If the left succeeds in its coup against Trump, will it set a precedent for future coup attempts?

Nahh. Given their record of not removing Obama from office, I'd have to say that Republicans are pussies. They haven't learned to stoop to the depths the left does.
ONLY on the New BS GOP BS/hate propaganda machine...I'll go with our great US Justice/intellligence system, no matter what the findings. What Trump has said would be treasonous on its face, except that he's a brainwashed idiot/dupe too, it appears....

Still living out the dream of having Trump removed from office?

How's that "Russian collusion" thing going? Not so well I see. :lmao:
it's going great! Mueller now has 15 prosecutor investigators that he hired this past month....

so they are now in position to move forward in a fast way on the investigation!
After 11 months of multiple investigations, a Special Counsel being appointed, and nearly 2 months of just forming the Anti-Trump Dream Team, Mueller should be ready to START moving ahead with the Witch Hunt.

You sure are terrified of this investigation.

Why are you so confident that the investigation will find something against Trump?
My Lord! Have you bought in to the Russian/right wing propaganda regurgitation at all costs! :lol:
We are talking about the current seditious snowflake coup attempt .

And by 'seditious coup attempt' you mean an investigation by the Republican controlled House and Senate, and by the FBI, and the Republican appointed Special counsel.

Of course what you don't mean is 5 years of Donald Trump and his seditious coup attempt against President Trump- when Donald Trump seditiously attempted to undermine- and foment a 'coup' against the legal election of President Obama.
My Lord! Have you bought in to the Russian/right wing propaganda regurgitation at all costs! :lol:
We are talking about the current seditious snowflake coup attempt based o

Of course you are the same person who called Barack Obama a 'war criminal'- for doing exactly what President Snowflake has been doing in Syria and Iraq.

You are such a partisan hypocrite- Trump could hand over the nuclear codes to Russia and you would defend him and Russia.

He dragged the nation into the middle of a Syrian civil war - on his own - between another dictator and another set of terrorists to ally himself - again- with terrorists...Obama has also been waging his own personal drone war....

The results are in: Add another 116 dead to Obama's body count...all civilians.

Since this is as an UN-sanctioned war, could this make Obama a 'War Criminal'?

In the immortal words of Hillary Clinton, "What difference does it make?!" In the end, Obama's war has killed 116 civilians...

US: Up to 116 civilians killed in drone, other air attacks | Fox News
LOL- after 8 years of trying to use every way possible to remove President Obama, Republican snowflakes sure get pissy when President snowflake is criticized.
Please entertain us with your tales of how the GOP attempted to remove Obama from office, young snowflake.

Such moronic accusations always leave me laughing. Obama spent 8 years violating both Constitution and Rule of Law, aiding and abetting terrorists and Mexican Drug cartels alike, protecting drug traffickers, human traffickers, illegals, and sanctuary cities, using his personal drone assassination program to murder Americans abroad, and start not one but two (2) Un-Constitutional, Un-Approved personal WARS to help terrorists...and not once did the GOP attempt to Impeach Obama.

If for no other reason, the GOP did not do so because Obama was the 1st black President of the United States (despite Bill Clinton's claim). That means it would have been PERMANENT political suicide for the GOP to try to Impeach the 1st Black President.

I am sure this point has escaped you due to the magnitude of both your ignorance and partisanship, but claiming the GOP attempted to oust Obama from the Presidency makes you look as dumb as you sound. Think about it....
LOL- after 8 years of trying to use every way possible to remove President Obama, Republican snowflakes sure get pissy when President snowflake is criticized.
Please entertain us with your tales of how the GOP attempted to remove Obama...

For 8 years- Republicans- such as yourself - attacked President Obama. You yourself called President Obama a 'war criminal'.

Republicans- such as Donald Trump- for 8 years questioned whether President Obama was even legitimately elected questioning his eligibility to be President- even his place of birth.

And as far as 'investigations' are concerned- who can forget the endless Benghazi Congressional hearings- where the Republicans tried to find some reason to oust President Obama- only to conclude all of the investigations without finding any fault.

If what is happening right now is a 'coup' attempt against President Trump- then you are guilty of a seditious coup attempt against Barack Obama.
And by 'seditious coup attempt' you mean an investigation by the Republican controlled House and Senate, and by the FBI, and the Republican appointed Special counsel.
I am talking about the riots, looting, burning, terrorism...I am talking about threatening the lives of Electoral College voters to get them to overturn the already decided election...I am talking about the calls for military coups, calls for assassination attempts, and ACTUAL assassination attempts...I am talking about the illegal sharing of information, the illegal unmasking of Americans, and the Felony Espionage perpetrated by the former administration, President, and cabinet...I am talking about the creation of a Witch Hunt based admittedly on Russian-generated propaganda...I am talking about an FBI Director admitting to illegally leaking classified in order to get a Special Prosecutor to investigate a non-crime...I am talking about a Special Prosecutor with an obvious conflict of interest assembling an all-star cast of Trump Haters and Hillary Lawyers.
The right should definitely do the same thing the next time a left winger wins POTUS.

It's only fair.
Where the ever loving FUCK have you been, you terminally stupid retard?

Impeach Obama?

Impeach obama!

Impeach obama

Impeach Obama Now !

Impeach the Kenyan!

Why to impeach Obama

Will Republicans impeach Obama?

Impeach Obama Over Syria????

Boehner's Master Plan: Impeach Obama

""IMPEACH"" Law Breaker Obama! Now!!!

Enough enough with Obama, IMPEACH

Palin: Impeach

why won't anyone impeach Obama the racist?

Is Baltimore enough to impeach Obama?

---->>>> Impeach Obama If He Strikes Syria <<<<---- :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::scared1:

SD GOP state convention: IMPEACH OBAMA!!

Is it time to impeach Obama ?

We could impeach Obama if we default

*Congress Setting Stage To Impeach Obama*

Impeach Obama, says Rep. Michael Burgess

I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama!

Are There Grounds To Impeach Obama?

Charge for Treason, and Impeach

Oklahoma Prepares To Impeach Obama Over Transgender Bathrooms

America’s new battle cry "Impeach Obama!" and "Deport! Deport!"

Will Biden team up with Republicans to Impeach Obama?

Benghazi: What Republicans have to get passed to impeach Obama

Impeach Obama Robocall Campaign Launched By Conservative Group

It's is far time we impeach

THE “TAKE CARE CLAUSE” …A Reason to Impeach?

Harvard Constitutional Attorney: Time To Impeach Obama (Gotta Hear This Folks)

OK, after today I am on the impeach Obama band wagon

Sarah Palin: Start Obama Investigations To Impeach In Order To Stop His Transformation Of America

White House: Republicans May Push to Impeach Obama If They Get the Chance

Are there sufficient and compelling offenses by President Obama to impeach him?

Impeaching Obama

Now that they're putting together a special investigation for the democrats past criminal activities , and they don't have DOJ and FBI for protection maybe we can get the real criminals.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
For 8 years- Republicans- such as yourself - attacked President Obama. You yourself called President Obama a 'war criminal'.

If you had any integrity at all you would admit this is true. Obama dragged the US Un-Constitutionally and without Congressional authority into two wars, in the middle of civil wars between dictators and terrorists. He ran his own personal drone assassination program and murdered civilians without giving them their due process. He simply released the 5 biggest Taliban terrorist leaders from Gitmo for no reason. He treasonously dropped leaflets down to ISIS warning them of a pending coalition attack after ISIS perpetrated the largest attack on France since WWII. [/QUOTE]

Your partisanship has been proven to be bigger than your loyalty to Constitution and country or any measure of integrity.
Of course you are the same person who called Barack Obama a 'war criminal'- for doing exactly what President Snowflake has been doing in Syria and Iraq.

You are such a partisan hypocrite- Trump could hand over the nuclear codes to Russia and you would defend him and Russia.

1. Syria is one of 2 Obama Un-Constitutional Wars Barry dragged us into, leaving it to Trump to have to deal with. Thankfully Trump has already stopped Obama's recklessly arming terrorists in Syria through the CIA.

2. Trump could give Russia our nuclear codes? So could Obama have...and Hillary could have. Purple monkeys might fly out of your ass, too, I suppose. :p
It should.

We now know that if you don't like POTUS, you try to get him removed from office in any way possible.

The right should definitely do the same thing the next time a left winger wins POTUS.

It's only fair.

The above post is brought to you by the Attack Dog caucus of the coterie of Trumpanzees .
Nahh. Given their record of not removing Obama from office, I'd have to say that Republicans are pussies. They haven't learned to stoop to the depths the left does.
ONLY on the New BS GOP BS/hate propaganda machine...I'll go with our great US Justice/intellligence system, no matter what the findings. What Trump has said would be treasonous on its face, except that he's a brainwashed idiot/dupe too, it appears....

Still living out the dream of having Trump removed from office?

How's that "Russian collusion" thing going? Not so well I see. :lmao:
it's going great! Mueller now has 15 prosecutor investigators that he hired this past month....

so they are now in position to move forward in a fast way on the investigation!
good way to bury all the obama/clinton shit. like when brennen went in to fix the passport records. sandy bergerised.
Of course you are the same person who called Barack Obama a 'war criminal'- for doing exactly what President Snowflake has been doing in Syria and Iraq.

You are such a partisan hypocrite- Trump could hand over the nuclear codes to Russia and you would defend him and Russia.

1. Syria is one of 2 Obama Un-Constitutional Wars Barry dragged us into, leaving it to Trump to have to deal with. Thankfully Trump has already stopped Obama's recklessly arming terrorists in Syria through the CIA.

2. Trump could give Russia our nuclear codes? So could Obama have...and Hillary could have. Purple monkeys might fly out of your ass, too, I suppose. :p
they seemed to do really well in libya. after community organising and a couple of years in the senate you would think obama would have the knack for foreign policy and international relations..
It should.

We now know that if you don't like POTUS, you try to get him removed from office in any way possible.

The right should definitely do the same thing the next time a left winger wins POTUS.

It's only fair.
We already had a coup. It wasn't us, it was the Russians and the GOP. An unbeatable combination. Enemies of the Country.
The right should definitely do the same thing the next time a left winger wins POTUS.

It's only fair.
Where the ever loving FUCK have you been, you terminally stupid retard?

Impeach Obama?

Impeach obama!

Impeach obama

Impeach Obama Now !

Impeach the Kenyan!

Why to impeach Obama

Will Republicans impeach Obama?

Impeach Obama Over Syria????

Boehner's Master Plan: Impeach Obama

""IMPEACH"" Law Breaker Obama! Now!!!

Enough enough with Obama, IMPEACH

Palin: Impeach

why won't anyone impeach Obama the racist?

Is Baltimore enough to impeach Obama?

---->>>> Impeach Obama If He Strikes Syria <<<<---- :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::scared1:

SD GOP state convention: IMPEACH OBAMA!!

Is it time to impeach Obama ?

We could impeach Obama if we default

*Congress Setting Stage To Impeach Obama*

Impeach Obama, says Rep. Michael Burgess

I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama!

Are There Grounds To Impeach Obama?

Charge for Treason, and Impeach

Oklahoma Prepares To Impeach Obama Over Transgender Bathrooms

America’s new battle cry "Impeach Obama!" and "Deport! Deport!"

Will Biden team up with Republicans to Impeach Obama?

Benghazi: What Republicans have to get passed to impeach Obama

Impeach Obama Robocall Campaign Launched By Conservative Group

It's is far time we impeach

THE “TAKE CARE CLAUSE” …A Reason to Impeach?

Harvard Constitutional Attorney: Time To Impeach Obama (Gotta Hear This Folks)

OK, after today I am on the impeach Obama band wagon

Sarah Palin: Start Obama Investigations To Impeach In Order To Stop His Transformation Of America

White House: Republicans May Push to Impeach Obama If They Get the Chance

Are there sufficient and compelling offenses by President Obama to impeach him?

Impeaching Obama
I go with " terminally stupid retard".
Of course you are the same person who called Barack Obama a 'war criminal'- for doing exactly what President Snowflake has been doing in Syria and Iraq.

You are such a partisan hypocrite- Trump could hand over the nuclear codes to Russia and you would defend him and Russia.

1. Syria is one of 2 Obama Un-Constitutional Wars Barry dragged us into, leaving it to Trump to have to deal with. Thankfully Trump has already stopped Obama's recklessly arming terrorists in Syria through the CIA.

2. Trump could give Russia our nuclear codes? So could Obama have...and Hillary could have. Purple monkeys might fly out of your ass, too, I suppose. :p
they seemed to do really well in libya. after community organising and a couple of years in the senate you would think obama would have the knack for foreign policy and international relations..
The US invaded Libya?

No, that was Iraq.
Every president should get a 1976 Coup de Ville. And have an iPad on the dash that plays a bicentential minute every hour. And gasoline should be .85 cents a gallon. Parchisi anyone?

every president should have a beer with you.
Of course you are the same person who called Barack Obama a 'war criminal'- for doing exactly what President Snowflake has been doing in Syria and Iraq.

You are such a partisan hypocrite- Trump could hand over the nuclear codes to Russia and you would defend him and Russia.

1. Syria is one of 2 Obama Un-Constitutional Wars Barry dragged us into, leaving it to Trump to have to deal with. Thankfully Trump has already stopped Obama's recklessly arming terrorists in Syria through the CIA.

2. Trump could give Russia our nuclear codes? So could Obama have...and Hillary could have. Purple monkeys might fly out of your ass, too, I suppose. :p
they seemed to do really well in libya. after community organising and a couple of years in the senate you would think obama would have the knack for foreign policy and international relations..
The US invaded Libya?

No, that was Iraq.
US President Barack Obama has said the worst mistake of his presidency was a lack of planning for the aftermath of the 2011 toppling of Libyan strongman Muammar Gaddafi.

“Probably failing to plan for the day after what I think was the right thing to do in intervening in Libya,” Obama said in an interview by Fox News on Sunday.

Nahh. Given their record of not removing Obama from office, I'd have to say that Republicans are pussies. They haven't learned to stoop to the depths the left does.
ONLY on the New BS GOP BS/hate propaganda machine...I'll go with our great US Justice/intellligence system, no matter what the findings. What Trump has said would be treasonous on its face, except that he's a brainwashed idiot/dupe too, it appears....

Still living out the dream of having Trump removed from office?

How's that "Russian collusion" thing going? Not so well I see. :lmao:
it's going great! Mueller now has 15 prosecutor investigators that he hired this past month....

so they are now in position to move forward in a fast way on the investigation!
they've had a year. we have nothing. wheee.
It's possible there will be nothing on President Trump, but a few of his campaign team might not be so innocent and see some charges for wrong doings...

They need to finish these investigations to figure it all out.

As far as the Russian counterintelligence investigation, they usually take years for them to figure it all out....that's the norm.
it's possible....

there is very little talk about russia this week.
US President Barack Obama has said the worst mistake of his presidency was a lack of planning for the aftermath of the 2011 toppling of Libyan strongman Muammar Gaddafi.

“Probably failing to plan for the day after what I think was the right thing to do in intervening in Libya,” Obama said in an interview by Fox News on Sunday.

Having to go before Congress would have FORCED him to explain his plan for what would happen in Libya after helping Al Qaeda murder are replace Gadhafi, who was actually HELPING Coalition forces fight terrorists in Northern Africa.

Un-Constitutionally committing the US to war without Congressional Approval allowed Barry to rush in without a plan.

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