If "The TRUMP ARMY" Comes Out Full Force Tomorrow. Bye Bye Hillary!!!

People love a good circus act... Doesn't mean the ring leader should be the leader of the free world. Not gonna happen. Trump is a joke, elections are not decided by crowd sizes at Rallies. The fact that you and Trump think so, only shows how little you know.
Nope. The election depends on TURNOUT. Trump has it, Hillary doesn't. She draws flies though, but flies can't vote.
Again, you don't gauge voting turn out on rally turn out... Trump puts on a show, he is new to the political world and is known for doing off the wall things. This is interesting and entertaining for people. Hillary is a policy wonk and a lawyer/politician that is no where near as captivating on stage. Of course Trump is going to get bigger crowds. But that does not mean the majority of Americans trust him to run our country. You will see tomorrow
Again, you don't gauge voting turn out on rally turn out... Trump puts on a show, he is new to the political world and is known for doing off the wall things. This is interesting and entertaining for people. Hillary is a policy wonk and a lawyer/politician that is no where near as captivating on stage. Of course Trump is going to get bigger crowds. But that does not mean the majority of Americans trust him to run our country. You will see tomorrow

The point is those crowds gauge enthusiasm and desire. There is very little of that with Hil-Liar. In fact she has to throw concerts to get any kind of crowd at all.

Trump draws more people in one rally than Hil-Liar can draw in ten. Pollsters ask people who they support, but if those supporters don't vote, then the polls are meaningless.

It's much harder for a criminal to draw people to vote for them than it is an entertainer/ businessman.
People love a good circus act... Doesn't mean the ring leader should be the leader of the free world. Not gonna happen. Trump is a joke, elections are not decided by crowd sizes at Rallies. The fact that you and Trump think so, only shows how little you know.

It shows enthusiasm for the candidate. Notice how hillary has to book super stars at her so called rallies to get even a decent crowd? If she wins this election, then I'm convinced that it will be through voter fraud and vote machine manipulation.
The good people who did so much to help the Hillary campaign are now quite concerned!

Because it's all about "pay to play" with The Klinton Krime Kabal, they supplied an unlimited quantity of their product for free!

And, of course, were granted certain rights.

But now they're worried.

They may have to repackage over twelve million boxes......

HRH Depends.jpg
The only thing it gauges is how much free time the ignorant have on their hands. If you think otherwise, you really are naive.

Really? So why is it those DumBama voters had all the time on their hands when he was running? Hmmmm.

Given the fact that over one-third of our population of working age are not working nor looking for work, I think there are plenty of libs, Commies and Socialists who have time to see Hillary, but don't want to waste their time.
The good people who did so much to help the Hillary campaign are now quite concerned!

Because it's all about "pay to play" with The Klinton Krime Kabal, they supplied an unlimited quantity of their product for free!

And, of course, were granted certain rights.

But now they're worried.

They may have to repackage over twelve million boxes......

It's clearly an election of good vs evil, and the devil may win if people give up. But it's funny how Hil-Liar is campaigning in blue states instead of red or undecided. Do you think she has inside information that she's not doing as well as the polls suggest????
The only thing it gauges is how much free time the ignorant have on their hands. If you think otherwise, you really are naive.

Really? So why is it those DumBama voters had all the time on their hands when he was running? Hmmmm.

Given the fact that over one-third of our population of working age are not working nor looking for work, I think there are plenty of libs, Commies and Socialists who have plenty of time to see Hillary, but don't want to waste their time.

Yeah, because it's so much harder to show up tomorrow and cast a ballot than it is to sit through a blow hard idiot with a wicked comb over spew pointless dribble for an hour.
Yeah, because it's so much harder to show up tomorrow and cast a ballot than it is to sit through a blow hard idiot with a wicked comb over spew pointless dribble for an hour.

Probably won't get that many to show up and vote for her. Remember, libs aren't smart enough to figure out how to obtain a Voter-ID, only Republicans are.
so sad, that we can all count the hillary attendence on our hands.
if Trump wins,I can start wearing my white outfit again in public.
Not at all. It has to be true because that's what liberals tell us, and we all know how liberals never lie.
Probably won't get that many to show up and vote for her. Remember, libs aren't smart enough to figure out how to obtain a Voter-ID, only Republicans are.

That has to be true since liberals have never won a national race.

Not at all. It has to be true because that's what liberals tell us, and we all know how liberals never lie.

They all lie. Believing any of it is naive. So many on this site say they are "informed". Apparently "informed" is just swallowing whatever partisan B.S. that appeals to them while swearing it's based on some contrived truth that they, and only they, claim to know.

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