If the yearbook claim wasn't dead before

All of the actions of pursuing females and even his interaction with them and trying to get sex with the teens and hanging out with pretty young girls at where they hang out etc...

Would all be Normal

IF HE WERE JUST ANOTHER TEENAGE BOY or in the cusp of his twenties....

It's the 32 plus year old pursuing these young teen girls that is what many of us find very creepy and are predatory actions that are in the least, an unfair playing field for those young girls imo.
The last time the GOP cared about protecting a young girl it was still a fetus. Once born it's Open Season.
Strange how the younger a person is the more innocent and deserving of protection.....unless it's prior to birth which then it's okay to kill 'em. But that is another discussion and should be handled in another thread.
All of the actions of pursuing females and even his interaction with them and trying to get sex with the teens and hanging out with pretty young girls at where they hang out etc...

Would all be Normal

IF HE WERE JUST ANOTHER TEENAGE BOY or in the cusp of his twenties....

It's the 32 plus year old asst DA pursuing these young teen girls that is what many of us find very creepy and are predatory actions that are in the least, an unfair playing field for those young girls imo.
Which begs the question, what is the youngest age for a female that is acceptable for a man in his thirties to date or to pursue to date? Note date does not mean fuck, but dating could be considered a slippery slope to fucking. I suspect most people would draw the line at 18 years old, although that seems to creepy for many.
In the context of a 34 year old man writing to a tenth grader....it is creepy
Well I've learned something. I better not tell any young girls that they are sweet and/or beautiful! I will risk being labeled a creep.

If there is nothing offensive to it, why are Moore and his defenders going to such lengths to deny he wrote it?
It's the narrative surrounding it. There is nothing wrong with the content of the note in and of itself.

Seems odd

If there is nothing wrong with it, why doesn't Moore just say....A young girl asked me to sign her yearbook, so I did

Why all the denials?

So how about getting the yearbook analyzed.
I'm sure they would have to when Aldred brings the civil suit....

shoot, his finger prints if not destroyed by others touching the year book are probably all over that book....

She had no reason to forge the yearbook....no reason to do something illegal or take the chance of forging it... when CLEARLY it would be an easy find....

I watched her every move during that interview with her and there was no lying....she did not blink rapidly during any part of it....
Last edited:
WATCH: Allred Admits She Does Not Know If Moore Signed Accuser's Yearbook

It's certainly dead now. Allred admits she doesn't know if Moore actually signed the yearbook.

No attorney would admit this if there was any chance it was true.

Certainly explains why she won't let it be analyzed

Sounds like she is trying to make an out for a defamation suit.

No lawyer would ever state that she knew that Moore signed the yearbook- because she never saw him sign it herself.

What is more damning to me is that she hasn't presented any third party experts testifying that the signature is authentic- not that anyone would believe it as presented by an attorney- but it is still missing.

This accusation has always seemed both the least- and most credible of the accusations- and it depends entirely upon the yearbook- if it is authentic- then Moore is lying- if it isn't then the accuser is lying.

Alred hasn't refused to have the yearbook examined- she has put on requirements- you know like when Trump said he would pay $6 million if Obama provided his birth certificate (hint- Trump never paid $6 million).

The requirements have the same result as refusing to have it examined.

Yep- just like Trump's 'requirements' were the same thing as saying he would never pay the $5 million to charity.

Yes- both were just ploys- in my opinion.
All of the actions of pursuing females and even his interaction with them and trying to get sex with the teens and hanging out with pretty young girls at where they hang out etc...

Would all be Normal

IF HE WERE JUST ANOTHER TEENAGE BOY or in the cusp of his twenties....

It's the 32 plus year old asst DA pursuing these young teen girls that is what many of us find very creepy and are predatory actions that are in the least, an unfair playing field for those young girls imo.
Which begs the question, what is the youngest age for a female that is acceptable for a man in his thirties to date or to pursue to date? Note date does not mean fuck, but dating could be considered a slippery slope to fucking. I suspect most people would draw the line at 18 years old, although that seems to creepy for many.

18 if she isn't my daughter.

And yes I get the hypocrisy in that.
A judicial setting is all that is required according to the lawyer Allred. Only Moore can make that available or a Senate committee. How else would a judicial setting be available?
no, that is her request, his lawyer asked for her to get it analyzed, so go do it. Moore doesn't have possession of it.
Allowing a document and evidence to be examined in a nonjudicial environment and under judicial review would be a dereliction of an attorney's duty.

Bullshit, it would be in the accusers best interest to authenticate her purported evidence. It would lend credibility to her story.

It won't stand up in court and it won't stand up in the minds of the Morons for Moore. Why bother.

Why wouldn't it stand up in court? Furthermore, what does it matter? If Moore loses the election, all these women will fade back into the woodwork.

Who do you think you're fooling?

What else do you think that they could do if Moore loses the election? None of them have any legal recourse to pursue Moore.

And Moore will not end up suing any of them.

And the women will have made their accusations and the public will lose interest.

Doesn't mean that the accusations are false- just that there will be nothing left to talk about once Moore is out of the public eye. Unless Moore runs for another office of course.
All of the actions of pursuing females and even his interaction with them and trying to get sex with the teens and hanging out with pretty young girls at where they hang out etc...

Would all be Normal

IF HE WERE JUST ANOTHER TEENAGE BOY or in the cusp of his twenties....

It's the 32 plus year old asst DA pursuing these young teen girls that is what many of us find very creepy and are predatory actions that are in the least, an unfair playing field for those young girls imo.
Which begs the question, what is the youngest age for a female that is acceptable for a man in his thirties to date or to pursue to date? Note date does not mean fuck, but dating could be considered a slippery slope to fucking. I suspect most people would draw the line at 18 years old, although that seems to creepy for many.
I don't know the answer to that...perhaps few girls are smart enough to handle a man in his thirties at 18 though unlikely for most....

Parents have no final say in it after 18 so I suppose that is the age one has to go with....

My Italian grandmother was 10 years younger than my Italian grandfather...they were married around 70 years before they both passed away...but for the man it was tradition, that you could not get married until you could prove you could provide for a wife and family so many if not most marriages in "the Old country" did have a bigger age difference. My grandfather custom made furniture that people picked their designs from a book or two and he just created them from a picture....there were no department stores to buy furniture from, it was all custom made...he had already opened his own store/business by the time they got married

things changed big time since the grandparent's era though...women now work outside of the home. and go to college and aren't just there to have buns in the oven....my grandmother prepared to be a wife from birth....learning how to cook, keep the house clean, take care of babies, do laundry, learn how to sew, to bake etc....
All of the actions of pursuing females and even his interaction with them and trying to get sex with the teens and hanging out with pretty young girls at where they hang out etc...

Would all be Normal

IF HE WERE JUST ANOTHER TEENAGE BOY or in the cusp of his twenties....

It's the 32 plus year old asst DA pursuing these young teen girls that is what many of us find very creepy and are predatory actions that are in the least, an unfair playing field for those young girls imo.
Which begs the question, what is the youngest age for a female that is acceptable for a man in his thirties to date or to pursue to date? Note date does not mean fuck, but dating could be considered a slippery slope to fucking. I suspect most people would draw the line at 18 years old, although that seems to creepy for many.
Oh, I think as women get older, say at around 25, they have had enough experience in life to handle a man 15 years older or more...sure she may still be mesmerized by his money and all that kind of stuff, but if she is going to be mesmerized by it at 25 then she would also probably be at 35 with a 50 year old and at 45 with a 60 year old etc...that's just the type of person she is going to be more than likely....
All of the actions of pursuing females and even his interaction with them and trying to get sex with the teens and hanging out with pretty young girls at where they hang out etc...

Would all be Normal

IF HE WERE JUST ANOTHER TEENAGE BOY or in the cusp of his twenties....

It's the 32 plus year old asst DA pursuing these young teen girls that is what many of us find very creepy and are predatory actions that are in the least, an unfair playing field for those young girls imo.
Which begs the question, what is the youngest age for a female that is acceptable for a man in his thirties to date or to pursue to date? Note date does not mean fuck, but dating could be considered a slippery slope to fucking. I suspect most people would draw the line at 18 years old, although that seems to creepy for many.
Oh, I think as women get older, say at around 25, they have had enough experience in life to handle a man 15 years older or more...sure she may still be mesmerized by his money and all that kind of stuff, but if she is going to be mesmerized by it at 25 then she would also probably be at 35 with a 50 year old and at 45 with a 60 year old etc...that's just the type of person she is going to be more than likely....
All of the actions of pursuing females and even his interaction with them and trying to get sex with the teens and hanging out with pretty young girls at where they hang out etc...

Would all be Normal

IF HE WERE JUST ANOTHER TEENAGE BOY or in the cusp of his twenties....

It's the 32 plus year old asst DA pursuing these young teen girls that is what many of us find very creepy and are predatory actions that are in the least, an unfair playing field for those young girls imo.
Which begs the question, what is the youngest age for a female that is acceptable for a man in his thirties to date or to pursue to date? Note date does not mean fuck, but dating could be considered a slippery slope to fucking. I suspect most people would draw the line at 18 years old, although that seems to creepy for many.
Oh, I think as women get older, say at around 25, they have had enough experience in life to handle a man 15 years older or more...sure she may still be mesmerized by his money and all that kind of stuff, but if she is going to be mesmerized by it at 25 then she would also probably be at 35 with a 50 year old and at 45 with a 60 year old etc...that's just the type of person she is going to be more than likely....
How about a 26 year old woman marring an 89 year old man?
All of the actions of pursuing females and even his interaction with them and trying to get sex with the teens and hanging out with pretty young girls at where they hang out etc...

Would all be Normal

IF HE WERE JUST ANOTHER TEENAGE BOY or in the cusp of his twenties....

It's the 32 plus year old asst DA pursuing these young teen girls that is what many of us find very creepy and are predatory actions that are in the least, an unfair playing field for those young girls imo.
Which begs the question, what is the youngest age for a female that is acceptable for a man in his thirties to date or to pursue to date? Note date does not mean fuck, but dating could be considered a slippery slope to fucking. I suspect most people would draw the line at 18 years old, although that seems to creepy for many.
Oh, I think as women get older, say at around 25, they have had enough experience in life to handle a man 15 years older or more...sure she may still be mesmerized by his money and all that kind of stuff, but if she is going to be mesmerized by it at 25 then she would also probably be at 35 with a 50 year old and at 45 with a 60 year old etc...that's just the type of person she is going to be more than likely....
All of the actions of pursuing females and even his interaction with them and trying to get sex with the teens and hanging out with pretty young girls at where they hang out etc...

Would all be Normal

IF HE WERE JUST ANOTHER TEENAGE BOY or in the cusp of his twenties....

It's the 32 plus year old asst DA pursuing these young teen girls that is what many of us find very creepy and are predatory actions that are in the least, an unfair playing field for those young girls imo.
Which begs the question, what is the youngest age for a female that is acceptable for a man in his thirties to date or to pursue to date? Note date does not mean fuck, but dating could be considered a slippery slope to fucking. I suspect most people would draw the line at 18 years old, although that seems to creepy for many.
Oh, I think as women get older, say at around 25, they have had enough experience in life to handle a man 15 years older or more...sure she may still be mesmerized by his money and all that kind of stuff, but if she is going to be mesmerized by it at 25 then she would also probably be at 35 with a 50 year old and at 45 with a 60 year old etc...that's just the type of person she is going to be more than likely....
How about a 26 year old woman marring an 89 year old man?
then you know for certain, it's for money....and she's preying on him a possibility as well, at this point in his life.

and it's pretty much frowned upon by everyone in the court of public opinion, but truly, it's their choice.... not mine.... unless of course, if it were my daughter, then all hell would break loose...more than likely!!! :D
All of the actions of pursuing females and even his interaction with them and trying to get sex with the teens and hanging out with pretty young girls at where they hang out etc...

Would all be Normal

IF HE WERE JUST ANOTHER TEENAGE BOY or in the cusp of his twenties....

It's the 32 plus year old asst DA pursuing these young teen girls that is what many of us find very creepy and are predatory actions that are in the least, an unfair playing field for those young girls imo.
Which begs the question, what is the youngest age for a female that is acceptable for a man in his thirties to date or to pursue to date? Note date does not mean fuck, but dating could be considered a slippery slope to fucking. I suspect most people would draw the line at 18 years old, although that seems to creepy for many.
Oh, I think as women get older, say at around 25, they have had enough experience in life to handle a man 15 years older or more...sure she may still be mesmerized by his money and all that kind of stuff, but if she is going to be mesmerized by it at 25 then she would also probably be at 35 with a 50 year old and at 45 with a 60 year old etc...that's just the type of person she is going to be more than likely....
All of the actions of pursuing females and even his interaction with them and trying to get sex with the teens and hanging out with pretty young girls at where they hang out etc...

Would all be Normal

IF HE WERE JUST ANOTHER TEENAGE BOY or in the cusp of his twenties....

It's the 32 plus year old asst DA pursuing these young teen girls that is what many of us find very creepy and are predatory actions that are in the least, an unfair playing field for those young girls imo.
Which begs the question, what is the youngest age for a female that is acceptable for a man in his thirties to date or to pursue to date? Note date does not mean fuck, but dating could be considered a slippery slope to fucking. I suspect most people would draw the line at 18 years old, although that seems to creepy for many.
Oh, I think as women get older, say at around 25, they have had enough experience in life to handle a man 15 years older or more...sure she may still be mesmerized by his money and all that kind of stuff, but if she is going to be mesmerized by it at 25 then she would also probably be at 35 with a 50 year old and at 45 with a 60 year old etc...that's just the type of person she is going to be more than likely....
How about a 26 year old woman marring an 89 year old man?
then you know for certain, it's for money....and she's preying on him a possibility as well, at this point in his life.

and it's pretty much frowned upon by everyone in the court of public opinion, but truly, it's their choice.... not mine.... unless of course, if it were my daughter, then all hell would break loose...more than likely!!! :D
Anna Nicole Smith - Wikipedia
All of the actions of pursuing females and even his interaction with them and trying to get sex with the teens and hanging out with pretty young girls at where they hang out etc...

Would all be Normal

IF HE WERE JUST ANOTHER TEENAGE BOY or in the cusp of his twenties....

It's the 32 plus year old asst DA pursuing these young teen girls that is what many of us find very creepy and are predatory actions that are in the least, an unfair playing field for those young girls imo.
Which begs the question, what is the youngest age for a female that is acceptable for a man in his thirties to date or to pursue to date? Note date does not mean fuck, but dating could be considered a slippery slope to fucking. I suspect most people would draw the line at 18 years old, although that seems to creepy for many.
Oh, I think as women get older, say at around 25, they have had enough experience in life to handle a man 15 years older or more...sure she may still be mesmerized by his money and all that kind of stuff, but if she is going to be mesmerized by it at 25 then she would also probably be at 35 with a 50 year old and at 45 with a 60 year old etc...that's just the type of person she is going to be more than likely....
All of the actions of pursuing females and even his interaction with them and trying to get sex with the teens and hanging out with pretty young girls at where they hang out etc...

Would all be Normal

IF HE WERE JUST ANOTHER TEENAGE BOY or in the cusp of his twenties....

It's the 32 plus year old asst DA pursuing these young teen girls that is what many of us find very creepy and are predatory actions that are in the least, an unfair playing field for those young girls imo.
Which begs the question, what is the youngest age for a female that is acceptable for a man in his thirties to date or to pursue to date? Note date does not mean fuck, but dating could be considered a slippery slope to fucking. I suspect most people would draw the line at 18 years old, although that seems to creepy for many.
Oh, I think as women get older, say at around 25, they have had enough experience in life to handle a man 15 years older or more...sure she may still be mesmerized by his money and all that kind of stuff, but if she is going to be mesmerized by it at 25 then she would also probably be at 35 with a 50 year old and at 45 with a 60 year old etc...that's just the type of person she is going to be more than likely....
How about a 26 year old woman marring an 89 year old man?
then you know for certain, it's for money....and she's preying on him a possibility as well, at this point in his life.

and it's pretty much frowned upon by everyone in the court of public opinion, but truly, it's their choice.... not mine.... unless of course, if it were my daughter, then all hell would break loose...more than likely!!! :D
Anna Nicole Smith - Wikipedia
YEP! And most people frowned upon it! At least everyone I knew...
Which begs the question, what is the youngest age for a female that is acceptable for a man in his thirties to date or to pursue to date? Note date does not mean fuck, but dating could be considered a slippery slope to fucking. I suspect most people would draw the line at 18 years old, although that seems to creepy for many.
Oh, I think as women get older, say at around 25, they have had enough experience in life to handle a man 15 years older or more...sure she may still be mesmerized by his money and all that kind of stuff, but if she is going to be mesmerized by it at 25 then she would also probably be at 35 with a 50 year old and at 45 with a 60 year old etc...that's just the type of person she is going to be more than likely....
Which begs the question, what is the youngest age for a female that is acceptable for a man in his thirties to date or to pursue to date? Note date does not mean fuck, but dating could be considered a slippery slope to fucking. I suspect most people would draw the line at 18 years old, although that seems to creepy for many.
Oh, I think as women get older, say at around 25, they have had enough experience in life to handle a man 15 years older or more...sure she may still be mesmerized by his money and all that kind of stuff, but if she is going to be mesmerized by it at 25 then she would also probably be at 35 with a 50 year old and at 45 with a 60 year old etc...that's just the type of person she is going to be more than likely....
How about a 26 year old woman marring an 89 year old man?
then you know for certain, it's for money....and she's preying on him a possibility as well, at this point in his life.

and it's pretty much frowned upon by everyone in the court of public opinion, but truly, it's their choice.... not mine.... unless of course, if it were my daughter, then all hell would break loose...more than likely!!! :D
Anna Nicole Smith - Wikipedia
YEP! And most people frowned upon it! At least everyone I knew...
But her husband went to the grave with a big smile on his face.
Oh, I think as women get older, say at around 25, they have had enough experience in life to handle a man 15 years older or more...sure she may still be mesmerized by his money and all that kind of stuff, but if she is going to be mesmerized by it at 25 then she would also probably be at 35 with a 50 year old and at 45 with a 60 year old etc...that's just the type of person she is going to be more than likely....
Oh, I think as women get older, say at around 25, they have had enough experience in life to handle a man 15 years older or more...sure she may still be mesmerized by his money and all that kind of stuff, but if she is going to be mesmerized by it at 25 then she would also probably be at 35 with a 50 year old and at 45 with a 60 year old etc...that's just the type of person she is going to be more than likely....
How about a 26 year old woman marring an 89 year old man?
then you know for certain, it's for money....and she's preying on him a possibility as well, at this point in his life.

and it's pretty much frowned upon by everyone in the court of public opinion, but truly, it's their choice.... not mine.... unless of course, if it were my daughter, then all hell would break loose...more than likely!!! :D
Anna Nicole Smith - Wikipedia
YEP! And most people frowned upon it! At least everyone I knew...
But her husband went to the grave with a big smile on his face.
but she didn't....
All of the actions of pursuing females and even his interaction with them and trying to get sex with the teens and hanging out with pretty young girls at where they hang out etc...

Would all be Normal

IF HE WERE JUST ANOTHER TEENAGE BOY or in the cusp of his twenties....

It's the 32 plus year old pursuing these young teen girls that is what many of us find very creepy and are predatory actions that are in the least, an unfair playing field for those young girls imo.
The last time the GOP cared about protecting a young girl it was still a fetus. Once born it's Open Season.
the last time I saw the demolosers protect a young girl is never.
All of the actions of pursuing females and even his interaction with them and trying to get sex with the teens and hanging out with pretty young girls at where they hang out etc...

Would all be Normal

IF HE WERE JUST ANOTHER TEENAGE BOY or in the cusp of his twenties....

It's the 32 plus year old asst DA pursuing these young teen girls that is what many of us find very creepy and are predatory actions that are in the least, an unfair playing field for those young girls imo.
Which begs the question, what is the youngest age for a female that is acceptable for a man in his thirties to date or to pursue to date? Note date does not mean fuck, but dating could be considered a slippery slope to fucking. I suspect most people would draw the line at 18 years old, although that seems to creepy for many.
how old is Billy Joel and his wife? there's like 30 fking years between them. She had a baby so I know they been partying.
but's ok for men to stick their things in other men and that's ok with the moral left.
All of the actions of pursuing females and even his interaction with them and trying to get sex with the teens and hanging out with pretty young girls at where they hang out etc...

Would all be Normal

IF HE WERE JUST ANOTHER TEENAGE BOY or in the cusp of his twenties....

It's the 32 plus year old pursuing these young teen girls that is what many of us find very creepy and are predatory actions that are in the least, an unfair playing field for those young girls imo.
The last time the GOP cared about protecting a young girl it was still a fetus. Once born it's Open Season.
the last time I saw the demolosers protect a young girl is never.
None so blind as those who refuse to see.

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