If the world and many military experts are of the belief that Afghanistan cannot be withdrawn from, why isn't the UN getting involved?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I see the articles on many news sites (one updated from BBC below), I hear many speakers on Indian news, German news etc suggesting that the expansion of the Taliban is not good. I hear former military men and diplomats suggest this. If this is all true, why isn't the U.N getting involved?

Afghan conflict: Taliban control all key cities except Kabul​

Tensions are rising in the Afghan capital, Kabul, as the Taliban continue their rapid advance towards the city.
The militants seized the eastern city of Jalalabad early on Sunday, leaving Kabul as the only major city still under government control.
It followed the capture on Saturday of the government's northern bastion of Mazar-i-Sharif.
The collapse of government forces has left President Ashraf Ghani under growing pressure to resign.
He faces a stark choice between surrender or a fight to hold the capital.
Meanwhile, the US said it was deploying 5,000 troops to help evacuate its nationals from the beleaguered country.
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Why isn't the UN not getting involved?..because they are not controlled by a bunch of right wing chicken hawks whose only interest to keeping that god forsaken war going is that it's making big money for the military-industrial complex.
Send Trump and the Space force in, they can bring peace and prosperity to the whole region and all mankind in a week . . . . sure they can. :heehee:

Seriously though. . . I think they are going to try to get Pakistan government to broker a peace deal, which is a crock, because the rumors I hear, are that the Taliban are being funded and supported by the Pakistani intel., so they that government of Pakistan will have a puppet regime friendly to them next door.
Seriously though. . . I think they are going to try to get Pakistan government to broker a peace deal, which is a crock, because the rumors I hear, are that the Taliban are being funded and supported by the Pakistani intel., so they that government of Pakistan will have a puppet regime friendly to them next door.

I’ve heard that too about Pakistan.

Oh and, I think Trump would have handled the whole thing differently. Even though he advocated pulling out the troops.

I blame the whole debacle on Charlie Wilson. Bleeding heart Democrats. As usual!
The majority of the UN membership is made up of crime families and assorted dictators; it's a joke organization. They're mostly just around to protect terrorists from their victims. With Red China and Russia on it's Security Council, it will never be a cause for good, so quit funding it, it's a waste of time, and get the vermin out of New York City, put the HQ in Somalia, where the majority of its members would be happiest.
I’ve heard that too about Pakistan.

Oh and, I think Trump would have handled the whole thing differently. Even though he advocated pulling out the troops.

I blame the whole debacle on Charlie Wilson. Bleeding heart Democrats. As usual!
Wow. . we are in total agreement on something. . .

Totally on the same page.

He probably would have leveraged India, he and Modi seemed to get on pretty good, and then, he probably wouldn't have been dumb enough to telegraph when, where, and how he was going to draw down. It probably would have been during the winter when the Taliban couldn't have been so operational, and the ISI couldn't have been as willing to throw in support for an offensive.

If Trump had the support of India putting pressure from the East on the Paki's, this draw down might have gone down a whole lot different.
Wow. . we are in total agreement on something. . .

Totally on the same page.

He probably would have leveraged India, he and Modi seemed to get on pretty good, and then, he probably wouldn't have been dumb enough to telegraph when, where, and how he was going to draw down. It probably would have been during the winter when the Taliban couldn't have been so operational, and the ISI couldn't have been as willing to throw in support for an offensive.

If Trump had the support of India putting pressure from the East on the Paki's, this draw down might have gone down a whole lot different.

I think he would have got some sort of deal. That’s his modus operandi.

Do you know the parable of the ice rink?
I see the articles on many news sites (one updated from BBC below), I hear many speakers on Indian news, German news etc suggesting that the expansion of the Taliban is not good. I hear former military men and diplomats suggest this. If this is all true, why isn't the U.N getting involved?

Afghan conflict: Taliban control all key cities except Kabul​

Tensions are rising in the Afghan capital, Kabul, as the Taliban continue their rapid advance towards the city.
The militants seized the eastern city of Jalalabad early on Sunday, leaving Kabul as the only major city still under government control.
It followed the capture on Saturday of the government's northern bastion of Mazar-i-Sharif.
The collapse of government forces has left President Ashraf Ghani under growing pressure to resign.
He faces a stark choice between surrender or a fight to hold the capital.
Meanwhile, the US said it was deploying 5,000 troops to help evacuate its nationals from the beleaguered country.
Send in some Canadians. We've had folks there for two decades. It's time to be done.
the American army has crap in Afghanistan.
you got a second Vietnam.
I am glad
Well it appears the Afghan President has left the country as Kabul has fallen,

I'm sure women in particular are giddy about the prospect of Taliban rule once again. 20 Years in that country and what was accomplished?
Why isn't the UN not getting involved?..because they are not controlled by a bunch of right wing chicken hawks whose only interest to keeping that god forsaken war going is that it's making big money for the military-industrial complex.

Another person whining about a mythical "military industrial complex".

As though any contractors are getting rich off of Afghanistan...
I see the articles on many news sites (one updated from BBC below), I hear many speakers on Indian news, German news etc suggesting that the expansion of the Taliban is not good. I hear former military men and diplomats suggest this. If this is all true, why isn't the U.N getting involved?

Afghan conflict: Taliban control all key cities except Kabul​

Tensions are rising in the Afghan capital, Kabul, as the Taliban continue their rapid advance towards the city.
The militants seized the eastern city of Jalalabad early on Sunday, leaving Kabul as the only major city still under government control.
It followed the capture on Saturday of the government's northern bastion of Mazar-i-Sharif.
The collapse of government forces has left President Ashraf Ghani under growing pressure to resign.
He faces a stark choice between surrender or a fight to hold the capital.
Meanwhile, the US said it was deploying 5,000 troops to help evacuate its nationals from the beleaguered country.
Because the UN is a worthless organzation that is only interested in bribes corruption and kickbacks
Because the UN is a worthless organzation that is only interested in bribes corruption and kickbacks

Bequeathed to the world by Stalin and Franklin Roosevelt.

The U.N. charter was authored by a communist, the first U.N. Secretary-general was a communist, and the U.N., from the beginning, was designed to be a Union of World Socialist Republics.

Stalin's spy, Alger Hiss was the leading force in the designing of the United Nations. He was secretary of the Dumbarten Oaks Conversations from August to October of 1944 where most of the preliminary planning for the U.N. was done. He was Roosevelt's right-hand man in February of 1945 at Yalta where the postwar boundaries of Europe were drawn (Roosevelt was a dying man at the time. His death came only ten weeks later). At Yalta it was agreed that the Soviet Union would have three votes (one each for Russia, Ukraine, and Byelorussia) in the U.N. General Assembly, even though the United States had only one.

.... three years later. Alger Hiss was exposed as a communist spy and sent to prison. Only then did people understand why the emblem of the United Nations looked so much like the emblem of the Soviet Union.


There is the competent withdrawal we would have got from Trump if the Democrat turds not stolen the election.

Then we have the incompetent disaster we are seeing from the asshole that stole the election.

Big difference.
I blame the whole debacle on Charlie Wilson.

Actually, if they had listened to him decades ago, we likely never would have been in that mess.

Wilson tried to push through support and funding for the Islamic State of Afghanistan, a fairly liberal and parliamentarian government set up under the Peshawar Accords after the Soviets withdrew. That is the government that collapsed 4 years later after constant attacks by the group that became the Taliban. If we had supported them all the way back then, there likely would never have been a Taliban in the first place.
If this is all true, why isn't the U.N getting involved?

The UN itself has never really gotten involved anywhere, unless one of the five "Permanent Members" (China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) has an interest. The most they ever do most of the time is pass yet another resolution, then whine that nobody pays attention to them.
I see the articles on many news sites (one updated from BBC below), I hear many speakers on Indian news, German news etc suggesting that the expansion of the Taliban is not good. I hear former military men and diplomats suggest this. If this is all true, why isn't the U.N getting involved?

Afghan conflict: Taliban control all key cities except Kabul​

Tensions are rising in the Afghan capital, Kabul, as the Taliban continue their rapid advance towards the city.
The militants seized the eastern city of Jalalabad early on Sunday, leaving Kabul as the only major city still under government control.
It followed the capture on Saturday of the government's northern bastion of Mazar-i-Sharif.
The collapse of government forces has left President Ashraf Ghani under growing pressure to resign.
He faces a stark choice between surrender or a fight to hold the capital.
Meanwhile, the US said it was deploying 5,000 troops to help evacuate its nationals from the beleaguered country.

No one with any knowledge of Afghanistan suggests the Taliban are not the appropriate and best leaders for Afghanistan.
Western cultures would prefer someone else, but Afghanistan prefers the Taliban.

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