If the left succeeds in its coup against Trump, will it set a precedent for future coup attempts?

My Lord! Have you bought in to the Russian/right wing propaganda regurgitation at all costs! :lol:
We are talking about the current seditious snowflake coup attempt based on Russia-generated Propaganda purchased by Obama's FBI and their complete lack of evidence of anything criminal after 11+ months of multiple investigations and 1 stacked Special Counsel. Sorry you are reminded of how there is nothing there except bitter butt-hurt snowflake grasping at straws and manufactured conspiracy theories.
Nahh. Given their record of not removing Obama from office, I'd have to say that Republicans are pussies. They haven't learned to stoop to the depths the left does.
ONLY on the New BS GOP BS/hate propaganda machine...I'll go with our great US Justice/intellligence system, no matter what the findings. What Trump has said would be treasonous on its face, except that he's a brainwashed idiot/dupe too, it appears....

Still living out the dream of having Trump removed from office?

How's that "Russian collusion" thing going? Not so well I see. :lmao:
it's going great! Mueller now has 15 prosecutor investigators that he hired this past month....

so they are now in position to move forward in a fast way on the investigation!
they've had a year. we have nothing. wheee.
It's possible there will be nothing on President Trump, but a few of his campaign team might not be so innocent and see some charges for wrong doings...

They need to finish these investigations to figure it all out.

As far as the Russian counterintelligence investigation, they usually take years for them to figure it all out....that's the norm.
My Lord! Have you bought in to the Russian/right wing propaganda regurgitation at all costs! :lol:
We are talking about the current seditious snowflake coup attempt based on Russia-generated Propaganda purchased by Obama's FBI and their complete lack of evidence of anything criminal after 11+ months of multiple investigations and 1 stacked Special Counsel. Sorry you are reminded of how there is nothing there except bitter butt-hurt snowflake grasping at straws and manufactured conspiracy theories.

Dry your tears Twinkle Toes.

Your Winning!!!

Your Winning!!!
It's possible there will be nothing on President Trump, but a few of his campaign team might not be so innocent and see some charges for wrong doings...

yes, yes, to justify their 1 year+ Witch Hunt that comes up empty handed Democrats will once again find / create a 'Scooter Libby'

Thank you for that admission, though, that there is nothing to the Democrats' butt-hurt crusade against Trump.
Nahh. Given their record of not removing Obama from office, I'd have to say that Republicans are pussies. They haven't learned to stoop to the depths the left does.
ONLY on the New BS GOP BS/hate propaganda machine...I'll go with our great US Justice/intellligence system, no matter what the findings. What Trump has said would be treasonous on its face, except that he's a brainwashed idiot/dupe too, it appears....

Still living out the dream of having Trump removed from office?

How's that "Russian collusion" thing going? Not so well I see. :lmao:
it's going great! Mueller now has 15 prosecutor investigators that he hired this past month....

so they are now in position to move forward in a fast way on the investigation!
they've had a year. we have nothing. wheee.
It's possible there will be nothing on President Trump, but a few of his campaign team might not be so innocent and see some charges for wrong doings...

They need to finish these investigations to figure it all out.

As far as the Russian counterintelligence investigation, they usually take years for them to figure it all out....that's the norm.
they investigated hillary for eons, let them have their fun i suppose.

i just wish innocent and guilty were the same for all sides.
My Lord! Have you bought in to the Russian/right wing propaganda regurgitation at all costs! :lol:
We are talking about the current seditious snowflake coup attempt based on Russia-generated Propaganda purchased by Obama's FBI and their complete lack of evidence of anything criminal after 11+ months of multiple investigations and 1 stacked Special Counsel. Sorry you are reminded of how there is nothing there except bitter butt-hurt snowflake grasping at straws and manufactured conspiracy theories.
the FBI never paid for it....they had considered it, but read they never went forward.

The firm that was hired by REPUBLICANS to investigate Trump, is not a Russian firm, they are a firm that republicans hired, and a firm that other clients hired for other purposes, including the Russian clients.

the dossier, EU allies who shared info with us, the DNC hacking and stolen emails and Podesta's emails stolen, wikipedia releases, changing the Republican platform to adore Russia :D, Manafort, Page, Flynn's lying and the presidents outright lies about his team's meetings with the russians, Trump firing the chief Russian investigation head..Comey, firing the acting AG, threatening and demeaning Sessions to fire him so he can fire Mueller with a new AG, Trump being pissed that Sessions recused himself as if Sessions was suppose to break the Law and cover for Trump....

an awful lot happened after the Dossier made its way to our intel community to give rise to this Special Counsel investigation, and justly so.
ONLY on the New BS GOP BS/hate propaganda machine...I'll go with our great US Justice/intellligence system, no matter what the findings. What Trump has said would be treasonous on its face, except that he's a brainwashed idiot/dupe too, it appears....

Still living out the dream of having Trump removed from office?

How's that "Russian collusion" thing going? Not so well I see. :lmao:
it's going great! Mueller now has 15 prosecutor investigators that he hired this past month....

so they are now in position to move forward in a fast way on the investigation!
they've had a year. we have nothing. wheee.
It's possible there will be nothing on President Trump, but a few of his campaign team might not be so innocent and see some charges for wrong doings...

They need to finish these investigations to figure it all out.

As far as the Russian counterintelligence investigation, they usually take years for them to figure it all out....that's the norm.
they investigated hillary for eons, let them have their fun i suppose.

i just wish innocent and guilty were the same for all sides.
WE need to investigate Hillary some more. God forbid we'd actually uncover something.
an awful lot happened after the Dossier made its way to our intel community to give rise to this Special Counsel investigation, and justly so.
The Dossier has been confirmed as a piece of Russian-generated propaganda. Thank you for admitting that the entire Witch Hunt, to include the Special Counsel, has been based off Russian-generated Propaganda pushed by the Democrats, used to justify calling for that Special Counsel.
ONLY on the New BS GOP BS/hate propaganda machine...I'll go with our great US Justice/intellligence system, no matter what the findings. What Trump has said would be treasonous on its face, except that he's a brainwashed idiot/dupe too, it appears....

Still living out the dream of having Trump removed from office?

How's that "Russian collusion" thing going? Not so well I see. :lmao:
it's going great! Mueller now has 15 prosecutor investigators that he hired this past month....

so they are now in position to move forward in a fast way on the investigation!
they've had a year. we have nothing. wheee.
It's possible there will be nothing on President Trump, but a few of his campaign team might not be so innocent and see some charges for wrong doings...

They need to finish these investigations to figure it all out.

As far as the Russian counterintelligence investigation, they usually take years for them to figure it all out....that's the norm.
they investigated hillary for eons, let them have their fun i suppose.

i just wish innocent and guilty were the same for all sides.
My whole life Guilty is when you are found guilty in a court of law.

there are a few exceptions where innocent people are sent to jail....

and of course, an occasional instance where someone guilty goes free like an O.J.

but overall, a person is guilty, when found guilty by a jury of their peers, in a court of law.

do you agree?
My whole life Guilty is when you are found guilty in a court of law.there are a few exceptions where innocent people are sent to jail....and of course, an occasional instance where someone guilty goes free like an O.J.but overall, a person is guilty, when found guilty by a jury of their peers, in a court of law.

The BS you just spewed goes against everything the hypocritical snowflakes have said about Trump to date. Thanks for that little theatrical performance, though.
Still living out the dream of having Trump removed from office?

How's that "Russian collusion" thing going? Not so well I see. :lmao:
it's going great! Mueller now has 15 prosecutor investigators that he hired this past month....

so they are now in position to move forward in a fast way on the investigation!
they've had a year. we have nothing. wheee.
It's possible there will be nothing on President Trump, but a few of his campaign team might not be so innocent and see some charges for wrong doings...

They need to finish these investigations to figure it all out.

As far as the Russian counterintelligence investigation, they usually take years for them to figure it all out....that's the norm.
they investigated hillary for eons, let them have their fun i suppose.

i just wish innocent and guilty were the same for all sides.
WE need to investigate Hillary some more. God forbid we'd actually uncover something.
we've uncovered a lot. no one cared enough to push for prosecution.
Still living out the dream of having Trump removed from office?

How's that "Russian collusion" thing going? Not so well I see. :lmao:
it's going great! Mueller now has 15 prosecutor investigators that he hired this past month....

so they are now in position to move forward in a fast way on the investigation!
they've had a year. we have nothing. wheee.
It's possible there will be nothing on President Trump, but a few of his campaign team might not be so innocent and see some charges for wrong doings...

They need to finish these investigations to figure it all out.

As far as the Russian counterintelligence investigation, they usually take years for them to figure it all out....that's the norm.
they investigated hillary for eons, let them have their fun i suppose.

i just wish innocent and guilty were the same for all sides.
My whole life Guilty is when you are found guilty in a court of law.

there are a few exceptions where innocent people are sent to jail....

and of course, an occasional instance where someone guilty goes free like an O.J.

but overall, a person is guilty, when found guilty by a jury of their peers, in a court of law.

do you agree?
no idea what you are talking about.

obama was busted by FISA for massive spying - that's illegal but no one cares.
if trump did it - i promise you it would be a crime of most grievous nature.

laws don't exist to get back at people you don't like. they exist to punish people for their actions.
it's going great! Mueller now has 15 prosecutor investigators that he hired this past month....

so they are now in position to move forward in a fast way on the investigation!
they've had a year. we have nothing. wheee.
It's possible there will be nothing on President Trump, but a few of his campaign team might not be so innocent and see some charges for wrong doings...

They need to finish these investigations to figure it all out.

As far as the Russian counterintelligence investigation, they usually take years for them to figure it all out....that's the norm.
they investigated hillary for eons, let them have their fun i suppose.

i just wish innocent and guilty were the same for all sides.
WE need to investigate Hillary some more. God forbid we'd actually uncover something.
we've uncovered a lot. no one cared enough to push for prosecution.
Well we certainly don't want to investigate the Orange Don. Best stick with Hillary to find out more "stuff."

Trump and Putin sittin in a tree.


First comes loans

Then comes marriage

Then comes Donnie in the jail house carriage

Sucking his thumb,

Wetting his pants,

Doing the hula, hula dance!
It should.

We now know that if you don't like POTUS, you try to get him removed from office in any way possible.

The right should definitely do the same thing the next time a left winger wins POTUS.

It's only fair.
They knows that there is not going to be a next time. That is why they are trying there best to make sure Pres. Trump doesn't restore this nation. They has been using their positions to make money, and careless what happens to this nation's economy and health when accepting these bribes from other countries and corporations. Like they were paid millions of dollars to put GMO's onto the market that only been tested for 90 days. And which that they has known, that if they were to tested the product even further, more than 90 days, that it will show bad results. And so corporations has paid politicians to make laws that protects them, and to prevent anyone that is not on their pay-roll, that they cannot test their product. But the corporations and some of the politicians knows that GMO's are making us sick. But the politicians are paid to create a healthcare system so that everybody can afford the expensive meds that they has created to sooth the sick from the effects what their GMO products has done to them. They are the ones that are supposedly paying for are medical bills, from what their products has caused us to be sick. But they are making all of us to pay for our high medical bills.
they've had a year. we have nothing. wheee.
It's possible there will be nothing on President Trump, but a few of his campaign team might not be so innocent and see some charges for wrong doings...

They need to finish these investigations to figure it all out.

As far as the Russian counterintelligence investigation, they usually take years for them to figure it all out....that's the norm.
they investigated hillary for eons, let them have their fun i suppose.

i just wish innocent and guilty were the same for all sides.
WE need to investigate Hillary some more. God forbid we'd actually uncover something.
we've uncovered a lot. no one cared enough to push for prosecution.
Well we certainly don't want to investigate the Orange Don. Best stick with Hillary to find out more "stuff."

Trump and Putin sittin in a tree.


First comes loans

Then comes marriage

Then comes Donnie in the jail house carriage

Sucking his thumb,

Wetting his pants,

Doing the hula, hula dance!
you're gonna love puberty.

what is it, 6 years away?
Nahh. Given their record of not removing Obama from office, I'd have to say that Republicans are pussies. They haven't learned to stoop to the depths the left does.
ONLY on the New BS GOP BS/hate propaganda machine...I'll go with our great US Justice/intellligence system, no matter what the findings. What Trump has said would be treasonous on its face, except that he's a brainwashed idiot/dupe too, it appears....

Still living out the dream of having Trump removed from office?

How's that "Russian collusion" thing going? Not so well I see. :lmao:

Actually I hope Trump resigns when he get bored with it.

I actually hope that when the investigation is concluded- something your Conservatives seem terrified of- that the investigation concludes that there was no collusion.

Actual evidence of collusion would be devastating for our country- the only thing worse would be covering up actual evidence of collusion by preventing the conclusion of the investigation.

Hope all you want to, but Trump didn't get where he is by getting bored with the game.

Trump got where he is by being born into wealth, being hired by his daddy, and being financed by his wealthy daddy, and never having to answer for his own mistakes.
Nahh. Given their record of not removing Obama from office, I'd have to say that Republicans are pussies. They haven't learned to stoop to the depths the left does.
ONLY on the New BS GOP BS/hate propaganda machine...I'll go with our great US Justice/intellligence system, no matter what the findings. What Trump has said would be treasonous on its face, except that he's a brainwashed idiot/dupe too, it appears....

Still living out the dream of having Trump removed from office?

How's that "Russian collusion" thing going? Not so well I see. :lmao:

Actually I hope Trump resigns when he get bored with it.

I actually hope that when the investigation is concluded- something your Conservatives seem terrified of- that the investigation concludes that there was no collusion.

Actual evidence of collusion would be devastating for our country- the only thing worse would be covering up actual evidence of collusion by preventing the conclusion of the investigation.

As for the "Russian collusion" thing, that all came from the Russian propaganda machine. There's nothing Putin would like more than to destabilize this country, and the liberals are falling for the Russian disinformation campaign hook, line, and sinker.

Certainly Putin would like to destablize this country- which makes me wonder why Trump keeps denying that Russia is attempting to do just that.

Whether Putin attemtped to destabilize our country by colluding with the Trump campaign- or spreading rumors of collusion- or both- we don't know yet.

That hopefully will be addressed by the investigations- and I will say once again- I hope that the investigations conclude that there was no collusion.

The best conclusion would be for the investigation to be completed and determined that there was no collusion.

But the Trumpsters don't want the investigation to be completed.

What are you worried about the investigation finding?
Nahh. Given their record of not removing Obama from office, I'd have to say that Republicans are pussies. They haven't learned to stoop to the depths the left does.
ONLY on the New BS GOP BS/hate propaganda machine...I'll go with our great US Justice/intellligence system, no matter what the findings. What Trump has said would be treasonous on its face, except that he's a brainwashed idiot/dupe too, it appears....

Still living out the dream of having Trump removed from office?

How's that "Russian collusion" thing going? Not so well I see. :lmao:

Actually I hope Trump resigns when he get bored with it.

I actually hope that when the investigation is concluded- something your Conservatives seem terrified of- that the investigation concludes that there was no collusion.

Actual evidence of collusion would be devastating for our country- the only thing worse would be covering up actual evidence of collusion by preventing the conclusion of the investigation.

Where you you think the phrase "useful idiots" came from?

Pretty much describes all Trump supporters.
It should.

We now know that if you don't like POTUS, you try to get him removed from office in any way possible.

The right should definitely do the same thing the next time a left winger wins POTUS.

It's only fair.
You miss the point that according to Democrats such an effort is only legally acceptable when a Democrat does it.

LOL- after 8 years of trying to use every way possible to remove President Obama, Republican snowflakes sure get pissy when President snowflake is criticized.

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