If the DNC election was "rigged" - how was it "rigged"?

"On May 5, DNC officials appeared to conspire to raise Sanders's faith as an issue and press on whether he was an atheist -- apparently in hopes of steering religious voters in Kentucky and West Virginia to Clinton. Sanders is Jewish but has previously indicated that he's not religious."

Here are the latest, most damaging things in the DNC’s leaked emails

Again, the DNC led by Schultz decided to play favorites which is a no-no for what is supposed to be a neutral organization.

Make sense?

Funny. "Conspiring" doesn't mean shit unless it's acted on. Did anyone within the DNC actually use Bernie's Jewish religion against him during the election process? BTW, dumbass, everyone does opposition research on everyone in politics - even within their own parties. It's called politics...

The DNC is not the opposition. They are the neutral body overseeing the process of selecting a democratic candidate. Why is this so difficult for you to grasp?

How did the DNC hurt Bernie during the election process?

I've already told you and you ignored it.

You gave a summary of the emails in question. Neither that summary nor you have shown how that caused Sanders to lose due to "rigging".

Media taking cues from the DNC on what to report. Positive stuff only for Hillary, anything negative about Bernie, whether true or not. Paying people to post online, sending interns to protests and making it hard for Bernie supporters to vote. Pressuring delegates. All in a day's work for the DNC.

Some things the emails showed.

"#1: NBC’s Chuck Todd apparently takes orders from DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz."

DWS contact Todd when she was displeased about what was being reported and said it must stop. Negative reporting that focused on Hillary's scandals was quickly stopped by pouncing on whatever media had the nerve to talk about it.

"#2: Hillary Clinton had to pay people to support her online."

Needed Super Pacs to pay people to stump for her online.

"#3: Fake protests."

When people protested, the DNC was upset when not many people showed up. They feared it would make them look bad so they sent interns to make it appear that the protests were more popular. When their "allies" screwed up and didn't send enough bodies, they had to find their own people. Of course, the faithful media did their best to cover these protests.

"#4: The Washington Post hosts DNC fundraisers."

This is why they are a totally unreliable source. They cherry pick news to make the Dems look good.

"#5: Oh, and just in case you forgot, the Democratic primary process was completely rigged for Hillary Clinton."

They were looking for a narrative to report that made Bernie look like he never had his act together and that his campaign was a mess. This is plotting with media to deliberately turn off voters. They fed stories to a willing media. Before using media to trash Bernie, they first kept him out of the spotlight as much as possible while keeping Hillary front and center. They even scheduled debates at times to ensure few viewers, like holiday weekends and the Saturday night before Christmas.

When Bernie managed to gain supporters and won NH, the media began giving Hillary's surrogates more airtime to downplay Bernie's win and then the negative stories about Bernie started. They were worried about the primaries in AZ and many polling places were shut down, forcing people to travel longer distances and some waited in line in the heat for 5 hours. Many gave up and went home without voting.

Even now, the same media is pandering to Hillary and trying to sway public opinion. Despite the news about the leaked emails, they just mentioned the bad people who leaked it before moving on. They are still gushing over Hillary being the nominee.


More information on how the primaries were rigged, not that I expect liberals to read it.

The first thing they did was to limit the number of debates

Which helped Sanders, as it became so apparent in the later debates that Sanders was a one-trick pony, a guy who was helpless if he had to go outside of his talking points speech.

So, as conspiracy theories go, that one is particularly detached from reality.

That is laughable on its face. Sanders would have benefited by more debates. There is not a single, sane, non biased person who believes otherwise. EVERYONE knows that the reason the DNC limited the number of debates was to protect hilary.

That is unarguable save by a biased person such as yourself.
Well, so far no proof...
Because emails that specifically state the criminal, unethical and biased behavior of the Democrats is completely NOT evidence.....in a pigs eye, you fucking hack.

Funny. Where are the RNC emails? Where are Trump's tax returns? Does Putin have them? Does rapist Assange have them?

No, what's funny is your desperate attempt to flip the script. It's over, Lakhota. In fact, the total sham of excuses put forward does nothing to help the Democrats. It is the only thing that has been completely transparent. The fact that Democrats would joyfully engage in putting forth conspiracy theories is absolutely hideous. The longer it takes for Democrats to face the music indicates it will take ten times longer to rebuild your party.
When the DNC who are supposed to be neutral actively put together a strategy to knock down one of the candidates in favor of another, that's rigging the election.

Well, please explain exactly what was supposedly done to "knock down one of the candidates in favor of another". How was Bernie cheated? What was taken away from him?

"On May 5, DNC officials appeared to conspire to raise Sanders's faith as an issue and press on whether he was an atheist -- apparently in hopes of steering religious voters in Kentucky and West Virginia to Clinton. Sanders is Jewish but has previously indicated that he's not religious."

Here are the latest, most damaging things in the DNC’s leaked emails

Again, the DNC led by Schultz decided to play favorites which is a no-no for what is supposed to be a neutral organization.

Make sense?

Funny. "Conspiring" doesn't mean shit unless it's acted on. Did anyone within the DNC actually use Bernie's Jewish religion against him during the election process? BTW, dumbass, everyone does opposition research on everyone in politics - even within their own parties. It's called politics...

The DNC is not the opposition. They are the neutral body overseeing the process of selecting a democratic candidate. Why is this so difficult for you to grasp?

How did the DNC hurt Bernie during the election process?

When the DNC who are supposed to be neutral actively put together a strategy to knock down one of the candidates in favor of another, that's rigging the election.

Well, please explain exactly what was supposedly done to "knock down one of the candidates in favor of another". How was Bernie cheated? What was taken away from him?

"On May 5, DNC officials appeared to conspire to raise Sanders's faith as an issue and press on whether he was an atheist -- apparently in hopes of steering religious voters in Kentucky and West Virginia to Clinton. Sanders is Jewish but has previously indicated that he's not religious."

Here are the latest, most damaging things in the DNC’s leaked emails

Again, the DNC led by Schultz decided to play favorites which is a no-no for what is supposed to be a neutral organization.

Make sense?

Funny. "Conspiring" doesn't mean shit unless it's acted on. Did anyone within the DNC actually use Bernie's Jewish religion against him during the election process? BTW, dumbass, everyone does opposition research on everyone in politics - even within their own parties. It's called politics...

The DNC is not the opposition. They are the neutral body overseeing the process of selecting a democratic candidate. Why is this so difficult for you to grasp?

How did the DNC hurt Bernie during the election process?

Allowing for a very small number of debates for starters.
Please explain exactly how it was supposedly "rigged" - with "credible" sources that can be verified as fact. Just because the DNC may have "favored" Hillary over Bernie doesn't mean it was "rigged". The DNC "favored" Obama over Hillary in 2008. Bernie wasn't "cheated" out of anything. The DNC election process never changed from beginning to end. Even Bernie said publicly that Hillary won fair and square - which she did. So, stop with the "rigged" shit or explain to us with "credible" sources that can be verified as fact exactly how it was supposedly "rigged".

Clearly you are not able to deal with the fact that is the crookedness of the democratic party...
That is laughable on its face. Sanders would have benefited by more debates. There is not a single, sane, non biased person who believes otherwise.

That bizarre claim relies on the reality-defying assumption that Sanders was better at debating.

He wasn't. At best, it was a draw. He got some name recognition from the first couple debates, but you only need a couple debates for that. In the later debates, it was clear he was out of his league, and not having more debates was a mercy to Sanders.

EVERYONE knows that the reason the DNC limited the number of debates was to protect hilary.

That is unarguable save by a biased person such as yourself.

With "EVERYONE" consisting of loopy wingnuts and raving anarchist berniebros.

So, thread summary:

The Hillary-haters, despite being asked many times, were unable to come up with a single example of how the election was "rigged". As usual, they tried to cover for their complete lack of evidence by simply screaming their loopy conspiracy theories over and over at higher volumes.

Hillary-haters, you're not helping you cause with your awful behavior.

The hard-left contingent has showed some especially impressive zeal to commit political suicide. Most everyone now correctly thinks of them as toddlers throwing tantrums.

And the hard right contingent has managed to highlight the links between Trump and Putin. Well done!

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