If the yearbook claim wasn't dead before

And you should say that the accused should not be allowed a defense and all accused should immediately be jailed.

Thanks for playing.

is there a criminal action pending?

I do adore how the psychos who believe every lie Donald says don't give credence to allegations made by more than a dozen women.

I expect nothing less from trumploons.

The number was reported today at 9, not more than a dozen. Exaggerate much? BTW how many claims anything that would have been illegal, I only know of 1..
So the perp molested, raped, killed, turned into rugs 9 instead of 12 women?

Excuse me fagot, there's no claim of rape or murder. Everyone keeps talking about underage girls, underage in AL is 15. You may not like it, but that's the law and there's not a damn thing you, I or the senate can do about it. You might want to concentrate on the 1 allegation of illegality and what evidence there is to prove that claim..

Be polite, you miscreant. That you don't understand the irony that revealed your Fallacy of False Equivalency as a bunch of nonsense is your problem.

NIne have accused him in the Court of Public Opinion, and the Jury are the AL voters. Your silliness of "it was only nine" is going to hurt him.

Wrong as usual, pointing out how you regressives tend to exaggerate is a public service. It's gone from more than a dozen to dozens already, when will hundreds enter the picture?

This is the first in the "Harvey Weinstein" era. The breakout case where the mighty can be taken down by the meek. After the dozens of women came out against Weinstein and they weren't attacked for coming forward years or even decades later, it empowered MORE and MOORE women to come forward.

BS these type of allegations have been used by you commiecrats for years, Weinstein didn't have a damn thing to do with it. Funny how none of this came out when Moore was running in very publicized race for the AL supreme court for the second time. I guess the commiecrats didn't have as much invested in that one.


Weinstein is the straw that broke the dam. After Weinstein came a flood of accusations against both democrats and republicans, businessmen and celebrities.

Why now? Weinstein. If you graphed it out, it would be called the 2017 accusations rush.
He's not reflecting, he's requesting a congressional investigation.

Sure he is. He's stalling and desperately hoping his Democrats regain control of Congress. He sees that as his free pass. Hopefully Democrats will do the right thing and boot the perv. But we'll see i guess.

Maybe I didn't make myself clear. Franken is requesting a congressional investigation by the current congress. It can start as soon as they get back from thanksgiving vacation.
He’s in congress

Obviously he knew they were gonna investigate. It's called 'Gettin out in front of it.' A PR stunt. Just like his 'Reflecting.' He's full of shite. Hopefully Democrats will find their moral compass and give the little perv the boot. But we'll see i guess.
How many threads bringing up this same stupid crap are there going to be. Of course Aldred does not know 100% for sure Moore signed it, she was not there 40 years ago. But she does trust her client which is why she presented the yearbook. Out of all the attempts to discredit the yearbook, this is by far the most lame and stupid.

The Moore defenders are getting desperate.

Allred wants Moore under oath before Congress and let them analyze the yearbook. I don't blame her.
Where does that happen in America?
There are plenty of accurate photocopies available. I'm sure plenty of experts have had ample opportunity to view it. If it were determined to be a fake, fox would have a dozen of those experts on 24/7.

No analysis of the signature is legitimate unless it is of the original signature. That way, the ink can be dated. Didn't know that did you? Chemical analysis can tell how old ink is.

Allred is backing away from the yearbook. It is not only that she didn't see the actual act of signing. Her client didn't see it either. The veracity of the signature is now in question. The yearbook as evidence of Moore's interest in this girl, of 40 years ago is just about snuffed out.
How many threads bringing up this same stupid crap are there going to be. Of course Aldred does not know 100% for sure Moore signed it, she was not there 40 years ago. But she does trust her client which is why she presented the yearbook. Out of all the attempts to discredit the yearbook, this is by far the most lame and stupid.

The Moore defenders are getting desperate.

Allred wants Moore under oath before Congress and let them analyze the yearbook. I don't blame her.

She should be disbarred. Her behavior has been extremely unethical. Period, end of story.
The Court of Public Opinion is being argued before the Jury of Alabama voters.
All that matters

Is it? Seems like an unjust lynching to me. In our country, you're supposed to be innocent till proven guilty. This is only about political power. It is what it is.
right :rolleyes:

just like the clintons were innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, eh?

the court of public opinion has always been alive and well and harsh, and it is a part of our 1st amendment....

'Public Opinion' does not = Guilt. Y'all should be ashamed of yourselves for joining this lynch-mob. It's gonna come back to you in the end.
it doesn't equate to guilt in a court of law....

but opinions of his guilt are fine and dandy...just ask OJ, he's been dealt that hand....even after going to court with a not guilty verdict....

there is no criminal JUSTICE available for these cases, they are past the statute of limitation...

thus, the only justice available, is what is occurring now in the public arena....no one is going to go to jail....

It would benefit Moore to honestly address each accusation....
This is a Duke Lacrosse Team lynching re-run. Democrats were so gung-ho to lynch those kids. That whole thing was a lie and the Prosecutor and accuser eventually ended up in prison themselves. Hopefully, something like that will happen in this lynching-attempt.
How many threads bringing up this same stupid crap are there going to be. Of course Aldred does not know 100% for sure Moore signed it, she was not there 40 years ago. But she does trust her client which is why she presented the yearbook. Out of all the attempts to discredit the yearbook, this is by far the most lame and stupid.

The Moore defenders are getting desperate.

Allred wants Moore under oath before Congress and let them analyze the yearbook. I don't blame her.

She should be disbarred. Her behavior has been extremely unethical. Period, end of story.

Yes, that's the American way - disbar all attorneys who represent people we don't like.
Holy shit, the regressive exaggeration never ends, first it was more than a dozen, now it dozens, how did Moore ever get any work done?

Moore was thrown off the Alabama supreme court twice.

Yeah, you think all this shit would have come out when he ran the second time, it made nation wide news, I guess you commiecrats weren't so deeply invested in that one.

We have to really thank Donald trump, for bringing awareness of how the Rich and Famous can treat pretty women and get away with it, because of their stardom....

If it were not for the Access Hollywood tape coming out in to the open, and awareness brought to the public, we would not have this rush of victims coming forward now....

they would have continued to hold it in, for fear of no one believing them and being destroyed in whatever field they were in....

an awakening has occurred, and it's just beginning.
How many threads bringing up this same stupid crap are there going to be. Of course Aldred does not know 100% for sure Moore signed it, she was not there 40 years ago. But she does trust her client which is why she presented the yearbook. Out of all the attempts to discredit the yearbook, this is by far the most lame and stupid.

The Moore defenders are getting desperate.

Allred wants Moore under oath before Congress and let them analyze the yearbook. I don't blame her.

She should be disbarred. Her behavior has been extremely unethical. Period, end of story.

Yes, that's the American way - disbar all attorneys who represent people we don't like.

Her behavior has been unethical. It reminds me of how that Democrat Prosecutor behaved in the Duke Lacrosse Team case. He was eventually arrested and did time. I hope Allred meets the same fate. She's a despicable Democrat ambulance chaser.
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All she has to do is release the book for forensic analysis and case closed. Seems easy enough, right?

Actually it sounds like Allred will release the book, when Moore goes under oath.

Moore should file a defamation suit against her client and put everyone under oath.

That's what Allred is praying for. Just like Trump, his accusers want Trump to sue them.

Explain why they never do. Moore won't sue, Trump won't sue. Why?
well no, he has to get the yearbook released, which allred is opposing.
Allred has said the yearbook would be available to a Senate committee. If he files a claim for a lawsuit the yearbook would become available via a court-ordered analysis. A real one, not like the fake one by some blogger running as a thread here on USMB.
And how long after the election will this take place? Allred doesn't have to get it analyzed to prove it's real. She just wants to run out the clock.

Let's support a Congressional Investigation and put Judge Moore under Oath. It was supported by the right when HRC was so investigated, why not Moore. And, to be fair - even though HRC was not treated fairly - let's put the alleged victims under oath too.

Under what authority would congress investigate prior to the election?

They could pull a ''Terri Schiavo'' and investigate anyway.... :dunno:

Yeah, or a MLB, how'd that work for them.

Meanwhile, Al Franken 'Reflects.' Y'all are such partisan weirdos. Very disingenuous.
Franken called for an ethics committee investigation....... of himself.

More that 600 allegations, 75 investigations, zero sanctions. I'm sure he's sooooo afraid, the ethics committee in the senate are nothing but paper tigers.


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