If the DNC election was "rigged" - how was it "rigged"?

When the DNC who are supposed to be neutral actively put together a strategy to knock down one of the candidates in favor of another, that's rigging the election.

Well, please explain exactly what was supposedly done to "knock down one of the candidates in favor of another". How was Bernie cheated? What was taken away from him?

"On May 5, DNC officials appeared to conspire to raise Sanders's faith as an issue and press on whether he was an atheist -- apparently in hopes of steering religious voters in Kentucky and West Virginia to Clinton. Sanders is Jewish but has previously indicated that he's not religious."

Here are the latest, most damaging things in the DNC’s leaked emails

Again, the DNC led by Schultz decided to play favorites which is a no-no for what is supposed to be a neutral organization.

Make sense?

Funny. "Conspiring" doesn't mean shit unless it's acted on. Did anyone within the DNC actually use Bernie's Jewish religion against him during the election process? BTW, dumbass, everyone does opposition research on everyone in politics - even within their own parties. It's called politics...

The DNC is not the opposition. They are the neutral body overseeing the process of selecting a democratic candidate. Why is this so difficult for you to grasp?

How did the DNC hurt Bernie during the election process?

I've already told you and you ignored it.
Well, please explain exactly what was supposedly done to "knock down one of the candidates in favor of another". How was Bernie cheated? What was taken away from him?

"On May 5, DNC officials appeared to conspire to raise Sanders's faith as an issue and press on whether he was an atheist -- apparently in hopes of steering religious voters in Kentucky and West Virginia to Clinton. Sanders is Jewish but has previously indicated that he's not religious."

Here are the latest, most damaging things in the DNC’s leaked emails

Again, the DNC led by Schultz decided to play favorites which is a no-no for what is supposed to be a neutral organization.

Make sense?

Funny. "Conspiring" doesn't mean shit unless it's acted on. Did anyone within the DNC actually use Bernie's Jewish religion against him during the election process? BTW, dumbass, everyone does opposition research on everyone in politics - even within their own parties. It's called politics...

The DNC is not the opposition. They are the neutral body overseeing the process of selecting a democratic candidate. Why is this so difficult for you to grasp?

Right, the Democratic candidate. Sanders was not a Democratic candidate. He didn't' want to be. You can't say "I want no part of your party" and then say "you didn't support me". :lol:

Why did the democrats put him on the democratic ticket then?

That's a good question. Maybe they shouldn't have and then he could see how far his "independence" could have gotten him.

Sanders listed the Democratic Party as his party affiliation in his statement of candidacy. At the start of his campaign, he still seemed uncomfortable self-identifying as a Democrat.

When asked if he would officially join the party on April 30, 2015, when he announced his candidacy, Sanders said, "No, I am an independent who is going to be working with the —" cutting himself off mid-sentence.

In November, Sanders announced that he was full-fledged Democrat and declared as a Democrat in New Hampshire. But, as we previously noted, he’s still calling himself an independent in some cases, so it’s unclear how committed Sanders is to any label. The Sanders campaign did not get back to us.

Experts said it probably doesn't matter to his candidacy.

"The freedom of association part of the First Amendment protects political parties. If they want to nominate a non-member, they can do that," said Richard Winger, an expert on ballot access.

Winger pointed out several instances of a party nominating a non-member: 1872 when the Democratic Party chose Republican Horace Greeley; in 1864 when the Republican Party chose Democrat Andrew Johnson; and in 1952 when the Republican Party picked independent Dwight Eisenhower (who promptly changed his party registration).

Robert Wigton, a political science professor at Eckerd College who wrote The Parties in Court, said he’d call Sanders an independent for now, given how little the senator has said on the topic. But as he gets closer to the nomination, he’ll make the switch and "probably try to shed that ‘socialist label’ if he gets close to a general election ballot."

One thing is clear: Sanders isn’t enthusiastic about being part of the Democratic club, or any club for that matter.

"He was never really a party guy," Guma, the author of the book on Sanders’ legacy in Vermont, told the Daily Beast. "His career was to be a voice and a candidate."

Politifact: Is Sanders a Democrat

So we're back to "why should the DNC promote a candidate that doesn't want to be a Democrat"?
Yes, I'm seriously asking where it's written that the Democratic National Committee has to be "neutral". They don't allow Republicans to run for the Democratic nomination do they? Makes them anything but "neutral" doesn't it? If Sanders wanted the full throated support of the DNC, maybe he should have registered as a Democrat, yeah?

It's neutrality within the democratic party. They value being neutral towards all democrats, which they were not in this case.

Sanders isn't a Democrat. The DNC is not beholden to a man who shuns the very idea of them.

First you wanted proof that the DNC had to be neutral, I provided that.

So when that argument of yours was shot to shit, you now say well Sanders isnt a democrat, so when I show that he is embraced as a democrat both locally and nationally, what will you say then?

Elected Officials - Vermont Democrats lists Bernie Sanders. (Because he's not a democrat, right?)

No, you provided an after the fact apology. There is nothing "written" that says the DNC must support every candidate with neutrality. Yes, they should equally support Democratic Candidates that are registered Democrats, Sanders wasn't that. Sanders wold not declare himself a Democrat, why is the party obligated to support him?

So you're making the case that the DNC is lying that their values don't actually include neutrality and they made an apology to a non-democrat for values that they don't hold? This is your argument?

Nope, I'm saying they are doing damage control apologizing for something they have no reason to apologize for. The DNC had no obligation to Sanders.
Susan Sarandon Blasts ‘Disgusting’ DNC Plot to Undermine Bernie

“That’s so disgusting,” Sarandon said of revelations that DNC staffers were actively working to undermine Sanders’ insurgent candidacy in the Democratic primary against establishment favorite Hillary Clinton. Some DNC officials even suggested a campaign to raise doubts about Sanders’ Jewish faith.

“I think we have to really ask what’s happened to us in terms of what we’re willing to sacrifice to get our person in,” Sarandon said in an interview with The Young Turks, a progressive online news network.

The actress also (sort of) compared the DNC situation to the killing of unarmed civilians by police officers. “What does this really say about us if all of this goes by unattended?” she said. “Just like what does it say, you know, when someone’s killed by the police and they get off?”

Sarandon, who has suggested that Donald Trump might be “more dangerous” as president than Hillary Clinton, said voters are flocking to outsider candidates such as Trump and Sanders because they feel “disenfranchised” and are “sick with politics the way it is.”

Funny. So now you NaziCons are citing a Bernie parasite like Susan Sarandon? Hilarious... Now, back to the thread topic.
it was, read the emails.
When the DNC who are supposed to be neutral actively put together a strategy to knock down one of the candidates in favor of another, that's rigging the election.

Who says the DNC is "supposed to be neutral"? Why wouldn't the Democratic National Committee promote the Democratic candidate over the independent candidate who would not register as a Democrat?

In many states you couldn't VOTE for either candidate unless you were registered as a Democrat, but Sanders didn't actually have to run as one? How does that make sense?
why was Wassermann escorted out then?
bernie lost the nomination fair and square...

most democrats preferred one candidate over another, oh my how shocking!

by the time hillz was presumed to have clinched in may, some dnc emails got a bit testy, wooptyfunkindoo...

it's not like debbie made millions of Americans vote for hillary or anything. :laugh:
funny, it was called super delegates. fk read would you.
Obama was favored by the DNC against Hillary in 2008. However, no laws and/or rules were broken. It's called politics...


Or just guessing.

Being 69 years old and having lived through it. I was very pissed over how the DNC favored Obama over Hillary in 2008.

Here is some food for thought...

D.N.C. Cuts Fla., Mich. Votes in Half - The New York Times

‘We Will Not Be Silenced’: Democrats Produce Documentary Alleging Rampant Vote Fraud by Obama Campaign vs. Hillary in 2008 Primaries
bernie lost the nomination fair and square...

most democrats preferred one candidate over another, oh my how shocking!

by the time hillz was presumed to have clinched in may, some dnc emails got a bit testy, wooptyfunkindoo...

it's not like debbie made millions of Americans vote for hillary or anything. :laugh:
funny, it was called super delegates. fk read would you.

more than 3 million MORE individual dem. voters chose hillary over bernie...

PLUS the super delegates, and then the long list of colleagues in the policy trenches preferred hillary as well.

that's how primaries work... there's only one winner. now you know. :itsok:
When the DNC who are supposed to be neutral actively put together a strategy to knock down one of the candidates in favor of another, that's rigging the election.

Well, please explain exactly what was supposedly done to "knock down one of the candidates in favor of another". How was Bernie cheated? What was taken away from him?

"On May 5, DNC officials appeared to conspire to raise Sanders's faith as an issue and press on whether he was an atheist -- apparently in hopes of steering religious voters in Kentucky and West Virginia to Clinton. Sanders is Jewish but has previously indicated that he's not religious."

Here are the latest, most damaging things in the DNC’s leaked emails

Again, the DNC led by Schultz decided to play favorites which is a no-no for what is supposed to be a neutral organization.

Make sense?

Funny. "Conspiring" doesn't mean shit unless it's acted on. Did anyone within the DNC actually use Bernie's Jewish religion against him during the election process? BTW, dumbass, everyone does opposition research on everyone in politics - even within their own parties. It's called politics...

The DNC is not the opposition. They are the neutral body overseeing the process of selecting a democratic candidate. Why is this so difficult for you to grasp?

How did the DNC hurt Bernie during the election process?

I will assume that the Rolling Stone is a liberal enough publication for you to accept as a reliable source.

Matt Taibbi on How DNC Leak Shows Mechanics of a Slanted Campaign
Well, please explain exactly what was supposedly done to "knock down one of the candidates in favor of another". How was Bernie cheated? What was taken away from him?

"On May 5, DNC officials appeared to conspire to raise Sanders's faith as an issue and press on whether he was an atheist -- apparently in hopes of steering religious voters in Kentucky and West Virginia to Clinton. Sanders is Jewish but has previously indicated that he's not religious."

Here are the latest, most damaging things in the DNC’s leaked emails

Again, the DNC led by Schultz decided to play favorites which is a no-no for what is supposed to be a neutral organization.

Make sense?

Funny. "Conspiring" doesn't mean shit unless it's acted on. Did anyone within the DNC actually use Bernie's Jewish religion against him during the election process? BTW, dumbass, everyone does opposition research on everyone in politics - even within their own parties. It's called politics...

The DNC is not the opposition. They are the neutral body overseeing the process of selecting a democratic candidate. Why is this so difficult for you to grasp?

How did the DNC hurt Bernie during the election process?

I will assume that the Rolling Stone is a liberal enough publication for you to accept as a reliable source.

Matt Taibbi on How DNC Leak Shows Mechanics of a Slanted Campaign

So, what laws and/or rules were broken?

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