If the Nazis had won the war, how would the world look like nowadays?

People forget about Japan. It wasn't just Nazi's.

The Japanese didn't really want to invade America just diversionary tatitics , like pearl and invading some islands in Alaska.

Umm tell that to my dad. He was there. :)

Damn how old is your dad 98?

He is dead.

Sorry to hear , but that would be like me saying to ask my grandfather who landed at Normandy
People forget about Japan. It wasn't just Nazi's.

The Japanese didn't really want to invade America just diversionary tatitics , like pearl and invading some islands in Alaska.

Umm tell that to my dad. He was there. :)

Damn how old is your dad 98?

He is dead.

Sorry to hear , but that would be like me saying to ask my grandfather who landed at Normandy

I can't help how old he was. ;)
Like for example stalinism cannot be compared to gorbatchov perestroika eventhough both was soviet union.

I think that this is a wrong comparison, because stalinism was caused by a some reasons, first of all USSR was the pioneer of building socialism in "industrial scale" and for it need complete and unconditional subordination of the population which could achived only by repression. The USSR had a "hard inheritance" from Tsarist Russia and the last USSR practically "bordered" on fascist Germany, and the war between them was inevitable, and this fact was clearly understood both in the USSR and in Germany.

Fascist Germany was not cruel to its citizens (as it was in the USSR) and if Germany won this war, the victory would have made fascist ideology stronger, and Germany would have received enormous resources of the USSR.
Look at the Republican Party.

That's exactly how it would look.

And yet it was the dnc and hillary people who were using sturm abteilung tactics. Me thinks you are a little blind.

You can't blame the American Nazi's on Hillary and the Democrats. Nazi's are white Aryans just like the GOP. Deflect all you want, but David Dukes and others of that ilk are Republican. Everyone knows that. Especially Trump and the GOP.
the nazis are blacks/democrats
hitler's SA DISRUPTED rival political groups
began to disrupt the meetings of rival political groups.
Stormtroopers or Brownshirts - Key Stage 3 - The Holocaust Explained

Protestors parade, disrupt Trump rally in New Orleans | The Latest
Protesters Disrupt Trump Rally in St. Louis - NBC News
etc etc
antiTrump BLM want to start KILLING white people !! yes KILL the other race--just like the nazis
BLM Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle: ‘We Need To Start Killing People’

blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites
white extremists have murdered a whopping 77 people --since 1995
The Long List of Killings Committed by White Extremists Since the Oklahoma City Bombing
blacks murder over 3000 blacks--every YEAR
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We'd have really smart looking uniforms.....I'd be a big donor in socialized baby making through orgies and trains....
if you mean if Germany beat the Allies--impossible...this is fiction --there is no precedent....
if they beat England---the world would not have changed
if they took over Europe [ Balkans, France, Holland, etc---it would not have been for 'long'...you still had resistance movements.....the Germans couldn't afford to keep troops there forever/etc ...
Japan beats the USA--????!!!

there also were resistance movements inside Germany

there is NO WAY Japan and Germany could've defeated the USA -even with USA fighting alone
the USA stays as the USA
Germany is NOT going to take over Russia

the OP is fairytale fiction with no precedents ....so very hard to think of even a far fetched scenario
People forget about Japan. It wasn't just Nazi's.

The Japanese didn't really want to invade America just diversionary tatitics , like pearl and invading some islands in Alaska.
is that what he meant???!!! invading the US:laugh::laugh::laugh:
please do even a little research people
the Japanese would've been very, very hardpressed to even TRY to invade Hawaii !!!!! much less the USA
and Hawaii wasn't even a state

...shipping!! shipping!! shipping regulated a very significant amount of strategy/battles/etc
it took massive amounts of shipping and TIME just for the powerhouse USA to invade the very small area of DDay...and that included crossing the Atlantic! and the Pacific is almost twice the size....
..and the Japanese/Germans had much less shipping than the US and much less shipbuilding

etc etc
Like for example stalinism cannot be compared to gorbatchov perestroika eventhough both was soviet union.

I think that this is a wrong comparison, because stalinism was caused by a some reasons, first of all USSR was the pioneer of building socialism in "industrial scale" and for it need complete and unconditional subordination of the population which could achived only by repression. The USSR had a "hard inheritance" from Tsarist Russia and the last USSR practically "bordered" on fascist Germany, and the war between them was inevitable, and this fact was clearly understood both in the USSR and in Germany.

Fascist Germany was not cruel to its citizens (as it was in the USSR) and if Germany won this war, the victory would have made fascist ideology stronger, and Germany would have received enormous resources of the USSR.

The Globalist scums clearly wiped out Fascism, and have been kicking, and screaming about it ever since.

There must be something about Fascism that bothers them so much, that they think it's so important for them to mock, and vilify Fascism even though no such real Fascist regime today even exists.

I can understand why, unlike our free media, Hollywood, and academia, which do nothing Liberty Conservatives say is their Capitalist freedom.

Fascism would crack down on free media, Hollywood, and academia, and turn it right wing / Nationalistic.

Fascism unlike Communism, actually created substantial autarky closed economy circuits, which are of course the opposite of Globalization.

So, every good patriot should be a Fascist, down with Globalist scums.
I think a Nazi Union would've fallen apart from within like the Soviet Union did.

I don't think so, it would of probably become democratic at some point after Hitler dying (remember his own tried to kill him a few times) it would of been the America of Europe..
I think a Nazi Union would've fallen apart from within like the Soviet Union did.

I don't think so, it would of probably become democratic at some point after Hitler dying (remember his own tried to kill him a few times) it would of been the America of Europe..

Well, I have a theory that all economic systems start out aggressive, and get more passive.

We saw that with Communist regimes like Soviets, and Communist China which were far more brutal in the start, than the end.
We saw that with Capitalist regimes like British Raj India which were far more brutal in the start, than the end.

I suppose to overcompensate for a starting point, they feel they need to be imperialists to amass wealth, and to be imperialists to spread the ideology.
I think a Nazi Union would've fallen apart from within like the Soviet Union did.

I don't think so, it would of probably become democratic at some point after Hitler dying (remember his own tried to kill him a few times) it would of been the America of Europe..

Well, I have a theory that all economic systems start out aggressive, and get more passive.

We saw that with Communist regimes like Soviets, and Communist China which were far more brutal in the start, than the end.
We saw that with Capitalist regimes like British Raj India which were far more brutal in the start, than the end.

I suppose to overcompensate for a starting point, they feel they need to be imperialists to amass wealth, and to be imperialists to spread the ideology.

That's what I was thinking, look at Vietnam......sure you have NK ...
Fascism has to be one of mankind's most absurd accomplishments. Making the state the center of all and everything denies the fact that 'state' is a state of mind.
Life is the center of all. Living human beings are center of the center. The 'state' is merely one of mankind's creations, constructed of words, sentiments, thoughts and other, absolutely relative, human projections. Absolutist, totalitarian governments are essentially all the same, and all equally degrading to human capacities.
I think a Nazi Union would've fallen apart from within like the Soviet Union did.
Yes, I think that the whole collapse was inevitable, Germany would have become a more totalitarian state, and this would have led to internal contradictions between German capitalists and politicians and the collapse in the end
Fascism has to be one of mankind's most absurd accomplishments. Making the state the center of all and everything denies the fact that 'state' is a state of mind.
Life is the center of all. Living human beings are center of the center. The 'state' is merely one of mankind's creations, constructed of words, sentiments, thoughts and other, absolutely relative, human projections. Absolutist, totalitarian governments are essentially all the same, and all equally degrading to human capacities.

How does freedom combat Globalism, the truth is only a more assertive Iron Fist could combat Globalism.
Fascism has to be one of mankind's most absurd accomplishments. Making the state the center of all and everything denies the fact that 'state' is a state of mind.
Life is the center of all. Living human beings are center of the center. The 'state' is merely one of mankind's creations, constructed of words, sentiments, thoughts and other, absolutely relative, human projections. Absolutist, totalitarian governments are essentially all the same, and all equally degrading to human capacities.

How does freedom combat Globalism, the truth is only a more assertive Iron Fist could combat Globalism.

Iron fist against iron fist results in the bigger iron fist winning, and accumulating more power. Eventually there is only one iron fist remaining. A global one. The way to defeat a global iron fist is to never let the small ones form in the first place. Take a look at the EU and the UN, the two were dreamed up by progressives to be the global governments. The UN as the political side, and the EU as the economic side. Both organizations are corrupt and are collapsing of their own greed and incompetence, but in the interim anyone they touch, is suffering.

Freedom combats globalism because the PEOPLE are able to see just what the end results ARE. Why do you think the progressives control the media? Control the information and you can twist it any way you want.

Look at the Republican Party.

That's exactly how it would look.

And yet it was the dnc and hillary people who were using sturm abteilung tactics. Me thinks you are a little blind.

You can't blame the American Nazi's on Hillary and the Democrats. Nazi's are white Aryans just like the GOP. Deflect all you want, but David Dukes and others of that ilk are Republican. Everyone knows that. Especially Trump and the GOP.

I'm not deflecting at all. The dnc USED NAZI tactics in this last election. It is the DEMOCRATS (and I hate to admit this) who are the nazis in america. That is as clear as day to a person who is honest.
inverted fascism
from Wikipedia
inverted totalitarianism (fascism) is described as a system where corporations have corrupted and subverted democracy and where economics trumps politics. Every natural resource and living being is commodified and exploited to the point of collapse, as the citizenry is lulled and manipulated into surrendering their liberties and their participation in government through excess consumerism and sensationalism.
Look at the Republican Party.

That's exactly how it would look.

And yet it was the dnc and hillary people who were using sturm abteilung tactics. Me thinks you are a little blind.

You can't blame the American Nazi's on Hillary and the Democrats. Nazi's are white Aryans just like the GOP. Deflect all you want, but David Dukes and others of that ilk are Republican. Everyone knows that. Especially Trump and the GOP.

I'm not deflecting at all. The dnc USED NAZI tactics in this last election. It is the DEMOCRATS (and I hate to admit this) who are the nazis in america. That is as clear as day to a person who is honest.
inverted fascism
from Wikipedia
inverted totalitarianism (fascism) is described as a system where corporations have corrupted and subverted democracy and where economics trumps politics. Every natural resource and living being is commodified and exploited to the point of collapse, as the citizenry is lulled and manipulated into surrendering their liberties and their participation in government through excess consumerism and sensationalism.

A laughable assertion. The majority of people care about what a person does, as opposed to what they say they do. antifa ARE fascists. Your goal is to silence those people you don't like. Like I said before, hate speech is the only speech that is protected in the USA because the speech that everybody likes doesn't need to be protected. You don't ask the people to surrender their Civil Liberties. You DEMAND that they be taken away.

Which IS fascist.
Look at the Republican Party.

That's exactly how it would look.

And yet it was the dnc and hillary people who were using sturm abteilung tactics. Me thinks you are a little blind.

You can't blame the American Nazi's on Hillary and the Democrats. Nazi's are white Aryans just like the GOP. Deflect all you want, but David Dukes and others of that ilk are Republican. Everyone knows that. Especially Trump and the GOP.

I'm not deflecting at all. The dnc USED NAZI tactics in this last election. It is the DEMOCRATS (and I hate to admit this) who are the nazis in america. That is as clear as day to a person who is honest.
inverted fascism
from Wikipedia
inverted totalitarianism (fascism) is described as a system where corporations have corrupted and subverted democracy and where economics trumps politics. Every natural resource and living being is commodified and exploited to the point of collapse, as the citizenry is lulled and manipulated into surrendering their liberties and their participation in government through excess consumerism and sensationalism.

A laughable assertion. The majority of people care about what a person does, as opposed to what they say they do. antifa ARE fascists. Your goal is to silence those people you don't like. Like I said before, hate speech is the only speech that is protected in the USA because the speech that everybody likes doesn't need to be protected. You don't ask the people to surrender their Civil Liberties. You DEMAND that they be taken away.

Which IS fascist.
Nice deflection but the topic is how would the world look like nowadays if the Nazis had won the war?

Inverted fascism is the world we live in today. So the next question is, what are you doing to change that?

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