If There Was No Fraud, Why?

The courts asked Trump to provide evidence of his claims. He could provide none.
Do you even read the court docs?

That case was dismissed on standing before the election. The judge said the plaintiffs had not shown a particularized harm. Obviously they could not show fraud before the election.

The case was refiled after the election, and Trump won. The SOS guidance to ignore signature matching and the extended time to return ballots were both ruled illegal. Here is that ruling.

The courts asked Trump to provide evidence of his claims. He could provide none.

That's one more lie from you.

Courts did not entertain evidence.

There is plenty of evidence.

Every day we see posts from Democrat supporters, evincing a palpable fear, as the evidence piles up: it was a stolen election.

Biden got no where near 81 million legitimate votes.

Ballot Bombshells: 20 episodes exposing fraud, illegalities and irregularities in 2020 election

Illegal rule changes, ballot harvesting, Iranian voter hack are among the many now-confirmed serious irregularities, putting the lie to the "perfect election" narrative.

"Here are 20 of the most important revelations uncovered by Just the News over the last 15 months of reporting, complete with substantiating evidence and links"

  1. A Foreign Intrusion. Federal authorities have confirmed that two Iranian nationals successfully hacked into a state computer election system, stole 100,000 voter registrations and used the data to carry out a cyber-intimidation campaign that targeted GOP members of Congress, Trump campaign officials and Democratic voters in the November 2020 election in one of the largest foreign intrusions in U.S. election history. The defendants "were part of a coordinated conspiracy in which Iranian hackers sought to undermine faith and confidence in the U.S. presidential election," U.S. Attorney Damian Williams declared in an indictment.
  2. Alleged Bribery. The former state Supreme Court justice appointed by the Wisconsin Legislature to investigate the 2020 election concluded that millions of dollars in donations to election administrators in five Democrat-heavy municipalities from the Mark Zuckerberg-funded Center for Tech and Civic Life violated state anti-bribery laws and corrupted election practices by turning public election authorities into liberal get-out-the-vote activists. “The Zuckerberg-funded CTCL/ Zuckerberg 5 scheme would prove to be an effective way to accomplish the partisan effort to 'turnout' their desired voters and it was done with the active support of the very people and the governmental institution (WEC) that were supposed to be guarding the Wisconsin elections administrative process from the partisan activities they facilitated,” Justice Michael Gableman wrote.
  3. Illegal ballot harvesting in Wisconsin. Gableman also exposed an extensive vote collection operation, known as ballot harvesting, in nursing homes in which third-party activists illegally collected the ballots of vulnerable residents, some of whom lacked the mental or physical capacity to vote or were forbidden from voting by guardianship agreements. State election regulators “unlawfully directed the municipal clerks not to send out the legally required special voting deputies to nursing homes, resulting in many nursing homes’ registered residents voting at 100% rates and many ineligible residents voting, despite a guardianship order or incapacity,” Gableman wrote in his explosive report.
  4. Ballot harvesting probe in the Peach State. Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger has announced he has opened a criminal investigation into allegations that liberal activists engaged in illegal ballot harvesting, collecting ballots from voters and delivering them in violation of state law. Raffensperger said he is planning to issue subpoenas to identify a whistleblower who admitted he engaged in the operation, and there could be prosecutions. The True the Vote election integrity group says in a formal state complaint that the man, identified as John Doe, admitted his role and identified nonprofits who funded it at $10 per ballot delivered. The watchdog group also claims it has assembled cell phone location records pinpointing the alleged harvesting by as many as 240 activists.
  5. Bad voter signatures? A review of Maricopa County's mail-in ballots in Arizona's 2020 presidential election estimated that more than 200,000 ballots with signatures that did not match voter files were counted without being reviewed, more than eight times the number the county acknowledged.
  6. 50,000 Arizona ballots called into question. An extensive audit by Arizona’s Senate officially called into question more than 50,000 ballots cast in the 2020 election, including voters who cast ballots from residences they had left. The tally in question is nearly five times the margin of Joe Biden’s victory in the state.
  7. Illegal ballot drop boxes. A Wisconsin judge has ruled the widespread use of ballot drop boxes in 2020 was unlawful, and the state Supreme Court let that ruling stand. That means drop boxes can’t be used in future elections starting in April. It also means that tens of thousands of ballots in the 2020 election were cast unlawfully.
  8. Foreign voters found on Texas rolls. An audit of Texas voter rolls identified nearly 12,000 noncitizens suspected of illegally registering to vote and nearly 600 cases in which ballots may have been cast in the name of a dead resident or by a voter who may also have voted in another state. Officials are now in the process of removing the foreign voters and deciding whether prosecutions are warranted.
  9. Foreign voters found on Georgia rolls. An audit by Georgia’s Secretary of State has identified more than 2,000 suspected foreigners who tried to register to vote in the state, though none reached the point of casting ballots. Raffensperger says prosecutions may be forthcoming.
  10. Unconstitutional mail-in voting. The Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court has concluded the state law that opened the door to no-excuse mail-in voting in 2020 was unconstitutional and that mail-in voting can only be enacted by a constitutional amendment. “A constitutional amendment must be presented to the people and adopted into our fundamental law before legislation authorizing no-excuse mail-in voting can be placed upon our statute books,” the court ruled. About 2.5 million voted by mail in Pennsylvania in 2020, votes now called into question by the ruling.
  11. More noncitizen voters. The Gableman investigation in Wisconsin also found noncitizens had made it onto the state voters rolls in violation of state law. The Wisconsin Election Commission failed “to record non-citizens in the WisVote voter database, thereby permitting non-citizens to vote, even though Wisconsin law requires citizenship to vote — all in violation of the Help America Vote Act,” the investigator wrote.
  12. Ballot chain of custody issues. The Georgia Secretary of State's office has opened an investigation into the handling of drop box ballots last November in one of the state's Democratic strongholds following a media report that there were problems with chain of custody documentation in DeKalb County.
  13. Fulton County irregularities. Georgia’s handpicked election monitor for Fulton County, the state’s largest voting district, documented two dozen pages of mismanagement and irregularities during vote counting in Atlanta in November 2020, including double-scanning of ballots, insecure transport of ballots and violations of voter privacy. The revelations prompted the state to take steps to possibly put Fulton County in receivership, empowering state officials to run the elections. Most of Fulton County's election officials have left their jobs.
  14. Errant vote counting. Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp referred the audited November 2020 election results in Fulton County to the State Election Board after multiple reviews found three dozen significant problems with absentee ballot counting, including duplicate tallies, math errors and transposed data. Kemp’s referral calls into question hundreds of ballots in the official count.
  15. Dirty voter rolls. Michigan’s official state auditor has found that Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson failed to adhere to state election law by properly updating and reconciling Michigan’s qualified voter roll. This oversight, according to the audit, increased the risk of ineligible voters casting ballots.
  16. Illegal exemptions from voter ID. The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled as many as 200,000 voters were allowed to illegally skip voter ID for absentee ballots by claiming they were indefinitely confined by COVID when there was no such legal authority to do so. Biden beat Trump by about 20,000 votes in the state.
  17. Uneven enforcement of election laws. The Wisconsin Legislative Audit Bureau identified more than 30 problems with the administration of elections in 2020, including unlawful orders and uneven enforcement of the law and urged lawmakers to make sweeping improvements.
  18. More illegal harvesting. In Arizona, a half dozen people have already been indicted on charges of illegal harvesting in a probe by Attorney General Mark Brnovich that shows signs of expanding. It comes after the U.S. Supreme Court rejected Democrats' arguments and concluded Arizona’s ban on harvesting was constitutional.
  19. Voter fraud in Michigan. Michigan charged three women in connection with voter fraud schemes, including efforts to cast ballots on behalf of non-consenting nursing home residents.
  20. Still more nursing home fraud. In Wisconsin, Racine County Sheriff Christopher Schmaling announced his investigators have secured evidence that eight out of 42 residents at a local nursing home had been recorded as casting absentee ballots that their families said was not possible because the residents didn't possess the cognitive ability to vote." Ballot Bombshells: 20 episodes exposing fraud, illegalities and irregularities in 2020 election
You have just exposed yourself as lying scum.
Oh no!!!! I’ve exposed myself?!?! Shit, what am I gonna do now?!?!

Naw I’m telling the truth. We are in a far better place now than we were a year ago. That’s just a fact
You prefer to go back to massive unemployment, school closures, businesses shut down, massive waves of people dying from a virus?? Is that in your mind better than how things are today?
The scamdemic was not Trump's fault. China is responsible.
Biden got no where near 81 million legitimate votes.
Then if that's true hon, then for Dog's sake do something about it. The time is critical right now as Biden is diddling away with entertaining a war with Russia!! This is senility of the very dangerous kind!

And for all those who are takiing part on the important topics of the war, they will clearly see that the MAGA people are concentrating their efforts on the antiwar side!

If ever I can say it, it's now: Me and you Chicy, me and you!
The scamdemic was not Trump's fault. China is responsible.
Wow, look at you jumping right to the defense of trump even when his name wasn’t even mentioned in the discussion. You’re a good little lap dog, I’ll give you that
Wow, look at you jumping right to the defense of trump even when his name wasn’t even mentioned in the discussion. You’re a good little lap dog, I’ll give you that
The scamdemic caused those things you mentioned. Biden's policies have caused inflation and have us staring at WWIII and you say we are better off. Dumb, stupid, dumb.
The scamdemic caused those things you mentioned. Biden's policies have caused inflation and have us staring at WWIII and you say we are better off. Dumb, stupid, dumb.
I don’t care who caused what, I’m not playing the blame game right now I’m simply saying that we are doing much better right now than we were doing a year and even two years ago. Things are better, that’s just a fact
The scamdemic caused those things you mentioned. Biden's policies have caused inflation and have us staring at WWIII and you say we are better off. Dumb, stupid, dumb.
As for inflation and ww3. Both Trump and Bidens policies in combo with a global pandemic caused the inflation and likely avoided a decade long depression. What would you rather have??

You acting like we caused Putin to invade Ukraine is just silly. You easily blame China for the virus but you can’t blame Russia for a war that they started? You blame the USA instead?! Thats pretty damn unpatriotic of you.
I don’t care who caused what, I’m not playing the blame game right now I’m simply saying that we are doing much better right now than we were doing a year and even two years ago. Things are better, that’s just a fact
How is open borders and inflation better? How is holding political prisoners better? How is defending a country that has done nothing for us better? How is accusing parents of being domestic terrorists better? I'll wait.
As for inflation and ww3. Both Trump and Bidens policies in combo with a global pandemic caused the inflation and likely avoided a decade long depression. What would you rather have??

You acting like we caused Putin to invade Ukraine is just silly. You easily blame China for the virus but you can’t blame Russia for a war that they started? You blame the USA instead?! Thats pretty damn unpatriotic of you.
I did not blame Russia on anyone. The reaction is where the blame belongs.
How is open borders and inflation better? How is holding political prisoners better? How is defending a country that has done nothing for us better? How is accusing parents of being domestic terrorists better? I'll wait.
Well very few of what you just listed is actually happening. You’re a victim of propaganda as always. Borders are not open, I can send you a list of deportations and photos of checkpoints at the border that are still being guarded. Inflation is bad but not as bad as a depression would have been. Only proven criminals are being held, not political prisoners, we are defending the lives of innocent people who are being needlessly murdered, if somebody accused a parent of being a domestic terrorist then so what?! People say stupid shit all the time. That has zero bearing on my life or the state of our country today compared to the past couple years.

Is that all you got?
Well very few of what you just listed is actually happening. You’re a victim of propaganda as always. Borders are not open, I can send you a list of deportations and photos of checkpoints at the border that are still being guarded. Inflation is bad but not as bad as a depression would have been. Only proven criminals are being held, not political prisoners, we are defending the lives of innocent people who are being needlessly murdered, if somebody accused a parent of being a domestic terrorist then so what?! People say stupid shit all the time. That has zero bearing on my life or the state of our country today compared to the past couple years.

Is that all you got?
Propaganda, my ass.
Prove it… that’s two empty posts where you’ve failed to provide a counter argument to anything I’ve said. Looks like a white flag to me
Only proven criminals are being held, not political prisoners,
Really? Don't they have to have a trial to be proven criminals?

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