If There Was No Fraud, Why?

Everything I post is linked, sourced and documented......and 100% true, accurate and correct.
No. What you post is repetitious, wrong, and long ago disproved.

You confuse posting 20 talking points each containing a small grain of truth with it proving a cumulative conclusion.
I should have defined it: a written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers.

Does that help?
See that is your problem you read a book to come up with your dumb ass conclusions, whereas in my case I have over 60yrs of life experience to come to mine.
No. What you post is repetitious, wrong, and long ago disproved.

You confuse posting 20 talking points each containing a small grain of truth with it proving a cumulative conclusion.

After I was forced to expose you as the lying scum you are, when you were caught altering my posts to claim that they said other than what I wrote, I asked you not to address me again.

Please honor that request.....

“I cut it down” January 6th Is But A Detail…
post 31
See that is your problem you read a book to come up with your dumb ass conclusions, whereas in my case I have over 60yrs of life experience to come to mine.

I am magnanimous......if you would like, I would be happy to recommend a reading list that might make you appear a tad less ignorant.

No guarantee, but still.....

Say the word.
After I was forced to expose you as the lying scum you are, when you were caught altering my posts to claim that they said other than what I wrote, I asked you not to address me again.

Please honor that request.....

“I cut it down” January 6th Is But A Detail…
post 31
You just hate having your ass handed to you, so you want to ignore me instead.

Well, your claim of altering your post was already looked at by the powers that be, and they found no truth in your insane claim. Cutting your post from 1,000 words, down to 20 words, isn't altering.
I am magnanimous......if you would like, I would be happy to recommend a reading list that might make you appear a tad less ignorant.

No guarantee, but still.....

Say the word.
I could give you a bibliography of books that would totally educate you and might give you a better understanding of America, but I doubt you would want to read them since you think you are BETTER.
I could give you a bibliography of books that would totally educate you and might give you a better understanding of America, but I doubt you would want to read them since you think you are BETTER.
How many of them are written by other racists?
I could give you a bibliography of books that would totally educate you and might give you a better understanding of America, but I doubt you would want to read them since you think you are BETTER.

Be serious.

You’re certainly not too bright: I bet if they moved your plate five inches, you’d starve to death.
Kind of like this????

See I will NEVER make excuses for any black man who attacks an Asian woman, black woman, white woman or any other woman. It is cowardly and he should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law if the family doesn't take care of him first. Just curious did you miss this attack?

See I will NEVER make excuses for any black man who attacks an Asian woman, black woman, white woman or any other woman. It is cowardly and he should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law if the family doesn't take care of him first. Just curious did you miss this attack?

Can we proceed to the reasons why so much violent crime is associated the black folks?

The people who insist there was no fraud keep acting like there was when they refuse to comply a subpoena.
People like JackOfNoTrades always ask me for proof the election was a fraud, but I ask you, in a very real sense, looking at the continual disastrous actions of Joe Biden since in office, his unwillingness to even admit error much less change direction even after the consequences of his policies prove HORRIBLE, then his attempts to buffalo us into believing it all didn't start until and by Putin, Joe's HORRIBLE unpopularity and poor showing in polls even a year ago long before things got this bad, and the claim that 81 million people voted for him as the most popular president ever, a guy who took 396 fewer counties than Obama did and 2,020 fewer than Trump, only won 1 out of 19 bellwethers when both Trump and Obama took 18 each, his failure to win the key states of Florida, Ohio and Iowa, and the fact that Joe LOST House seats when Trump and Obama took many house seats and Republican generally did well in every other part of the election,

IF THAT DOESN'T RING OF THE STINK OF FRAUD and raise many sirens and red flashing lights with you, and despite all the refusals to cooperate in audits, certify voter ID or anything else that would bring greater certainty and confidence in the election, not to mention the hundreds of millions secretly given to fund massive vote stealing and election influence, while obstinately declaring all questions into the election "baseless and disproven" just days after the election even before any ciourt cases were even filed much less pursued, then anyone even raising the topic being deplatformed (including the President!) from even discussing it, if none of that signals that bad things happened here in 2020, then a person would either have to have cement for a head or actually be part of the steal and misinformation campaign!

Put simply: if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and smells like a duck . . . yeah, its almost certainly a duck!
IF THAT DOESN'T RING OF THE STINK OF FRAUD and raise many sirens and red flashing lights with you, and despite all the refusals to cooperate in audits, certify voter ID or anything else that would bring greater certainty and confidence in the election, not to mention the hundreds of millions secretly given to fund massive vote stealing and election influence, while obstinately declaring all questions into the election "baseless and disproven" just days after the election even before any ciourt cases were even filed much less pursued, if none of that signals that bad things happened here in 2020, then a person would either have to have cement for a head or actually be part of the steal and misinformation campaign!

Put simply: if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and smells like a duck . . . yeah, its almost certainly a duck!
Or you can take the simple facts on it's face. Election fraud is a white elephant. A money pit. You don't throw good money after bad fraud claims.

Nobody wants to spend millions of dollars to comply with subpoenas that won't change a single vote.

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