bound delegates. They can back anyone in the race.
Why do these party insiders get to make a choice at all? Delegates should all be elected by the voters.

That's their rules. Your opinion has not been necessary since they were installed in '84.
Try 1976.

Super delegates as they exist today were first used in the '84 election.

A History of 'Super-Delegates' in the Democratic Party
How did the Democrats do that year? Oh yes, they nominated Mondale instead of Hart.

What does that have to do with the subject at hand?
Please explain exactly how it was supposedly "rigged" - with "credible" sources that can be verified as fact. Just because the DNC may have "favored" Hillary over Bernie doesn't mean it was "rigged". The DNC "favored" Obama over Hillary in 2008. Bernie wasn't "cheated" out of anything. The DNC election process never changed from beginning to end. Even Bernie said publicly that Hillary won fair and square - which she did. So, stop with the "rigged" shit or explain to us with "credible" sources that can be verified as fact exactly how it was supposedly "rigged".
It wasn't rigged. The power elite of the Democratic Party are free to pick their own candidates for office, including POTUS. They aren't required to favor all comers and are free to throw all the money and power of their political machine behind the candidate of their choosing. If some Democrats don't like that, those Democrats should consider leaving the Democratic Party and forming their own party.
Have someone read this to you and explain what it means.

"On behalf of everyone at the DNC, we want to offer a deep and sincere apology to Senator Sanders, his supporters, and the entire Democratic Party for the inexcusable remarks made over email. These comments do not reflect the values of the DNC or our steadfast commitment to neutrality during the nominating process. The DNC does not -- and will not -- tolerate disrespectful language exhibited toward our candidates. Individual staffers have also rightfully apologized for their comments, and the DNC is taking appropriate action to ensure it never happens again."
It means the DNC is afraid of being sued for fraud and the bad PR of being sued in the middle of a close election.

That statement should have concluded with "Signed by the entire bank of DNC Lawyers, the best lawyers your donations can buy....yes, including your donations to the DNC to support Bernie".

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