If the Nazis had won the war, how would the world look like nowadays?

And yet it was the dnc and hillary people who were using sturm abteilung tactics. Me thinks you are a little blind.

You can't blame the American Nazi's on Hillary and the Democrats. Nazi's are white Aryans just like the GOP. Deflect all you want, but David Dukes and others of that ilk are Republican. Everyone knows that. Especially Trump and the GOP.

I'm not deflecting at all. The dnc USED NAZI tactics in this last election. It is the DEMOCRATS (and I hate to admit this) who are the nazis in america. That is as clear as day to a person who is honest.
inverted fascism
from Wikipedia
inverted totalitarianism (fascism) is described as a system where corporations have corrupted and subverted democracy and where economics trumps politics. Every natural resource and living being is commodified and exploited to the point of collapse, as the citizenry is lulled and manipulated into surrendering their liberties and their participation in government through excess consumerism and sensationalism.

A laughable assertion. The majority of people care about what a person does, as opposed to what they say they do. antifa ARE fascists. Your goal is to silence those people you don't like. Like I said before, hate speech is the only speech that is protected in the USA because the speech that everybody likes doesn't need to be protected. You don't ask the people to surrender their Civil Liberties. You DEMAND that they be taken away.

Which IS fascist.
Nice deflection but the topic is how would the world look like nowadays if the Nazis had won the war?

Inverted fascism is the world we live in today. So the next question is, what are you doing to change that?

It would look like North Korea or Venezuela, in the worst case, or in the best case, it would look like Imperial Rome under Augustus. That's the problem when dealing with totalitarian regimes, sometimes you get a benevolent tyrant (which is rare), most of the time you get incompetent tyrants, but occasionally you get the Nero, or Caligula, which is bad for almost everyone.

The one common denominator is they are ALL tyrants.
You can't blame the American Nazi's on Hillary and the Democrats. Nazi's are white Aryans just like the GOP. Deflect all you want, but David Dukes and others of that ilk are Republican. Everyone knows that. Especially Trump and the GOP.

I'm not deflecting at all. The dnc USED NAZI tactics in this last election. It is the DEMOCRATS (and I hate to admit this) who are the nazis in america. That is as clear as day to a person who is honest.
inverted fascism
from Wikipedia
inverted totalitarianism (fascism) is described as a system where corporations have corrupted and subverted democracy and where economics trumps politics. Every natural resource and living being is commodified and exploited to the point of collapse, as the citizenry is lulled and manipulated into surrendering their liberties and their participation in government through excess consumerism and sensationalism.

A laughable assertion. The majority of people care about what a person does, as opposed to what they say they do. antifa ARE fascists. Your goal is to silence those people you don't like. Like I said before, hate speech is the only speech that is protected in the USA because the speech that everybody likes doesn't need to be protected. You don't ask the people to surrender their Civil Liberties. You DEMAND that they be taken away.

Which IS fascist.
Nice deflection but the topic is how would the world look like nowadays if the Nazis had won the war?

Inverted fascism is the world we live in today. So the next question is, what are you doing to change that?

It would look like North Korea or Venezuela, in the worst case, or in the best case, it would look like Imperial Rome under Augustus. That's the problem when dealing with totalitarian regimes, sometimes you get a benevolent tyrant (which is rare), most of the time you get incompetent tyrants, but occasionally you get the Nero, or Caligula, which is bad for almost everyone.

The one common denominator is they are ALL tyrants.
U.S. imperialism will fall like Rome. What are you doing to force change?
Fascism has to be one of mankind's most absurd accomplishments. Making the state the center of all and everything denies the fact that 'state' is a state of mind.
Life is the center of all. Living human beings are center of the center. The 'state' is merely one of mankind's creations, constructed of words, sentiments, thoughts and other, absolutely relative, human projections. Absolutist, totalitarian governments are essentially all the same, and all equally degrading to human capacities.

How does freedom combat Globalism, the truth is only a more assertive Iron Fist could combat Globalism.

Iron fist against iron fist results in the bigger iron fist winning, and accumulating more power. Eventually there is only one iron fist remaining. A global one. The way to defeat a global iron fist is to never let the small ones form in the first place. Take a look at the EU and the UN, the two were dreamed up by progressives to be the global governments. The UN as the political side, and the EU as the economic side. Both organizations are corrupt and are collapsing of their own greed and incompetence, but in the interim anyone they touch, is suffering.

Freedom combats globalism because the PEOPLE are able to see just what the end results ARE. Why do you think the progressives control the media? Control the information and you can twist it any way you want.

Fascists had pretty stable economies in Autarky or self sustained economies, they also were Nationalists.

Obviously that's pretty scary to the Globalist scums, so they destroyed Fascism, and kicked, and screamed about it ever since.

On the other hand what we have now, is a system of Globalism, where Capitalist companies just important, export, goods, and immigrant and get away with whatever.

It's time that changes, but people in the West are just a tar slow on the uptake.
And yet it was the dnc and hillary people who were using sturm abteilung tactics. Me thinks you are a little blind.

You can't blame the American Nazi's on Hillary and the Democrats. Nazi's are white Aryans just like the GOP. Deflect all you want, but David Dukes and others of that ilk are Republican. Everyone knows that. Especially Trump and the GOP.

The Nazis weren't unique, they were clearly just another Globalist regime, follow the money, and the money goes back to Globalist banker scums living in the West.

The Nazis were probably just a ruse, to wipe out Fascism, wipe out Nationalism, Patriotism, Racism, and justify the creation of Israel, and justify bringing the Soviet Union into Central-Europe.

You couldn't have such a lousy society of Balkanized fragmenting detriment they have created today, without the the Globalist scums today kicking, and screaming Nazi, anti-Semite, Fascist, Racist at everybody who doesn't obey their disgusting dribbles.
Last edited:
Fascism has to be one of mankind's most absurd accomplishments. Making the state the center of all and everything denies the fact that 'state' is a state of mind.
Life is the center of all. Living human beings are center of the center. The 'state' is merely one of mankind's creations, constructed of words, sentiments, thoughts and other, absolutely relative, human projections. Absolutist, totalitarian governments are essentially all the same, and all equally degrading to human capacities.

How does freedom combat Globalism, the truth is only a more assertive Iron Fist could combat Globalism.

Freedom combats globalism because the PEOPLE are able to see just what the end results ARE. Why do you think the progressives control the media? Control the information and you can twist it any way you want.

Freedom combats nothing in America, freedom has allowed Globalist Ziion INC, and "Friends" to brainwash generations of Americans into Liberalism, and pack up American jobs to countries which don''t respect us very well like China, Mexico, and Vietnam, and bring in labor to Balkanize the U.S.A with convenient fifth columns to help these Globalist shits, and their "Shills" to collapse Western Society.

I'm not deflecting at all. The dnc USED NAZI tactics in this last election. It is the DEMOCRATS (and I hate to admit this) who are the nazis in america. That is as clear as day to a person who is honest.
inverted fascism
from Wikipedia
inverted totalitarianism (fascism) is described as a system where corporations have corrupted and subverted democracy and where economics trumps politics. Every natural resource and living being is commodified and exploited to the point of collapse, as the citizenry is lulled and manipulated into surrendering their liberties and their participation in government through excess consumerism and sensationalism.

A laughable assertion. The majority of people care about what a person does, as opposed to what they say they do. antifa ARE fascists. Your goal is to silence those people you don't like. Like I said before, hate speech is the only speech that is protected in the USA because the speech that everybody likes doesn't need to be protected. You don't ask the people to surrender their Civil Liberties. You DEMAND that they be taken away.

Which IS fascist.
Nice deflection but the topic is how would the world look like nowadays if the Nazis had won the war?

Inverted fascism is the world we live in today. So the next question is, what are you doing to change that?

It would look like North Korea or Venezuela, in the worst case, or in the best case, it would look like Imperial Rome under Augustus. That's the problem when dealing with totalitarian regimes, sometimes you get a benevolent tyrant (which is rare), most of the time you get incompetent tyrants, but occasionally you get the Nero, or Caligula, which is bad for almost everyone.

The one common denominator is they are ALL tyrants.
U.S. imperialism will fall like Rome. What are you doing to force change?

You forgot Romans bought in Immigrants to do their dirty work, such as Alaric who sacked, and collapsed Rome with his Visigoths into the Dark Ages.

Believe, the next Dark Ages are likely coming very soon.... This is what Anti-Fascists have fought so vigorously for, and have brainwashed the masses to do, and be so stupid at that.
You can't blame the American Nazi's on Hillary and the Democrats. Nazi's are white Aryans just like the GOP. Deflect all you want, but David Dukes and others of that ilk are Republican. Everyone knows that. Especially Trump and the GOP.

The Nazis weren't unique, they were clearly just another Globalist regime, follow the money, and the money goes back to Globalist banker scums living in the West.

The Nazis were probably just a ruse, to wipe out Fascism, wipe out Nationalism, Patriotism, Racism, and justify the creation of Israel, and justify bringing the Soviet Union into Central-Europe.

You couldn't have such a lousy society of Balkanized fragmenting detriment they have created today, without the the Globalist scums today kicking, and screaming Nazi, anti-Semite, Fascist, Racist at everybody who doesn't obey their disgusting dribbles.
Grab hold of my hand, Sobieski, and I'll try to walk you through this. Nazis are not a ruse, they are fascist in the purest form. Trump and all the other fascists coming into power are the result of the manufactured fear and hate inside that birdbrain of yours.

Who is your enemy, me or the fascists?

The Nazis weren't unique, they were clearly just another Globalist regime, follow the money, and the money goes back to Globalist banker scums living in the West.

The Nazis were probably just a ruse, to wipe out Fascism, wipe out Nationalism, Patriotism, Racism, and justify the creation of Israel, and justify bringing the Soviet Union into Central-Europe.

You couldn't have such a lousy society of Balkanized fragmenting detriment they have created today, without the the Globalist scums today kicking, and screaming Nazi, anti-Semite, Fascist, Racist at everybody who doesn't obey their disgusting dribbles.
Grab hold of my hand, Sobieski, and I'll try to walk you through this. Nazis are not a ruse, they are fascist in the purest form. Trump and all the other fascists coming into power are the result of the manufactured fear and hate inside that birdbrain of yours.

Who is your enemy, me or the fascists?

The biggest trick of the establishment was to trick people like you into believing you were fighting the establishment by fighting for Liberalism, anti-Fascism, anti-Racism, for Feminism, for Gays etc.

The truth is you people are now the status quo, but you think you are fighting against the status quo, that's truly hilarious.

This is the New World Order, the European Union, America's wars, profits off of immigrants, exporting jobs overseas, knocking out lone wolf Dictatorships like Gadaffi, or Hussein, and eroding Western Culture piece, by piece to collapse.

As for the Nazis.

Some of the same Globalist bankers who financed the Nazis, also financed the Bolsheviks, this includes the JP Morgan, Rockerfeller, and Max Warburg.

That's enough reason to believe it was a ruse.

That, and that Churchill the Freemason, and his scumbag boys thought Mussolini had to be taken out first, before Hitler... really?

Churchill killed way more than Mussolini, the truth is Mussolini didn't even kill as much as the American hero Abraham Lincoln.

The goal was to stomp out the Fascist ideology, they feared, and to created a backlash against Fascist values.
I'm not deflecting at all. The dnc USED NAZI tactics in this last election. It is the DEMOCRATS (and I hate to admit this) who are the nazis in america. That is as clear as day to a person who is honest.
inverted fascism
from Wikipedia
inverted totalitarianism (fascism) is described as a system where corporations have corrupted and subverted democracy and where economics trumps politics. Every natural resource and living being is commodified and exploited to the point of collapse, as the citizenry is lulled and manipulated into surrendering their liberties and their participation in government through excess consumerism and sensationalism.

A laughable assertion. The majority of people care about what a person does, as opposed to what they say they do. antifa ARE fascists. Your goal is to silence those people you don't like. Like I said before, hate speech is the only speech that is protected in the USA because the speech that everybody likes doesn't need to be protected. You don't ask the people to surrender their Civil Liberties. You DEMAND that they be taken away.

Which IS fascist.
Nice deflection but the topic is how would the world look like nowadays if the Nazis had won the war?

Inverted fascism is the world we live in today. So the next question is, what are you doing to change that?

It would look like North Korea or Venezuela, in the worst case, or in the best case, it would look like Imperial Rome under Augustus. That's the problem when dealing with totalitarian regimes, sometimes you get a benevolent tyrant (which is rare), most of the time you get incompetent tyrants, but occasionally you get the Nero, or Caligula, which is bad for almost everyone.

The one common denominator is they are ALL tyrants.
U.S. imperialism will fall like Rome. What are you doing to force change?

I vote for those politicians who I believe will do the best job of preserving the Republic.
Fascism has to be one of mankind's most absurd accomplishments. Making the state the center of all and everything denies the fact that 'state' is a state of mind.
Life is the center of all. Living human beings are center of the center. The 'state' is merely one of mankind's creations, constructed of words, sentiments, thoughts and other, absolutely relative, human projections. Absolutist, totalitarian governments are essentially all the same, and all equally degrading to human capacities.

How does freedom combat Globalism, the truth is only a more assertive Iron Fist could combat Globalism.

Iron fist against iron fist results in the bigger iron fist winning, and accumulating more power. Eventually there is only one iron fist remaining. A global one. The way to defeat a global iron fist is to never let the small ones form in the first place. Take a look at the EU and the UN, the two were dreamed up by progressives to be the global governments. The UN as the political side, and the EU as the economic side. Both organizations are corrupt and are collapsing of their own greed and incompetence, but in the interim anyone they touch, is suffering.

Freedom combats globalism because the PEOPLE are able to see just what the end results ARE. Why do you think the progressives control the media? Control the information and you can twist it any way you want.

Fascists had pretty stable economies in Autarky or self sustained economies, they also were Nationalists.

Obviously that's pretty scary to the Globalist scums, so they destroyed Fascism, and kicked, and screamed about it ever since.

On the other hand what we have now, is a system of Globalism, where Capitalist companies just important, export, goods, and immigrant and get away with whatever.

It's time that changes, but people in the West are just a tar slow on the uptake.

That is a laughable assertion. The Nazi's had the best of all of the authoritarian countries and they were able to produce 18,000 tanks for the duration of the war. We were able to produce 55,000 Sherman tanks alone. We equipped the Soviet Union when they had almost nothing left, we actually began cancelling war contracts in 1943 because we KNEW we were going to win the war.

The US was at full war production for less than two years and we produced more stuff than the entire rest of the WORLD combined.
Fascism has to be one of mankind's most absurd accomplishments. Making the state the center of all and everything denies the fact that 'state' is a state of mind.
Life is the center of all. Living human beings are center of the center. The 'state' is merely one of mankind's creations, constructed of words, sentiments, thoughts and other, absolutely relative, human projections. Absolutist, totalitarian governments are essentially all the same, and all equally degrading to human capacities.

How does freedom combat Globalism, the truth is only a more assertive Iron Fist could combat Globalism.

Freedom combats globalism because the PEOPLE are able to see just what the end results ARE. Why do you think the progressives control the media? Control the information and you can twist it any way you want.

Freedom combats nothing in America, freedom has allowed Globalist Ziion INC, and "Friends" to brainwash generations of Americans into Liberalism, and pack up American jobs to countries which don''t respect us very well like China, Mexico, and Vietnam, and bring in labor to Balkanize the U.S.A with convenient fifth columns to help these Globalist shits, and their "Shills" to collapse Western Society.


Freedom of the Press allowed us to know what illegal acts were being committed by the various POTUS's throughout the Vietnam war. The problem is eventually the media decided they wanted to be part of the ruling class instead of being part of the ruled class. Thus they began lying to us. That is why the authoritarians are so desperate to control the internet.
inverted fascism
from Wikipedia
inverted totalitarianism (fascism) is described as a system where corporations have corrupted and subverted democracy and where economics trumps politics. Every natural resource and living being is commodified and exploited to the point of collapse, as the citizenry is lulled and manipulated into surrendering their liberties and their participation in government through excess consumerism and sensationalism.

A laughable assertion. The majority of people care about what a person does, as opposed to what they say they do. antifa ARE fascists. Your goal is to silence those people you don't like. Like I said before, hate speech is the only speech that is protected in the USA because the speech that everybody likes doesn't need to be protected. You don't ask the people to surrender their Civil Liberties. You DEMAND that they be taken away.

Which IS fascist.
Nice deflection but the topic is how would the world look like nowadays if the Nazis had won the war?

Inverted fascism is the world we live in today. So the next question is, what are you doing to change that?

It would look like North Korea or Venezuela, in the worst case, or in the best case, it would look like Imperial Rome under Augustus. That's the problem when dealing with totalitarian regimes, sometimes you get a benevolent tyrant (which is rare), most of the time you get incompetent tyrants, but occasionally you get the Nero, or Caligula, which is bad for almost everyone.

The one common denominator is they are ALL tyrants.
U.S. imperialism will fall like Rome. What are you doing to force change?

You forgot Romans bought in Immigrants to do their dirty work, such as Alaric who sacked, and collapsed Rome with his Visigoths into the Dark Ages.

Believe, the next Dark Ages are likely coming very soon.... This is what Anti-Fascists have fought so vigorously for, and have brainwashed the masses to do, and be so stupid at that.

Wrong. They brought in SLAVES. That's a big difference. Furthermore they could have industrialized just a few years after the death of Christ but they were so afraid of what would happen to their slave based economy that they outlawed steam power for anything but entertainment purposes.

The Nazis weren't unique, they were clearly just another Globalist regime, follow the money, and the money goes back to Globalist banker scums living in the West.

The Nazis were probably just a ruse, to wipe out Fascism, wipe out Nationalism, Patriotism, Racism, and justify the creation of Israel, and justify bringing the Soviet Union into Central-Europe.

You couldn't have such a lousy society of Balkanized fragmenting detriment they have created today, without the the Globalist scums today kicking, and screaming Nazi, anti-Semite, Fascist, Racist at everybody who doesn't obey their disgusting dribbles.
Grab hold of my hand, Sobieski, and I'll try to walk you through this. Nazis are not a ruse, they are fascist in the purest form. Trump and all the other fascists coming into power are the result of the manufactured fear and hate inside that birdbrain of yours.

Who is your enemy, me or the fascists?

You are. Because you're a fascist yet you claim to not know you are. You advocate the use of violence to silence those people you don't like. That makes you an enemy of the Republic, and your methods show you to be the fascist.
Fascism has to be one of mankind's most absurd accomplishments. Making the state the center of all and everything denies the fact that 'state' is a state of mind.
Life is the center of all. Living human beings are center of the center. The 'state' is merely one of mankind's creations, constructed of words, sentiments, thoughts and other, absolutely relative, human projections. Absolutist, totalitarian governments are essentially all the same, and all equally degrading to human capacities.

How does freedom combat Globalism, the truth is only a more assertive Iron Fist could combat Globalism.

Freedom combats globalism because the PEOPLE are able to see just what the end results ARE. Why do you think the progressives control the media? Control the information and you can twist it any way you want.

Freedom combats nothing in America, freedom has allowed Globalist Ziion INC, and "Friends" to brainwash generations of Americans into Liberalism, and pack up American jobs to countries which don''t respect us very well like China, Mexico, and Vietnam, and bring in labor to Balkanize the U.S.A with convenient fifth columns to help these Globalist shits, and their "Shills" to collapse Western Society.


Freedom of the Press allowed us to know what illegal acts were being committed by the various POTUS's throughout the Vietnam war. The problem is eventually the media decided they wanted to be part of the ruling class instead of being part of the ruled class. Thus they began lying to us. That is why the authoritarians are so desperate to control the internet.

Freedom is a nice sentiment, it really is.

But, it's inferior.

Totalitarianism is here, and the Republicans did nothing.

The result is the Leftists are winning, between Millennials, and Minorities, a Left Wing Totalitarian regime will be victorious in the near future, and this is all because Republicans didn't fight back, and allowed Liberal Jews to dominate Hollywood, and their media, and brainwash the masses.

The Nazis weren't unique, they were clearly just another Globalist regime, follow the money, and the money goes back to Globalist banker scums living in the West.

The Nazis were probably just a ruse, to wipe out Fascism, wipe out Nationalism, Patriotism, Racism, and justify the creation of Israel, and justify bringing the Soviet Union into Central-Europe.

You couldn't have such a lousy society of Balkanized fragmenting detriment they have created today, without the the Globalist scums today kicking, and screaming Nazi, anti-Semite, Fascist, Racist at everybody who doesn't obey their disgusting dribbles.
Grab hold of my hand, Sobieski, and I'll try to walk you through this. Nazis are not a ruse, they are fascist in the purest form. Trump and all the other fascists coming into power are the result of the manufactured fear and hate inside that birdbrain of yours.

Who is your enemy, me or the fascists?

The biggest trick of the establishment was to trick people like you into believing you were fighting the establishment by fighting for Liberalism, anti-Fascism, anti-Racism, for Feminism, for Gays etc.

The truth is you people are now the status quo, but you think you are fighting against the status quo, that's truly hilarious.

This is the New World Order, the European Union, America's wars, profits off of immigrants, exporting jobs overseas, knocking out lone wolf Dictatorships like Gadaffi, or Hussein, and eroding Western Culture piece, by piece to collapse.

As for the Nazis.

Some of the same Globalist bankers who financed the Nazis, also financed the Bolsheviks, this includes the JP Morgan, Rockerfeller, and Max Warburg.

That's enough reason to believe it was a ruse.

That, and that Churchill the Freemason, and his scumbag boys thought Mussolini had to be taken out first, before Hitler... really?

Churchill killed way more than Mussolini, the truth is Mussolini didn't even kill as much as the American hero Abraham Lincoln.

The goal was to stomp out the Fascist ideology, they feared, and to created a backlash against Fascist values.
Your rant was too long to address so this is where you are wrong.

The truth is you people are now the status quo, but you think you are fighting against the status quo, that's truly hilarious.

The reality is you are a tool for the status quo. You were told who your enemy is so you sit there in beautiful Hudson valley with your white privilege and first-world problems, talking instead of taking the time to look at reality.

So again, who is your enemy, me or the fascists?
If the Nazis had won the war, how would the world look like nowadays?
Would it be totally racist or the nazi society would have changed within? Like for example stalinism cannot be compared to gorbatchov perestroika eventhough both was soviet union. Would there be cold war between usa and germany? Or would the usa be a nazi satellite? Would the japanese controll all of asia?

Would there be more or less technological progress then now? Would there be as much technological progress as now like moon landing, internet, artifical intelligence, genetic testing etc.?

pretty much as it does now, but trump would have a snappier uniform.
A laughable assertion. The majority of people care about what a person does, as opposed to what they say they do. antifa ARE fascists. Your goal is to silence those people you don't like. Like I said before, hate speech is the only speech that is protected in the USA because the speech that everybody likes doesn't need to be protected. You don't ask the people to surrender their Civil Liberties. You DEMAND that they be taken away.

Which IS fascist.
Nice deflection but the topic is how would the world look like nowadays if the Nazis had won the war?

Inverted fascism is the world we live in today. So the next question is, what are you doing to change that?

It would look like North Korea or Venezuela, in the worst case, or in the best case, it would look like Imperial Rome under Augustus. That's the problem when dealing with totalitarian regimes, sometimes you get a benevolent tyrant (which is rare), most of the time you get incompetent tyrants, but occasionally you get the Nero, or Caligula, which is bad for almost everyone.

The one common denominator is they are ALL tyrants.
U.S. imperialism will fall like Rome. What are you doing to force change?

You forgot Romans bought in Immigrants to do their dirty work, such as Alaric who sacked, and collapsed Rome with his Visigoths into the Dark Ages.

Believe, the next Dark Ages are likely coming very soon.... This is what Anti-Fascists have fought so vigorously for, and have brainwashed the masses to do, and be so stupid at that.

Wrong. They brought in SLAVES. That's a big difference. Furthermore they could have industrialized just a few years after the death of Christ but they were so afraid of what would happen to their slave based economy that they outlawed steam power for anything but entertainment purposes.

Yeah, and it's going to be much worse here, because those
A laughable assertion. The majority of people care about what a person does, as opposed to what they say they do. antifa ARE fascists. Your goal is to silence those people you don't like. Like I said before, hate speech is the only speech that is protected in the USA because the speech that everybody likes doesn't need to be protected. You don't ask the people to surrender their Civil Liberties. You DEMAND that they be taken away.

Which IS fascist.
Nice deflection but the topic is how would the world look like nowadays if the Nazis had won the war?

Inverted fascism is the world we live in today. So the next question is, what are you doing to change that?

It would look like North Korea or Venezuela, in the worst case, or in the best case, it would look like Imperial Rome under Augustus. That's the problem when dealing with totalitarian regimes, sometimes you get a benevolent tyrant (which is rare), most of the time you get incompetent tyrants, but occasionally you get the Nero, or Caligula, which is bad for almost everyone.

The one common denominator is they are ALL tyrants.
U.S. imperialism will fall like Rome. What are you doing to force change?

You forgot Romans bought in Immigrants to do their dirty work, such as Alaric who sacked, and collapsed Rome with his Visigoths into the Dark Ages.

Believe, the next Dark Ages are likely coming very soon.... This is what Anti-Fascists have fought so vigorously for, and have brainwashed the masses to do, and be so stupid at that.

Wrong. They brought in SLAVES. That's a big difference. Furthermore they could have industrialized just a few years after the death of Christ but they were so afraid of what would happen to their slave based economy that they outlawed steam power for anything but entertainment purposes.

Slaves or not, they were imported to Rome as foreigners, and they sacked, looted, and collapsed Rome with Visegoths led by Alaric.

This is actually going to go a lot worse I think in America.

Those slaves were oppressed, that limits their damage.

When White ANTIFA join up with Black BLM, and Mexican La Raza, they could very well ethnic cleanse almost all of White America, if not all of it to collapse pretty quickly , and easily.

The Nazis weren't unique, they were clearly just another Globalist regime, follow the money, and the money goes back to Globalist banker scums living in the West.

The Nazis were probably just a ruse, to wipe out Fascism, wipe out Nationalism, Patriotism, Racism, and justify the creation of Israel, and justify bringing the Soviet Union into Central-Europe.

You couldn't have such a lousy society of Balkanized fragmenting detriment they have created today, without the the Globalist scums today kicking, and screaming Nazi, anti-Semite, Fascist, Racist at everybody who doesn't obey their disgusting dribbles.
Grab hold of my hand, Sobieski, and I'll try to walk you through this. Nazis are not a ruse, they are fascist in the purest form. Trump and all the other fascists coming into power are the result of the manufactured fear and hate inside that birdbrain of yours.

Who is your enemy, me or the fascists?

You are. Because you're a fascist yet you claim to not know you are. You advocate the use of violence to silence those people you don't like. That makes you an enemy of the Republic, and your methods show you to be the fascist.
How many times are you going to repeat this propaganda?

Fascism is a growing problem in western culture. You can continue to deny it or you can take action to quash it.

The Nazis weren't unique, they were clearly just another Globalist regime, follow the money, and the money goes back to Globalist banker scums living in the West.

The Nazis were probably just a ruse, to wipe out Fascism, wipe out Nationalism, Patriotism, Racism, and justify the creation of Israel, and justify bringing the Soviet Union into Central-Europe.

You couldn't have such a lousy society of Balkanized fragmenting detriment they have created today, without the the Globalist scums today kicking, and screaming Nazi, anti-Semite, Fascist, Racist at everybody who doesn't obey their disgusting dribbles.
Grab hold of my hand, Sobieski, and I'll try to walk you through this. Nazis are not a ruse, they are fascist in the purest form. Trump and all the other fascists coming into power are the result of the manufactured fear and hate inside that birdbrain of yours.

Who is your enemy, me or the fascists?

The biggest trick of the establishment was to trick people like you into believing you were fighting the establishment by fighting for Liberalism, anti-Fascism, anti-Racism, for Feminism, for Gays etc.

The truth is you people are now the status quo, but you think you are fighting against the status quo, that's truly hilarious.

This is the New World Order, the European Union, America's wars, profits off of immigrants, exporting jobs overseas, knocking out lone wolf Dictatorships like Gadaffi, or Hussein, and eroding Western Culture piece, by piece to collapse.

As for the Nazis.

Some of the same Globalist bankers who financed the Nazis, also financed the Bolsheviks, this includes the JP Morgan, Rockerfeller, and Max Warburg.

That's enough reason to believe it was a ruse.

That, and that Churchill the Freemason, and his scumbag boys thought Mussolini had to be taken out first, before Hitler... really?

Churchill killed way more than Mussolini, the truth is Mussolini didn't even kill as much as the American hero Abraham Lincoln.

The goal was to stomp out the Fascist ideology, they feared, and to created a backlash against Fascist values.
Your rant was too long to address so this is where you are wrong.

The truth is you people are now the status quo, but you think you are fighting against the status quo, that's truly hilarious.

The reality is you are a tool for the status quo. You were told who your enemy is so you sit there in beautiful Hudson valley with your white privilege and first-world problems, talking instead of taking the time to look at reality.

So again, who is your enemy, me or the fascists?

You Anti-Fascists / Anti-Racists / Liberals etc. behave as if there's some benevolent force that is telling you to disobey the Fascists.

The truth is you are a tool to Globalist Zionists who want a New World Order.

The Zionists are the biggest problem the World has ever seen by far. I really do think they were the driving force of the Nazis, the the British Empire, the Soviets, and now America, and who knows what else.

I've always thought most high ranking Nazis looked Jewish like Eichmann, Heydrich, Goebbels, Hitler, Himmler etc.

Now read these quotes, and tell me who really did it all?

I believe Henry Makow a Jew, that the Holocaust was necessarily for the Establishment to create Israel.




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