If the Presidential outcome was fraudulent, then so were all the rest.


ShortBus, no one is forcing you to participate.

As far as your signature, I don't even see it, so who knows why you think I'm bothered by something I don't even see?
Because you mention it over and over. LOL you keep saying I mention you. I do Not that’s my signature you moron.

poor ocd ridden fatty
Why don't you take the evidence to the supreme court?


You've got nothing and you know it. Your big mouth and crying won't change the election result.

You are a dedicated Nazi.

You care ONLY about power for your Reich.

Unsolicited mail in ballots with no way of verifying that the person who cast the vote is the registered voter doesn't bother you - besides it's easy to cover up and say "ewe cant pwoove nutin"

Voter roles that haven't been updated in decades just makes it all better.

After all, Uber Alles Democrat

Orange man a bloody idiot and the people showed you just that. You have nothing but hate.

What "people?"

Open traitors like Peter Sztrzok and Andrew McCabe who staged a coup against a sitting president? Corrupt Nazi twats like Adam the lying little Schitt?

Trump interrupted your blitzkrieg toward a collectivist totalitarian dictatorship, and you hate him for it.

But Xi's man is Resident now, to Seig Heil to and be happy, Herr democrat.

At least 10,000,000 racist dems came out and voted for the creepy, rich, old, white guy while shunning the Clean and Articulate black guy.

Any doubts dems are racists?
If the election was not valid due to cheating by the Dems, then it cannot just be the presidential race that is contested, it has to be every single race that was on the same ballot.

All of those in congress that won in 2020 that are claiming the election was not valid should step down, to do otherwise is to show you really do not think the election was fraudulent.
How many votes for Biden only recorded the presidential race?
How many votes for Biden only recorded the presidential race?

In all, 3,024 Maricopa County ballots were only marked for Joe Biden. Donald Trump received 3,474 of these. It’s a difference of 450 in favor of Trump, according to the team's data analysis.

Public data traces Biden-only and Trump-only ballots in 2020 Arizona election

One of the lingering conspiracies involving the 2020 election is that thousands of fraudulent Biden-only ballots were counted in Maricopa County, which helped the Democrat win the county and the state.

If you have data from other states I would be happy to look at it.
If the election was not valid due to cheating by the Dems, then it cannot just be the presidential race that is contested, it has to be every single race that was on the same ballot.

All of those in congress that won in 2020 that are claiming the election was not valid should step down, to do otherwise is to show you really do not think the election was fraudulent.

Not sure if you are simply grotesquely uninformed.
Incredibly stupid
Just a total partisan hack

but something is seriously wrong with your thinking.
LOL I live in a fantasy world? This is from a retard that thinks Rump won!!! :auiqs.jpg:

Now, you guys see why I bait this guy. Fun to see him lose his cool!!!
I said He won? Find that post. Cowardly Liar. Find that post and I ll leave this Board forever if you can’t then you leave. Now that’s a challenge.
Not sure if you are simply grotesquely uninformed.
Incredibly stupid
Just a total partisan hack

but something is seriously wrong with your thinking.

Thank you for the totally meaningless post. I am sure it made you feel good about yourself.

Why not explain to me how only one vote on a ballot can be fraudulent if the ballot is fraudulent
Because you long ago proved that comprehension was not one of your abilities.

So you have no answer.

Thanks for verifying that fact.

Now you can get back to your name calling, it seems to be the upper limit of your posting skills.

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