President Biden Has DECIDED Not To Extend The August 31 Deadline To Be out Of Afghanistan

Trump announced we would be leaving (he said in May). This was quite awhile ago. How is it people didn't pack up and leave then if they wanted out?
Perhaps because Joe immediately dumped everything Trump-related, in the first weeks of his administration and these people felt they could trust their government to be sure they got out? Are you REALLY going to say they deserve torture or death for making such a mistake?
you cant deflect this time ..... is that the line the left is going to use if people left behind are tortured and murdered ?
Those like him better KNOW not to talk that trash in public down here in my little part of Paradise. It just wouldn't be prudent. People down here are ANGRY over this outrageous bull shit.
Perhaps because Joe immediately dumped everything Trump-related, in the first weeks of his administration and these people felt they could trust their government to be sure they got out? Are you REALLY going to say they deserve torture or death for making such a mistake?

Maybe they should all jump off a cliff like the Japanese did on Saipan Island?
We did something really stupid.
Yeah, sometimes we do. THIS, however, is NOT ONE OF THOSE TIMES that "we" screwed up. THIS is a presidential decision that his own people admit was against the considered advice of his military AND Intel, AND State Department advisers/cabinet members. Every drop of blood, every horror we see, EVERY BIT is down to that feckless old shill or whoever the hell is pulling his strings.
Maybe they should all jump off a cliff like the Japanese did on Saipan Island?
Thanks, you just outed yourself as a fecking troll. Maybe YOU should take a dive, asshole.
Yeah, sometimes we do. THIS, however, is NOT ONE OF THOSE TIMES that "we" screwed up. THIS is a presidential decision that his own people admit was against the considered advice of his military AND Intel, AND State Department advisers/cabinet members. Every drop of blood, every horror we see, EVERY BIT is down to that feckless old shill or whoever the hell is pulling his strings.

I have no doubt that the military was telling him to stay. When Trump was saying we should leave and others were arguing we need to say I said he needs to tell them to screw off.
taliban has said no Afgans will be allowed to leave any longer. americans only.

total cluster fuck from hell.
Stephen Miller will be very proud of his work....

Miller did everything he could to slow the process down...

Sorry can't blame Biden unless you have serious problems with Trump admin first...

Trump admin broke the system, Blaming Biden is to say he didn't fix it quick enough...

Biden will still evacuate 30-40 times more Afghans in aa month than Trump did all last year..
The Biden administration has potentially flown as many Taliban, AL Qaeda, & ISIS members on the 'No Fly' List to the US as they have flown US Citizens out, maybe more.

Americans are being prevented from making it to the airport, & not much effort is being made to save them. California College students & their teachers, a mother and her daughters, a man and his daughter - the world is seeing them stranded away from the airport, via the internet, pleading for someone to save them... It's like a car crash in slow motion, witnessing a murder, helplessly seeing potentially the last few minutes of someone's life as they beg for help....

It's disgusting, tragic, & did not have to happen...

The bottom is falling out if the support for Democrats...after all the Biden blunders, betrayals, failed policies, and scandals, watching the sacrifice of so many Americans to terrorists due to incompetence is the last straw.

God forbid, if the terrorists start slaughtering Americans on 1 Sept tge Democrat Party is DONE...which is the least of our worries at this point.

Prayers going out to protect everyone stranded in Afghanistan!!!
When the SoS was asked if Biden knew what was going on....he replied...."Its an emotional time for everyone."

IT IS A FUCKING WAR, YOU FAGGOT. Stop being an emotional communist CUCK and do the right thing.

EMOTION? What the fuck? Joe Biden has no clue what is going on because of emotion?
They were supporting our military in-country, you dipshit. You think Americans went to fucking Afghanistan on vacation? They are civilian support workers for the military, and Joe Biden is leaving them to die at the hands of the Taliban, while you cheer. Asshole.

Yep, most of which are former military, and working on behalf of the US government, at the request of the US government, through private contracts, specifically to keep troop members limited.
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