If the yearbook claim wasn't dead before

Weinstein is the straw that broke the dam. After Weinstein came a flood of accusations against both democrats and republicans, businessmen and celebrities.

Why now? Weinstein.

Explain why the accusers of Trump didn't have that effect?

You just proved my point. Catholic church, Trump, Cosby, none of them tipped the scale. Then came Weinstein, who changed everything. It was the case where the mighty were taken down by the meek, and suddenly the flood gates opened.

So 19 against Packwood didn't do it 25 years ago, a bunch against Clinton didn't do it 20 years ago, then you have Cosby and Trump and you claim Weinstein is the tipping point for these folks that waited 40 years. I don't think so.

The Court of Public Opinion is being argued before the Jury of Alabama voters.
All that matters

Is it? Seems like an unjust lynching to me. In our country, you're supposed to be innocent till proven guilty. This is only about political power. It is what it is.
right :rolleyes:

just like the clintons were innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, eh?

the court of public opinion has always been alive and well and harsh, and it is a part of our 1st amendment....

"Innocent until proven guilty" was the mantra all Slick Willy's apologist would utter whenever anyone discussed his crimes and the evidence supporting them.

Now it's "the court of public opinion is a part of our 1st amendment."

You realize what a colossal hypocrite you are, don't you?
do you think his wife Kaylee is the biggest bitch from hell on Earth for defending her teen molesting husband and demeaning these women by calling them all liars? Is she an ''enabler'' of this teen sexual predator?

She's a loyal wife would trusts her husband - something I'm sure you don't understand..
they want Moore to swear under oath that he did not do it and they can catch him lying in a criminal manner
Exactly would congress get the jurisdiction to look into anything before the election?

Hence in a he said - she said, let them say it before congress, under oath, under penalty of perjury.

If you want the TRUTH to come out.

What's the excuse for not releasing the yearbook for examination?
This trump troll needs to explain why he supports a sexual predator of teenage girls.
Why, who do you think you are
And you should say that the accused should not be allowed a defense and all accused should immediately be jailed.

Thanks for playing.

is there a criminal action pending?

I do adore how the psychos who believe every lie Donald says don't give credence to allegations made by more than a dozen women.

I expect nothing less from trumploons.

The number was reported today at 9, not more than a dozen. Exaggerate much? BTW how many claims anything that would have been illegal, I only know of 1..
So the perp molested, raped, killed, turned into rugs 9 instead of 12 women?

Excuse me fagot, there's no claim of rape or murder. Everyone keeps talking about underage girls, underage in AL is 15. You may not like it, but that's the law and there's not a damn thing you, I or the senate can do about it. You might want to concentrate on the 1 allegation of illegality and what evidence there is to prove that claim.


The issue is the morality, not the legality since any criminal culpability is long past.

Excuse me if I don't take sermons from regressives on the topic of morality seriously. You folks seem content on taking this country back to the ethics and morality of Sodom and Gomorrah, don't even speak of morality, it's not a common word in the regressive vocabulary.

Moore is losing in the Court of Public Opinion among the Jury of AL voters.
Moore runs for higher office. That's news. The news gets reported and oh, BTW, the rumor is Moore had a thing for young meat which now gets looked into and reported on when it turns out to be true. That's gotta be a Knights of Templar age old conspiracy to destroy the United States of America, a nation that comes into being 700 years later.

I just can't understand how this deer ended up dead? All it did was walk in front of 20 hunters with loaded guns during deer-hunting season. It must have been an evil plot of the liberal lamestream media.
The "rumor" didn't exist until these accusers popped out of the woodwork. No one can prove otherwise.

This same scenario has occured numerous times for popular Republican candidates. It's standard operating procedure for Dim scumbags.
When you make yourself a target eventually you get shot.
How many threads bringing up this same stupid crap are there going to be. Of course Aldred does not know 100% for sure Moore signed it, she was not there 40 years ago. But she does trust her client which is why she presented the yearbook. Out of all the attempts to discredit the yearbook, this is by far the most lame and stupid.

The Moore defenders are getting desperate.
They’ll go to any lengths to defend a chronic child rapist. Disgusting.
Can't you see the irony here? decades of accusations against Slick Willie and the left still defends him. Weird right ?
Moore runs for higher office. That's news. The news gets reported and oh, BTW, the rumor is Moore had a thing for young meat which now gets looked into and reported on when it turns out to be true. That's gotta be a Knights of Templar age old conspiracy to destroy the United States of America, a nation that comes into being 700 years later.

I just can't understand how this deer ended up dead? All it did was walk in front of 20 hunters with loaded guns during deer-hunting season. It must have been an evil plot of the liberal lamestream media.
The "rumor" didn't exist until these accusers popped out of the woodwork. No one can prove otherwise.

This same scenario has occured numerous times for popular Republican candidates. It's standard operating procedure for Dim scumbags.
When you make yourself a target eventually you get shot.

So disagreeing with Dims means you deserve to get shot?

You are such a bootlicking Nazi snowflake it's positively scary.
How many threads bringing up this same stupid crap are there going to be. Of course Aldred does not know 100% for sure Moore signed it, she was not there 40 years ago. But she does trust her client which is why she presented the yearbook. Out of all the attempts to discredit the yearbook, this is by far the most lame and stupid.

The Moore defenders are getting desperate.
They’ll go to any lengths to defend a chronic child rapist. Disgusting.
Can't you see the irony here? decades of accusations against Slick Willie and the left still defends him. Weird right ?

Accusations against a Republican - guilty
Accusations against a Democrat - vast rightwing conspiricy.
How many threads bringing up this same stupid crap are there going to be. Of course Aldred does not know 100% for sure Moore signed it, she was not there 40 years ago. But she does trust her client which is why she presented the yearbook. Out of all the attempts to discredit the yearbook, this is by far the most lame and stupid.

The Moore defenders are getting desperate.
They’ll go to any lengths to defend a chronic child rapist. Disgusting.
Can't you see the irony here? decades of accusations against Slick Willie and the left still defends him. Weird right ?

Accusations against a Republican - guilty
Accusations against a Democrat - vast rightwing conspiricy.

Accusations against a Republican - vast left wing/establishment conspiracy
Accusations against a Democrat - guilty.

You see, being a partisan hack applies to both sides, you of all people should not make fun of the hacks from the other side, it is how you look at in the mirror every morning
Moore is the only one who can get the case in court and have a court ordered examination and analysis by certified experts.
well no, he has to get the yearbook released, which allred is opposing.
Allred has said the yearbook would be available to a Senate committee. If he files a claim for a lawsuit the yearbook would become available via a court-ordered analysis. A real one, not like the fake one by some blogger running as a thread here on USMB.
And how long after the election will this take place? Allred doesn't have to get it analyzed to prove it's real. She just wants to run out the clock.

Let's support a Congressional Investigation and put Judge Moore under Oath. It was supported by the right when HRC was so investigated, why not Moore. And, to be fair - even though HRC was not treated fairly - let's put the alleged victims under oath too.

Under what authority would congress investigate prior to the election?


The Moral Authority!
I'd rather it be done before, he's elected when the Ethics committee can do it or whomever....because if after the election then, if he is thrown out, it simply puts another republican in there by the Repub governor.... but, that would at least be better than never.
So wait is this about the women or the seat?
I made it clear that bottom line, it was about the women and other young pretty women working in the senate....because even if he was elected, then thrown out, then the governor picks a replacement untill a new election,

ding ding ding

IT IS BETTER LATE than never....

in other words, even if it came down to him being expelled and replaced by another republican....

AT LEAST he would be kicked out!

so YES, it came down to the women accusers and all women/ teen girls in general who have had to put up with this bull shit forever and a day!

But you don't have a problem with the sexual predator Franken being there?

LIAR ^^^
How many threads bringing up this same stupid crap are there going to be. Of course Aldred does not know 100% for sure Moore signed it, she was not there 40 years ago. But she does trust her client which is why she presented the yearbook. Out of all the attempts to discredit the yearbook, this is by far the most lame and stupid.

The Moore defenders are getting desperate.
They’ll go to any lengths to defend a chronic child rapist. Disgusting.
Can't you see the irony here? decades of accusations against Slick Willie and the left still defends him. Weird right ?

Accusations against a Republican - guilty
Accusations against a Democrat - vast rightwing conspiricy.

Accusations against a Republican - vast left wing/establishment conspiracy
Accusations against a Democrat - guilty.

You see, being a partisan hack applies to both sides, you of all people should not make fun of the hacks from the other side, it is how you look at in the mirror every morning

The difference is that your version is obvious bullshit. Dims are all partisan hacks, or they are gullible snowflakes who believe the partisan hacks.
If only we could figure out BriPat and jc's naptime so we could occasionally have a conversation about something without it turning into a ridiculous "left wingers are poopy heads" thread.
This is getting friggen ridiculous.

I could accuse anyone on this board of being a sexual predator and say I had others that would back the claim up.

It doesn't prove a damn thing.
If only we could figure out BriPat and jc's naptime so we could occasionally have a conversation about something without it turning into a ridiculous "left wingers are poopy heads" thread.
but leftwingers are poop heads. they are evil. And I speak only from experience. And again, not one of you feels the need to validate the only piece of evidence available against Roy Moore. And then you want us to take you seriously. can't happen that way. so whining about it isn't going to change it.
If only we could figure out BriPat and jc's naptime so we could occasionally have a conversation about something without it turning into a ridiculous "left wingers are poopy heads" thread.

The real problem you have with me is that I always prove Dims are scum.

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