If the yearbook claim wasn't dead before

I already said what happened. the reporter has paid women to post stories of fake news on Moore. the yearbook is one piece of that evidence. I want, demand it be analyzed.
Everybody involved has clearly stated there were no payments from the reporter, or to the witnesses. In fact, at least one witness is losing money from having to take time off her job.

Alleging they were paid is "fake news"

Do you actually believe anyone would admit they were paid to smear a man? That would be an open and shut lawsuit.
well let's investigate. i'm good with it. let's put the reporter under investigation. what did she have to bring the women out in the open.
Why would that be necessary? You think everyone who answers a reporter's questions gets a check? It doesn't work that way. And reports of sexual abuse often come out decades later. We have a whole Catholic church of said things that have cost them hundreds of millions to pay off for.

So you believe that if the reporter paid the accusers, that doesn't matter?

No only are you a sleazy lying douchebag, you're also dumber than a brain damaged cockroach.
WATCH: Allred Admits She Does Not Know If Moore Signed Accuser's Yearbook

It's certainly dead now. Allred admits she doesn't know if Moore actually signed the yearbook.

No attorney would admit this if there was any chance it was true.

Certainly explains why she won't let it be analyzed

Sounds like she is trying to make an out for a defamation suit.

No lawyer would ever state that she knew that Moore signed the yearbook- because she never saw him sign it herself.

What is more damning to me is that she hasn't presented any third party experts testifying that the signature is authentic- not that anyone would believe it as presented by an attorney- but it is still missing.

This accusation has always seemed both the least- and most credible of the accusations- and it depends entirely upon the yearbook- if it is authentic- then Moore is lying- if it isn't then the accuser is lying.

Alred hasn't refused to have the yearbook examined- she has put on requirements- you know like when Trump said he would pay $6 million if Obama provided his birth certificate (hint- Trump never paid $6 million).

The requirements have the same result as refusing to have it examined.
Who cares?

According to the White House, a vote for the tax cut bill is far more important than some little girl getting worked over by a pervert.

If that's the case, then why are you tossing your two cents in?
Of course they would, if they were paid, they sure as hell wouldn't tell you.

Is that proof that Trump has paid the women her molested millions of dollars to keep silent?

Why the deflection? This is about Moore. Start a Trump thread if you want, it's kooky to make that play in here

Not at all. We know reporters don't have large amounts of money to spend, as opposed to Trump who can pull multi-million dollar bribes out of his ass to pay off women to keep quiet. Just look at his divorce settlement from Ivana, he paid her many times what the pre-nup required, millions and millions more than he was required to pay. And we know that has resulted in Ivana's silence.

The reporters don't have large amounts of money, but a lot Democrat donors do, like Tom Steyer.

Ya know, it doesn't take much of a brain to figure these things out, but you have so much difficulty. Are you sure you aren't a cockroach?
WATCH: Allred Admits She Does Not Know If Moore Signed Accuser's Yearbook

It's certainly dead now. Allred admits she doesn't know if Moore actually signed the yearbook.

No attorney would admit this if there was any chance it was true.

Certainly explains why she won't let it be analyzed

Sounds like she is trying to make an out for a defamation suit.

Certainly you would think the accuser would want the signature verified?

If she is sure it is real, no reason not to let an expert check it out.
There are dozens of other examples of how Moore preyed on children even without the signature.
It was a well known fact Alabamians knew about for 40 years but looked the other away because he draped himself in Jesus and the flag.

That's pure gossip. Along with $4.00 it will get you a grande latte at Starbucks.
WATCH: Allred Admits She Does Not Know If Moore Signed Accuser's Yearbook

It's certainly dead now. Allred admits she doesn't know if Moore actually signed the yearbook.

No attorney would admit this if there was any chance it was true.

Certainly explains why she won't let it be analyzed

Sounds like she is trying to make an out for a defamation suit.
So are you suggesting the dishwasher came out and forged Moore's signature?
What a stupid line of questioning.
No one will know until there is a forensic handwriting analysis done. Allred will see to it, once the proper venue is established, either in the counter suit filed by Moore or in the Senate investigation which will occur if he is elected.
Allreds goal is to keep Moore out of the senate. If Moore doesn't win the senate seat, all this will go away.

Becomes moot doesn't it?
Kind of like Trump's taxes
Yes... and the accusers will once again become mute.
What the hell does that mean? Do the victims need to be telling their story every single day?
The excuses you dopes come up with for excusing a sexual offender of children get more ludicrous by the day.

They might be credible if they had told their stories at least one other time aside from exactly 4 weeks before an election.

The gullibility of snowflakes is too great to measure.

they want Moore to swear under oath that he did not do it and they can catch him lying in a criminal manner
Exactly would congress get the jurisdiction to look into anything before the election?

Hence in a he said - she said, let them say it before congress, under oath, under penalty of perjury.

If you want the TRUTH to come out.

What's the excuse for not releasing the yearbook for examination?
not at all, we see a noticeable different in the fonts. so obviously more than one person wrote in that space. Also, the ink color is different. So all we asked was to have the yearbook analyzed to see if the signature was from back in the 70's or not. no one accused anyone of anything yet. yet. let's get the book looked at. why are you against that. see someone against analyzing a document infers guilt. so maybe that's where he went. not me, let's get an expert to weigh in.
A judicial setting is all that is required according to the lawyer Allred. Only Moore can make that available or a Senate committee. How else would a judicial setting be available?
no, that is her request, his lawyer asked for her to get it analyzed, so go do it. Moore doesn't have possession of it.
Allowing a document and evidence to be examined in a nonjudicial environment and under judicial review would be a dereliction of an attorney's duty.

Bullshit, it would be in the accusers best interest to authenticate her purported evidence. It would lend credibility to her story.

It won't stand up in court and it won't stand up in the minds of the Morons for Moore. Why bother.

Why wouldn't it stand up in court? Furthermore, what does it matter? If Moore loses the election, all these women will fade back into the woodwork.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Yet here they are, 40 years later. Moore has been involved in around 10 elections, at least 2 were state wide, after these supposedly happened. Timing makes all this very suspect.


This is the first in the "Harvey Weinstein" era. The breakout case where the mighty can be taken down by the meek. After the dozens of women came out against Weinstein and they weren't attacked for coming forward years or even decades later, it empowered MORE and MOORE women to come forward.

What horseshit. You mean the Trump accusers came after Wienstein? How about the women who accused Hermain Cain? How about Anita Hill?

Women have been accusing men of sexual impropriety for centuries. Much of the time these claims are bogus. It's a very effective way for women to destroy men. It always has been.
But but but we all know a man who hangs around the mall asking teen girls out on dates, even asking their mothers for permission, and meets other teenage girls at high school events would never ever sign a high school girl's yearbook. That has to be a hoax. Couldn't happen, not in a million years.

Moore even telephoned a high school girl, who had to be taken out of math class, to ask her for a date. Moore didn't say if he called the girls mother first for permission.

Is there any documentation of this call? Is it even legal for a school to pull a student out of class to answer a call that isn't from her parents?

I don't think so. If Moore had actually done that the principle would have asked him what he needed to call her about and then told him to call her parents.
And his supporters are saying they don't care if he did rape young girls, they're voting for the next supreme court justice, which requires senate confirmation
Well no one is accusing him of rape. Wow just fking wow

Moores supporters are defending voting for him, even if he did rape young girls. They are defending against things beyond the actual accusations. It's like when they ask the NRA which weapons they would defend the ownership of.

Just like all the posts from douchebags, you assume his guilt when that is precisely the issue under discussion. That's proof that you're a douchebag. You understand that, don't you?
Hence in a he said - she said, let them say it before congress, under oath, under penalty of perjury.

If you want the TRUTH to come out.
What country do you live in? Here in America an accuser goes under oath first. So let’s get there.

Of course, let the accusers give the opening statements to congress, and then let Moore have the chance to respond

The accusers are never going to go before Congress, dumbass. Allred's demand is beyond presumptuous.
He's not reflecting, he's requesting a congressional investigation.

Sure he is. He's stalling and desperately hoping his Democrats regain control of Congress. He sees that as his free pass. Hopefully Democrats will do the right thing and boot the perv. But we'll see i guess.

Maybe I didn't make myself clear. Franken is requesting a congressional investigation by the current congress. It can start as soon as they get back from thanksgiving vacation.
Yeah so why wait?
is there a criminal action pending?

I do adore how the psychos who believe every lie Donald says don't give credence to allegations made by more than a dozen women.

I expect nothing less from trumploons.

The number was reported today at 9, not more than a dozen. Exaggerate much? BTW how many claims anything that would have been illegal, I only know of 1..
So the perp molested, raped, killed, turned into rugs 9 instead of 12 women?

Excuse me fagot, there's no claim of rape or murder. Everyone keeps talking about underage girls, underage in AL is 15. You may not like it, but that's the law and there's not a damn thing you, I or the senate can do about it. You might want to concentrate on the 1 allegation of illegality and what evidence there is to prove that claim..

Be polite, you miscreant. That you don't understand the irony that revealed your Fallacy of False Equivalency as a bunch of nonsense is your problem.

NIne have accused him in the Court of Public Opinion, and the Jury are the AL voters. Your silliness of "it was only nine" is going to hurt him.

Wrong as usual, pointing out how you regressives tend to exaggerate is a public service. It's gone from more than a dozen to dozens already, when will hundreds enter the picture?

I’m waiting for the video

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