If the middle class is getting "peanuts" in this tax scam......?

that $50 bucks is from the loan of $1.5 TRILLION which that same family will need to pay back.

I haven't seen any part of the legislation that says that family has to pay back $1.5 trillion. Link?

Republicans' magic trick: Middle class tax cuts that disappear - The ...

Left criticizes permanent corporate cut, temporary family credit | TheHill

Senate tax bill would cut taxes of wealthy and increase taxes on ...

Now where is the part of the legislation that says that family has to pay back $1.5 trillion?

The debt isn't going to disappear on its own.

Sure won't.
A tanked economy. After all, economies are demand driven, and there will be less demand. Only the most brainless cultists still profess belief in the total failure of supply-side economics.

Republicans never learn. Or, more correctly, they see that as a feature, one that keeps the working class subservient to their rich GOP masters.

Congressional republicans were given an ultimatum....Pass the tax bill [scam]..... OR donors (bribers) to their midterm campaigns will shut their wallets.


Back in September, the Times reported that big-money donors were "furious" with the Republicans' failure to advance their agenda. This was in the context of the TrumpCare vote, but it was also obvious that tax reform was really the central focus. When asked in November what happens if that tax "reform" doesn't pass, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) told a reporter, "The party fractures, most incumbents in 2018 will get a severe primary challenge, a lot of them will probably lose, the base will fracture, the financial contributions will stop." When your overlords have made their will clear, you don't risk angering them by quibbling over details.

The one big reason the Senate GOP passed its incredibly unpopular tax bill
For 8 years Democrats told us that food stamps and unemployment checks stimulate the economy

NO, you dumb idiot........Democrats NEVER told you such things.....Unemployment checks and food stamps kept MANY Americans off the streets since the GWB recession (800,000 NEW unemployment claims per MONTH.)

Your fucked up "conclusions" are not only biased, but downright moronic....
Go back to bed.

Hate to ruin your day.......well........not really:

A tanked economy. After all, economies are demand driven, and there will be less demand. Only the most brainless cultists still profess belief in the total failure of supply-side economics.

Republicans never learn. Or, more correctly, they see that as a feature, one that keeps the working class subservient to their rich GOP masters.

Congressional republicans were given an ultimatum....Pass the tax bill [scam]..... OR donors (bribers) to their midterm campaigns will shut their wallets.


Back in September, the Times reported that big-money donors were "furious" with the Republicans' failure to advance their agenda. This was in the context of the TrumpCare vote, but it was also obvious that tax reform was really the central focus. When asked in November what happens if that tax "reform" doesn't pass, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) told a reporter, "The party fractures, most incumbents in 2018 will get a severe primary challenge, a lot of them will probably lose, the base will fracture, the financial contributions will stop." When your overlords have made their will clear, you don't risk angering them by quibbling over details.

The one big reason the Senate GOP passed its incredibly unpopular tax bill

So because one Senator said contributions would stop, that means they would have? I don't call that evidence of anything. To my knowledge, no financial supporters threatened the Republicans with halting their campaign contributions.

I'm certain that even you recognize what a dunce you are.....

Name any President who wouldn't wish for the domestic success that Ronaldus Maximus had....

1. "In The End of Prosperity, supply side guru Art Laffer and Wall Street Journal chief financial writer Steve Moore point out that this Reagan recovery grew into a 25-year boom, with just slight interruptions by shallow, short recessions in 1990 and 2001. They wrote:

"We call this period, 1982-2007, the twenty-five year boom-the greatest period of wealth creation in the history of the planet. In 1980, the net worth-assets minus liabilities-of all U.S. households and business ... was $25 trillion in today's dollars. By 2007, ... net worth was just shy of $57 trillion. Adjusting for inflation, more wealth was created in America in the twenty-five year boom than in the previous two hundred years."

2. “Between the early 1980s and 2007 we lived in an economic Golden Age. Never before have so many people advanced so far economically in so short a period of time as they have during the last 25 years. Until the credit crisis, 70 million people a year were joining the middle class. The U.S. kicked off this long boom with the economic reforms of Ronald Reagan, particularly his enormous income tax cuts. We burst from the economic stagnation of the 1970s into a dynamic, innovative, high-tech-oriented economy. Even in recent years the much-maligned U.S. did well. Between year-end 2002 and year-end 2007 U.S. growth exceeded the entire size of China's economy.”
How Capitalism Will Save Us

Let's not go over the string of unprecedented failures of Hussein Obama.
I recall Schmuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi refusing to meet with the president and Congressional leaders to discuss the tax bill. They walked away from a scheduled meeting.

I don't like either Schumer of Pelosi......but maybe they did not want to be part of the Apprentice-like TV reality show....

Schumer, Pelosi Cancel Meeting With Trump After He Says He Doesn’t ‘See A Deal’

WASHINGTON ― Democratic leaders in Congress bailed on a meeting with President Donald Trump on Tuesday just hours before it was set to begin, saying it would only be a “show meeting that won’t result in an agreement” and that they would be better served negotiating with their Republican counterparts.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) were scheduled to go to the White House on Tuesday afternoon to negotiate a spending package to avert a government shutdown. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) were also set to attend the meeting with Trump.

But after Trump tweeted that he didn’t “see a deal” coming together as a result of the meeting with Democrats, Schumer and Pelosi said they would negotiate with McConnell and Ryan instead, without the president. They said they have requested a meeting with McConnell and Ryan.

Schumer, Pelosi Cancel Meeting With Trump After He Says He Doesn’t ‘See A Deal’ | HuffPost

This tweet by Trump accused Schumer and Pelosi of wanting to raise taxes and have unchecked illegal immigration. First, what part of that isn't true? Second, was it childish of Trump to send that out before the meeting? Yes, but everyone knows that's how he behaves, so why not take the high road and prove him wrong? The fact of the matter is the Democrats had no interest in lowering anybody's tax burden and if Hillary had won the election everyone in the middle class would still be paying the higher rates next year because she would have never signed on to any kind of tax reduction.
So, with the majority of the USA now having less money to spend, what does it mean?

How are we having less to spend, tard? The tax brackets on the middle class is being lowered by three percentage points. The child tax credit is being doubled. The standard deduction has increased.
You know you can't lie your way out of this.

The vast majority of America will see more in their paychecks starting about February.

Moron.....if THAT was the deciding factor (a few more dollars in one's pay check) THEN, GWB AND Obama would have been economic geniuses....
Didn't quite happen....BUT, DO keep listening to hannity.....LOL.

So what is the deciding factor?
The fact of the matter is the Democrats had no interest in lowering anybody's tax burden and if Hillary had won the election everyone in the middle class would still be paying the higher rates next year because she would have never signed on to any kind of tax reduction.

With $20 Trillion in debt, corporations swimming in money, unemployment at 4.7% and a stock market booming.......the "need' in "lowering anybody's tax burden" is nothing more than a demagogue's campaign slogan.

Whereas, paying off part of the debt......stabilizing entitlements' spending...and pouring dollars toward infrastructure in jobs that CANNOT be outsourced.....would be a much more honest governing practice.
So what is the deciding factor?

Actually, relatively simple......

Virtually EVERY dollar cut from the middle class' tax burden is re-channeled into a demand for goods and services.....and THAT is what stimulates the supply side and NOT the other way around, as the idiot Rick Perry infamously stated.
The fact of the matter is the Democrats had no interest in lowering anybody's tax burden and if Hillary had won the election everyone in the middle class would still be paying the higher rates next year because she would have never signed on to any kind of tax reduction.

With $20 Trillion in debt, corporations swimming in money, unemployment at 4.7% and a stock market booming.......the "need' in "lowering anybody's tax burden" is nothing more than a demagogue's campaign slogan.

Whereas, paying off part of the debt......stabilizing entitlements' spending...and pouring dollars toward infrastructure in jobs that CANNOT be outsourced.....would be a much more honest governing practice.

$20 trillion!! How the hell did we get to $20 trillion?
$20 trillion!! How the hell did we get to $20 trillion?

VERY bad policies by Reagan, GWB and, yes, Obama....

Now add another $1.5 TRILLION by the idiot Trump and additional $2 TRILLION when he wants to tackle infrastructure (of which there is a need.)

Now, ponder this.......

Donald Trump: Deficits Don't Matter | New Republic

A House Republican explains why deficits don't matter anymore - Vox

Six Years After Cheney Said 'Deficits Don't Matter,' The National Debt ...
So what is the deciding factor?

Actually, relatively simple......

Virtually EVERY dollar cut from the middle class' tax burden is re-channeled into a demand for goods and services.....and THAT is what stimulates the supply side and NOT the other way around, as the idiot Rick Perry infamously stated.

Virtually EVERY dollar cut from the middle class' tax burden is re-channeled into a demand for goods and services.....

What happens when the tax burden is reduced for corporations?
Virtually EVERY dollar cut from the middle class' tax burden is re-channeled into a demand for goods and services.....

What happens when the tax burden is reduced for corporations?

They stash it in overseas tax havens????

They buy back stocks to benefit a whole bunch of foreign investors?

They buy Jets from France for their CEOs?

LOL (go to bed)
With $20 Trillion in debt, corporations swimming in money, unemployment at 4.7% and a stock market booming.......the "need' in "lowering anybody's tax burden" is nothing more than a demagogue's campaign slogan.

Whereas, paying off part of the debt......stabilizing entitlements' spending...and pouring dollars toward infrastructure in jobs that CANNOT be outsourced.....would be a much more honest governing practice.

Which I agree with, so why haven't they done so or proposed any such thing? The Democrats had two years with a Democrat in the White House and a filibuster proof Congress to do what ever they wanted and they wasted their time with an incredibly flawed health care law that to this day is very controversial. They also had two years in control of Congress with Bush in the White House where they again could have worked with him to do those things, but instead they ran up yearly deficits of $1 trillion.

I've seen zero fiscal discipline from either party, but it's a nice electioneering slogan when they are out of power.
So what is the deciding factor?

Actually, relatively simple......

Virtually EVERY dollar cut from the middle class' tax burden is re-channeled into a demand for goods and services.....and THAT is what stimulates the supply side and NOT the other way around, as the idiot Rick Perry infamously stated.

The more money someone has in their pocket the more demand there is for stuff formerly out of their reach and that pushes the demand curve. Most people's income increases as they get older, but notice over the years that no matter how much money you make it seems like you still never have any money? That's because as you make more your lifestyle changes and you demand more additional and/or expensive goods and services. I'm 35 years old. I make three times as much as I did when I was 25, yet my wife and I are always asking ourselves where did all of our money go?
Virtually EVERY dollar cut from the middle class' tax burden is re-channeled into a demand for goods and services.....

What happens when the tax burden is reduced for corporations?

They stash it in overseas tax havens????

They buy back stocks to benefit a whole bunch of foreign investors?

They buy Jets from France for their CEOs?

LOL (go to bed)

Or they give raises and bonuses to their employees as we've already seen several companies announce. They also expand their footprint. The goal of every company is to consistently expand their business and increase profits. They don't just sit on their money and buy golden toilets for their offices. You watch way too many Hollywood movies.
Which I agree with, so why haven't they done so or proposed any such thing? The Democrats had two years with a Democrat in the White House and a filibuster proof Congress to do what ever they wanted and they wasted their time with an incredibly flawed health care law that to this day is very controversial.

I actually agree.........

Except that when Obama was sworn in (with a GOP minority swearing to undermine him at every turn....ask McConnell) he was faced with NEW unemployment artes of 800,000 per month; an auto industry on the verge of bankruptcy; two unpaid for wars; a banking/crooked industry threatening a world-wide collapse, etc......So, he may have had a couple of tough years....

Additionally, you may recall that Obama repeatedly proposed those "shovel-ready" jobs for infrastructure....but, was faced with fierce opposition by the do-nothing GOP.

I blame Obama for his ego-boosting ACA....a law that was desperately needed but completely eroded any political capital he may have had.....

The thing that I "admire" most about republicans, is their unequaled capacity to thoroughly and effectively bullshit both their base and many independents.
Or they give raises and bonuses to their employees as we've already seen several companies announce.

Please know that virtually EVERY company that is giving out bonuses are ALSO laying off workers......

(.....and, the reason for their bonuses just before the year's end, was that they could deduct from their tax liability at the rate of 35% versus 21% next year.)

Gotta make Santa Claus (the GOP-led Congress) look good to counter the 28% approval ratings of this tax scam.

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