If the U.S. has no separation of church and state, what is the state religion?

I am right of center and you are not mainstream, Kosh.

Believe however you wish and I will do the same. However, neither of us can impose our religious beliefs on the other in state-supported activities.

Hardly you are a far left Obama drone. And as usual the rest of your post is untrue.

Ad homming does not help your case, my friend. The social cons in the TPM are indeed very far right and not representative of mainstream America.

Say the far left Obama drone!
"Now it would seem that the far left hatred of Christianity is the sole bases for their stance. It is all about hatred and nothing else."

There is nothing in that to lead one to believe any such thing. However, atheists and agnostics and free thinkers have every right to protect their rights from far right Christians who would invade them.

Actually sir, you are confused.

The COTUS does NOT prevent ME from violating your rights. It only prevents the GOVERNMENT from doing so.

For instance, if you're my employee I can certainly restrict your speech while you're at work.

This is where we've went off track. People forget the actual intent of our founding fathers.

I'll say it again. The founding fathers themselves prayed before each session . Seems odd behavior for people who intended for religion to never be practiced on public property.
Liberals intend to secure religious freedom by rewriting the Bible to suit themselves then permitting the freedom to practice religion according to the way they have deemed acceptable.
Not one of the social cons religious folks here have demonstrated that their points of view should be accepted by Congress.

It is what it is, guys, and will continue to be that way.
Not one of the social cons religious folks here have demonstrated that their points of view should be accepted by Congress.

It is what it is, guys, and will continue to be that way.

What does Congress have to do with the discussion?

SCOTUS is the one who needs to correct their thinking here. I am hopeful that the more insane of the liberals have pissed off enough people that over time we will see a reverse of the recent trend and SCOTUS will reverse its position on many things.

The founding fathers didn't want public prayer

The founding fathers took part in public prayer

How can you square those two statements? Simple you can't.The latter is a fact, while the former is an incorrect opinion.

In fact, here is one of even more hilarity. The SCOTUS which ruled no public prayer PROBABLY had their session opened WITH a prayer.

Good grief.
Not one of the social cons religious folks here have demonstrated that their points of view should be accepted by Congress.

It is what it is, guys, and will continue to be that way.

This should be an easy one for the Obama drone:

Please show all laws that written and submitted by the Christian Church in the last 40 years.
What, that you are not imposing, if you can, your religious values on others?

More far left propaganda!

:lol: Do you believe that Christian prayers should be held and approved by public school authorities? Bet you do.

We had prayer in our schools since the founding of our nation until it was taken out in 1962.
Ever since then our school system has been going downhill as well as the behavior of our children.
Seems to me we took the wrong direction and instead of banning Christian prayer we should have included more religions to accommodate everyone.
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More far left propaganda!

:lol: Do you believe that Christian prayers should be held and approved by public school authorities? Bet you do.

We had prayer in our schools since the founding of our nation until it was taken out in 1962.
Ever since then our school system has been going downhill as well as the behavior of our children.
Seems to me we took the wrong direction and instead of banning Christian prayer we should have included more religions to accommodate everyone.

Why would you want some school teacher to teach religion to your kids? I would argue the parents are more to blame for their kids behavior than whether religion is being taught in schools.

Improvements are being made to the school systems across the country. The places where the "scores" do no reflect improvement are usually tied to sectors of students who's parents are not educated.
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:lol: Do you believe that Christian prayers should be held and approved by public school authorities? Bet you do.

We had prayer in our schools since the founding of our nation until it was taken out in 1962.
Ever since then our school system has been going downhill as well as the behavior of our children.
Seems to me we took the wrong direction and instead of banning Christian prayer we should have included more religions to accommodate everyone.

Why would you want some school teacher to teach religion to your kids? I would argue the parents are more to blame for their kids behavior than whether religion is being taught in schools.

Improvements are being made to the school systems across the country. The places where the "scores" do no reflect improvement are usually tied to sectors of students who's parents are not educated.

I don't want teachers teaching religion to my kids. I can barely tolerate them teaching reading and writing to my kids.

However, having a prayer at school is NOT teaching religion to kids. Oh , it might be teaching religious tolerance to kids, to but that certainly isn't unconstitutional.

See, that's what it really boils down to. The left and the right are EQUALLY intolerant, just of different things.

What kind of messed up world do we live in when the same person who abhors the idea of prayer in school defends some little 5th grade boy's "right" to use the girl's bathroom?

It's a world that I'm ashamed of, I can tell you that.

This country DESPERATELY needs a dose of TRUE conservatism. I don't mean fake conservatives who want to control people. I mean TRUE conservatives who stand up and say you mind your own business, and I'll mind mine, and we'll actually have the government obey the COTUS for a change.
More far left propaganda!

:lol: Do you believe that Christian prayers should be held and approved by public school authorities? Bet you do.

We had prayer in our schools since the founding of our nation until it was taken out in 1962.
Ever since then our school system has been going downhill as well as the behavior of our children. Seems to me we took the wrong direction and instead of banning Christian prayer we should have included more religions to accommodate everyone.

Not in all schools, not in all states. For instance, I never once in public school had organized prayer in our classrooms or our assemblies, and I attended three different school systems.

Do you really think you can ban God from the classroom? Go tell Him she is not wanted.

Your desire violates the Constitution.
Not one of the social cons religious folks here have demonstrated that their points of view should be accepted by Congress.

It is what it is, guys, and will continue to be that way.

This should be an easy one for the Obama drone:

Please show all laws that written and submitted by the Christian Church in the last 40 years.

Watch how easy this is to expose you for the so-called "Christina" shilling you are up to here.

You are not a conservative, Kosh, and your request means nothing because we are talking about so-called "Christians" pushing locally, state-wide, and nationally for laws that would coerce those who don't want rightwing reactionary so-called Christian religious practices in our public schools.
We had prayer in our schools since the founding of our nation until it was taken out in 1962.
Ever since then our school system has been going downhill as well as the behavior of our children.
Seems to me we took the wrong direction and instead of banning Christian prayer we should have included more religions to accommodate everyone.

Why would you want some school teacher to teach religion to your kids? I would argue the parents are more to blame for their kids behavior than whether religion is being taught in schools.

Improvements are being made to the school systems across the country. The places where the "scores" do no reflect improvement are usually tied to sectors of students who's parents are not educated.

I don't want teachers teaching religion to my kids. I can barely tolerate them teaching reading and writing to my kids.

However, having a prayer at school is NOT teaching religion to kids. Oh , it might be teaching religious tolerance to kids, to but that certainly isn't unconstitutional.

See, that's what it really boils down to. The left and the right are EQUALLY intolerant, just of different things.

What kind of messed up world do we live in when the same person who abhors the idea of prayer in school defends some little 5th grade boy's "right" to use the girl's bathroom?

It's a world that I'm ashamed of, I can tell you that.

This country DESPERATELY needs a dose of TRUE conservatism. I don't mean fake conservatives who want to control people. I mean TRUE conservatives who stand up and say you mind your own business, and I'll mind mine, and we'll actually have the government obey the COTUS for a change.

I thought the issue was school "sanctioned" prayer such as speeches at an assembly where a particular religion is taught to the kids. They can no more stop you from praying as they can stop you from day dreaming.
Not one of the social cons religious folks here have demonstrated that their points of view should be accepted by Congress.

It is what it is, guys, and will continue to be that way.

This should be an easy one for the Obama drone:

Please show all laws that written and submitted by the Christian Church in the last 40 years.

Watch how easy this is to expose you for the so-called "Christina" shilling you are up to here.

You are not a conservative, Kosh, and your request means nothing because we are talking about so-called "Christians" pushing locally, state-wide, and nationally for laws that would coerce those who don't want rightwing reactionary so-called Christian religious practices in our public schools.

So you now admit that it was far left propaganda you were pushing.

In other words you can not back up your claims.

Typical far left!
Why would you want some school teacher to teach religion to your kids? I would argue the parents are more to blame for their kids behavior than whether religion is being taught in schools.

Improvements are being made to the school systems across the country. The places where the "scores" do no reflect improvement are usually tied to sectors of students who's parents are not educated.

I don't want teachers teaching religion to my kids. I can barely tolerate them teaching reading and writing to my kids.

However, having a prayer at school is NOT teaching religion to kids. Oh , it might be teaching religious tolerance to kids, to but that certainly isn't unconstitutional.

See, that's what it really boils down to. The left and the right are EQUALLY intolerant, just of different things.

What kind of messed up world do we live in when the same person who abhors the idea of prayer in school defends some little 5th grade boy's "right" to use the girl's bathroom?

It's a world that I'm ashamed of, I can tell you that.

This country DESPERATELY needs a dose of TRUE conservatism. I don't mean fake conservatives who want to control people. I mean TRUE conservatives who stand up and say you mind your own business, and I'll mind mine, and we'll actually have the government obey the COTUS for a change.

I thought the issue was school "sanctioned" prayer such as speeches at an assembly where a particular religion is taught to the kids. They can no more stop you from praying as they can stop you from day dreaming.

No such existed before, but to the far left it did.

I have no problem hearing about how someone's faith helped them do good in school, but the far left does not even want someone saying that. I don't care if someone claims it was Allah himself that helped them get straight A's, but I bet the far left would allow this.
:lol: Do you believe that Christian prayers should be held and approved by public school authorities? Bet you do.

We had prayer in our schools since the founding of our nation until it was taken out in 1962.
Ever since then our school system has been going downhill as well as the behavior of our children. Seems to me we took the wrong direction and instead of banning Christian prayer we should have included more religions to accommodate everyone.

Not in all schools, not in all states. For instance, I never once in public school had organized prayer in our classrooms or our assemblies, and I attended three different school systems.

Do you really think you can ban God from the classroom? Go tell Him she is not wanted.

Your desire violates the Constitution.

Tell that to the founders whose letters all talked of wanting religion taught.
They never wanted the Federal Government running the schools.

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