If todays whites must own white history of 1800s, Dems of today own Dem history then too.

No. Im not. I see one party that is in full attack mode against one race. Its Dems against whites.

So, you'd rather play your delusional victim card...

Delusional? Who the hell on the left these days doesn't blame "whitey" for all the shit that goes on?

I to this day have never witnessed on boards, in the media, in government anyone blaming "whitey" willy nilly for the enslavement of the Irish for example as they are wont to do over blacks.

I to this day have never witnessed US blacks stating that the slavery days that they endured had nothing to do with those whites that came thru Ellis Island.

No. Blacks and whacko insane white libs keep talking about "whites" as if we were one great movement that caused slavery even if ones white heritage happens to be Slovak/Italian.

It's insane. But that's the left these days.

I guess I didn't realize that there is rampant racism against Irish folks.(eye roll) Once you point out where that racism is coming from, I will stand with you against racism towards the Irish.

The rest of your blanket statements are just useless blabber.

I want reparations for my ancestors being enslaved. I'm white and part Irish.

See how looney tunes this is?

Me too!!!!! Where do I sign up for the money due to me for my ancestors being enslaved and what flag do I demand to be taken down?

Your monthly crazy check isn't enough? :p
Apparently the left says todays whites...must be held to account for actions of whites in the past.

Then shouldnt todays Democrats be accountable for past Democrats? Afterall....Democrats raised the rebel flag. Founded the KKK. Fought against civil rights. All.the bad shit.

Oh....wait....they say democrats back then were different than the ones today? Yeah.....same for white people you fucking morons.

So, since the Republican party was formed out of the wreckage of the Whig party, that makes you a Whig?

"In its two decades of existence, the Whig Party had two of its candidates, William Henry Harrison and Zachary Taylor, elected President. Both died in office. John Tyler succeeded to the Presidency after Harrison's death, but was expelled from the party. Millard Fillmore, who became President after Taylor's death, was the last Whig to hold the nation's highest office."


Well, then, happy Millard Fillmore day!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OP is an ignorant cracker ass trailer trash idiot BUT

Yes, we all have some degree of responsibility for past horrors but the difference between Dems and Repubs is that Dems evolved. Republicans only got worse.

Glad that the de crackerazation of the south is now in full swing, these old racist crackers are going down big time
Just as long as you remember that modern day WHITE PEOPLE got rid of the confederate flag. Don't try to take credit for our accomplishments.
Sorry folks.

Here are the plain hard facts.

Society is slobbering at the mouth to make white people acknowledge and own the sins and oppression of past whites.

And yes....whites did some real bad shit. Mostly it was all white Democrats back in the day. The non-Democrat whites back then tried to help minorities.

So....white Democrats. ...you all need to do some soul searching about the evil your kind committed.
Sorry folks.

Here are the plain hard facts.

Society is slobbering at the mouth to make white people acknowledge and own the sins and oppression of past whites.

And yes....whites did some real bad shit. Mostly it was all white Democrats back in the day. The non-Democrat whites back then tried to help minorities.

So....white Democrats. ...you all need to do some soul searching about the evil your kind committed.
The white history of the 1800s. Like the westward expansion and the industrial revolution. What's to reject?
White liberals and racist blacks have convinced me. There was so much evil done in this country from the 1800s-1960s. The people whose ancestors committed it need to own up and account for it.

Mostly it was all white Democrats.

So...white Democrats. ...apologize for your kind. Now.
Apparently the left says todays whites...must be held to account for actions of whites in the past.

Then shouldnt todays Democrats be accountable for past Democrats? Afterall....Democrats raised the rebel flag. Founded the KKK. Fought against civil rights. All.the bad shit.

Oh....wait....they say democrats back then were different than the ones today? Yeah.....same for white people you fucking morons.
White conservatives haven't changed.
Apparently the left says todays whites...must be held to account for actions of whites in the past.

Then shouldnt todays Democrats be accountable for past Democrats? Afterall....Democrats raised the rebel flag. Founded the KKK. Fought against civil rights. All.the bad shit.

Oh....wait....they say democrats back then were different than the ones today? Yeah.....same for white people you fucking morons.

So, since the Republican party was formed out of the wreckage of the Whig party, that makes you a Whig?

"In its two decades of existence, the Whig Party had two of its candidates, William Henry Harrison and Zachary Taylor, elected President. Both died in office. John Tyler succeeded to the Presidency after Harrison's death, but was expelled from the party. Millard Fillmore, who became President after Taylor's death, was the last Whig to hold the nation's highest office."


Well, then, happy Millard Fillmore day!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Whig Party?

LOL! Hysterical...

Well that can only mean that we're VERY close to this clown accusing someone of that most bitter of all 18th/19th century anachronism: REACTIONARY.
Apparently the left says todays whites...must be held to account for actions of whites in the past.

Then shouldnt todays Democrats be accountable for past Democrats? Afterall....Democrats raised the rebel flag. Founded the KKK. Fought against civil rights. All.the bad shit.

Oh....wait....they say democrats back then were different than the ones today? Yeah.....same for white people you fucking morons.

We are all fully aware of sins of our past.

Are you going to own up to the rampant racism that exists in your party today?

No. Im not. I see one party that is in full attack mode against one race. Its Dems against whites.

So, you'd rather play your delusional victim card...

Delusional? Who the hell on the left these days doesn't blame "whitey" for all the shit that goes on?

I to this day have never witnessed on boards, in the media, in government anyone blaming "whitey" willy nilly for the enslavement of the Irish for example as they are wont to do over blacks.

I to this day have never witnessed US blacks stating that the slavery days that they endured had nothing to do with those whites that came thru Ellis Island.

No. Blacks and whacko insane white libs keep talking about "whites" as if we were one great movement that caused slavery even if ones white heritage happens to be Slovak/Italian.

It's insane. But that's the left these days.

I guess I didn't realize that there is rampant racism against Irish folks.(eye roll) Once you point out where that racism is coming from, I will stand with you against racism towards the Irish.

The rest of your blanket statements are just useless blabber.

I'm not talking current. I'm talking history and to this day it is denied that the first slaves on this continent were white.

Why is this? Because blacks like Sharpton need a permanent feel bad underclass to excuse away the failures of their society.

Its pitiful to watch. You don't have race baiting and race riots in the islands do you? Nor continental. Only in America where it is profitable to be a race baiter do you find this.
Tel;l the DNC to put it on their websites.

I might buy in that you are recognizing what you have done. the pain you have caused.

Otherwise go fuck yourself and watch what I can do in the weeks ahead darlin.

I was ready to let by gones be by gones till the north raised again.

time out. I will now slay you motherfucking racists for everything I can mmmkay"
Whites must own white history by dems and pubs.

Fact of our culture.

And they get to celebrate where they changed from bad to good.

That is why we are celebrating the majority Republicans and minority Democrats who kicked the bad old white men in the face for wanting to keep the flag up.

Celebrate that.
td, we have been through this. White indentured servitude was not the same as Negro chattel slavery.
We are all fully aware of sins of our past.

Are you going to own up to the rampant racism that exists in your party today?

No. Im not. I see one party that is in full attack mode against one race. Its Dems against whites.

So, you'd rather play your delusional victim card...

Delusional? Who the hell on the left these days doesn't blame "whitey" for all the shit that goes on?

I to this day have never witnessed on boards, in the media, in government anyone blaming "whitey" willy nilly for the enslavement of the Irish for example as they are wont to do over blacks.

I to this day have never witnessed US blacks stating that the slavery days that they endured had nothing to do with those whites that came thru Ellis Island.

No. Blacks and whacko insane white libs keep talking about "whites" as if we were one great movement that caused slavery even if ones white heritage happens to be Slovak/Italian.

It's insane. But that's the left these days.

I guess I didn't realize that there is rampant racism against Irish folks.(eye roll) Once you point out where that racism is coming from, I will stand with you against racism towards the Irish.

The rest of your blanket statements are just useless blabber.

I'm not talking current. I'm talking history and to this day it is denied that the first slaves on this continent were white.

Why is this? Because blacks like Sharpton need a permanent feel bad underclass to excuse away the failures of their society.

Its pitiful to watch. You don't have race baiting and race riots in the islands do you? Nor continental. Only in America where it is profitable to be a race baiter do you find this.

You keep talking history so you can ignore the rampant racism in you party TODAY!
Tel;l the DNC to put it on their websites.

I might buy in that you are recognizing what you have done. the pain you have caused.

Otherwise go fuck yourself and watch what I can do in the weeks ahead darlin.

I was ready to let by gones be by gones till the north raised again.

time out. I will now slay you motherfucking racists for everything I can mmmkay"

This is worse than listening to word salad from Sarah Palin.

Tell the DNC to put what on their websites, Tiny Dancer?

td, we have been through this. White indentured servitude was not the same as Negro chattel slavery.

Children from the streets of London pre dated blacks arriving on America's shores and working in the tobacco fields. By the way. Helped out a neighbor once planting tobacco when I lived in southern Ontario's tobacco belt. His people hadn't arrived yet and the crop had to be transplanted. It's hell on earth. And that's in this century with modern equipment. OMG it was unreal. I worked day and night to help him. My husband came home from work and hit the fields with us. You bet people died in the fields back then to produce a crop. I had beer after a long day. :lol: those poor souls didn't. Honest. It's horrible.

OK back to white cargo. When you are eight years old and picked up off the streets and jammed onto a ship you are not an indentured servant mmmmmmmkay?

Now those poor urchins were just the tip of the iceberg Jake. Cromwell bloody well shipped off something like one third of the population of Ireland to become slaves in the *cough* new world.

Now Jake what you have to remember is I am not excusing black slavery whatsoever. Not at all. Look. The Brits got their hands on the John Deeres in their time and went wild out of Africa.

Think about it. It wasn't racism to choose a strapping black young man and pay way more money over a scrawny white Irish man who'd give you lip and couldn't work near as hard.

It just made sense that if you could afford the black you would damn well buy him. John Deere baby for the fields.

As disgusting as that sounds, that was the bloody truth of it.

Now to excuse themselves of course they had to somehow make themselves believe that the black was less than them. I want to bazooka barf at this part of our history.

But Jake we also have to embrace the better part of our souls and rise up and celebrate that compared to many on this little planet of ours, we recognized that slavery was evil and we put an end to it with many lives lost on many a battlefield.

I've been to Gettysburg Jake. My dad bless his soul was the penultimate "learn something when you travel" dad. Other kids were going to Disney. My dad took me to places like Gettysburg oh and dragged me all around DC many times.

I watched Arlington sadly grow in the sixties when I was a kid because every year we came back up the coast, we'd go to the Kennedy graves.

I digressed there. Fond memories of climbing the Needle with my pop too.

You ever been there? It's awesome. Washington is like living and breathing history. It:s unreal.

Ok back to slavery. When I bring up the white slaves from the Brits please don't ever think I am in any way excusing the horrors of black slavery.

Not at all. I just want to see both included in history. And most importantly to have a true discussion on slavery not only as it happened then but as it is happening today.

I think that unless we get down and dirty and lay it all on the line we will never move forward.
No. Im not. I see one party that is in full attack mode against one race. Its Dems against whites.

So, you'd rather play your delusional victim card...

Delusional? Who the hell on the left these days doesn't blame "whitey" for all the shit that goes on?

I to this day have never witnessed on boards, in the media, in government anyone blaming "whitey" willy nilly for the enslavement of the Irish for example as they are wont to do over blacks.

I to this day have never witnessed US blacks stating that the slavery days that they endured had nothing to do with those whites that came thru Ellis Island.

No. Blacks and whacko insane white libs keep talking about "whites" as if we were one great movement that caused slavery even if ones white heritage happens to be Slovak/Italian.

It's insane. But that's the left these days.

I guess I didn't realize that there is rampant racism against Irish folks.(eye roll) Once you point out where that racism is coming from, I will stand with you against racism towards the Irish.

The rest of your blanket statements are just useless blabber.

I'm not talking current. I'm talking history and to this day it is denied that the first slaves on this continent were white.

Why is this? Because blacks like Sharpton need a permanent feel bad underclass to excuse away the failures of their society.

Its pitiful to watch. You don't have race baiting and race riots in the islands do you? Nor continental. Only in America where it is profitable to be a race baiter do you find this.

You keep talking history so you can ignore the rampant racism in you party TODAY!

Rampant racism in the Republican party today? Back that up sister or shut up.

Prove rampant racism.

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