If the RINOs go along with impeaching Trump, we need a third party.

In Germany when the Nazis consolidated their power there were many that knew it was bad for Germany but they went along with it because they wanted to align themselves with power, no matter how corrupt the leaders were.

The RINOs are doing the same thing.
Any attempt to impeach Trump at this point is nothing more than a symbolic spit in the face of half of America. If the GOP gets behind it, they show their true colors.
Don’t worry it has zero chance of passing the senate

Congress is in Recess until January 21

No way will they be able to impeach over something Trump didn't do.
Except trump did this.

I have been waiting for three days for a specific lets attack the Capital building statement from Trump, so far ZERO. You are latest Trump hater to fail to make the case.

Spare me. He told them to march to the capital.

Still nothing.

You heard and the rest of the nation heard him.
/——/ Libtards fear a giant Trump rally in DC on Inauguration Day. Imagine 100,000 Trump supports with air horns and flags on Pennsylvania Ave while Dementia Joe mumbles through the oath of office.

They're still afraid of Trump. Thus, another impeachment folly pursued.

Trump wanted a better-looking group of seditious coup plotters.
Donald Trump doesn’t care about the destruction of democracy, in fact, he favors it. The only thing that truly disgusted him was that his supporters didn’t look good on television.

Trump Is Upset Because His Rioters Looked Low Class On TV
Correct me if I'm wrong, which I'm sure you will. DJT is upset because it was a bunch of pipe bomb toting, Red Neck Crackers that came out to overturn a Free and Fair election?

He hasn't said anything about that or the cop that was killed with the fire extinguisher.. just that they aren't well dressed.
/——/ Libtards shut down his social media then complain he doesn’t speak out.

Trump has had two months to quell violence. He's out for revenge against the country. That's what Trump does every time he fails.. Look at his track record back to the 1980s.

They do not care and let me say this Trump is just a vessel for their anger and he think he is using them but they are using each other and he profits from it...

The World has been warned about men like Trump since the dawn of time and yet they rise and fall and the rise is usually the same and when they fall it is as hard as can be!

Trump has other avenues to speak his mind and Twitter and other platforms can regulate his comments just like USMB can regulate our comments...

Only a fool believe their freedom of speech is allowed no matter what type of speech but it has limits and private platforms have terms of agreement of usage of their site which Trump has violated many times!
It’s men like T and his base that won WW2 !! You ignoramus buffoon

Oh no.. they were nothing like Trump. He's an ignorant coward.
Tell that to all the dead Isis members that T took care of !!!
Wow are you a vacuous clown
Any attempt to impeach Trump at this point is nothing more than a symbolic spit in the face of half of America. If the GOP gets behind it, they show their true colors.
Don’t worry it has zero chance of passing the senate

Congress is in Recess until January 21

No way will they be able to impeach over something Trump didn't do.
Except trump did this.

I have been waiting for three days for a specific lets attack the Capital building statement from Trump, so far ZERO. You are latest Trump hater to fail to make the case.

Spare me. He told them to march to the capital.

Still nothing.

You heard and the rest of the nation heard him.
/——/ Libtards fear a giant Trump rally in DC on Inauguration Day. Imagine 100,000 Trump supports with air horns and flags on Pennsylvania Ave while Dementia Joe mumbles through the oath of office.

They're still afraid of Trump. Thus, another impeachment folly pursued.

Trump wanted a better-looking group of seditious coup plotters.
Donald Trump doesn’t care about the destruction of democracy, in fact, he favors it. The only thing that truly disgusted him was that his supporters didn’t look good on television.

Trump Is Upset Because His Rioters Looked Low Class On TV
Correct me if I'm wrong, which I'm sure you will. DJT is upset because it was a bunch of pipe bomb toting, Red Neck Crackers that came out to overturn a Free and Fair election?
Those are the folks that actually work for a living and pay taxes and support your white trash welfare
Blacks have worked in this country since day number fucking one. And our labor and taxes have paid for everything whites have now. So I suggest that you sorry ass whites here who are racists shut the fuck up about whio works and who pays. Those raggedy crackers rushed the capital over some shit they imagined that was not real. That attack was a pure manifestation of white racist psychosis. We blacks have every reason to storm the white house, so do native Americans, Hispanics, Asians, Arabs, and white women with good sense. None of these groups who have legitimate beefs with the government have ever done that. But white privilege makes you believe that because the asshole you voted for didn't win, that somehow your right to be white rulers of this nation was infringed upon.
Money laundering? Are you talking about Trump? He was fined for money laundering thru his Casinos.

Nancy's family brought thousands and thousands of black people by enticement to Baltimore for jobs as the United States started to not compete with the world after WW 2 as they retooled for competition. African Americans were last hired and first fired in many other cities who did the same thing. Baltimore is so much fun today.
Dumb whites can't associate the loss of American jobs to white owned American multinational corporrations who build plants in other countries to exploit cheap labor.
Money laundering? Are you talking about Trump? He was fined for money laundering thru his Casinos.

Nancy's family brought thousands and thousands of black people by enticement to Baltimore for jobs as the United States started to not compete with the world after WW 2 as they retooled for competition. African Americans were last hired and first fired in many other cities who did the same thing. Baltimore is so much fun today.
Dumb whites can't associate the loss of American jobs to white owned American multinational corporrations who build plants in other countries to exploit cheap labor.
/———-/ Trump brought the jobs back and Dementia Joe will send them overseas again.
Money laundering? Are you talking about Trump? He was fined for money laundering thru his Casinos.

Nancy's family brought thousands and thousands of black people by enticement to Baltimore for jobs as the United States started to not compete with the world after WW 2 as they retooled for competition. African Americans were last hired and first fired in many other cities who did the same thing. Baltimore is so much fun today.
Dumb whites can't associate the loss of American jobs to white owned American multinational corporrations who build plants in other countries to exploit cheap labor.
They are dumb. That much is true. Just look at the last 4 years. Where I disagree with you is the reason of the loss of jobs for everyone. Automation.
Any attempt to impeach Trump at this point is nothing more than a symbolic spit in the face of half of America. If the GOP gets behind it, they show their true colors.
And maybe that half needs to be spit on because more than half voted against trump and in a democracy the majority wins. Trump broke the law. At minimum he should be impeached. So form your third party.
What law did Trump break?

Maybe you should move to a country with only one political party so you'd always win.
Just put the AH on a little boat with half a paddle to find another country that will except him.
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Any attempt to impeach Trump at this point is nothing more than a symbolic spit in the face of half of America. If the GOP gets behind it, they show their true colors.
And maybe that half needs to be spit on because more than half voted against trump and in a democracy the majority wins. Trump broke the law. At minimum he should be impeached. So form your third party.
What law did Trump break?

Maybe you should move to a country with only one political party so you'd always win.
Just put the AH on a little boat with half a paddle to find another country that will except him.
Yes. That's an excellent plan.
Money laundering? Are you talking about Trump? He was fined for money laundering thru his Casinos.

Nancy's family brought thousands and thousands of black people by enticement to Baltimore for jobs as the United States started to not compete with the world after WW 2 as they retooled for competition. African Americans were last hired and first fired in many other cities who did the same thing. Baltimore is so much fun today.
Dumb whites can't associate the loss of American jobs to white owned American multinational corporrations who build plants in other countries to exploit cheap labor.
They are dumb. That much is true. Just look at the last 4 years. Where I disagree with you is the reason of the loss of jobs for everyone. Automation.
Automation also played a role. You are correct about that.
Money laundering? Are you talking about Trump? He was fined for money laundering thru his Casinos.

Nancy's family brought thousands and thousands of black people by enticement to Baltimore for jobs as the United States started to not compete with the world after WW 2 as they retooled for competition. African Americans were last hired and first fired in many other cities who did the same thing. Baltimore is so much fun today.
Dumb whites can't associate the loss of American jobs to white owned American multinational corporrations who build plants in other countries to exploit cheap labor.
/———-/ Trump brought the jobs back and Dementia Joe will send them overseas again.
No he did not.
"What law did Trump break?"

Incitement of an insurrection against the U.S. government to name one.
"What law did Trump break?"

Incitement of an insurrection against the U.S. government to name one.
He swore an oath to the Constitution to protect this country. He failed.

The oath of office of the president of the United States is the oath or affirmation that the president of the United States takes after assuming the presidency but before exercising or carrying out any presidential powers or duties. The wording of the oath is specified in Article II, Section One, Clause 8, of the United States Constitution.

This clause is one of three oath or affirmation clauses in the Constitution, but it is the only one that actually specifies the words that must be spoken. Article I, Section 3 requires Senators, when sitting to try impeachments, to be "on Oath or Affirmation." Article VI, Clause 3, similarly requires the persons specified therein to "be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution." The presidential oath requires much more than that general oath of allegiance and fidelity. This clause enjoins the new president to swear or affirm that he "will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."[1]

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I see no question about it, we need two new parties to replace both the Democrats and Republicans.
I see no question about it, we need two new parties to replace both the Democrats and Republicans.
Actually we just need to open up the elections to all parties. We don't see democrats doing what republicans have done. This both sideism is fake news.
Any attempt to impeach Trump at this point is nothing more than a symbolic spit in the face of half of America. If the GOP gets behind it, they show their true colors.

On the news I heard the Reps have said there will be no impeachment. The Dems are imbeciles.
Any attempt to impeach Trump at this point is nothing more than a symbolic spit in the face of half of America. If the GOP gets behind it, they show their true colors.
And maybe that half needs to be spit on because more than half voted against trump and in a democracy the majority wins. Trump broke the law. At minimum he should be impeached. So form your third party.
What law did Trump break?

Maybe you should move to a country with only one political party so you'd always win.
Just put the AH on a little boat with half a paddle to find another country that will except him.
Move to Cuba if you want a one-party state, asshole. Your belief that you have more right to live here than I do only shows what a douchebag you are.
Any attempt to impeach Trump at this point is nothing more than a symbolic spit in the face of half of America. If the GOP gets behind it, they show their true colors.
And maybe that half needs to be spit on because more than half voted against trump and in a democracy the majority wins. Trump broke the law. At minimum he should be impeached. So form your third party.
What law did Trump break?

Maybe you should move to a country with only one political party so you'd always win.
Just put the AH on a little boat with half a paddle to find another country that will except him.
Yes. That's an excellent plan.
Perfect plan by a couple of goose-stepping Nazis. When the revolution is over, you'll be one of the first on the way to the Gulag.

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