If Trump is guilty of inciting a riot it would be easy for USMB Democrats to prove it

So, prove it.

Don't show me the heavily edited video the Democrats presented.

I want to see evidence that Trump made a statement that incited a riot.

Declaring the election was stolen is not proof Trump incited a riot.
"'Never would have happened if not for Donald Trump'

"House impeachment manager Madeleine Dean played lots of video from the Trump rally that took place before the riot.

"She noted that - out of the 11,000 words Trump spoke in his hourlong-plus speech - he only mentioned marching 'peacefully' once, whereas he said 'fight' multiple times.


Trump has fanned these flames for four years.
On January 6 his base rose to the occasion.
Has anyone heard what Mike Pence has said about the insurrection?
So, prove it.

Don't show me the heavily edited video the Democrats presented.

I want to see evidence that Trump made a statement that incited a riot.

Declaring the election was stolen is not proof Trump incited a riot.

Why should the posters here have to do that when the Impeachment Managers are doing such an excellent job, inch, by inch, brick by brick?
So, prove it.

Don't show me the heavily edited video the Democrats presented.

I want to see evidence that Trump made a statement that incited a riot.

Declaring the election was stolen is not proof Trump incited a riot.
The facts prove it. Fact averse trumpkins don’t like facts.

but then again I’m not a white supremacist insurrectionist
So, prove it.

Don't show me the heavily edited video the Democrats presented.

I want to see evidence that Trump made a statement that incited a riot.

Declaring the election was stolen is not proof Trump incited a riot.
It is being proven almost as we speak to all reasonable people who have taken the time to seriously watch the House Impeachment managers make their case. Of course it was obvious to me and many long ago. But Trump cultists and most Republican politicians and supporters are not really listening, not interested in seeing the simple reality.

The House Managers have done a great job in connecting all the months Trump spent lying to and priming and inciting his base — including his most irrational base — to come to Washington to stop the legal transfer of power. It is all there, and it is a devastating picture that proves that the despicable Trump — in order to stay in power — did everything possible to steal the election, and when everything failed, signaled to his supporters they needed to use violence, and that therefore he should be found guilty by the Senate.
So, prove it.

Don't show me the heavily edited video the Democrats presented.

I want to see evidence that Trump made a statement that incited a riot.

Declaring the election was stolen is not proof Trump incited a riot.

I think that the House has already accomplished this. But either way, the Republican Party is severely wounded either way. Maybe not locally, but federally. This translates out as the House, Senate and the President won't go Republican for man years,possibly decades.

Of course, you are going to disagree with that statement but here are some of the recent other things you were wrong about.,

1. Rump will win by a landslide. He lost by over 7 million votes. The more Rump and his cronies worked to discredit that number, that number continued to grow in the recounts and audits. You puffed up chest was wrong.

2. The Election was rigged. Over and over, this was proven false. There wasn't enough fraud one way or another to affect the outcome. Even Rumps Buttboy had to make that announcement. Your puffed up chest was wrong.

3. Rump attempted to coerce state officials through intimidation but failed in that., Georgia is now bringing State Criminal Charges against Rump and his merry band of criminals.

The Impeachment trial isn't the last thing. After the impeachment trial ends (win, lose or draw), the criminal charges start.
So, prove it.

Don't show me the heavily edited video the Democrats presented.

I want to see evidence that Trump made a statement that incited a riot.

Declaring the election was stolen is not proof Trump incited a riot.

The Dimm video was made by a Hollywood production company.

True story. (Where was Wonder Woman when AOC needed her?).
So, prove it.

Don't show me the heavily edited video the Democrats presented.

I want to see evidence that Trump made a statement that incited a riot.

Declaring the election was stolen is not proof Trump incited a riot.

It has been proven many times over. But no matter how clearly we prove it, Trump scum will deny it.

But we're not worried, we'll keep proving it over and over again for years and years to come...just to remind everyone what traitorous sleazebags Trump and his supporters are!!!!

Remember, even if Trump is found not guilty in his impeachment trial, it doesn't mean that the DOJ will not charge him criminally.

When that happens, you won't have a bunch of spineless weenie Republican Senators to protect him!!!!!

This is only the first round of prosecutions against Trump.
So, prove it.

Don't show me the heavily edited video the Democrats presented.

I want to see evidence that Trump made a statement that incited a riot.

Declaring the election was stolen is not proof Trump incited a riot.

It was thoroughly "proven" on January 6, 2021. It wouldn't even be "proven" to you if Trump publicly admitted his "Big Lie" was a lie and that he intentionally incited his domestic terrorists to violently attack the Capital to overthrow a legal election and disenfranchise millions of voters:

So, prove it.

Don't show me the heavily edited video the Democrats presented.

I want to see evidence that Trump made a statement that incited a riot.

Declaring the election was stolen is not proof Trump incited a riot.

Why should the posters here have to do that when the Impeachment Managers are doing such an excellent job, inch, by inch, brick by brick?
We are like you now. We will watch part of the nation incinerated even over our enemies. For you are our enemies now. No threats. Just realism.
So, prove it.

Don't show me the heavily edited video the Democrats presented.

I want to see evidence that Trump made a statement that incited a riot.

Declaring the election was stolen is not proof Trump incited a riot.
Don't be afraid - the election was stolen.
President Trump did do it. The insurrectionists "failed," because they were not prepared to hold the Capitol in earnest. The were not completely prepared. They did not know what to do once they got there - they were relatively peaceful.

The Democrats are admitting that they are afraid of Trump.
So, prove it.

Don't show me the heavily edited video the Democrats presented.

I want to see evidence that Trump made a statement that incited a riot.

Declaring the election was stolen is not proof Trump incited a riot.

The Dimm video was made by a Hollywood production company.

True story. (Where was Wonder Woman when AOC needed her?).

I notice no attempt on your part to deny that the President said or did any of those things, just a comment on the production values. We also noted no attempt on the part of the President's attorneys to deny he said or did any of those things. They just said that instead of impeaching Trump, Biden should just have him arrested, tried and convicted.

Of course the Republican officials of the State of Georgia, the ones that Trump attempted to coerce, discredit and threaten, are now bringing state charges against Trump for election interference over those threatening phone calls to the Secretary of State.
Are we united yet?

UNITY NOW!!! :twirl:

By the end of this trial, Republicans will be united in getting rid of Trump and his poison, or the party will continue to watch their base dwindle away to the lunatic fringe and become increasingly irrelevant, other than as a wedge party to divide conservatives and keep Democrats in power.
They can't prove it because it is a lie. And we the people , the fence won't keep out!!
That’s funny.

poor whiny trumpkin liars

Biden believes in freedom....
If anything the democrooks want to do wasn't detrimental to national interests they would be the best able to articulate it because the national press is solidly behind them. If the same circumstances were available to them 170 years ago, slavery would still be legal in at least 24 states.

This is a sham. Mass election fraud was going to be discussed on the house floor so the Dems needed a distraction, so remove the barricades and open the doors. Presto an INSURRECTION. LOL.

Mass election fraud was not going to be discussed on the House Floor, because there WAS NO MASS ELECTION FRAUD TO DISCUSS.

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