If the left succeeds in its coup against Trump, will it set a precedent for future coup attempts?

It should.

We now know that if you don't like POTUS, you try to get him removed from office in any way possible.

The right should definitely do the same thing the next time a left winger wins POTUS.

It's only fair.

how is it a coup to investigate his illegal activities?

rightwingnuts love investigations. suck it up. the difference between this one and yours is that this isn't partisan hackery.

or did mueller suddenly become a dem?

When did Conservatives become Snowflakes who decided that Americans using their Constitutional rights are actually instigating a coup?
i'm pretty sure you have to at least one branch for a coup. it would be a soft coup.

obama should have declared martial law when he had the chance, everyone thought hillary would win... heh
It should.

We now know that if you don't like POTUS, you try to get him removed from office in any way possible.

The right should definitely do the same thing the next time a left winger wins POTUS.

It's only fair.
The Republicans tried that with President Clinton.

Make no mistake about it, when Trump's Executive implodes, it will be the conman's own fault and the supine Republican Congress will be able to share some credit.
It should.

We now know that if you don't like POTUS, you try to get him removed from office in any way possible.

The right should definitely do the same thing the next time a left winger wins POTUS.

It's only fair.
On Jun 3, 2016, at 10:36 AM, Rob Goldstone wrote:

Good morning

Emin just called and asked me to contact you with something very interesting.

The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father Aras this morning and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father.

This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump - helped along by Aras and Emin.

What do you think is the best way to handle this information and would you be able to speak to Emin about it directly?

I can also send this info to your father via Rhona, but it is ultra sensitive so wanted to send to you first.


Rob Goldstone

On Jun 3, 2016, at 10:53, Donald Trump Jr. wrote:

Thanks Rob I appreciate that. I am on the road at the moment but perhaps I just speak to Emin first. Seems we have some time and if it's what you say I love it especially later in the summer. Could we do a call first thing next week when I am back?



Read the Emails on Donald Trump Jr.’s Russia Meeting

And now we learn that the treasonous fat senile old orange clown dictated the lies that Don Jr. told to cover up this conspiracy. Clearly obstruction of justice.
If the left succeeds in its coup against Trump, will it set a precedent for future coup attempts?

Assuming such a coup even exists, most likely, no, not unless the electorate choose someone else who's as inept (or God forbid, more so) as Trump. I'm going to hope and pray that is impossible actually to do....
With a little help from their friends, Russian, I am sure the 'Conservatives' can manage that.
What the liberal media did to President Nixon was part of a media driven coup. It's alleged that the LBJ administration used so-called black bag operations on republicans to the point where Barry Goldwater's plane was bugged but everyone knew Johnson was a crook so it didn't matter. One of the two Washington Post reporters who turned a 3rd rate burglary into a coup was the son of card carrying communists who raised him to hate Richard Nixon who was a HUAC prosecutor. That little tidbit remains a secret even today. The Watergate team used unverified information from an unidentified informant whose identity wasn't revealed for more than thirty years until he was dead. How was that possible? Where were all the investigative reporters during the sex, drugs and rock and roll Clinton administration which included a rash of alleged suicides? Instead of investigating the mysterious death of Vince Foster wh's body was found in an obscure park outside city limits without his car keys the media decided to defend the Clinton's lame story no matter what.The short answer is that the media sponsored coup against republican administrations is ongoing but the problem for democrats is that people are smarter and better informed than they were during Cronkite or even when Dan Rather tried to use forged documents to influence a presidential election. Stodgy old democrats are still using a political play book that expired forty years ago and they don't even know it. They haven't won an important election in the last eight years and somehow they think they can still use the media to fool the public.
When did Conservatives become Snowflakes who decided that Americans using their Constitutional rights are actually instigating a coup?
i'm pretty sure you have to at least one branch for a coup. it would be a soft coup.

obama should have declared martial law when he had the chance, everyone thought hillary would win... heh

Ah the right wing fascists declared for years that President Obama was going to declare martial law and refuse to lead office. And then after Trump got elected they predicted Obama was going to refuse to leave office.

That goes in the trash heap of right wing lies along with Obama will grab your guns and 'death panels"
What the liberal media did to President Nixon was part of a media driven coup..

And by coup you mean Richard Nixon getting caught lying to Congress and the American people.

You right wingers have never forgiven the Press for that.
When did Conservatives become Snowflakes who decided that Americans using their Constitutional rights are actually instigating a coup?
i'm pretty sure you have to at least one branch for a coup. it would be a soft coup.

obama should have declared martial law when he had the chance, everyone thought hillary would win... heh

Ah the right wing fascists declared for years that President Obama was going to declare martial law and refuse to lead office. And then after Trump got elected they predicted Obama was going to refuse to leave office.

That goes in the trash heap of right wing lies along with Obama will grab your guns and 'death panels"
obama and hillary can't hurt us anymore.
If the left succeeds in its coup against Trump, will it set a precedent for future coup attempts?

Assuming such a coup even exists, most likely, no, not unless the electorate choose someone else who's as inept (or God forbid, more so) as Trump. I'm going to hope and pray that is impossible actually to do....
With a little help from their friends, Russian, I am sure the 'Conservatives' can manage that.
Well, okay...I guess anything's possible...LOL
And by 'seditious coup attempt' you mean an investigation by the Republican controlled House and Senate, and by the FBI, and the Republican appointed Special counsel.
n...I am talking about the calls for military coups, calls for assassination attempts, and ACTUAL assassination attempts..

Sounds more and more like you are talking about the Right wing and Obama.

Conservative Attorney Larry Klayman Calls For Coup Against Obama

Conservative Attorney Larry Klayman Calls For Coup Against Obama

And by 'seditious coup attempt' you mean an investigation by the Republican controlled House and Senate, and by the FBI, and the Republican appointed Special counsel.
n...I am talking about the calls for military coups, calls for assassination attempts, and ACTUAL assassination attempts..

Sounds more and more like you are talking about the Right wing and Obama.

Conservative Attorney Larry Klayman Calls For Coup Against Obama

Conservative Attorney Larry Klayman Calls For Coup Against Obama

I'll see your private citizen and raise you a current member of Congress advocating for impeachment without evidence.

Members of Congress flat out demanding Trump be impeached without evidence is what they call a coup.

Maxine is a corrupt POS.
Some of Obama's moves were highly questionable as far as the constitution is concerned. Forced to participate in commerce, aiding and abetting the enemy, supporting illegal immigration and some of his other executive orders should have been scrutinized far more but he had a willing media that was good at minimizing exposure and criticism.

The left just doesn't like Trump. And they are looking for excuses to impeach him. Obama gave us reasons.

The left is still reeling because Hillary didn't win. Had she won, they'd be cheering her fight against the 2nd amendment, her push for open borders and her support of one world government, all things she promised. All three are against our constitution and should get a president impeached though the left would have been willing to ignore it.

The biggest complaints from the left so far, aside from the fake Russian news, is that Trump wants secure borders, smaller government, and not giving in to every radical group just because they whine the loudest.

And by 'seditious coup attempt' you mean an investigation by the Republican controlled House and Senate, and by the FBI, and the Republican appointed Special counsel.
n...I am talking about the calls for military coups, calls for assassination attempts, and ACTUAL assassination attempts..

Sounds more and more like you are talking about the Right wing and Obama.

Conservative Attorney Larry Klayman Calls For Coup Against Obama

Conservative Attorney Larry Klayman Calls For Coup Against Obama

And by 'seditious coup attempt' you mean an investigation by the Republican controlled House and Senate, and by the FBI, and the Republican appointed Special counsel.
n...I am talking about the calls for military coups, calls for assassination attempts, and ACTUAL assassination attempts..

Sounds more and more like you are talking about the Right wing and Obama.

Conservative Attorney Larry Klayman Calls For Coup Against Obama

Conservative Attorney Larry Klayman Calls For Coup Against Obama

I'll see your private citizen and raise you a current member of Congress advocating for impeachment without evidence.]

A Conservative calling for a coup.

A member of Congress calling for an impeachment....you mean like this guy?

Congressman Calls Impeachment Of Obama ‘A Dream Come True’

Top 10 Reasons Republicans Want To Impeach President Obama

5. Failing to extended the Bush tax cuts. Grover Norquist, author of the anti-tax pledge that nearly every Republican in Congress has signed, told National Journal that if Obama allows the Bush tax cuts to expire, “Republicans will have enough votes in the Senate in 2014 to impeach.” [1/29/12]
6. Not defending DOMA in court.
Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ) said he “absolutely” supports impeaching Obama after the administration announced it would not defend a portion of the Defense of Marriage Act in court. [3/2/11]

Odd isn't it- how when Republicans for 8 years called for impeachment of President Obama- that was never seen as a 'coup'.

But when someone suggests impeachment of President Snowflake....well.....lol
The left just doesn't like Trump. And they are looking for excuses to impeach him.

LOL- the right hated Obama. And for 8 years looked for excuses to impeach him.

Yes- if there is evidence of an actual crime, there will be a push to impeach Trump.

But the best way to prevent that is to let the investigation by the House(controlled by Republicans), by the Senate(controlled by the Republicans) and the Special Counsel(independent), leading the FBI to conclude the investigation- and formally declare that there is no evidence of collusion or any crimes.

I truly hope that is what happens. As much as I despise Trump, I don't want Trump to have colluded with Russia, nor do I want an impeachment. The only thing worse would be if Trump did collude and there was no impeachment.
Members of Congress flat out demanding Trump be impeached without evidence is what they call a coup..

Wow- so we have had dozens- maybe hundreds of coups in our history?

From Andrew Johnson- perhaps the first Republican lead 'coup' attempt- to the multiple calls by Republican congressman for President Obama's impeachment.

You do realize this article was written in 2013, right, 5 years into Obama's Presidency, during which time he had already given plenty of reasons why he should have been Impeached?!

Democrats, on the other hand, BEFORE the 2016 election ever happened...

Rigged their primaries, engaged in election fraud, and cheated in debates so that a criminal could be GIVEN the nomination (since she could not win it herself)...

Rioted, looted, committed arson, destroyed property, violently shut down free speech, and engaged in terrorism...

The DNC candidate HIRED VIOLENT THUGS TO ATTACK AMERICANS who supported the opposing candidate...

The Former President and his criminal administration illegally shared classified, began an illegal / unethical investigation of an American citizen based off of Russian Propaganda, illegally leaked classified, illegally unmasked Americans, and committed Felony Espionage....

Immediately after the election and before Trump was sworn in - not 5 years later - called for military coups, and called for his Impeachment, called for his assassination.

So again, why are you so CONSUMED with HATE that you lie, deny, justify, ignore, and defend subversion, sedition, perjury, espionage, and other crimes committed by politicians who are themselves consumed with 2 things - destroying Trump and regaining power?

You do realize this article was written in 2013, right, 5 years into Obama's Presidency, during which time he had already given plenty of reasons why he should have been Impeached?!

You do realize that this was your Conservative Attorney calling for a coup.

Not impeachment- a coup.

Despite all of the Fake News of your Obama haters no grounds for impeachment were found- even when the Republicans controlled the House and Senate.

So your side called for a coup.

You own it.

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