If the yearbook claim wasn't dead before

Riddle me this batman, the gal with the year book didn't ask Moore to recuse himself when he was the judge in her divorce proceedings, because of their former relationship, can you explain why?

Riddle me this, would you piss off the judge handling your divorce?

Ever think she wasn't concerned about him and didn't bother to tell her lawyer? Of course you wouldn't think about that, hacks usually aren't interested in reality.

No, they were sought out and collaborated on the Post article. Thanks for proving my assessment of you.

Congratulations for acknowledging how the justice system works. Witnesses are sought out, and cooperate in the case.

And you acknowledge these aren't people who sought a venue to tell their stories.

Yet here they are, 40 years later. Moore has been involved in around 10 elections, at least 2 were state wide, after these supposedly happened. Timing makes all this very suspect.

Yes, how odd that women are now willing to talk versus the days when Moore told them not to since no one would believe them. He was a man and they were children. My how times have hardly changed.

Riddle me this batman, the gal with the year book didn't ask Moore to recuse himself when he was the judge in her divorce proceedings, because of their former relationship, can you explain why?

Because she never went to court and her lawyer had handled it thus far, and most importantly she and her hubby had temporarily reconciled, so there was no need to go before the court. is what was reported in the news.

She still would have known who the judge was.

If Allred does know the 'evidence' she possesses is fraudulent, she's required to come forward and admit it. If she doesn't, she could be prosecuted for misconduct like the Duke Lacrosse Team Prosecutor was. The Bar Association may need to get involved.
Well, gotta run. Gotta go do some 'Reflecting' on Franken's 'Reflecting.'... :9:

Oh there, i'm done.
This is the first in the "Harvey Weinstein" era. The breakout case where the mighty can be taken down by the meek. After the dozens of women came out against Weinstein and they weren't attacked for coming forward years or even decades later, it empowered MORE and MOORE women to come forward.

BS these type of allegations have been used by you commiecrats for years, Weinstein didn't have a damn thing to do with it. Funny how none of this came out when Moore was running in very publicized race for the AL supreme court for the second time. I guess the commiecrats didn't have as much invested in that one.


Weinstein is the straw that broke the dam. After Weinstein came a flood of accusations against both democrats and republicans, businessmen and celebrities.

Why now? Weinstein. If you graphed it out, it would be called the 2017 accusations rush.

Explain why the accusers of Trump didn't have that effect?

Weinstein is the straw that broke the dam. After Weinstein came a flood of accusations against both democrats and republicans, businessmen and celebrities.

Why now? Weinstein.

Explain why the accusers of Trump didn't have that effect?

You just proved my point. Catholic church, Trump, Cosby, none of them tipped the scale. Then came Weinstein, who changed everything. It was the case where the mighty were taken down by the meek, and suddenly the flood gates opened.
I think Moore should just vow to do some 'Reflecting' like Franken, and it'll be over. According to Democrats, that's all it takes to make everything go away.
What Democrat said that? Right, no one.

Franken thinks so. That's one Democrat.
No one is saying that what Franken did is a crime, dumbass.

Defending that weird little pervert? Yikes! A new low for even you. :eek-52:
Just stating the facts... Yes I know you're brainwashed into deep hate of him, super dupe.
Riddle me this batman, the gal with the year book didn't ask Moore to recuse himself when he was the judge in her divorce proceedings, because of their former relationship, can you explain why?

Riddle me this, would you piss off the judge handling your divorce?

Ever think she wasn't concerned about him and didn't bother to tell her lawyer? Of course you wouldn't think about that, hacks usually aren't interested in reality.

Because she never went to court and her lawyer had handled it thus far, and most importantly she and her hubby had temporarily reconciled, so there was no need to go before the court. is what was reported in the news.
If Allred does know the 'evidence' she possesses is fraudulent, she's required to come forward and admit it. If she doesn't, she could be prosecuted for misconduct like the Duke Lacrosse Team Prosecutor was. The Bar Association may need to get involved.

It's not "evidence" until it's introduced to a court of law.
If Allred does know the 'evidence' she possesses is fraudulent, she's required to come forward and admit it. If she doesn't, she could be prosecuted for misconduct like the Duke Lacrosse Team Prosecutor was. The Bar Association may need to get involved.
That's why lawyers sometimes don't go the extra mile to do verifications. She has plausible denial if it turns out to not be true.
If Allred does know the 'evidence' she possesses is fraudulent, she's required to come forward and admit it. If she doesn't, she could be prosecuted for misconduct like the Duke Lacrosse Team Prosecutor was. The Bar Association may need to get involved.
That's why lawyers sometimes don't go the extra mile to do verifications. She has plausible denial if it turns out to not be true.

This case will never go to court, unless Moore files a lawsuit.
what is it then? And, why do you have the information you have? so she just wanted to let people know she had a yearbook? whoopi do
Moore said he did not know the girl, basically calling her a liar. The yearbook is proof she was not lying.
Not if the signature is forged, dumbass.
You are accusing the victim of forgery, a crime. Let's use the same defense you want and demand be used for Moore, innocent until proven guilty ya dumb ass. By the way dirtbag, the only court open is the court of public opinion and the jury is the voters of Alabama.
not at all, we see a noticeable different in the fonts. so obviously more than one person wrote in that space. Also, the ink color is different. So all we asked was to have the yearbook analyzed to see if the signature was from back in the 70's or not. no one accused anyone of anything yet. yet. let's get the book looked at. why are you against that. see someone against analyzing a document infers guilt. so maybe that's where he went. not me, let's get an expert to weigh in.
and they will allow the book to be analyzed when before a hearing where the accused and victim are under oath by congress

they want Moore to swear under oath that he did not do it and they can catch him lying in a criminal manner
What they really want is to stall until after the election, because it won't matter after that.

Who do you think you're fooling?
what is it then? And, why do you have the information you have? so she just wanted to let people know she had a yearbook? whoopi do
Moore said he did not know the girl, basically calling her a liar. The yearbook is proof she was not lying.
Not if the signature is forged, dumbass.
You are accusing the victim of forgery, a crime. Let's use the same defense you want and demand be used for Moore, innocent until proven guilty ya dumb ass. By the way dirtbag, the only court open is the court of public opinion and the jury is the voters of Alabama.
not at all, we see a noticeable different in the fonts. so obviously more than one person wrote in that space. Also, the ink color is different. So all we asked was to have the yearbook analyzed to see if the signature was from back in the 70's or not. no one accused anyone of anything yet. yet. let's get the book looked at. why are you against that. see someone against analyzing a document infers guilt. so maybe that's where he went. not me, let's get an expert to weigh in.
A judicial setting is all that is required according to the lawyer Allred. Only Moore can make that available or a Senate committee. How else would a judicial setting be available?

No, the only thing rquired is that it occurs after the election. The accuser can make the yearbook available today. There is no valid justification for waiting. Who gives a flying fuck about a "judicial setting?" You don't need a judge or a courtroom to determine whether the signature is a forgery or not.

Who do you lying scumbags think you're fooling?
Not if the signature is forged, dumbass.
You are accusing the victim of forgery, a crime. Let's use the same defense you want and demand be used for Moore, innocent until proven guilty ya dumb ass. By the way dirtbag, the only court open is the court of public opinion and the jury is the voters of Alabama.
not at all, we see a noticeable different in the fonts. so obviously more than one person wrote in that space. Also, the ink color is different. So all we asked was to have the yearbook analyzed to see if the signature was from back in the 70's or not. no one accused anyone of anything yet. yet. let's get the book looked at. why are you against that. see someone against analyzing a document infers guilt. so maybe that's where he went. not me, let's get an expert to weigh in.
A judicial setting is all that is required according to the lawyer Allred. Only Moore can make that available or a Senate committee. How else would a judicial setting be available?
no, that is her request, his lawyer asked for her to get it analyzed, so go do it. Moore doesn't have possession of it.
Allowing a document and evidence to be examined in a nonjudicial environment and under judicial review would be a dereliction of an attorney's duty.

What utter horseshit.
Moore runs for higher office. That's news. The news gets reported and oh, BTW, the rumor is Moore had a thing for young meat which now gets looked into and reported on when it turns out to be true. That's gotta be a Knights of Templar age old conspiracy to destroy the United States of America, a nation that comes into being 700 years later.

I just can't understand how this deer ended up dead? All it did was walk in front of 20 hunters with loaded guns during deer-hunting season. It must have been an evil plot of the liberal lamestream media.
The "rumor" didn't exist until these accusers popped out of the woodwork. No one can prove otherwise.

This same scenario has occured numerous times for popular Republican candidates. It's standard operating procedure for Dim scumbags.
not at all, we see a noticeable different in the fonts. so obviously more than one person wrote in that space.

Thank you captain obvious. One wrote in script, the other in print. One just wrote the year, the other wrote the date and place.

Why not address the words. Even without a signature, they match Roy Moores handwriting.

Really? You have a sample of Moores hand writing other than just his signature?
well actually usually people tell others at some point about uncomfortable experiences. I'm just looking for one of those to come forward that they can state back in that time that happened. Like her mom. It would be nice to understand how a fourteen year old was sneaking out to be with a 30 year old guy. And if it was actually so and traumatic, why didn't she ever, I mean ever come forward in 40 years? She didn't even come forward here. a reporter went out looking for women. why? how did this person ever know since not one women ever came forward without her. I'm sorry, it's stinks to high heavens like creepy journalism. the kind where they make up shit to get someone out of office.

She did, and several other people did too. You trying to find everyone besides the child predator at fault for minor actions is pretty sad. I mean you're like "How dare a 14 year old sneak out the house!" and never say "How could someone want to fuck a child? And why would I support it?"

You have nothing but questions. Nothing smells fishy except your weird assertion that there is some grand conspiracy spanning decades all planning for a possible political run. But distracting is the best so you ask questiosn that have nothing to do with a DA dating teens
it all smells like shit. the entire witch hunt. sort of like russia russia. now please post the link with the corroborators statements. I don't think you have any.

go on and explain your theory then. LOL
I already said what happened. the reporter has paid women to post stories of fake news on Moore. the yearbook is one piece of that evidence. I want, demand it be analyzed.
No one has less credibility than an anonymous poster on a message board. In the big picture and reality, you are a nobody, a nothing, just another dope in a dopey world of social networking. You happen to be one who never backs up your nonsense with credible links.

His credibility isn't at issue here. The only issue is why Allred won't release the yearbook for analysis, and there is no justification for not doing it. None.

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