If the gop can actually say yes to 1trillion and not raise ANY taxes or appropriate more money, Biden should say yes

Even if it means dropping most of the "human infrastructure" which was imo bs anyway

“We are anxious to have a bipartisan agreement,” Capito told reporters on Capitol Hill.

A GOP aide who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the private talks said the price tag would be $1 trillion over eight years, paid for by tapping funds that have been allocated as part of COVID-19 relief but not yet spent. The aide said about $700 billion remains in unspent virus aid.
You know taxes are going up if Biden has his way!
Taxes went up when Joe undid Trump's tax cut....I think that was on day one....

Which would take both houses of Congress to approve...meaning..it didn't happen. :)
Wake up!
You should wake up...so that you are not surprised next April 15th....

Every day is April 15th, with a 4+% inflation rate.
Yeah you got that right and sadly it’s the poor that get hit the hardest with the “inflation tax”, unfortunately they’ll just use that as an excuse to pass more subsidies for people that ARE NOT POOR.
More the working poor. I do worry about the dems increased child tax credits and increases to spending that is just not time limited aid. But the tax hike of the 1% would not have to be huge for that. Soc Sec is fixed by ending the cap, although that's got problems. The gop says the 17 tax cut gave us the best econ in decades. I don't buy that anymore than Biden's spending plans
It’s not just the working poor bendog the subsidized poor get slammed by inflation just as hard since their subsidies (what little we allocate to them out of the total subsidies that are spent) for the most part aren’t indexed to inflation.

All the other add-ons you referred to ARE time limited, so they’ll run out and the poor will be stuck with the higher prices and nothing to cover them with. It’s not like the poor have the wherewithal to invest all the sugar daddy one offs to keep pace with inflation, stuff like that is reserved for people that have the excess disposable income to handle it.

Not to mention many of the poor are out blowing those sugar daddy gimme’s on shit they can’t afford (like Houses, Durable Goods, etc..,) setting us up for yet another credit crunch.

We should be ashamed of ourselves that only a small fraction of subsidies (like 13%) go to people that are actually classified as POOR.
I'm all for time limited UI and food aid and even housing to people who lose jobs in a recession. That's not someting new for me. The problem now is that employers have jobs they can't fill for what they paid a year ago. THAT is inflation. How much wages have to go up remainst to be seen.

Even mainstream conservative economist was "some" inflation. 2% gets bandied about. The worry is that we will continue to see low supply for energy and food. And the move to electric and subsidizing alternatives is inflationary

SSI, SSDI and early SS are inflation indexed.

But again the notion that spending 1 trillon over 8 years on real infrastructure like water roads and harbor, and even an energy grid as .... inflationary .... after the 17 tax cuts is laughably absurd.
Even if it means dropping most of the "human infrastructure" which was imo bs anyway

“We are anxious to have a bipartisan agreement,” Capito told reporters on Capitol Hill.

A GOP aide who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the private talks said the price tag would be $1 trillion over eight years, paid for by tapping funds that have been allocated as part of COVID-19 relief but not yet spent. The aide said about $700 billion remains in unspent virus aid.
You know taxes are going up if Biden has his way!
Taxes went up when Joe undid Trump's tax cut....I think that was on day one....

Which would take both houses of Congress to approve...meaning..it didn't happen. :)
Wake up!
You should wake up...so that you are not surprised next April 15th....

Every day is April 15th, with a 4+% inflation rate.
Yeah you got that right and sadly it’s the poor that get hit the hardest with the “inflation tax”, unfortunately they’ll just use that as an excuse to pass more subsidies for people that ARE NOT POOR.
More the working poor. I do worry about the dems increased child tax credits and increases to spending that is just not time limited aid. But the tax hike of the 1% would not have to be huge for that. Soc Sec is fixed by ending the cap, although that's got problems. The gop says the 17 tax cut gave us the best econ in decades. I don't buy that anymore than Biden's spending plans
It’s not just the working poor bendog the subsidized poor get slammed by inflation just as hard since their subsidies (what little we allocate to them out of the total subsidies that are spent) for the most part aren’t indexed to inflation.

All the other add-ons you referred to ARE time limited, so they’ll run out and the poor will be stuck with the higher prices and nothing to cover them with. It’s not like the poor have the wherewithal to invest all the sugar daddy one offs to keep pace with inflation, stuff like that is reserved for people that have the excess disposable income to handle it.

Not to mention many of the poor are out blowing those sugar daddy gimme’s on shit they can’t afford (like Houses, Durable Goods, etc..,) setting us up for yet another credit crunch.

We should be ashamed of ourselves that only a small fraction of subsidies (like 13%) go to people that are actually classified as POOR.
I'm all for time limited UI and food aid and even housing to people who lose jobs in a recession. That's not someting new for me. The problem now is that employers have jobs they can't fill for what they paid a year ago. THAT is inflation. How much wages have to go up remainst to be seen.

Even mainstream conservative economist was "some" inflation. 2% gets bandied about. The worry is that we will continue to see low supply for energy and food. And the move to electric and subsidizing alternatives is inflationary

SSI, SSDI and early SS are inflation indexed.

But again the notion that spending 1 trillon over 8 years on real infrastructure like water roads and harbor, and even an energy grid as .... inflationary .... after the 17 tax cuts is laughably absurd.
I agree with much of what you posted EXCEPT for your assertion that labor prices alone = inflation, currently inflation is being driven (in large part) by over demand being sparked by stuffing cash into everyone’s pockets.

You’re a smart doggie but I think you’re missing part of the picture that’s been setup by wantonly dropping cash from helicopters, the sugar rush is going to wear off the labor market will stabilize but supply will take longer to get back into line, SO we’ll be stuck with higher costs for almost everything. Then there’s also the fact that the GLOBAL economy isn’t recovering evenly so our overseas customers and suppliers aren’t going to be stable for quite a while.
Even if it means dropping most of the "human infrastructure" which was imo bs anyway

“We are anxious to have a bipartisan agreement,” Capito told reporters on Capitol Hill.

A GOP aide who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the private talks said the price tag would be $1 trillion over eight years, paid for by tapping funds that have been allocated as part of COVID-19 relief but not yet spent. The aide said about $700 billion remains in unspent virus aid.
You know taxes are going up if Biden has his way!
Taxes went up when Joe undid Trump's tax cut....I think that was on day one....

Which would take both houses of Congress to approve...meaning..it didn't happen. :)
Wake up!
You should wake up...so that you are not surprised next April 15th....

Every day is April 15th, with a 4+% inflation rate.
Yeah you got that right and sadly it’s the poor that get hit the hardest with the “inflation tax”, unfortunately they’ll just use that as an excuse to pass more subsidies for people that ARE NOT POOR.
More the working poor. I do worry about the dems increased child tax credits and increases to spending that is just not time limited aid. But the tax hike of the 1% would not have to be huge for that. Soc Sec is fixed by ending the cap, although that's got problems. The gop says the 17 tax cut gave us the best econ in decades. I don't buy that anymore than Biden's spending plans
It’s not just the working poor bendog the subsidized poor get slammed by inflation just as hard since their subsidies (what little we allocate to them out of the total subsidies that are spent) for the most part aren’t indexed to inflation.

All the other add-ons you referred to ARE time limited, so they’ll run out and the poor will be stuck with the higher prices and nothing to cover them with. It’s not like the poor have the wherewithal to invest all the sugar daddy one offs to keep pace with inflation, stuff like that is reserved for people that have the excess disposable income to handle it.

Not to mention many of the poor are out blowing those sugar daddy gimme’s on shit they can’t afford (like Houses, Durable Goods, etc..,) setting us up for yet another credit crunch.

We should be ashamed of ourselves that only a small fraction of subsidies (like 13%) go to people that are actually classified as POOR.
SSI, SSDI and early SS are inflation indexed.
BTW these aren’t subsidies in the sense that I was referring to, these are entitlements (which are indexed to wages by statute not inflation, generally speaking a more rational formula unless prices outstrip wages, which in large part THEY ARE).

I was talking about the poor that have to survive on welfare, ADC, food stamps, etc.., those aren’t going to keep up with the inflation that’s going on right now.
And again infrastructure over 8 years is not the same as cash payments, and it does increase tax collections and increased gnp.

When the money spent for it is printed up out of thin air, where it goes is irrelevant.

The "increased gnp" is Keynesian broken windows hogwash.
Where it goes is still relevant since thanks to the distribution effects of inflation, the lions share of that money that’s printed out of thin air ends up in the hands of the wealthy FIRST, so they get to buy things BEFORE the price increases hit the general economy, it’s the people that get that new money LAST that really get screwed since it’s hit maximum devaluation when they get it.

Great system for transferring wealth from the bottom to the top, no?
Even if it means dropping most of the "human infrastructure" which was imo bs anyway

“We are anxious to have a bipartisan agreement,” Capito told reporters on Capitol Hill.

A GOP aide who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the private talks said the price tag would be $1 trillion over eight years, paid for by tapping funds that have been allocated as part of COVID-19 relief but not yet spent. The aide said about $700 billion remains in unspent virus aid.

I disagree with your logic - but I also have another question: Who is supposed to pay down the national debt? The tooth fairy?
Who is supposed to pay down the national debt?
The grandchildren.
A+ for effort, but the REAL answer is NOBODY, can't be done our monetary system is inherently inflationary so even trying would implode the entire house of cards into a smoking crater of deflation and default.

We have to keep monetizing debt so we can pay for all the previous debt that we monetized, what do you think all the "so we can keep from defaulting" cries that come up during every "raise the debt ceiling" brawl is all about? They're not joking about that, we stop borrowing, we go bankrupt and the dollar implodes, welcome to the Dark Ages version 2.0.
And how bad can debt be?

St Trumpy built a real estate empire based entirely on debt and His sycophants claim He was the best president ever?
re inflation: infrastructure spending is not like what Biden and the gop did with direct stimulus to stem the pandemic losses. We do seem to have more demand now that supply. But the stimulus is ending.

Infrastructure spending happens over years. The gop proposes 8. Roads and bridges take time, and increase econ efficiency and lower transp costs.
First they called it stimulus, then Biden called it relief now they are trying to pass off irresponsible hand-outs as infrastructure. It is welfare, no matter how much lipstick you put on that pig. There is no value to hand-outs. These politicians need to quit playing word games and use some common fiscal sense.
St Trumpy built a real estate empire based entirely on debt
Debt can be used responsibly when it is paid back, it can be the road to prosperity. However, borrowers today, fail to realize that debt has to be paid back. Like you, they have the fiscal sense of a room full of monkeys.
And how bad can debt be?

St Trumpy built a real estate empire based entirely on debt and His sycophants claim He was the best president ever?
..and how many times did Donny go bankrupt? You sure you want to use him as an example of how to make debt work on a national scale?

I'm all for thinking outside the box but I'm not sure going Taj Mahal Resort with our already broken national finances is the way forward.
And how bad can debt be?

St Trumpy built a real estate empire based entirely on debt and His sycophants claim He was the best president ever?
..and how many times did Donny go bankrupt? You sure you want to use him as an example of how to make debt work on a national scale?

I'm all for thinking outside the box but I'm not sure going Taj Mahal Resort with our already broken national finances is the way forward.
Neither is borrowing your way to prosperity.
Even if it means dropping most of the "human infrastructure" which was imo bs anyway

“We are anxious to have a bipartisan agreement,” Capito told reporters on Capitol Hill.

A GOP aide who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the private talks said the price tag would be $1 trillion over eight years, paid for by tapping funds that have been allocated as part of COVID-19 relief but not yet spent. The aide said about $700 billion remains in unspent virus aid.
every nickel the people earn should be taken by the government...its the only way to get communism going big time...besides the people do not need to eat, obesity is a killer
And how bad can debt be?

St Trumpy built a real estate empire based entirely on debt and His sycophants claim He was the best president ever?
..and how many times did Donny go bankrupt? You sure you want to use him as an example of how to make debt work on a national scale?

I'm all for thinking outside the box but I'm not sure going Taj Mahal Resort with our already broken national finances is the way forward.
man Obama went from broke to mega rich...hooray for politics
And how bad can debt be?

St Trumpy built a real estate empire based entirely on debt and His sycophants claim He was the best president ever?
..and how many times did Donny go bankrupt? You sure you want to use him as an example of how to make debt work on a national scale?

I'm all for thinking outside the box but I'm not sure going Taj Mahal Resort with our already broken national finances is the way forward.
Neither is borrowing your way to prosperity.
You actually can do that , if you borrow at X rate and then invest that borrowed money with a return at X + Y + rate of inflation, rate.

The Federal Government doesn't do that most of the time though, it borrows at X rate and gets a return of ZERO, sometimes they actually get less than ZERO returns since the borrowing actually ends up inhibiting economic activity and efficiency.
Even if it means dropping most of the "human infrastructure" which was imo bs anyway

“We are anxious to have a bipartisan agreement,” Capito told reporters on Capitol Hill.

A GOP aide who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the private talks said the price tag would be $1 trillion over eight years, paid for by tapping funds that have been allocated as part of COVID-19 relief but not yet spent. The aide said about $700 billion remains in unspent virus aid.
just raise taxes on registered democrats...they want higher taxes anyway so its a win win
And how bad can debt be?

St Trumpy built a real estate empire based entirely on debt and His sycophants claim He was the best president ever?
..and how many times did Donny go bankrupt? You sure you want to use him as an example of how to make debt work on a national scale?

I'm all for thinking outside the box but I'm not sure going Taj Mahal Resort with our already broken national finances is the way forward.
man Obama went from broke to mega rich...hooray for politics
Yep, in America it actually pays to become a useless windbag. :)

I guess he's probably extremely pleased he couldn't cut in the private sector where you actually have to produce stuff that people want and need.

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