If the DNC election was "rigged" - how was it "rigged"?

There is no evidence of any rigging, just irrelevant DNC staffers BSing. The hysteria is over except in the BS GOP bubble.

Yeah, Debbie Wasserman Schultz was just an irrelevant DNC staffer who was just BSing and it wasn't serious. This has NOTHING to do with the GOP, and your distractions won't work. Some Bernie supporters may end up voting for your corporate whore, but most of us will NEVER vote for her. And, I, for one, will probably not vote for a Democrat in this election in ANY contest this year.
FACT: It wasn't rigged - which is why no one can prove it was.
Do you admit the DNC threw it's full weight behind Hillary before even the first primary ballot was cast? Do you deny Super Delegates were predisposed to vote for Hillary before Bernie made a big fuss about it?
FACT: It wasn't rigged - which is why no one can prove it was.
Do you admit the DNC threw it's full weight behind Hillary before even the first primary ballot was cast? Do you deny Super Delegates were predisposed to vote for Hillary before Bernie made a big fuss about it?

They were "predisposed" to vote for her in 2008 too. Obama still won.

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For those who believe that the DNC "rigged" the primary and caused Sanders to lose,
please explain how they were able to force
different demographics against Sanders.


Sanders lost because his base of support was too narrow.
Bernie got MORE VOTES in Iowa

DWS rigged the corrupt "caucus" to give Hillary the win and prevent her from going down 2-0 in the first two states

The DNC then REFUSED to release the actual vote total from Iowa, proving BERNIE WON.
Please explain exactly how it was supposedly "rigged" - with "credible" sources that can be verified as fact. Just because the DNC may have "favored" Hillary over Bernie doesn't mean it was "rigged". The DNC "favored" Obama over Hillary in 2008. Bernie wasn't "cheated" out of anything. The DNC election process never changed from beginning to end. Even Bernie said publicly that Hillary won fair and square - which she did. So, stop with the "rigged" shit or explain to us with "credible" sources that can be verified as fact exactly how it was supposedly "rigged".
I have a little piece of reality for you and your 'reservation inmates'.
The Clinton's have never given a shit about any of you.Your voter base is less than the number of Chow Chow dog owners in the US.
You have zero political influence. You ONLY survive by the generosity of the 'Makers'.
The Obama's think 'Sitting Bull' was The Lone Ranger's sidekick.
Bernie got MORE VOTES in Iowa

DWS rigged the corrupt "caucus" to give Hillary the win and prevent her from going down 2-0 in the first two states

The DNC then REFUSED to release the actual vote total from Iowa, proving BERNIE WON.

How did the Iowa delegation apportion their delegates at the convention? Did they dispute the results?
You asked for proof and I provided it, and now you ignore it. Why is that? Just admit when you're wrong and move on.

You're just as bad as the turnip cons on this site at this point.

What so-called "proof" did you provide? I must have missed it...

That's easy to do when you continuously have your head firmly planted up your ass. Your view rarely changes. Step out for some fresh air and truth. The "party of choice" hand picked your candidate for you. Republicans had a diverse field of 17 candidates and the people rejected the party's picks. That's democracy in action whether you like the candidate or not. On the Democratic side, you got 3 old white candidates and the party pushed one from the beginning. With the super delegate system the Democratic party employees, they control who your candidate will be. Feel free to fact check things instead of relying on what the party elites and media tell you to believe.

So what? The DNC oversaw a FAIR election. The candidate with the most votes won. No one was cheated. No laws and/or rules were broken. What's your problem?

My "problem" is arguing with a moron. Good day.

Your problem is you don't have a good answer to the question.

Oh my God, are you dummies multiplying?
What so-called "proof" did you provide? I must have missed it...

That's easy to do when you continuously have your head firmly planted up your ass. Your view rarely changes. Step out for some fresh air and truth. The "party of choice" hand picked your candidate for you. Republicans had a diverse field of 17 candidates and the people rejected the party's picks. That's democracy in action whether you like the candidate or not. On the Democratic side, you got 3 old white candidates and the party pushed one from the beginning. With the super delegate system the Democratic party employees, they control who your candidate will be. Feel free to fact check things instead of relying on what the party elites and media tell you to believe.

So what? The DNC oversaw a FAIR election. The candidate with the most votes won. No one was cheated. No laws and/or rules were broken. What's your problem?

My "problem" is arguing with a moron. Good day.

Your problem is you don't have a good answer to the question.

Oh my God, are you dummies multiplying?

Obviously you still don't have a good answer.
Iowa’s Democratic Establishment Is Unmoved by ‘Bernie-Mentum’

"Perhaps that’s because, in some sense, Sanders was talking about overthrowing them. If there is such a thing as a “Democratic establishment” in a state like Iowa, those who attended the Hall of Fame dinner are it. Current and former county party officials and high-profile Democratic activists and organizers made up most of the 1,300 Iowans attending the Friday night dinner. And throughout the night, they made clear their preference for the well-oiled, mainstream Clinton machine over Sander’s ad hoc, radically Left-wing message. For all the hype around “Bernie-mentum,” Hillary Clinton’s lock on Iowa’s Democratic elite seems unlikely to be broken any time soon."
When will accused rapist and fugitive from justice Julian Assange release Putin's hacked RNC emails? I want to see them! I want to see their personal diaries also!

Evidently the party that is "anti" science is smart enough to not run official government secrets thru a personal email server and to know how to secure their servers from hackers. Keep wishing.
Iowa’s Democratic Establishment Is Unmoved by ‘Bernie-Mentum’

"Perhaps that’s because, in some sense, Sanders was talking about overthrowing them. If there is such a thing as a “Democratic establishment” in a state like Iowa, those who attended the Hall of Fame dinner are it. Current and former county party officials and high-profile Democratic activists and organizers made up most of the 1,300 Iowans attending the Friday night dinner. And throughout the night, they made clear their preference for the well-oiled, mainstream Clinton machine over Sander’s ad hoc, radically Left-wing message. For all the hype around “Bernie-mentum,” Hillary Clinton’s lock on Iowa’s Democratic elite seems unlikely to be broken any time soon."

So Iowa caused Sanders to lose?
That's easy to do when you continuously have your head firmly planted up your ass. Your view rarely changes. Step out for some fresh air and truth. The "party of choice" hand picked your candidate for you. Republicans had a diverse field of 17 candidates and the people rejected the party's picks. That's democracy in action whether you like the candidate or not. On the Democratic side, you got 3 old white candidates and the party pushed one from the beginning. With the super delegate system the Democratic party employees, they control who your candidate will be. Feel free to fact check things instead of relying on what the party elites and media tell you to believe.

So what? The DNC oversaw a FAIR election. The candidate with the most votes won. No one was cheated. No laws and/or rules were broken. What's your problem?

My "problem" is arguing with a moron. Good day.

Your problem is you don't have a good answer to the question.

Oh my God, are you dummies multiplying?

Obviously you still don't have a good answer.

Obviously you haven't read the thread. You're making yourself into a fool. Feel free to page thru and read.
So what? The DNC oversaw a FAIR election. The candidate with the most votes won. No one was cheated. No laws and/or rules were broken. What's your problem?

My "problem" is arguing with a moron. Good day.

Your problem is you don't have a good answer to the question.

Oh my God, are you dummies multiplying?

Obviously you still don't have a good answer.

Obviously you haven't read the thread. You're making yourself into a fool. Feel free to page thru and read.

Obviously you haven't read through as you would have seen that you have not answered the question or any I have raised either. Instead of bitching at me, why not post something relevant.
Bernie got MORE VOTES in Iowa

DWS rigged the corrupt "caucus" to give Hillary the win and prevent her from going down 2-0 in the first two states

The DNC then REFUSED to release the actual vote total from Iowa, proving BERNIE WON.
how much tin foil do you go through daily?

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