If the left succeeds in its coup against Trump, will it set a precedent for future coup attempts?

Actually, it seems the real problem with Trump is that he isn't a true Washington insider who will play ball.

That is what Trumpsters keep saying.

To some of the rest of us- he is a true New York insider who wants our government to play ball with his finance and real estate buddies.
If the Democrats are successful in removing Trump the same tactics will be repeated in every election. We will never have a unified government again. All efforts will drain from running the country to removing the president.

No matter who that president is.
Every presidential candidate and staffer must ask for Russian criminal help in the future?

What Russian help? more of the same old tired bullshit that has been discounted a thousand times and even the lying news have said so a thousand times NO crime, No collusion, .

You do sound like Trump- hoping if you keep repeating the same lie over and over the gullible Trump voters will believe you.

The investigation by the Republican Senate, Republican House and the FBI continues.

Hopefully there the conclusion will be that there was no crime, that there was no collusion- but until the three investigations actually conclude- every time a Trumpster keeps making that claim- its just another call to stop the investigation.

Why are you so anxious for Trump not to be investigated?
The right should definitely do the same thing the next time a left winger wins POTUS.

It's only fair.
Where the ever loving FUCK have you been, you terminally stupid retard?

Impeach Obama?

Impeach obama!

Impeach obama

Impeach Obama Now !

Impeach the Kenyan!

Why to impeach Obama

Will Republicans impeach Obama?

Impeach Obama Over Syria????

Boehner's Master Plan: Impeach Obama

""IMPEACH"" Law Breaker Obama! Now!!!

Enough enough with Obama, IMPEACH

Palin: Impeach

why won't anyone impeach Obama the racist?

Is Baltimore enough to impeach Obama?

---->>>> Impeach Obama If He Strikes Syria <<<<---- :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::scared1:

SD GOP state convention: IMPEACH OBAMA!!

Is it time to impeach Obama ?

We could impeach Obama if we default

*Congress Setting Stage To Impeach Obama*

Impeach Obama, says Rep. Michael Burgess

I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama!

Are There Grounds To Impeach Obama?

Charge for Treason, and Impeach

Oklahoma Prepares To Impeach Obama Over Transgender Bathrooms

America’s new battle cry "Impeach Obama!" and "Deport! Deport!"

Will Biden team up with Republicans to Impeach Obama?

Benghazi: What Republicans have to get passed to impeach Obama

Impeach Obama Robocall Campaign Launched By Conservative Group

It's is far time we impeach

THE “TAKE CARE CLAUSE” …A Reason to Impeach?

Harvard Constitutional Attorney: Time To Impeach Obama (Gotta Hear This Folks)

OK, after today I am on the impeach Obama band wagon

Sarah Palin: Start Obama Investigations To Impeach In Order To Stop His Transformation Of America

White House: Republicans May Push to Impeach Obama If They Get the Chance

Are there sufficient and compelling offenses by President Obama to impeach him?

Impeaching Obama

Yeah we should have then we wouldn't be about to go to war on all fronts because of his treasonous activities in the aiding the Russian arsenal. With the actions he took that have made us a second rate half power instead of being the strongest military on earth.

You do realize that we were, and are the strongest military on earth.

Who do you think has a stronger military than the United States?

Togo? Chad? Luxembourg?

Russia? China?

Post number 2 and 3 are correct unfortunately.

I'm concerned the right just doesn't have the will, motivation or tenacity to win this fight in the long haul.

Look how far we've fallen in the last 50 years already.

All that is required for evil men to prevail is for good men to do.....nothing....
So So true!

Chaos, doing without and joining the ranks of the 3rd world is the prize the left will one day celebrate having converted a once powerful and wealthy nation.

They achieved a full dictatorship in Venezuela yesterday.

Their ambitions are no less for the USA.
Post number 2 and 3 are correct unfortunately.

I'm concerned the right just doesn't have the will, motivation or tenacity to win this fight in the long haul.

Look how far we've fallen in the last 50 years already.

All that is required for evil men to prevail is for good men to do.....nothing....
So So true!

Chaos, doing without and joining the ranks of the 3rd world is the prize the left will one day celebrate having converted a once powerful and wealthy nation.

They achieved a full dictatorship in Venezuela yesterday.

Their ambitions are no less for the USA.

Yes- the 'lefts' ambition in the USA is frightening for Conservatives.

We believe in the Constitution. And that frightens you.
Nahh. Given their record of not removing Obama from office, I'd have to say that Republicans are pussies. They haven't learned to stoop to the depths the left does.
ONLY on the New BS GOP BS/hate propaganda machine...I'll go with our great US Justice/intellligence system, no matter what the findings. What Trump has said would be treasonous on its face, except that he's a brainwashed idiot/dupe too, it appears....

Still living out the dream of having Trump removed from office?

How's that "Russian collusion" thing going? Not so well I see. :lmao:

Actually I hope Trump resigns when he get bored with it.

I actually hope that when the investigation is concluded- something your Conservatives seem terrified of- that the investigation concludes that there was no collusion.

Actual evidence of collusion would be devastating for our country- the only thing worse would be covering up actual evidence of collusion by preventing the conclusion of the investigation.

Hope all you want to, but Trump didn't get where he is by getting bored with the game.

As for the "Russian collusion" thing, that all came from the Russian propaganda machine. There's nothing Putin would like more than to destabilize this country, and the liberals are falling for the Russian disinformation campaign hook, line, and sinker.

Where you you think the phrase "useful idiots" came from?
Nahh. Given their record of not removing Obama from office, I'd have to say that Republicans are pussies. They haven't learned to stoop to the depths the left does.
ONLY on the New BS GOP BS/hate propaganda machine...I'll go with our great US Justice/intellligence system, no matter what the findings. What Trump has said would be treasonous on its face, except that he's a brainwashed idiot/dupe too, it appears....

Still living out the dream of having Trump removed from office?

How's that "Russian collusion" thing going? Not so well I see. :lmao:

Actually I hope Trump resigns when he get bored with it.

I actually hope that when the investigation is concluded- something your Conservatives seem terrified of- that the investigation concludes that there was no collusion.

Actual evidence of collusion would be devastating for our country- the only thing worse would be covering up actual evidence of collusion by preventing the conclusion of the investigation.

Hope all you want to, but Trump didn't get where he is by getting bored with the game.

As for the "Russian collusion" thing, that all came from the Russian propaganda machine. There's nothing Putin would like more than to destabilize this country, and the liberals are falling for the Russian disinformation campaign hook, line, and sinker.

Where you you think the phrase "useful idiots" came from?
Wait for Muellers findings and try and remain calm, dupe.
Nahh. Given their record of not removing Obama from office, I'd have to say that Republicans are pussies. They haven't learned to stoop to the depths the left does.
ONLY on the New BS GOP BS/hate propaganda machine...I'll go with our great US Justice/intellligence system, no matter what the findings. What Trump has said would be treasonous on its face, except that he's a brainwashed idiot/dupe too, it appears....

Still living out the dream of having Trump removed from office?

How's that "Russian collusion" thing going? Not so well I see. :lmao:

Actually I hope Trump resigns when he get bored with it.

I actually hope that when the investigation is concluded- something your Conservatives seem terrified of- that the investigation concludes that there was no collusion.

Actual evidence of collusion would be devastating for our country- the only thing worse would be covering up actual evidence of collusion by preventing the conclusion of the investigation.

Hope all you want to, but Trump didn't get where he is by getting bored with the game.

As for the "Russian collusion" thing, that all came from the Russian propaganda machine. There's nothing Putin would like more than to destabilize this country, and the liberals are falling for the Russian disinformation campaign hook, line, and sinker.

Where you you think the phrase "useful idiots" came from?
jackson browne... no wait...that's happy idiot.
It should.

We now know that if you don't like POTUS, you try to get him removed from office in any way possible.

The right should definitely do the same thing the next time a left winger wins POTUS.

It's only fair.

Not going to happen. Oh, btw, Law and Order is back!

Every president should get a 1976 Coup de Ville. And have an iPad on the dash that plays a bicentential minute every hour. And gasoline should be .85 cents a gallon. Parchisi anyone?

It should.

We now know that if you don't like POTUS, you try to get him removed from office in any way possible.

The right should definitely do the same thing the next time a left winger wins POTUS.

It's only fair.
Ain't the left you Trumpeters need worry about.
Nahh. Given their record of not removing Obama from office, I'd have to say that Republicans are pussies. They haven't learned to stoop to the depths the left does.
ONLY on the New BS GOP BS/hate propaganda machine...I'll go with our great US Justice/intellligence system, no matter what the findings. What Trump has said would be treasonous on its face, except that he's a brainwashed idiot/dupe too, it appears....

Still living out the dream of having Trump removed from office?

How's that "Russian collusion" thing going? Not so well I see. :lmao:
it's going great! Mueller now has 15 prosecutor investigators that he hired this past month....

so they are now in position to move forward in a fast way on the investigation!
It should.

We now know that if you don't like POTUS, you try to get him removed from office in any way possible.

The right should definitely do the same thing the next time a left winger wins POTUS.

It's only fair.
You miss the point that according to Democrats such an effort is only legally acceptable when a Democrat does it.
It should.

We now know that if you don't like POTUS, you try to get him removed from office in any way possible.

The right should definitely do the same thing the next time a left winger wins POTUS.

It's only fair.
the left likes to do a lot of extreme things that seem to backfire cause they don't realize they're making the actions ok for all, not just their side.

the nuclear option
presidents in last year can't nominate a court justice
and now this. we don't like the results so we'll declare treason and use force.
Nahh. Given their record of not removing Obama from office, I'd have to say that Republicans are pussies. They haven't learned to stoop to the depths the left does.
ONLY on the New BS GOP BS/hate propaganda machine...I'll go with our great US Justice/intellligence system, no matter what the findings. What Trump has said would be treasonous on its face, except that he's a brainwashed idiot/dupe too, it appears....

Still living out the dream of having Trump removed from office?

How's that "Russian collusion" thing going? Not so well I see. :lmao:
it's going great! Mueller now has 15 prosecutor investigators that he hired this past month....

so they are now in position to move forward in a fast way on the investigation!
they've had a year. we have nothing. wheee.
Nahh. Given their record of not removing Obama from office, I'd have to say that Republicans are pussies. They haven't learned to stoop to the depths the left does.
ONLY on the New BS GOP BS/hate propaganda machine...I'll go with our great US Justice/intellligence system, no matter what the findings. What Trump has said would be treasonous on its face, except that he's a brainwashed idiot/dupe too, it appears....

Still living out the dream of having Trump removed from office?

How's that "Russian collusion" thing going? Not so well I see. :lmao:
it's going great! Mueller now has 15 prosecutor investigators that he hired this past month....

so they are now in position to move forward in a fast way on the investigation!
After 11 months of multiple investigations, a Special Counsel being appointed, and nearly 2 months of just forming the Anti-Trump Dream Team, Mueller should be ready to START moving ahead with the Witch Hunt.

Of course since the fact that the 'Collusion' theory was started from Obama's FBI illegally purchasing and intending to use foreign Russia-Generated propaganda against Trump, no crime ever having been committed, no collusion, no obstruction, no evidence I am not sure what Mueller intends to investigate. :p
Nahh. Given their record of not removing Obama from office, I'd have to say that Republicans are pussies. They haven't learned to stoop to the depths the left does.
ONLY on the New BS GOP BS/hate propaganda machine...I'll go with our great US Justice/intellligence system, no matter what the findings. What Trump has said would be treasonous on its face, except that he's a brainwashed idiot/dupe too, it appears....

Still living out the dream of having Trump removed from office?

How's that "Russian collusion" thing going? Not so well I see. :lmao:
it's going great! Mueller now has 15 prosecutor investigators that he hired this past month....

so they are now in position to move forward in a fast way on the investigation!
After 11 months of multiple investigations, a Special Counsel being appointed, and nearly 2 months of just forming the Anti-Trump Dream Team, Mueller should be ready to START moving ahead with the Witch Hunt.

Of course since the fact that the 'Collusion' theory was started from Obama's FBI illegally purchasing and intending to use foreign Russia-Generated propaganda against Trump, no crime ever having been committed, no collusion, no obstruction, no evidence I am not sure what Mueller intends to investigate. :p
My Lord! Have you bought in to the Russian/right wing propaganda regurgitation at all costs! :lol:
Trump call for the impeachment of George Bush.

Trump called for the impeachment of Barack Obama.

You know who Trump defended AGAINST impeachment?

His friend and fellow pussy grabber Bill Clinton.

You own this two-faced New York huckster now, Chumps.

Karma's a fucking bitch, you little babies.

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