If There Was No Fraud, Why?

There is a lot more than nothing. Denying the facts does not change them. Do you think AZ. and WI. want to decertify their elections over nothing? Think again, if you are capable.
Are you done with our debate?! Don’t fold so easily, you can put up a better fight than that!!!
There is a lot more than nothing. Denying the facts does not change them. Do you think AZ. and WI. want to decertify their elections over nothing?
I don't think they want to decertify their election. I think a bug of sore-loser Trumpster twats think they can change reality by wishing it away
I don't think they want to decertify their election. I think a bug of sore-loser Trumpster twats think they can change reality by wishing it away
Then you are uninformed. RINOs in both states have blocked efforts so far, but cannot block them forever. November there will big changes in the swing states. AZ. and WI are both under court orders to save election data past the 22 month deadline.

THE MORNING RANT: Tennessee County Dumping Dominion Voting System Due To Vote Tabulation Discrepancies; Voting Shenanigans in Houston​

This is a straight news story from The Tennessean, Nashville’s far-left daily newspaper. What’s peculiar is that this reads pretty much like those “conspiracy theories” about Dominion’s voting system that I’ve read at conservative news sites.

Here’s Why Williamson County Is Switching To New Voting Machines After State Review (The Tennessean – 3/04/2022)

Williamson County [suburban Nashville] will use new voting machines in its 2022 election cycle following vote tabulation discrepancies found during the October election.
Oh really? Vote tabulation discrepancies? What voting system were they using?

In August 2021, Dominion Voting Systems programmed machines for the county's upcoming elections. But the company did not account for the new voting centers, so the Williamson County Election Commission asked Dominion to reprogram the machines.
Hold on just a moment here. I’ve been reliably told – ad nauseum in fact - that it’s a paranoid right-wing conspiracy to believe that Dominion voting machines can be programmed in any way that might not properly count and tabulate ballots.

Following the election that October, vote tabulations on the printed tapes from seven of the 19 scanners used did not match up with the tabulations that were electronically transmitted.
Wow. So votes in Williamson County were cast on Dominion machines, the printed read-out of votes cast at each machine were all totaled up, and that grand total did not match the grand total that Dominion’s system reported from its electronic tabulation of vote totals.

Call me a conspiracy theorist, but that should not be happening in our elections.

Then you are uninformed. RINOs in both states have blocked efforts so far, but cannot block them forever. November there will big changes in the swing states. AZ. and WI are both under court orders to save election data past the 22 month deadline.
You mean republicans have blocked fringe trump conspiracy nuts?!?! That should tell you something
I mean RINOs. What it tells me is how corrupt our politicians are.
Corruption is when people dismiss principle to serve themselves. Republicans would gain an advantage if election fraud was proven. These republicans who you carelessly call RINOS, are sticking with principle over what you fringe nuts are doing.

How about you get back to our previous debate that you ran from now. Back up your propaganda or admit you’ve been spreading bullshit
Corruption is when people dismiss principle to serve themselves. Republicans would gain an advantage if election fraud was proven. These republicans who you carelessly call RINOS, are sticking with principle over what you fringe nuts are doing.

How about you get back to our previous debate that you ran from now. Back up your propaganda or admit you’ve been spreading bullshit
Fringe? Over half the country believes the election was stolen. You are in the fringe. I suggest you should not read my posts if they shake you up so bad.
Fringe? Over half the country believes the election was stolen. You are in the fringe. I suggest you should not read my posts if they shake you up so bad.
That’s a bullshit statistic that you’re using to run from yet another debate. Pathetic
Irrelevant. But expected.
It's the same delusion, the same inability to accept reality. Dems jerked off for four years to their nothing burger fantasies. Now you're doing the same fucking thing.

So, fess up. Were you a birther too?
How many Trump acolytes testified at the impeachment?
The second impeachment?
In front of the House Committee?

There's your answer.
None because both Trump and the gop threatened them with the loss of their seat if they did. Cheney was the only one with guts enough to stand up to that idiot and was proven correct by th evoting public. Yet that was considered treasonous so you ostracised her in revenge.
Shes having her revenge now with the Trump inquiry. Do you think much?
I'm sure it'll be a hoot.

Here, D’Souza is interviewed on the One America News network’s program Tipping Point. He says the film “goes from possibilities and probabilities and anomalies to certainties” that a wholesale theft of the election occurred.

I can hardly wait. Closer to the election the better.
The people who insist there was no fraud keep acting like there was when they refuse to comply a subpoena.

HARRISBURG – Senate President Pro Tempore Jake Corman (R-Bellefonte) and Senate Intergovernmental Operations Committee Chair Cris Dush (R-Jefferson) issued the following statement today after filing a petition to compel the Department of State to comply with a subpoena for information relevant to the committee’s election investigation:

“Throughout the past several months since our investigation began, the Wolf Administration, Senate Democrats and Attorney General Shapiro have unfairly denied a co-equal branch of government the tools necessary to repair the vulnerabilities of our election system. Today’s legal action is intended to finally bring their needless delays and continued obstruction to an end.

“It is an embarrassment to our Commonwealth that the Department of State still refuses to comply with a legal, legitimate subpoena from a co-equal branch of government. The fact that the Department wouldn’t even turn over basic information included in the subpoena without pages upon pages of unexplained redactions shows they have no respect for the legislature or the courts. They should not be allowed to thumb their nose at the other two branches of government with impunity.

Not a conspiracy in anyway. Just a demand to help make elections more secure by looking at the information the SOS has no right to withhold.

So explain the difference with Trump & Company officials refusing to comply with subpoenas.
None because both Trump and the gop threatened them with the loss of their seat if they did. Cheney was the only one with guts enough to stand up to that idiot and was proven correct by th evoting public. Yet that was considered treasonous so you ostracised her in revenge.
Shes having her revenge now with the Trump inquiry. Do you think much?
She is a POS and that committee is a nothing burger.
The people who insist there was no fraud keep acting like there was when they refuse to comply a subpoena.

HARRISBURG – Senate President Pro Tempore Jake Corman (R-Bellefonte) and Senate Intergovernmental Operations Committee Chair Cris Dush (R-Jefferson) issued the following statement today after filing a petition to compel the Department of State to comply with a subpoena for information relevant to the committee’s election investigation:

“Throughout the past several months since our investigation began, the Wolf Administration, Senate Democrats and Attorney General Shapiro have unfairly denied a co-equal branch of government the tools necessary to repair the vulnerabilities of our election system. Today’s legal action is intended to finally bring their needless delays and continued obstruction to an end.

“It is an embarrassment to our Commonwealth that the Department of State still refuses to comply with a legal, legitimate subpoena from a co-equal branch of government. The fact that the Department wouldn’t even turn over basic information included in the subpoena without pages upon pages of unexplained redactions shows they have no respect for the legislature or the courts. They should not be allowed to thumb their nose at the other two branches of government with impunity.

Not a conspiracy in anyway. Just a demand to help make elections more secure by looking at the information the SOS has no right to withhold.

If, as you seem to think, there was fraud, why haven't the courts taken it on?
So explain the difference with Trump & Company officials refusing to comply with subpoenas.
Are you saying Trump is guilty? Then the states withholding information on the election are too. You can't win with that argument. Not that you could anyway. You are just a dime a dozen repeating hater.

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