If this isn't a Racially motivated "Hate Crime", then there is no such thing...

Opposition to hate crime legislation under the red herring of "thought crimes" or whatever other deflection that is thrown up, is nothing more than support of those who commit hate crimes.

We've gotten into this before and I don't want to start another long back-and-forth about the merits of hate crimes. I just want to say I think you are very wrong in this statement.

As far as the OP, I would definitely think that it being a transgendered person was the motivating factor before race. Either (or neither) is possible, I just think it's more likely to have been about the transgender.

I know we have, and I don't want to either. My only point is, I have a lot of trouble figuring out (1) why or how anyone could oppose hate crime legislation in the first instance and (2) what the justification for opposing hate crime legislation is other than a desire to protect those who commit such crimes.

I recognize all of the arguments that are put forth (punishes thought, unconstitutional denial of equal protection, etc.). NONE of those arguments hold water. NONE of them. What we are left with is - let the good ole' boys have their fun whuppin' a little minority ass. Why punish them any more for it than anyone else?

It's kind of like opposing gay marriage. Why? What's the REAL reason. In both cases, it's simple - the authoritarian tendency to get off on sticking it to minorities.
Are we supposed to feel sorry for this "it" ??

That "it" is a human being.

Yes "it" is a human being.

But has devolved into practicing and animalistic lifestyle.

You'd probably understand that better than most since you are a Muslim. Guidelines for sex with animals can be found in the writings of Ayatollah Khomeini. Two excerpts from his writings serve to clarify the matter.

"A man can have sex with sheep, cows and camels and so on. However, he should kill the animal after he has his orgasm. He should not sell the meat to the people in his own village; however, selling the meat to the next door village should be fine."
Don't the buyers deserve a discount of some kind?

Khomeini's "Tahrirolvasyleh" fourth volume, Darol Elm, Gom, Iran, 1990

"If one commits the act of sodomy with a cow, a ewe, or a camel, their urine and their excrement become impure, and even their milk may no longer be consumed. The animal must then be killed and as quickly as possible and burned."
What if it was really good and invites another lap or two? Must animals always be one-night stands?

Judge not, lest ye be judged. :lol::lol:
I was amused by the way the "it", though white (shudder....), had a sort of "black brogue." I notice a lot of a shitball whites talk that way. Off the cliff with the lot of them.

I cross the line at the dick-cutters. I mean, accepting faggotry is enough, I think. You're a male, you fuck other males in the anus. OK. Not the healthiest activity, but it does seem to have been around a long time, hard to get rid of. But... you're a male, and you want to be a female? And you want to cut your dick off, pump up your tits, and put makeup on? That is way too unnatural, sorry. I'm not going to support it.
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I was amused by the way the "it", though white (shudder....), had a sort of "black brogue." I notice a lot of a shitball whites talk that way. Off the cliff with the lot of them.

Some of the white females on the Jerry Springer show sound just like *******, probably from living with them.
Ayatollah Khomeni is a member of the Shiite cult.

So it doesn't surprise me if he did write such sick things.
Opposition to hate crime legislation under the red herring of "thought crimes" or whatever other deflection that is thrown up, is nothing more than support of those who commit hate crimes.

We've gotten into this before and I don't want to start another long back-and-forth about the merits of hate crimes. I just want to say I think you are very wrong in this statement.

As far as the OP, I would definitely think that it being a transgendered person was the motivating factor before race. Either (or neither) is possible, I just think it's more likely to have been about the transgender.

I know we have, and I don't want to either. My only point is, I have a lot of trouble figuring out (1) why or how anyone could oppose hate crime legislation in the first instance and (2) what the justification for opposing hate crime legislation is other than a desire to protect those who commit such crimes.

I recognize all of the arguments that are put forth (punishes thought, unconstitutional denial of equal protection, etc.). NONE of those arguments hold water. NONE of them. What we are left with is - let the good ole' boys have their fun whuppin' a little minority ass. Why punish them any more for it than anyone else?

It's kind of like opposing gay marriage. Why? What's the REAL reason. In both cases, it's simple - the authoritarian tendency to get off on sticking it to minorities.

Well, I would say a couple of things. First, hate crime legislation should not only protect minorities. Second, it seems to me it is more of an attempt to fix a broken sentencing system rather than a measure to increase punishment for those truly more culpable. In other words, the criminals are not being given long enough sentences and rather than directly address that, hate crime legislation increases sentencing for some offenders.

It has nothing to do with 'good ole' boys', at least for me. It just doesn't seem like justice to me for two criminals to receive different sentences just because bigotry is the motivation in one crime; it says to one of the victims that what they endured is less than the other. I would rather see all sentences increased than tell some victims what they endured is less deserving of punishment because their attacker was not motivated by the proper thoughts.

I hadn't intended to get into this discussion but I find it hard to stay silent. :) I'll try to avoid this thread and certainly avoid any more replies, at least if they are about the merits of hate crimes, because I know we can easily turn this into a drawn-out argument. :lol: I'm willing to agree to disagree and accept that, while you don't agree with my opinion, your opinion has valid points.
I was amused by the way the "it", though white (shudder....), had a sort of "black brogue." I notice a lot of a shitball whites talk that way. Off the cliff with the lot of them.

Some of the white females on the Jerry Springer show sound just like *******, probably from living with them.

I wouldn't have been shocked if it would've said that it was a Jew.

Since Jews really like to support these people and champion their agenda.
I am not a Jew, just to clarify.


Why do you support these people?

They are obviously mentally ill and need psychological help.

They contribute nothing beneficial to society.

And most are nothing but human disease containers that carry infections and STD's. :eek:
I am not a Jew, just to clarify.


Why do you support these people?

They are obviously mentally ill and need psychological help.

They contribute nothing beneficial to society.

And most are nothing but human disease containers that carry infections and STD's. :eek:

You have convinced me.

I will no longer support Muslims.

See what I did there? :lol:
This has nothing to do with Muslims.

I thought homos were sick and perverted long before I ever became a Muslim.
It's retarded .

Two guys want to pack each others fudge.

And somehow that now becomes a civil rights struggle that everyone is supposed to support.
Don't the Jews drink dead babies blood too?

Anyway, you're right. Between Muslim's fucking and being fucked by Camels, and Jews drinking babies blood, it's a sick, sick world. Wait....didn't Allah create all this shit? Allah is one fucked up sumbitch!!
Opposition to hate crime legislation under the red herring of "thought crimes" or whatever other deflection that is thrown up, is nothing more than support of those who commit hate crimes.

We've gotten into this before and I don't want to start another long back-and-forth about the merits of hate crimes. I just want to say I think you are very wrong in this statement.

As far as the OP, I would definitely think that it being a transgendered person was the motivating factor before race. Either (or neither) is possible, I just think it's more likely to have been about the transgender.

I know we have, and I don't want to either. My only point is, I have a lot of trouble figuring out (1) why or how anyone could oppose hate crime legislation in the first instance and (2) what the justification for opposing hate crime legislation is other than a desire to protect those who commit such crimes.

I recognize all of the arguments that are put forth (punishes thought, unconstitutional denial of equal protection, etc.). NONE of those arguments hold water. NONE of them. What we are left with is - let the good ole' boys have their fun whuppin' a little minority ass. Why punish them any more for it than anyone else?

It's kind of like opposing gay marriage. Why? What's the REAL reason. In both cases, it's simple - the authoritarian tendency to get off on sticking it to minorities.

Project much? :cuckoo:

I am against "hate crimes" legislation because we already have laws against the same crimes. It has nothing to do with wanting to "stick it" to minorities. You're way out of line!
Why do you support these people?

They are obviously mentally ill and need psychological help.

They contribute nothing beneficial to society.

And most are nothing but human disease containers that carry infections and STD's. :eek:

Ah. Generalizing a whole group of people. Got it. So you're fine with people calling all Muslims terrorists, women-beaters and child molesters?
I am not a Jew, just to clarify.


Why do you support these people?

They are obviously mentally ill and need psychological help.

They contribute nothing beneficial to society.

And most are nothing but human disease containers that carry infections and STD's. :eek:

I won't try to respond because it would be similar to talking to the fence outside. It can't hear me.
Sorry you Feel That Way, Grace.

As I always enoyed discussing and debating the issues with you. :cool:

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