If the DNC election was "rigged" - how was it "rigged"?

In 2008, Hillary supporters (including me) were highly pissed at the DNC for seemingly favoring Obama over Hillary. However, as I recall we were more civil about it than Bernie supporters in 2016.

Some food for thought about 2008...and now...

Hillary Clinton's PUMAs, Once Die-Hard Supporters, Aren't Sold on 2016

She was indeed screwed over by the DNC in favor of Obama. She had to wait her turn. The DNC is all about identity politics and it was more important to get a black man elected than a woman. Having elected a black man, the agenda is now a woman. Qualifications be damned on both accounts.
When the DNC who are supposed to be neutral actively put together a strategy to knock down one of the candidates in favor of another, that's rigging the election.

Well, please explain exactly what was supposedly done to "knock down one of the candidates in favor of another". How was Bernie cheated? What was taken away from him?

"On May 5, DNC officials appeared to conspire to raise Sanders's faith as an issue and press on whether he was an atheist -- apparently in hopes of steering religious voters in Kentucky and West Virginia to Clinton. Sanders is Jewish but has previously indicated that he's not religious."

Here are the latest, most damaging things in the DNC’s leaked emails

Again, the DNC led by Schultz decided to play favorites which is a no-no for what is supposed to be a neutral organization.

Make sense?

To say the DNC made no difference, you have to believe that super delegates and more strategists helping your campaign don't help. Then there is the constant media favoring Hillary. So, no one on the left thinks that public opinion can be shaped by strategy and selective media coverage?
Please explain exactly how it was supposedly "rigged" - with "credible" sources that can be verified as fact. Just because the DNC may have "favored" Hillary over Bernie doesn't mean it was "rigged". The DNC "favored" Obama over Hillary in 2008. Bernie wasn't "cheated" out of anything. The DNC election process never changed from beginning to end. Even Bernie said publicly that Hillary won fair and square - which she did. So, stop with the "rigged" shit or explain to us with "credible" sources that can be verified as fact exactly how it was supposedly "rigged".
One would have to understand the ten commandment to accept any explanation.

Ten Commandments? Who wrote them?
One would have to accept the Ten Commandments to believe the answer.
ever since Trump slobbered "rigged" the RW dopes have been doing the same.

Exactly. Has anyone ever heard Trump explain exactly how it was supposedly "rigged" and what laws and/or rules may have been violated? I haven't.

BTW, where are those RNC internal emails? With Trump's tax returns?
Seriously, you NaziCons aren't "REALLY" that dumb, are you?

You asked for proof and I provided it, and now you ignore it. Why is that? Just admit when you're wrong and move on.

You're just as bad as the turnip cons on this site at this point.

What so-called "proof" did you provide? I must have missed it...

That's easy to do when you continuously have your head firmly planted up your ass. Your view rarely changes. Step out for some fresh air and truth. The "party of choice" hand picked your candidate for you. Republicans had a diverse field of 17 candidates and the people rejected the party's picks. That's democracy in action whether you like the candidate or not. On the Democratic side, you got 3 old white candidates and the party pushed one from the beginning. With the super delegate system the Democratic party employees, they control who your candidate will be. Feel free to fact check things instead of relying on what the party elites and media tell you to believe.

So what? The DNC oversaw a FAIR election. The candidate with the most votes won. No one was cheated. No laws and/or rules were broken. What's your problem?

My "problem" is arguing with a moron. Good day.

Your problem is you don't have a good answer to the question.
Please explain exactly how it was supposedly "rigged" - with "credible" sources that can be verified as fact. Just because the DNC may have "favored" Hillary over Bernie doesn't mean it was "rigged". The DNC "favored" Obama over Hillary in 2008. Bernie wasn't "cheated" out of anything. The DNC election process never changed from beginning to end. Even Bernie said publicly that Hillary won fair and square - which she did. So, stop with the "rigged" shit or explain to us with "credible" sources that can be verified as fact exactly how it was supposedly "rigged".

So, you are claiming that having the DNC "superdelegats" in the bag for Hillary from the VERY beginning, that having the Democrats who were flipping coins call the caucuses in Iowa for Hillary EACH time there was a tie wasn't rigging the election, you're as big a liar as Hillary.

Delegates and super-delegates are all part of the DNC election process. They favored Hillary - which was their choice. Bernie knew that going in. There was nothing "rigged" about that. Remember Bernie talking about trying to persuade some of Hillary's super-delegates to switch over to him? No laws and/or rules were broken. It's called politics.


ONLY a lying Hillarybot could look at the circumstances and call them fair. I'll NEVER vote for Hillary or another Democrat again.
Well, please explain exactly what was supposedly done to "knock down one of the candidates in favor of another". How was Bernie cheated? What was taken away from him?

"On May 5, DNC officials appeared to conspire to raise Sanders's faith as an issue and press on whether he was an atheist -- apparently in hopes of steering religious voters in Kentucky and West Virginia to Clinton. Sanders is Jewish but has previously indicated that he's not religious."

Here are the latest, most damaging things in the DNC’s leaked emails

Again, the DNC led by Schultz decided to play favorites which is a no-no for what is supposed to be a neutral organization.

Make sense?

Funny. "Conspiring" doesn't mean shit unless it's acted on. Did anyone within the DNC actually use Bernie's Jewish religion against him during the election process? BTW, dumbass, everyone does opposition research on everyone in politics - even within their own parties. It's called politics...

The DNC is not the opposition. They are the neutral body overseeing the process of selecting a democratic candidate. Why is this so difficult for you to grasp?

How did the DNC hurt Bernie during the election process?

I've already told you and you ignored it.

You gave a summary of the emails in question. Neither that summary nor you have shown how that caused Sanders to lose due to "rigging".
Please explain exactly how it was supposedly "rigged" - with "credible" sources that can be verified as fact. Just because the DNC may have "favored" Hillary over Bernie doesn't mean it was "rigged". The DNC "favored" Obama over Hillary in 2008. Bernie wasn't "cheated" out of anything. The DNC election process never changed from beginning to end. Even Bernie said publicly that Hillary won fair and square - which she did. So, stop with the "rigged" shit or explain to us with "credible" sources that can be verified as fact exactly how it was supposedly "rigged".
Washington redskin, if spineless politicially correct lemmings like yourself think it was not "rigged"... Most certainly it was rigged. Dumbass
Please explain exactly how it was supposedly "rigged" - with "credible" sources that can be verified as fact. Just because the DNC may have "favored" Hillary over Bernie doesn't mean it was "rigged". The DNC "favored" Obama over Hillary in 2008. Bernie wasn't "cheated" out of anything. The DNC election process never changed from beginning to end. Even Bernie said publicly that Hillary won fair and square - which she did. So, stop with the "rigged" shit or explain to us with "credible" sources that can be verified as fact exactly how it was supposedly "rigged".

So, you are claiming that having the DNC "superdelegats" in the bag for Hillary from the VERY beginning, that having the Democrats who were flipping coins call the caucuses in Iowa for Hillary EACH time there was a tie wasn't rigging the election, you're as big a liar as Hillary.

I love how the Hillarybots rate my post as funny because they can't honestly acknowledge that the fix was in and Hillary was ordained. However, what they've really done is start the Democratic Party on the road to irrelevance. WE are the future.
Please explain exactly how it was supposedly "rigged" - with "credible" sources that can be verified as fact. Just because the DNC may have "favored" Hillary over Bernie doesn't mean it was "rigged". The DNC "favored" Obama over Hillary in 2008. Bernie wasn't "cheated" out of anything. The DNC election process never changed from beginning to end. Even Bernie said publicly that Hillary won fair and square - which she did. So, stop with the "rigged" shit or explain to us with "credible" sources that can be verified as fact exactly how it was supposedly "rigged".

So, you are claiming that having the DNC "superdelegats" in the bag for Hillary from the VERY beginning, that having the Democrats who were flipping coins call the caucuses in Iowa for Hillary EACH time there was a tie wasn't rigging the election, you're as big a liar as Hillary.

I love how the Hillarybots rate my post as funny because they can't honestly acknowledge that the fix was in and Hillary was ordained. However, what they've really done is start the Democratic Party on the road to irrelevance. WE are the future.

Yeah, and I bet you have lots of "credible" proof that can be verified as factual. BTW, where is it...?
When the DNC who are supposed to be neutral actively put together a strategy to knock down one of the candidates in favor of another, that's rigging the election.

Well, please explain exactly what was supposedly done to "knock down one of the candidates in favor of another". How was Bernie cheated? What was taken away from him?

"On May 5, DNC officials appeared to conspire to raise Sanders's faith as an issue and press on whether he was an atheist -- apparently in hopes of steering religious voters in Kentucky and West Virginia to Clinton. Sanders is Jewish but has previously indicated that he's not religious."

Here are the latest, most damaging things in the DNC’s leaked emails

Again, the DNC led by Schultz decided to play favorites which is a no-no for what is supposed to be a neutral organization.

Make sense?
The DNC themselves say they are suppose to be neutral...

And if they were Bernie would still lose. Because guess what, DNC can't MAKE people vote for Clinton.

You're right, he would have still lost. Doesn't make it ok for the DNC to play favorites, which is what they did.

Well if he still would have lost then what in the hell was "rigged"?

It wasn't rigged, it just wasn't "fair". Fine, it wasn't "fair" that the Democratic National Committee favored the Democrat over the independent candidate. Closed primaries aren't "fair", but neither is private membership. Want to join the club? Pay the membership fees and meet the requirements.
Funny. "Conspiring" doesn't mean shit unless it's acted on. Did anyone within the DNC actually use Bernie's Jewish religion against him during the election process? BTW, dumbass, everyone does opposition research on everyone in politics - even within their own parties. It's called politics...

The DNC is not the opposition. They are the neutral body overseeing the process of selecting a democratic candidate. Why is this so difficult for you to grasp?

How did the DNC hurt Bernie during the election process?

I will assume that the Rolling Stone is a liberal enough publication for you to accept as a reliable source.

Matt Taibbi on How DNC Leak Shows Mechanics of a Slanted Campaign

So, what laws and/or rules were broken?

Why are you so narrowly focused on laws broken. Have you ever heard of ethics?
well here's the thing - at least for me - what the people at the dnc did was unethical. sending those types of emails was wrong when they are supposed to be neutral parties.

but with that said they didn't actually do anything to tip the scales one way or another. there was no grand conspiracy that shifted even one vote from sanders to clinton.

so while i understand being upset with the dnc, because i myself am, i don't understand anyone trying to claim that the primary was rigged
The DNC is not the opposition. They are the neutral body overseeing the process of selecting a democratic candidate. Why is this so difficult for you to grasp?

How did the DNC hurt Bernie during the election process?

I will assume that the Rolling Stone is a liberal enough publication for you to accept as a reliable source.

Matt Taibbi on How DNC Leak Shows Mechanics of a Slanted Campaign

So, what laws and/or rules were broken?

Why are you so narrowly focused on laws broken. Have you ever heard of ethics?
well here's the thing - at least for me - what the people at the dnc did was unethical. sending those types of emails was wrong when they are supposed to be neutral parties.

but with that said they didn't actually do anything to tip the scales one way or another. there was no grand conspiracy that shifted even one vote from sanders to clinton.

so while i understand being upset with the dnc, because i myself am, i don't understand anyone trying to claim that the primary was rigged

It wasn't even unethical. From the get-go Sanders set himself up as the antithesis of the DNC. Why should they go out of their way to support him?
Please explain exactly how it was supposedly "rigged" - with "credible" sources that can be verified as fact. Just because the DNC may have "favored" Hillary over Bernie doesn't mean it was "rigged". The DNC "favored" Obama over Hillary in 2008. Bernie wasn't "cheated" out of anything. The DNC election process never changed from beginning to end. Even Bernie said publicly that Hillary won fair and square - which she did. So, stop with the "rigged" shit or explain to us with "credible" sources that can be verified as fact exactly how it was supposedly "rigged".

So, you are claiming that having the DNC "superdelegats" in the bag for Hillary from the VERY beginning, that having the Democrats who were flipping coins call the caucuses in Iowa for Hillary EACH time there was a tie wasn't rigging the election, you're as big a liar as Hillary.

I love how the Hillarybots rate my post as funny because they can't honestly acknowledge that the fix was in and Hillary was ordained. However, what they've really done is start the Democratic Party on the road to irrelevance. WE are the future.
superdelegates are part of the process. the rest of your post is ridiculous.
Coin-Toss Fact-Check: No, Coin Flips Did Not Win Iowa For Hillary Clinton
How did the DNC hurt Bernie during the election process?

I will assume that the Rolling Stone is a liberal enough publication for you to accept as a reliable source.

Matt Taibbi on How DNC Leak Shows Mechanics of a Slanted Campaign

So, what laws and/or rules were broken?

Why are you so narrowly focused on laws broken. Have you ever heard of ethics?
well here's the thing - at least for me - what the people at the dnc did was unethical. sending those types of emails was wrong when they are supposed to be neutral parties.

but with that said they didn't actually do anything to tip the scales one way or another. there was no grand conspiracy that shifted even one vote from sanders to clinton.

so while i understand being upset with the dnc, because i myself am, i don't understand anyone trying to claim that the primary was rigged

It wasn't even unethical. From the get-go Sanders set himself up as the antithesis of the DNC. Why should they go out of their way to support him?
oh i absolutely understand why they would feel they way they did but it needed to stay outside of their official capacities.
When the DNC who are supposed to be neutral actively put together a strategy to knock down one of the candidates in favor of another, that's rigging the election.

Well, please explain exactly what was supposedly done to "knock down one of the candidates in favor of another". How was Bernie cheated? What was taken away from him?

"On May 5, DNC officials appeared to conspire to raise Sanders's faith as an issue and press on whether he was an atheist -- apparently in hopes of steering religious voters in Kentucky and West Virginia to Clinton. Sanders is Jewish but has previously indicated that he's not religious."

Here are the latest, most damaging things in the DNC’s leaked emails

Again, the DNC led by Schultz decided to play favorites which is a no-no for what is supposed to be a neutral organization.

Make sense?

To say the DNC made no difference, you have to believe that super delegates and more strategists helping your campaign don't help. Then there is the constant media favoring Hillary. So, no one on the left thinks that public opinion can be shaped by strategy and selective media coverage?

Clinton's media coverage was no doubt more negative than any other candidate given Benghazi, emails, servers and hearings.

Super delegates aren't bound, have been a part of the process since '84 and have always backed the winner of the popular vote.
I will assume that the Rolling Stone is a liberal enough publication for you to accept as a reliable source.

Matt Taibbi on How DNC Leak Shows Mechanics of a Slanted Campaign

So, what laws and/or rules were broken?

Why are you so narrowly focused on laws broken. Have you ever heard of ethics?
well here's the thing - at least for me - what the people at the dnc did was unethical. sending those types of emails was wrong when they are supposed to be neutral parties.

but with that said they didn't actually do anything to tip the scales one way or another. there was no grand conspiracy that shifted even one vote from sanders to clinton.

so while i understand being upset with the dnc, because i myself am, i don't understand anyone trying to claim that the primary was rigged

It wasn't even unethical. From the get-go Sanders set himself up as the antithesis of the DNC. Why should they go out of their way to support him?
oh i absolutely understand why they would feel they way they did but it needed to stay outside of their official capacities.

Again, why? Personally, I don't think Sanders ever should have been allowed on the ticket without fulling embracing being a Democrat, but he never did.

Sanders a Democrat?
How did the DNC hurt Bernie during the election process?

I will assume that the Rolling Stone is a liberal enough publication for you to accept as a reliable source.

Matt Taibbi on How DNC Leak Shows Mechanics of a Slanted Campaign

So, what laws and/or rules were broken?

Why are you so narrowly focused on laws broken. Have you ever heard of ethics?
well here's the thing - at least for me - what the people at the dnc did was unethical. sending those types of emails was wrong when they are supposed to be neutral parties.

but with that said they didn't actually do anything to tip the scales one way or another. there was no grand conspiracy that shifted even one vote from sanders to clinton.

so while i understand being upset with the dnc, because i myself am, i don't understand anyone trying to claim that the primary was rigged

It wasn't even unethical. From the get-go Sanders set himself up as the antithesis of the DNC. Why should they go out of their way to support him?

Exactly. You can't run as an anti establishment candidate and expect full throated support from the establishment.
Look, I love that Bernie ran, he helped move the platform to the left and brought up important issues, I just think if he wants to run as a Democrat, run as a Democrat. If you want to run as an "anti-party" guy, run as the anti party guy...in November. He wanted to play it bi-political or to have his cake and eat it too. Pfffft.

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