If todays whites must own white history of 1800s, Dems of today own Dem history then too.

Apparently the left says todays whites...must be held to account for actions of whites in the past.

Then shouldnt todays Democrats be accountable for past Democrats? Afterall....Democrats raised the rebel flag. Founded the KKK. Fought against civil rights. All.the bad shit.

Oh....wait....they say democrats back then were different than the ones today? Yeah.....same for white people you fucking morons.

We are all fully aware of sins of our past.

Are you going to own up to the rampant racism that exists in your party today?

No. Im not. I see one party that is in full attack mode against one race. Its Dems against whites.

So, you'd rather play your delusional victim card...

Delusional? Who the hell on the left these days doesn't blame "whitey" for all the shit that goes on?

I to this day have never witnessed on boards, in the media, in government anyone blaming "whitey" willy nilly for the enslavement of the Irish for example as they are wont to do over blacks.

I to this day have never witnessed US blacks stating that the slavery days that they endured had nothing to do with those whites that came thru Ellis Island.

No. Blacks and whacko insane white libs keep talking about "whites" as if we were one great movement that caused slavery even if ones white heritage happens to be Slovak/Italian.

It's insane. But that's the left these days.

I guess I didn't realize that there is rampant racism against Irish folks.(eye roll) Once you point out where that racism is coming from, I will stand with you against racism towards the Irish.

The rest of your blanket statements are just useless blabber.

I want reparations for my ancestors being enslaved. I'm white and part Irish.

See how looney tunes this is?
this rambling rant belongs in politics why?

Its not. Its in Current Events. And lefties telling whites we must feel guilty over past white oppression is absolutely the topic of the day.

Its no more of a rant than the 10-20 per day Guno or any C-FAG member posts.

So...ask again....why arent Democrats coming to terms with and owning the racism and oppression of their past? Their KKK ties. Their slavery ties. Their raising of rebel flags. Their resistance to civil rights.

Democrat privilege. Why cant Democrats simply acknowledge the sins of their past?

Whites have to apparently. So....lets get on with it.

The past has been repeatedly acknowledged and great effort has been made to rectify the bad behavior, but if you aren't aware of it, this is just for you.

I, personally, and all Democrats I know, admit that the Democratic party was once a racist party who did horrible things in the name of the party. I and most others regret those actions and, after realizing the error of those actions have made every effort to change behavior and goals to be more in line with the ideal that everyone deserves a fair shot, and oppression of minorities is no longer acceptable.

Feel better now?

Why would the DNC omit their heritage on their website?

You know. The KKK and Jim Crow days and other?
We are all fully aware of sins of our past.

Are you going to own up to the rampant racism that exists in your party today?

No. Im not. I see one party that is in full attack mode against one race. Its Dems against whites.

So, you'd rather play your delusional victim card...

Delusional? Who the hell on the left these days doesn't blame "whitey" for all the shit that goes on?

I to this day have never witnessed on boards, in the media, in government anyone blaming "whitey" willy nilly for the enslavement of the Irish for example as they are wont to do over blacks.

I to this day have never witnessed US blacks stating that the slavery days that they endured had nothing to do with those whites that came thru Ellis Island.

No. Blacks and whacko insane white libs keep talking about "whites" as if we were one great movement that caused slavery even if ones white heritage happens to be Slovak/Italian.

It's insane. But that's the left these days.

I guess I didn't realize that there is rampant racism against Irish folks.(eye roll) Once you point out where that racism is coming from, I will stand with you against racism towards the Irish.

The rest of your blanket statements are just useless blabber.

I want reparations for my ancestors being enslaved. I'm white and part Irish.

See how looney tunes this is?
Brits should paint themselves blue and attack Italy. When is Rome going to pay for its illegal occupation of Britian?
this rambling rant belongs in politics why?

Its not. Its in Current Events. And lefties telling whites we must feel guilty over past white oppression is absolutely the topic of the day.

Its no more of a rant than the 10-20 per day Guno or any C-FAG member posts.

So...ask again....why arent Democrats coming to terms with and owning the racism and oppression of their past? Their KKK ties. Their slavery ties. Their raising of rebel flags. Their resistance to civil rights.

Democrat privilege. Why cant Democrats simply acknowledge the sins of their past?

Whites have to apparently. So....lets get on with it.

The past has been repeatedly acknowledged and great effort has been made to rectify the bad behavior, but if you aren't aware of it, this is just for you.

I, personally, and all Democrats I know, admit that the Democratic party was once a racist party who did horrible things in the name of the party. I and most others regret those actions and, after realizing the error of those actions have made every effort to change behavior and goals to be more in line with the ideal that everyone deserves a fair shot, and oppression of minorities is no longer acceptable.

Feel better now?

Why would the DNC omit their heritage on their website?

You know. The KKK and Jim Crow days and other?

Because those things no longer represent the goals and ideals of the party. I will sadly admit that I had a Nehru jacket when I was a kid, but I don't post a picture of it on Facebook. Sure, those things did happened, but it was so far in the past till it doesn't represent reality today.
We are all fully aware of sins of our past.

Are you going to own up to the rampant racism that exists in your party today?

No. Im not. I see one party that is in full attack mode against one race. Its Dems against whites.

So, you'd rather play your delusional victim card...

Delusional? Who the hell on the left these days doesn't blame "whitey" for all the shit that goes on?

I to this day have never witnessed on boards, in the media, in government anyone blaming "whitey" willy nilly for the enslavement of the Irish for example as they are wont to do over blacks.

I to this day have never witnessed US blacks stating that the slavery days that they endured had nothing to do with those whites that came thru Ellis Island.

No. Blacks and whacko insane white libs keep talking about "whites" as if we were one great movement that caused slavery even if ones white heritage happens to be Slovak/Italian.

It's insane. But that's the left these days.

I guess I didn't realize that there is rampant racism against Irish folks.(eye roll) Once you point out where that racism is coming from, I will stand with you against racism towards the Irish.

The rest of your blanket statements are just useless blabber.

I want reparations for my ancestors being enslaved. I'm white and part Irish.

See how looney tunes this is?

Yes, I do see that you are looney tunes.
OP is an ignorant cracker ass trailer trash idiot BUT

Yes, we all have some degree of responsibility for past horrors but the difference between Dems and Repubs is that Dems evolved. Republicans only got worse.

Dems evolved excuse? Doesn't work. The Dems are the ones responsible for the horrors of the KKK and Jim Crow laws and more.

Dems own it. There is no gray area.

And the conservative dems turned into the dixcrates and then became republicans recruited by the republican party

So you're saying the Republicans of back then were actually liberals.....and they recruited racist conservatives out of the Democrat party?

Yeah. See? Liberals have always embraced racists. Thanks.

Dixiecrats were against the Civil Rights Act, however, once enlightened Democrats figured out that America wasn't about racial hatred, they became more liberal, like most of the Dems in the north. That vacuum in racial hatred was quickly filled with Conservatives and people who today are called tea party types, which explains why those blue states are now red. (this was a gradual shift, it did not happen overnight)

I realize that you're suggesting that Democrats are more racially biased than Republicans, but you can shout that as loud as you want, from every Fox News outlet in America, and nobody but the brainwashed and brain dead will believe you, because simple observation shows why those once blue states are now red, red, red.
This train of thought has become very popular among USMB nutters.

For some reason, their feelings are soothed if they convince themselves that democrats are inherently racist.

By the way....who is telling whites that they must feel guilty about the past? The left? Which members of the left? Only the black ones?

Idiot thread.
Ok bite me.

Tell me when and where you apologized.

So what's missing?

  • There is no reference to the number of Democratic Party platforms supporting slavery. There were six from 1840 through 1860.

  • There is no reference to the number of Democratic presidents who owned slaves. There were seven from 1800 through 1861

  • There is no reference to the number of Democratic Party platforms that either supported segregation outright or were silent on the subject. There were 20, from 1868 through 1948.

  • There is no reference to "Jim Crow" as in "Jim Crow laws," nor is there reference to the role Democrats played in creating them. These were the post-Civil War laws passed enthusiastically by Democrats in that pesky 52-year part of the DNC's missing years.
  • These laws segregated public schools, public transportation, restaurants, rest rooms and public places in general (everything from water coolers to beaches). The reason Rosa Parks became famous is that she sat in the "whites only" front section of a bus, the "whites only" designation the direct result of Democrats.

  • There is no reference to the formation of the Ku Klux Klan, which, according to Columbia University historian Eric Foner, became "a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party."

  • Nor is there reference to University of North Carolina historian Allen Trelease's description of the Klan as the "terrorist arm of the Democratic Party."

  • There is no reference to the fact Democrats opposed the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments to the Constitution. The 13th banned slavery.

  • The 14th effectively overturned the infamous 1857 Dred Scott decision (made by Democratic pro-slavery Supreme Court justices) by guaranteeing due process and equal protection to former slaves.

  • The 15th gave black Americans the right to vote.

  • There is no reference to the fact that Democrats opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1866. It was passed by the Republican Congress over the veto of President Andrew Johnson, who had been a Democrat before joining Lincoln's ticket in 1864.

  • The law was designed to provide blacks with the right to own private property, sign contracts, sue and serve as witnesses in a legal proceeding.There is no reference to the Democrats' opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1875.

  • It was passed by a Republican Congress and signed into law by President Ulysses Grant. The law prohibited racial discrimination in public places and public accommodations.

  • There is no reference to the Democrats' 1904 platform, which devotes a section to "Sectional and Racial Agitation," claiming the GOP's protests against segregation and the denial of voting rights to blacks sought to "revive the dead and hateful race and sectional animosities in any part of our common country," which in turn "means confusion, distraction of business, and the reopening of wounds now happily healed."

  • There is no reference to four Democratic platforms, 1908-20, that are silent on blacks, segregation, lynching and voting rights as racial problems in the country mount.

  • By contrast the GOP platforms of those years specifically address "Rights of the Negro" (1908), oppose lynching (in 1912, 1920, 1924, 1928) and, as the New Deal kicks in, speak out about the dangers of making blacks "wards of the state."
  • There is no reference to the Democratic Convention of 1924, known to history as the "Klanbake." The 103-ballot convention was held in Madison Square Garden. Hundreds of delegates were members of the Ku Klux Klan, the Klan so powerful that a plank condemning Klan violence was defeated outright.

  • To celebrate, the Klan staged a rally with 10,000 hooded Klansmen in a field in New Jersey directly across the Hudson from the site of the convention.

  • Attended by hundreds of cheering convention delegates, the rally featured burning crosses and calls for violence against African-Americans and Catholics.

  • There is no reference to the fact that it was Democrats who segregated the federal government, at the direction of President Woodrow Wilson upon taking office in 1913. There \is a reference to the fact that President Harry Truman integrated the military after World War II.

  • There is reference to the fact that Democrats created the Federal Reserve Board, passed labor and child welfare laws, and created Social Security with Wilson's New Freedom and FDR's New Deal.

  • There is no mention that these programs were created as the result of an agreement to ignore segregation and the lynching of blacks. Neither is there a reference to the thousands of local officials, state legislators, state governors, U.S. congressmen and U.S. senators who were elected as supporters of slavery and then segregation between 1800 and 1965.

  • Nor is there reference to the deal with the devil that left segregation and lynching as a way of life in return for election support for three post-Civil War Democratic presidents, Grover Cleveland, Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt.

  • There is no reference that three-fourths of the opposition to the 1964 Civil Rights Bill in the U.S. House came from Democrats, or that 80% of the "nay" vote in the Senate came from Democrats.

  • Certainly there is no reference to the fact that the opposition included future Democratic Senate leader Robert Byrd of West Virginia (a former Klan member) and Tennessee Senator Albert Gore Sr., father of Vice President Al Gore.

  • Last but certainly not least, there is no reference to the fact that Birmingham, Ala., Public Safety Commissioner Bull Connor, who infamously unleashed dogs and fire hoses on civil rights protestors, was in fact--yes indeed--a member of both the Democratic National Committee and the Ku Klux Klan.
More at link:

The Democrats Missing History - WSJ[/QUOTE]
No. Im not. I see one party that is in full attack mode against one race. Its Dems against whites.

So, you'd rather play your delusional victim card...

Delusional? Who the hell on the left these days doesn't blame "whitey" for all the shit that goes on?

I to this day have never witnessed on boards, in the media, in government anyone blaming "whitey" willy nilly for the enslavement of the Irish for example as they are wont to do over blacks.

I to this day have never witnessed US blacks stating that the slavery days that they endured had nothing to do with those whites that came thru Ellis Island.

No. Blacks and whacko insane white libs keep talking about "whites" as if we were one great movement that caused slavery even if ones white heritage happens to be Slovak/Italian.

It's insane. But that's the left these days.

I guess I didn't realize that there is rampant racism against Irish folks.(eye roll) Once you point out where that racism is coming from, I will stand with you against racism towards the Irish.

The rest of your blanket statements are just useless blabber.

I want reparations for my ancestors being enslaved. I'm white and part Irish.

See how looney tunes this is?

Yes, I do see that you are looney tunes.

Ooh my feelings are so hurt carla danger.

This train of thought has become very popular among USMB nutters.

For some reason, their feelings are soothed if they convince themselves that democrats are inherently racist.

By the way....who is telling whites that they must feel guilty about the past? The left? Which members of the left? Only the black ones?

Idiot thread.

Hey you dems own the KKK and Jim Crow. Only now are people having had it with you left wing mother fuckers trying to pin the racial past on Rs stepping out of the shadows and laying it on the line.
We are all fully aware of sins of our past.

Are you going to own up to the rampant racism that exists in your party today?

No. Im not. I see one party that is in full attack mode against one race. Its Dems against whites.

So, you'd rather play your delusional victim card...

Delusional? Who the hell on the left these days doesn't blame "whitey" for all the shit that goes on?

I to this day have never witnessed on boards, in the media, in government anyone blaming "whitey" willy nilly for the enslavement of the Irish for example as they are wont to do over blacks.

I to this day have never witnessed US blacks stating that the slavery days that they endured had nothing to do with those whites that came thru Ellis Island.

No. Blacks and whacko insane white libs keep talking about "whites" as if we were one great movement that caused slavery even if ones white heritage happens to be Slovak/Italian.

It's insane. But that's the left these days.

I guess I didn't realize that there is rampant racism against Irish folks.(eye roll) Once you point out where that racism is coming from, I will stand with you against racism towards the Irish.

The rest of your blanket statements are just useless blabber.

I want reparations for my ancestors being enslaved. I'm white and part Irish.

See how looney tunes this is?

Me too!!!!! Where do I sign up for the money due to me for my ancestors being enslaved and what flag do I demand to be taken down?
Apparently the left says todays whites...must be held to account for actions of whites in the past.

Then shouldnt todays Democrats be accountable for past Democrats? Afterall....Democrats raised the rebel flag. Founded the KKK. Fought against civil rights. All.the bad shit.

Oh....wait....they say democrats back then were different than the ones today? Yeah.....same for white people you fucking morons.

Apparently you are an idiot.

With an obsession about race.
Ok bite me.

Tell me when and where you apologized.

So what's missing?

  • There is no reference to the number of Democratic Party platforms supporting slavery. There were six from 1840 through 1860.

  • There is no reference to the number of Democratic presidents who owned slaves. There were seven from 1800 through 1861

  • There is no reference to the number of Democratic Party platforms that either supported segregation outright or were silent on the subject. There were 20, from 1868 through 1948.

  • There is no reference to "Jim Crow" as in "Jim Crow laws," nor is there reference to the role Democrats played in creating them. These were the post-Civil War laws passed enthusiastically by Democrats in that pesky 52-year part of the DNC's missing years.
  • These laws segregated public schools, public transportation, restaurants, rest rooms and public places in general (everything from water coolers to beaches). The reason Rosa Parks became famous is that she sat in the "whites only" front section of a bus, the "whites only" designation the direct result of Democrats.

  • There is no reference to the formation of the Ku Klux Klan, which, according to Columbia University historian Eric Foner, became "a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party."

  • Nor is there reference to University of North Carolina historian Allen Trelease's description of the Klan as the "terrorist arm of the Democratic Party."

  • There is no reference to the fact Democrats opposed the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments to the Constitution. The 13th banned slavery.

  • The 14th effectively overturned the infamous 1857 Dred Scott decision (made by Democratic pro-slavery Supreme Court justices) by guaranteeing due process and equal protection to former slaves.

  • The 15th gave black Americans the right to vote.

  • There is no reference to the fact that Democrats opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1866. It was passed by the Republican Congress over the veto of President Andrew Johnson, who had been a Democrat before joining Lincoln's ticket in 1864.

  • The law was designed to provide blacks with the right to own private property, sign contracts, sue and serve as witnesses in a legal proceeding.There is no reference to the Democrats' opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1875.

  • It was passed by a Republican Congress and signed into law by President Ulysses Grant. The law prohibited racial discrimination in public places and public accommodations.

  • There is no reference to the Democrats' 1904 platform, which devotes a section to "Sectional and Racial Agitation," claiming the GOP's protests against segregation and the denial of voting rights to blacks sought to "revive the dead and hateful race and sectional animosities in any part of our common country," which in turn "means confusion, distraction of business, and the reopening of wounds now happily healed."

  • There is no reference to four Democratic platforms, 1908-20, that are silent on blacks, segregation, lynching and voting rights as racial problems in the country mount.

  • By contrast the GOP platforms of those years specifically address "Rights of the Negro" (1908), oppose lynching (in 1912, 1920, 1924, 1928) and, as the New Deal kicks in, speak out about the dangers of making blacks "wards of the state."
  • There is no reference to the Democratic Convention of 1924, known to history as the "Klanbake." The 103-ballot convention was held in Madison Square Garden. Hundreds of delegates were members of the Ku Klux Klan, the Klan so powerful that a plank condemning Klan violence was defeated outright.

  • To celebrate, the Klan staged a rally with 10,000 hooded Klansmen in a field in New Jersey directly across the Hudson from the site of the convention.

  • Attended by hundreds of cheering convention delegates, the rally featured burning crosses and calls for violence against African-Americans and Catholics.
  • There is no reference to the fact that it was Democrats who segregated the federal government, at the direction of President Woodrow Wilson upon taking office in 1913. There \is a reference to the fact that President Harry Truman integrated the military after World War II.

  • There is reference to the fact that Democrats created the Federal Reserve Board, passed labor and child welfare laws, and created Social Security with Wilson's New Freedom and FDR's New Deal.

  • There is no mention that these programs were created as the result of an agreement to ignore segregation and the lynching of blacks. Neither is there a reference to the thousands of local officials, state legislators, state governors, U.S. congressmen and U.S. senators who were elected as supporters of slavery and then segregation between 1800 and 1965.

  • Nor is there reference to the deal with the devil that left segregation and lynching as a way of life in return for election support for three post-Civil War Democratic presidents, Grover Cleveland, Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt.

  • There is no reference that three-fourths of the opposition to the 1964 Civil Rights Bill in the U.S. House came from Democrats, or that 80% of the "nay" vote in the Senate came from Democrats.

  • Certainly there is no reference to the fact that the opposition included future Democratic Senate leader Robert Byrd of West Virginia (a former Klan member) and Tennessee Senator Albert Gore Sr., father of Vice President Al Gore.

  • Last but certainly not least, there is no reference to the fact that Birmingham, Ala., Public Safety Commissioner Bull Connor, who infamously unleashed dogs and fire hoses on civil rights protestors, was in fact--yes indeed--a member of both the Democratic National Committee and the Ku Klux Klan.
More at link:

The Democrats Missing History - WSJ

Please amend my previous post to specifically include the things you listed as acknowledged wrong doings by Democrats. My acknowledgement of past wrong behavior was intended to include those specific things, but I guess you didn't understand that. I, and no Democrat that I know, wants to say those things are acceptable, or representative of present goals. Yes they did happen. There is no questioning that. Those errors have long been acknowledged and great effort has been exerted to correct them. Now fuck off you whiney idiot.
This train of thought has become very popular among USMB nutters.

For some reason, their feelings are soothed if they convince themselves that democrats are inherently racist.

By the way....who is telling whites that they must feel guilty about the past? The left? Which members of the left? Only the black ones?

Idiot thread.

Hey you dems own the KKK and Jim Crow. Only now are people having had it with you left wing mother fuckers trying to pin the racial past on Rs stepping out of the shadows and laying it on the line.

No, dingbat, we are saying that you own the racism that's going on in the Neo-Clown party NOW.

Racist politicians in the South, during Jim Crow, were both Republican and Democrat.
OP is an ignorant cracker ass trailer trash idiot BUT

Yes, we all have some degree of responsibility for past horrors but the difference between Dems and Repubs is that Dems evolved. Republicans only got worse.

Dems evolved excuse? Doesn't work. The Dems are the ones responsible for the horrors of the KKK and Jim Crow laws and more.

Dems own it. There is no gray area.
Don't forget welfare, the final nail in the coffin for black families.

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