If Trump is impeached, why can’t the Senate trial start now?

Impeachment becomes official when a president or other official is removed from office.

Noah Feldman: If Trump's impeached, then why can't a Senate trial start now?

Trump has not been impeached, sorry libs.

“Call me old fashioned or naive, but I think my job is to explain what the U.S. Constitution actually means, no matter who likes it or doesn't. That led me to explain recently that under the Constitution as it was understood by the framers and as it still should be understood today, impeachment isn't complete when the House of Representatives votes to impeach.

Constitutionally, impeachment becomes official when the House sends word of that impeachment to the Senate, triggering a Senate trial.”
Senator Schumer hopes that we forgot that during the Clinton impeachment, he did exactly what he is criticizing Senator McConnell for doing.

Did Schumer prevent qualified witnesses?
I mean "Coordinating with White House"!

So Schumer didn't do exactly what Moscow Mitch is doing.Thank you for owning up to your mistake.
I did not "own up" to anything. I clarified my remark. Shifty Schiff prevented qualifying witnesses from the intelligence committee.
Impeachment becomes official when a president or other official is removed from office.

Noah Feldman: If Trump's impeached, then why can't a Senate trial start now?

Trump has not been impeached, sorry libs.

“Call me old fashioned or naive, but I think my job is to explain what the U.S. Constitution actually means, no matter who likes it or doesn't. That led me to explain recently that under the Constitution as it was understood by the framers and as it still should be understood today, impeachment isn't complete when the House of Representatives votes to impeach.

Constitutionally, impeachment becomes official when the House sends word of that impeachment to the Senate, triggering a Senate trial.”

Yes, he has been impeached, and that will be listed as his accomplishment in the history books.
Senator Schumer hopes that we forgot that during the Clinton impeachment, he did exactly what he is criticizing Senator McConnell for doing.

Did Schumer prevent qualified witnesses?
I mean "Coordinating with White House"!

So Schumer didn't do exactly what Moscow Mitch is doing.Thank you for owning up to your mistake.
I did not "own up" to anything. I clarified my remark. Shifty Schiff prevented qualifying witnesses from the intelligence committee.

Not as many as Trump did.
The legacy of the next Dimm Potus will also be impeachment and the liberals had better support just as flimsy a case.
If Trump is impeached, why can’t the Senate trial start now?
Moscow Mitch is still trying to avoid having one.

It's apparently an uphill battle.

Moscow Mitch is still trying to avoid having one.


Because he isn't allowing the House to rule the Senate?
No, because holding a trial would be a political disaster for the republican party.
So you are saying Nancy is PROTECTING the republican party and Trump by withholding the impeachment so they can't have a trial? Have you considered seeing a doctor for your delusion?
And you think it would be a DISASTER for the GOP to hold a hearing presenting all of the evidence, witnesses and facts that Schiff and Nadler would not allow? Along with the fact that Trump has been charged with no crime and impeached for exercising his rightful presidential powers? Interesting!
If Trump is impeached, why can’t the Senate trial start now?
Moscow Mitch is still trying to avoid having one.

It's apparently an uphill battle.

Moscow Mitch is still trying to avoid having one.


Because he isn't allowing the House to rule the Senate?
No, because holding a trial would be a political disaster for the republican party.
So you are saying Nancy is PROTECTING the republican party and Trump by withholding the impeachment so they can't have a trial? Have you considered seeing a doctor for your delusion?
And you think it would be a DISASTER for the GOP to hold a hearing presenting all of the evidence, witnesses and facts that Schiff and Nadler would not allow? Along with the fact that Trump has been charged with no crime and impeached for exercising his rightful presidential powers? Interesting!
No, that's not what I'm saying at all.

In fact, you're so far off base I have no idea where you got the idea.
If Trump is impeached, why can’t the Senate trial start now?
Moscow Mitch is still trying to avoid having one.

It's apparently an uphill battle.

Moscow Mitch is still trying to avoid having one.


Because he isn't allowing the House to rule the Senate?
No, because holding a trial would be a political disaster for the republican party.
So you are saying Nancy is PROTECTING the republican party and Trump by withholding the impeachment so they can't have a trial? Have you considered seeing a doctor for your delusion?
And you think it would be a DISASTER for the GOP to hold a hearing presenting all of the evidence, witnesses and facts that Schiff and Nadler would not allow? Along with the fact that Trump has been charged with no crime and impeached for exercising his rightful presidential powers? Interesting!
No, that's not what I'm saying at all.

In fact, you're so far off base I have no idea where you got the idea.
LOL. Funny, I just quoted you. Modus Ponens. If P then Q. I guess you talk so much bull you often don't even realize the implications of what you yourself say. That is EXACTLY what you implied, champ.
Trent Lott had not said he would coordinate the prosecution with the white house council. He never once said his goal was to exonerate the president and that there was zero chance the president would be found guilty.
Trump was exonerated when he released the transcripts.

Trump was re-exonerated when the House Democrat witnesses testified that they saw no impeachable infractions and that they never witnessed a quid pro quo.

It's only fair that McConnell have a chance to exonerate him a 3rd time.

OTOH, Clinton was video taped committing felony perjury and obstructing justice to deny an American Citizen (his sexual harrassment victim) a fair trial.

Trent Lott also refused to allow the House Managers to call witnesses. And Sen. Chuckyou Schumer agreed.
Trump was given opportunity to participate.

Trump doesnt understand the constitution, and therefore most of his followersare clueless about this as well.
You're not very smart, are you?

The GOP wasn't allowed to call witnesses during the House House Witchhunt.

And yet there is still no proof of any offense.

Keep sucking that Hatesickle.
The GOP was allowed to call witnesses, but they proposed people that werent witnesses.

Evidence is in abundance, because Trump creates it faster than it can be processed. Vindman was in the room during the call.
Shifty Shiff severely limited Republican witnesses, yet allowed people who actually witnessed nothing.
Trump prevented actual witnesses from testifying.
Democrats Have no case! Tell Pelosi to get in gear so this sham can be put to rest.
Trump deputized his personal lawyer to carry out US foreign policy in Ukraine.
Whenever Trump spoke with Giuliani, Mulvaney had to leave the room to preserve attorney client privilege, shielding this "foreign policy" from US government officials. The only reason for this is to advance Trump's personal interests above those of our country.

It appears that, from now on, a POTUS may use any US funds to manipulate foreign powers to attack a political adversary.
Trump deputized his personal lawyer to carry out US foreign policy in Ukraine.
Whenever Trump spoke with Giuliani, Mulvaney had to leave the room to preserve attorney client privilege, shielding this "foreign policy" from US government officials. The only reason for this is to advance Trump's personal interests above those of our country.

It appears that, from now on, a POTUS may use any US funds to manipulate foreign powers to attack a political adversary.
If there was a single piece of evidence to back up your BS, that would be something to look into.
The senate should pass a rule, something like:
If the Articles of Impeachment are not submitted to the Senate within 48 hours of passage in the House, they are hereby dismissed without a trial.
You're not very smart, are you?

The GOP wasn't allowed to call witnesses during the House House Witchhunt.

And yet there is still no proof of any offense.

Keep sucking that Hatesickle.
The GOP was allowed to call witnesses, but they proposed people that werent witnesses.

Evidence is in abundance, because Trump creates it faster than it can be processed. Vindman was in the room during the call.
Shifty Shiff severely limited Republican witnesses, yet allowed people who actually witnessed nothing.
Trump prevented actual witnesses from testifying.
Democrats Have no case! Tell Pelosi to get in gear so this sham can be put to rest.
Trump deputized his personal lawyer to carry out US foreign policy in Ukraine.
Whenever Trump spoke with Giuliani, Mulvaney had to leave the room to preserve attorney client privilege, shielding this "foreign policy" from US government officials...
Trump IS the official that sets Administration foreign policy.
... The only reason for this is to advance Trump's personal interests above those of our country...
Your false reductionism shows a real lack of imagination.
... It appears that, from now on, a POTUS may use any US funds to manipulate foreign powers to attack a political adversary.
Oh, after Obama weaponizes the IC, in league with The Fake News Media and the Crooked Hillary campaign you are suddenly concerned about attacks on political adversaries?


The New York Post reported,

"After weeks of behind-the-scenes debate, Senate Republicans have hit on their strategy for handling President Trump’s impeachment: a brief trial — with no witness testimony — and a fast acquittal.​

"'I’m ready to vote now,' Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Missouri) told The Hill. 'I think the articles are a joke.'​

"But they don’t want to dismiss the House Democrats’ charges out of hand, as some Trump allies have proposed.​

"It’s time for him to have his day in court,' Hawley said. 'The president deserves to have due process.'​

"Trump, who was calling for a full-blown trial with multiple witnesses — including former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter — just three weeks ago, now supports the Senate leadership’s plan."​

This is boring. The endless farce, dead under it's own weight. Git 'er done!
Trump deputized his personal lawyer to carry out US foreign policy in Ukraine.
Whenever Trump spoke with Giuliani, Mulvaney had to leave the room to preserve attorney client privilege, shielding this "foreign policy" from US government officials. The only reason for this is to advance Trump's personal interests above those of our country.

It appears that, from now on, a POTUS may use any US funds to manipulate foreign powers to attack a political adversary.
If there was a single piece of evidence to back up your BS, that would be something to look into.
Trump deputized lawyer Rudy Giuliani to run a shadow foreign policy for Ukraine outside the State Department, witnesses told Congress.

Mulvaney fled the room whenever Trump and Giuliani discussed Ukraine scheme

More than 2,000 of Trump's conflicts of interest

Since Trump used his personal lawyer in Ukraine, the president is manipulating the country for his personal interest.
Trump deputized his personal lawyer to carry out US foreign policy in Ukraine.
Whenever Trump spoke with Giuliani, Mulvaney had to leave the room to preserve attorney client privilege, shielding this "foreign policy" from US government officials. The only reason for this is to advance Trump's personal interests above those of our country.

It appears that, from now on, a POTUS may use any US funds to manipulate foreign powers to attack a political adversary.
If there was a single piece of evidence to back up your BS, that would be something to look into.
Trump deputized lawyer Rudy Giuliani to run a shadow foreign policy for Ukraine outside the State Department,..
Nonsense. As the only Elected Policy Maker in the Executive Branch, Trump sets foreign policy for the Executive Branch. That he found the Deep State Pukes unreliable stands vindicated.
...Mulvaney fled the room whenever Trump and Giuliani discussed Ukraine scheme...
Make up your mind. A minute ago you claimed "Mulvaney had to leave the room". No you claim "he fled".

Time to end the Impeachment farce, 3.5 years is long enough. You failed, now you're railed.

Trump's not only presiding over a booming economy and rising working class wages, but he's winning this trade war with China.

The National Interest reported, "China Cancelled Two Super Aircraft Carriers." Stole stuff from us that doesn't work.

The U.S. Navy has been beset by major cost overruns and delays in deploying its new generation Gerald Ford-class supercarriers due to persistent flaws in their catapults, arresting gear, radars and weapons elevators.

"Similar problems apparently are affecting China’s carrier program. On November 28, Minnie Chan of the South China Morning Post reported that Beijing was scrapping plans for a fifth and sixth nuclear-powered carrier, once it finished construction of two new steam-powered vessels.​

"The reason? 'Technical challenges and high costs,' including issues particularly linked to development of the latter two vessel’s electromagnetic launch systems — the same system bedeviling the U.S. Navy."​

Their own petard hoisted them.

The story said,

"But rather than adopt the steam catapults used on most flat-deck aircraft carriers, Beijing was determined to steal a technological step by directly adopting next-generation electromagnetic launch systems, or EMALs — currently only featured on two new Gerald Ford class carrier."​

This is a lesson in stealing.

On May 30, 2019, Popular Mechanics reported,

"Earlier this week, President Trump continued to press his attack on a U.S. Navy system that uses magnetism to launch aircraft from aircraft carriers. At an event on a Japan-based navy warship, Trump reiterated his claim that the Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System, or EMALS, is inferior to the use of steam catapults to get airplanes in the air."​

The admirals and generals hate him because he is smarter than them at their own area of expertise.

He not only runs Administration Foreign Policy, but he is also Commander In Chief, and a damn good at both, a pleasant surprise after 16 years of Dumb and Dumber.

Enough with the impeachment games, Trump will be the quite formidable 2020 GOP Candidate. You know it, I know it, Nancy Pelosi Knows it, The American People know it.

Your guy's hoax has completely failed.


If Democrats want Trump's job, they will have to beat him at the ballot box.
Trump was given opportunity to participate.

Trump doesnt understand the constitution, and therefore most of his followersare clueless about this as well.
You're not very smart, are you?

The GOP wasn't allowed to call witnesses during the House House Witchhunt.

And yet there is still no proof of any offense.

Keep sucking that Hatesickle.
The GOP was allowed to call witnesses, but they proposed people that werent witnesses.

Evidence is in abundance, because Trump creates it faster than it can be processed. Vindman was in the room during the call.

It’s not illegal. Dumbass. Why is the House stalling. You should learn more about the Constitution before you open your trap. He is not impeached until it gets to the Senate. Dems are making there own rules up as they go. Watch the video of Namcy Pelosi’s speech when they impeached Clinton. It’s amazing. She is as dumb as you and the of the left.

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Trump was given opportunity to participate.

Trump doesnt understand the constitution, and therefore most of his followersare clueless about this as well.
You're not very smart, are you?

The GOP wasn't allowed to call witnesses during the House House Witchhunt.

And yet there is still no proof of any offense.

Keep sucking that Hatesickle.
The GOP was allowed to call witnesses, but they proposed people that werent witnesses.

Evidence is in abundance, because Trump creates it faster than it can be processed. Vindman was in the room during the call.

Watch this dumbass. Nancy Pelosi embarrassing herself as usual.

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