If the Red states seceeded

So ... Where do you think the US Strategic Air Command with B-52's and their Nuclear Arsenal is?
Where do you think the Cyber Command Center is?


The pentagon in washington dc are where the PAL codes are safeguarded.

Permissive Action Link - Wikipedia

A Permissive Action Link (PAL) is a security device for nuclear weapons. Its purpose is to prevent unauthorized arming or detonation of the nuclear weapon.

The weapon renders itself inoperable if an activation code is entered incorrectly multiple times. This precludes attempts to bypass the PAL codes through trial and error. The weapon must be returned to a maintenance facility in order to work again

Nah. Smoking Joe showed the world who had the nuclear codes:

Let's say that in the U.S., the rural Midwest along with a chunk of the rural South and Alaska seceded form the Union. Let's say the rural Midwest plus the Dakotas all the way down to the Gulf of Mexico (including Texas) plus Alaska. They're not trying to overthrow the existing government of the U.S. and dictate life to the remaining part of the country, simply trying to leave and start their own government. Now, their reasons for doing so have nothing to do with anything anywhere near as morally reprehensible as slavery. Let's say it actually IS economic reasons that caused this situation in this particular case.

If you were President of the U.S., would you send in the tanks, the infantry, and the planes to carpet bomb cities like Minneapolis MN and Lincoln NE to the ground and basically kill enough of them to the point where they agree to come back against their will in chains and vow to be part of your nation again as long as you promise to stop killing them and their families?

I would suggest a non-violent alternative. We could use economic sanctions to prevent them from trading with anyone. That's right, no goods in or out of the their country. We would starve them out. They would come back before their families died and beg to become part of the Union again. They would have only an isolated geographical region. There are certain crops such as olives, coconuts, and pineapples that they simply cannot grow in sufficient numbers. I would use their lack of sufficient agricultural diversity to make them understand why we need each other.

They are not going anywhere

We can rebuild the reds. We have the technology.
View attachment 150873

Let me get this straight...

You think you're going too starve out the breadbasket of the United States which also includes a manufacturing base for military weapons and other machines. Along with oil reserves and most the windmills for power generation. Then there'll be lots of left over corn and soybeans to make fuel when the heavily populated sections of the country put economic sanctions on the breadbasket sections and refuses trade for the food they require.

Have I missed anything here?

Hey! Good luck with that...



they can send US all their corn and oil and we will send couple of Iphones and a Tesla....saludos from California.
The blue states can do much better without the red states and the federal government.


^^^I only need a simple phone^^^^


^^^^and I need a real vehicle.^^^

You can keep your I have to be socially connected at all times and if it isn't paved I can't drive bullcrap in the heavily populated areas. I have work to do..

Hey does $20-$30 a bushel for corn sound like a fair price to you and $100 a pound for T-bone or is that to inexpensive?



California feeds itself and others. And without us you'll be just another third world place, even worse...they have less idiots and obese people full of diseases.
View attachment 150873

Let me get this straight...

You think you're going too starve out the breadbasket of the United States which also includes a manufacturing base for military weapons and other machines. Along with oil reserves and most the windmills for power generation. Then there'll be lots of left over corn and soybeans to make fuel when the heavily populated sections of the country put economic sanctions on the breadbasket sections and refuses trade for the food they require.

Have I missed anything here?

Hey! Good luck with that...



they can send US all their corn and oil and we will send couple of Iphones and a Tesla....saludos from California.
The blue states can do much better without the red states and the federal government.


^^^I only need a simple phone^^^^


^^^^and I need a real vehicle.^^^

You can keep your I have to be socially connected at all times and if it isn't paved I can't drive bullcrap in the heavily populated areas. I have work to do..

Hey does $20-$30 a bushel for corn sound like a fair price to you and $100 a pound for T-bone or is that to inexpensive?



California feeds itself and others. And without us you'll be just another third world place, even worse...they have less idiots and obese people full of diseases.


We're not the one's who have to have slave labor carrying diseases from across the border to harvest our crops that would California.


I find it amusing how the left scream " We don't need the Red States so leave! " while ignoring the mere facts:

So as the left scream " Let'em leave we don't need them " Well you do need the Red States more than you realize but keep on denying it and hope you get your wish...

It would be fun watching Trump try to make America Great Again. He would go down in history as the great "divider"

So go ahead.

You are willing to let them go ?
View attachment 150873

Let me get this straight...

You think you're going too starve out the breadbasket of the United States which also includes a manufacturing base for military weapons and other machines. Along with oil reserves and most the windmills for power generation. Then there'll be lots of left over corn and soybeans to make fuel when the heavily populated sections of the country put economic sanctions on the breadbasket sections and refuses trade for the food they require.

Have I missed anything here?

Hey! Good luck with that...



they can send US all their corn and oil and we will send couple of Iphones and a Tesla....saludos from California.
The blue states can do much better without the red states and the federal government.


^^^I only need a simple phone^^^^


^^^^and I need a real vehicle.^^^

You can keep your I have to be socially connected at all times and if it isn't paved I can't drive bullcrap in the heavily populated areas. I have work to do..

Hey does $20-$30 a bushel for corn sound like a fair price to you and $100 a pound for T-bone or is that to inexpensive?



California feeds itself and others. And without us you'll be just another third world place, even worse...they have less idiots and obese people full of diseases.

That should make you happy. You can let us die without feeling bad.

And, provided you all don't give each other AIDS, then you can take it back when we are all gone.
Wrong again. After the divide, each would have their own White House (on their side) and their own representatives.

As the states leave (one by one) their representatives would be kicked out of congress, which would slowly turn democratic majority. Trump would remain president, and it would be up to the states that left, to form a government.

BTW if texas is going to leave, do it fast, before we spend another dollar on hurricane Harvey.

Not a problem.

Then all those refineries can start exporting gasoline while you try to figure out where to get it.
If the Red states seceeded

We would have to build a wall to keep the ignorant rapists out.

Cuz we all know, some right wingers don't rape.
View attachment 150873

Let me get this straight...

You think you're going too starve out the breadbasket of the United States which also includes a manufacturing base for military weapons and other machines. Along with oil reserves and most the windmills for power generation. Then there'll be lots of left over corn and soybeans to make fuel when the heavily populated sections of the country put economic sanctions on the breadbasket sections and refuses trade for the food they require.

Have I missed anything here?

Hey! Good luck with that...



they can send US all their corn and oil and we will send couple of Iphones and a Tesla....saludos from California.
The blue states can do much better without the red states and the federal government.


^^^I only need a simple phone^^^^


^^^^and I need a real vehicle.^^^

You can keep your I have to be socially connected at all times and if it isn't paved I can't drive bullcrap in the heavily populated areas. I have work to do..

Hey does $20-$30 a bushel for corn sound like a fair price to you and $100 a pound for T-bone or is that to inexpensive?



California feeds itself and others. And without us you'll be just another third world place, even worse...they have less idiots and obese people full of diseases.

View attachment 150967

We're not the one's who have to have slave labor carrying diseases from across the border to harvest our crops that would California.



I would take any disease over a mental one, that's epidemic where u at. And immigrants are people seeking to better their lives and they don't wait for government handouts and subsidies paid most by blue states to go to red states.
View attachment 150873

Let me get this straight...

You think you're going too starve out the breadbasket of the United States which also includes a manufacturing base for military weapons and other machines. Along with oil reserves and most the windmills for power generation. Then there'll be lots of left over corn and soybeans to make fuel when the heavily populated sections of the country put economic sanctions on the breadbasket sections and refuses trade for the food they require.

Have I missed anything here?

Hey! Good luck with that...



they can send US all their corn and oil and we will send couple of Iphones and a Tesla....saludos from California.
The blue states can do much better without the red states and the federal government.


^^^I only need a simple phone^^^^


^^^^and I need a real vehicle.^^^

You can keep your I have to be socially connected at all times and if it isn't paved I can't drive bullcrap in the heavily populated areas. I have work to do..

Hey does $20-$30 a bushel for corn sound like a fair price to you and $100 a pound for T-bone or is that to inexpensive?



California feeds itself and others. And without us you'll be just another third world place, even worse...they have less idiots and obese people full of diseases.

That should make you happy. You can let us die without feeling bad.

And, provided you all don't give each other AIDS, then you can take it back when we are all gone.

Just stating facts a blue state is a successful welcoming state. A red one is an intolerant shithole. I speak from experience as an immigrant, you are privelddged and you won't comprehend. Same goes for an elitist Trump who wants to fix middle class and poor classes problems.
The Blue states are going bankrupt.
The high tax rates and high crime rates are driving the middle class taxpayers out of the Blue states.

The blue states are paying for the red states. It's like a wealthy man married to a spendthrift wife. But in this case the divorce doesn't split the assets.
That would be true if it wasn't the red state wife providing all of the income.
View attachment 150873

Let me get this straight...

You think you're going too starve out the breadbasket of the United States which also includes a manufacturing base for military weapons and other machines. Along with oil reserves and most the windmills for power generation. Then there'll be lots of left over corn and soybeans to make fuel when the heavily populated sections of the country put economic sanctions on the breadbasket sections and refuses trade for the food they require.

Have I missed anything here?

Hey! Good luck with that...



they can send US all their corn and oil and we will send couple of Iphones and a Tesla....saludos from California.
The blue states can do much better without the red states and the federal government.


^^^I only need a simple phone^^^^


^^^^and I need a real vehicle.^^^

You can keep your I have to be socially connected at all times and if it isn't paved I can't drive bullcrap in the heavily populated areas. I have work to do..

Hey does $20-$30 a bushel for corn sound like a fair price to you and $100 a pound for T-bone or is that to inexpensive?



California feeds itself and others. And without us you'll be just another third world place, even worse...they have less idiots and obese people full of diseases.

That should make you happy. You can let us die without feeling bad.

And, provided you all don't give each other AIDS, then you can take it back when we are all gone.

Just stating facts a blue state is a successful welcoming state. A red one is an intolerant shithole. I speak from experience as an immigrant, you are privelddged and you won't comprehend. Same goes for an elitist Trump who wants to fix middle class and poor classes problems.

A blue state is a successful welcoming state ???/ You mean like Illinois ? You know Chicago where you get welcomed with a bullet.

Or New Mexico ?

Texas is a great state to do business.

Keep trying.
If the Red states seceeded

We would have to build a wall to keep the ignorant rapists out.

Cuz we all know, some right wingers don't rape.

Like I said, I would love to divide this country in two right down the middle, and conservatives on one side and liberals on the other. I can't imagine how great life would be never having to deal with liberal idiocy again.
If the Red states seceeded

We would have to build a wall to keep the ignorant rapists out.

Cuz we all know, some right wingers don't rape.

Like I said, I would love to divide this country in two right down the middle, and conservatives on one side and liberals on the other. I can't imagine how great life would be never having to deal with liberal idiocy again.

after a few months, they would be lining up at the border begging to be let back in. L.A. would be come a shithole in a very short time. SFO would become a shithole on the bay even faster. The "citizens" would be storming Pelosi's mansion demanding free food.
If the Red states seceeded

We would have to build a wall to keep the ignorant rapists out.

Cuz we all know, some right wingers don't rape.

Like I said, I would love to divide this country in two right down the middle, and conservatives on one side and liberals on the other. I can't imagine how great life would be never having to deal with liberal idiocy again.

after a few months, they would be lining up at the border begging to be let back in. L.A. would be come a shithole in a very short time. SFO would become a shithole on the bay even faster. The "citizens" would be storming Pelosi's mansion demanding free food.

Think how great that would be. Lower taxes, much, much lower crime, in fact, we would have to close many of our prisons. No more idiotic pollution regulations to worry about. Businesses would flock to our side of the country because of lower taxes. Everybody that can work would be working, it would be wonderful. And if we chose the eastern side to be the conservative part, my property value would double almost overnight.
Let's say that in the U.S., the rural Midwest along with a chunk of the rural South and Alaska seceded form the Union. Let's say the rural Midwest plus the Dakotas all the way down to the Gulf of Mexico (including Texas) plus Alaska. They're not trying to overthrow the existing government of the U.S. and dictate life to the remaining part of the country, simply trying to leave and start their own government. Now, their reasons for doing so have nothing to do with anything anywhere near as morally reprehensible as slavery. Let's say it actually IS economic reasons that caused this situation in this particular case.

If you were President of the U.S., would you send in the tanks, the infantry, and the planes to carpet bomb cities like Minneapolis MN and Lincoln NE to the ground and basically kill enough of them to the point where they agree to come back against their will in chains and vow to be part of your nation again as long as you promise to stop killing them and their families?

I would suggest a non-violent alternative. We could use economic sanctions to prevent them from trading with anyone. That's right, no goods in or out of the their country. We would starve them out. They would come back before their families died and beg to become part of the Union again. They would have only an isolated geographical region. There are certain crops such as olives, coconuts, and pineapples that they simply cannot grow in sufficient numbers. I would use their lack of sufficient agricultural diversity to make them understand why we need each other.

I would suggest not smoking pot and eating chocolate before bed time.
You're not grasping that it takes agricultural DIVERSITY to feed your people. The Midwest lacks that. They can't grow olives, coconuts, and many other types of plants in sufficient numbers.

And they grow that in New York City?

Btw ,We don't eat that crap, we are meat and potatoes..
America would be far better off without these deadbeat states.

-They are the real takers
-They hold America back
-They're third world
You'd starve to fucking death w/o the Midwest and south.

fucking leftists are so goddamn dumb it's shocking
No we wouldn't....and what would your Midwest and South do with your grown food? Keep it and let it rot or sell it to us for pay for the infrastructure of your "new" country?

Yes you would, or you would turn into cannibals , oh wait you already are.

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