If Trump is impeached, why can’t the Senate trial start now?

No matter how much BS that is coming out of all this, I don't think either side in Congress really wants it to go to the full Senate. It's going to cost both the Reps and the Dems dearly. It's going to be a complete tossup and be very messy. Rump is dead in the water either way. And here is why.

If it doesn't get forwarded to the Senate, more information is going to keep coming in and be even more damning for Rump. But it gets the Senate Reps off the hook. They get to keep posturing even though they don't want that football in their court. Next year is election year. And when the Dems get down to one Candidate, He or She is going to have a miriad of ammunition that Rump has no answer to. But the Rep Representatives and Senators gets' to keep the support of the Rump Supporters so they can get reelected. There will be losses in the Senate for the Reps in the Senate and losses for the Dems in the House but both will still keep control of both houses like it is but it's going to be a bit tighter. No more slam dunks so that's a good thing. It's a win, win for all of them.

If the Impeachment goes forward to the Senate, Moscow Mitch can elect to file it in the deep dark recesses of his desk like he has many other things. But that's pretty much suicide for his career. Even though his career is toast as it is, he still thinks he has a chance to be reelected and stay Senate Majority Leader. Even if he's reelected, I don't believe that Rump will be a factor anymore and without Rump, Moscow Mitch will not stay Senate Majority Leader. There are some Republican Senators starting to speak out even now about many things. So Rump stays President but it's the same as if the articles were held by the House and not sent to the Senate.

Okay, now we get creative. Let's say the Articles are sent to the Senate and Moscow Mitch allows it to go to the full Senate Floor. Katy Bar the Door. Let's start out by saying, Rump will probably NOT be removed from office. But things get to be extremely messy at this point for the Republicans in both the House and the Senate. The Hearing is very formal. Only the information pertinent to the subject is allowed. Sorry, no Bidens, No Hillary, No Obama. Not even a mention of them. And if the Reps try and force that in, Chief Justice Roberts will have no choice but to hold that person in contempt and have them removed (at best). The list of witnesses will be introduced by both sides by the Senators but only those witnesses that pertain to the articles. I have no idea whom the Reps will include. They have been too busy with the "Hey, look over there" routine and that won't be allowed. But I already know the list of witnesses that the Dems will include and the biggest one will be Rudy. And if the Chief Justice will allow it, then Rudy will have ZERO option but to comply. If the Chief Justice deems it necessary, he has the support of the Supreme Court so that gets around more than 2 years of legal haggling. While Rudy cannot initially be made to talk about his dealings with and for Rump, he can be force to talk about his other dealings including with the other staff members and Ukrainian Government Officials along with allocation of funds. If anything is found amiss, the client attorney privilege is waived. Now, I won't go any further with this scenario but let's suffice to say, it's a friggin nightmare for everyone connected to it including all Dems and Reps equally. And Rump is still in office and still toast in Nove 2020. This is a nightmare for America. One that no one in the House or the Senate want's played out. The only two people that want it played out is Rump and Rudy who could give a rats ass about what's good for America or not.

Rump won't be removed from office until Jan 2021. But how he leaves is up for debate. Let's hope it's the first one and not the other two. It would be for the good of the nation if Rump were to go with a 4th option like Nixon did but that's just not in the cards.
More information will keep coming and be more damning for Trump? Really? They couldn't seem to find him doing anything wrong with a totally partisan House investigation and the Mueller report, what makes you think there is anything to find? I know most(all) politicians are corrupt but then again Trump is not a politician, he's a business man running a country. Very successfully too.

Rump is Rump. He thinks he has gotten away with it. And it prompts him to go into to another "Here, hold my beer" moment. I am sure that Putin will put another bug in Rumps Rear and Rump will go off on something else. So sit back and enjoy the show.
If Trump is impeached, why can’t the Senate trial start now?
Moscow Mitch is still trying to avoid having one.

It's apparently an uphill battle.

Moscow Mitch is still trying to avoid having one.


Because he isn't allowing the House to rule the Senate?
No, because holding a trial would be a political disaster for the republican party.

The matter is moot til Nancy sends the paperwork to the Senate.

So far, she's seemingly holding them up because Mitch won't male the rules SHE wants.

It is NOT up to her, it is NOT up to minority Leader Schumer.

and, no matter WHAT the rules are eventually, the Democrats are going to need a minimum of 20 Republicans to vote to remove.

Do you see that happening?

i see Pelosi putting pressure on Moscow Mitch to promise a fair trial, and I see the fallout for the Trump supporters if he refuses to give a fair trial. Without a fair trial, Trump can't be exonerated.
And that's what tRump wants.
Moscow Mitch is still trying to avoid having one.

It's apparently an uphill battle.

Moscow Mi
tch is still trying to avoid having one.


Because he isn't allowing the House to rule the Senate?
Because Mcconnel will violate his oath of office.
(rigged trial).
Every senator has constitutional obligation to be impartial.

Every senator has constitutional obligation to be impartial.

How many Democrat senators do you think haven't already made up their minds?

How many Democrats in the House do you think were 'Impartial'?
Doesn't matter. Mitch already said he wouldn't allow a fair trial. With a fair trial, you might have a point whining about some Democratic senators. Without Mitch giving a fair trial anyway, it's all on him.

Anything done in the Senate will be as fair as the two inquiries by Nadler and Schiff, and the farce performed by the full House.
Trump was given opportunity to participate.

Trump doesnt understand the constitution, and therefore most of his followersare clueless about this as well.
He is not impeached until the House sends it to the Senate. If they keep stalling then the impeachment will die in the house. They’re stalling because they are trying to make demands to congress and congress is telling them to go fuck themselves. If they keep stalling the Senate had the right to end it because of due process laws.

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He is not impeached until the House sends it to the Senate. If they keep stalling then the impeachment will die in the house. They’re stalling because they are trying to make demands to congress and congress is telling them to go fuck themselves. If they keep stalling the Senate had the right to end it because of due process laws.

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Fucking retarded liberal piece of shit.

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He is not impeached until the House sends it to the Senate. If they keep stalling then the impeachment will die in the house. They’re stalling because they are trying to make demands to congress and congress is telling them to go fuck themselves. If they keep stalling the Senate had the right to end it because of due process laws.

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Exactly which due process law would do that? I'm asking for a specific law to back up your claim, not just some vague idea of what you want a law to be.
He is not impeached until the House sends it to the Senate. If they keep stalling then the impeachment will die in the house. They’re stalling because they are trying to make demands to congress and congress is telling them to go fuck themselves. If they keep stalling the Senate had the right to end it because of due process laws.

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Exactly which due process law would do that? I'm asking for a specific law to back up your claim, not just some vague idea of what you want a law to be.
Assuming Nadlers expert was wrong.....

What prevent the Senate from proceeding is that McTurtle doesn't need the impeachment.

The Senate rule that requires the articles before the trial can be changed with 51 votes.
He is not impeached until the House sends it to the Senate. If they keep stalling then the impeachment will die in the house. They’re stalling because they are trying to make demands to congress and congress is telling them to go fuck themselves. If they keep stalling the Senate had the right to end it because of due process laws.

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Exactly which due process law would do that? I'm asking for a specific law to back up your claim, not just some vague idea of what you want a law to be.
Assuming Nadlers expert was wrong.....

What prevent the Senate from proceeding is that McTurtle doesn't need the impeachment.

The Senate rule that requires the articles before the trial can be changed with 51 votes.

That is exactly the kind of stunt Trump would want. It's unethical, and the blow-back on Republicans would last a long time, but Trump doesn't care about that.
Trump was given opportunity to participate.

Trump doesnt understand the constitution, and therefore most of his followersare clueless about this as well.
You're not very smart, are you?

The GOP wasn't allowed to call witnesses during the House House Witchhunt.

And yet there is still no proof of any offense.

Keep sucking that Hatesickle.
The GOP was allowed to call witnesses, but they proposed people that werent witnesses.

Evidence is in abundance, because Trump creates it faster than it can be processed. Vindman was in the room during the call.
That is exactly the kind of stunt Trump would want. It's unethical, and the blow-back on Republicans would last a long time, but Trump doesn't care about that.

How is having the trial a stunt?

The only legitimate purpose point of an impeachment is to initiate a trial.

Pelosi hiding the articles up her ass is an unethical stunt.

Newt delivered the articles the same day that they were voted on.
That is exactly the kind of stunt Trump would want. It's unethical, and the blow-back on Republicans would last a long time, but Trump doesn't care about that.

How is having the trial a stunt?

The only legitimate purpose point of an impeachment is to initiate a trial.

Pelosi hiding the articles up her ass is an unethical stunt.

Newt delivered the articles the same day that they were voted on.

Trent Lott had not said he would coordinate the prosecution with the white house council. He never once said his goal was to exonerate the president and that there was zero chance the president would be found guilty.
Senator Schumer hopes that we forgot that during the Clinton impeachment, he did exactly what he is criticizing Senator McConnell for doing.
Trump was given opportunity to participate.

Trump doesnt understand the constitution, and therefore most of his followersare clueless about this as well.
You're not very smart, are you?

The GOP wasn't allowed to call witnesses during the House House Witchhunt.

And yet there is still no proof of any offense.

Keep sucking that Hatesickle.
The GOP was allowed to call witnesses, but they proposed people that werent witnesses.

Evidence is in abundance, because Trump creates it faster than it can be processed. Vindman was in the room during the call.
Shifty Shiff severely limited Republican witnesses, yet allowed people who actually witnessed nothing to testify.
Trump was given opportunity to participate.

Trump doesnt understand the constitution, and therefore most of his followersare clueless about this as well.
You're not very smart, are you?

The GOP wasn't allowed to call witnesses during the House House Witchhunt.

And yet there is still no proof of any offense.

Keep sucking that Hatesickle.
The GOP was allowed to call witnesses, but they proposed people that werent witnesses.

Evidence is in abundance, because Trump creates it faster than it can be processed. Vindman was in the room during the call.
Shifty Shiff severely limited Republican witnesses, yet allowed people who actually witnessed nothing.
Trump prevented actual witnesses from testifying.
Trump was given opportunity to participate.

Trump doesnt understand the constitution, and therefore most of his followersare clueless about this as well.
You're not very smart, are you?

The GOP wasn't allowed to call witnesses during the House House Witchhunt.

And yet there is still no proof of any offense.

Keep sucking that Hatesickle.
The GOP was allowed to call witnesses, but they proposed people that werent witnesses.

Evidence is in abundance, because Trump creates it faster than it can be processed. Vindman was in the room during the call.
Shifty Shiff severely limited Republican witnesses, yet allowed people who actually witnessed nothing.
Trump prevented actual witnesses from testifying.
Democrats Have no case! Tell Pelosi to get in gear so this sham can be put to rest.

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