If Trump is leaving office, his best going away gift could be to hit China...hard....by protecting U.S economic interests

If I am Trump, I put forward some hard hitting E.O's with teeth that protect the U.S economy from Chinas influence/pillaging. It would not only make it very politically difficult for the incoming administration to alter them, it would also surely get support from those loyal patriots (not the bad apples) with their asses on the line in this battle (FBI, CIA, NSA).

I'm not talking about a full withdrawal from China, the global supply chain doesn't move that fast. However, he should consider making tariffs difficult to lift and strong sanctions to particular companies (he has done some of this already against military-linked Chinese companies) and hold local businesses and individuals legally accountable for violating the sanctions.

Furthermore, if he or any of his family were to run again, the clear and obvious sweet spot of support would be for standing up for American Interests vs. China. He would definitely get some support from other vulnerable nations that are currently U.S allies, but might have to alter their course if America doesn't take the communist threat more seriously.

When Trump exited TTP he gave all the Asia-Pacific markets to China.

His tariffs on Chinese goods has failed. It did not create any significant number of American jobs, and China just shifted to selling to other markets.

His diplomacy regarding N. Korean nukes was a complete failure.

Finally, he pissed off the Chinese enough that they launched a biological warfare attack (COVID-19) against us. China has been doing well in stopping COVID-19 (a bit too well) while Western civilization is collapsing.

I don't have any answers for dealing with China, but it's obvious that Trump's policies have been a monumental failure. Extending them would intensify the catastrophe.

Let's hope that when Biden takes office he can initiate some intelligent policies towards China.

The only ones supporting the Status Quo on China are import/exporters and those self serving.

You can feel free to list what intelligent policies towards China we saw with Biden as V.P...for eight years. How many more presented by Harris/Biden in the many decades they have had in politics.

Sure they can change, i hope they do. I highly doubt those in Chinas orbit are sitting back in "wait and see mode". For them, the war has already begun. America will be like creepy, covert police state Canada and bankrupt Ontario if you don't wake up.

What some apologist are suggesting is "hey, better to send Germany our oil and steel than to confront them after they rolled into Czechoslovakia. We need to engage intelligently, not confront".

I'm not some guy pulling out my hair, I'm calling it as I see it, I'm fairly certain of the outcome. More certain unless there is a drastic change in position and tactics of the last 30 years.

Kudos to China for having the West fund your expansion while decimating our Middle Class. I doubt they could have estimated how weak leadership would be which made it that much easier for them. Chamberlains abound.

I agree that the U.S. was drunk on capitalism back in the 1990s and made a major mistake by believing that investing in China would somehow change China to a free society.

There's no undoing the past, but there's a smart way and a dumb way to deal with things.

Obama did almost nothing - but at least he negotiated TTP - that would have fixed a lot..

Trump took the dumb-ass route. Somehow he's too dumb to realize that China would respond. He never thinks anything through.

A direct confrontation with China is idiotic. Any military confrontation will be a disaster.

Thanks to Trump we've out maneuvered ourselves and handed China a win at every turn. China barely needed to do a thing.

Patients and wisdom is what we need, not more thoughtless rash acts.

Comparing China with Nazi Germany is idiotic. They haven't invaded anyone. We have yet to prove that COVID-19 was intentionally spread.
TTP was DOA, and Obama had acted too late. Now, they have something called "R?????." However, China bans Australia's coal import now. Don't think it is a good idea to trade with China, just look at NBA and Hollywood.
Where have you been in the last ten years? They built islands in the north sea and boldly said that the pacific ocean is big enough for two superpowers.
If I am Trump, I put forward some hard hitting E.O's with teeth that protect the U.S economy from Chinas influence/pillaging. It would not only make it very politically difficult for the incoming administration to alter them, it would also surely get support from those loyal patriots (not the bad apples) with their asses on the line in this battle (FBI, CIA, NSA).

I'm not talking about a full withdrawal from China, the global supply chain doesn't move that fast. However, he should consider making tariffs difficult to lift and strong sanctions to particular companies (he has done some of this already against military-linked Chinese companies) and hold local businesses and individuals legally accountable for violating the sanctions.

Furthermore, if he or any of his family were to run again, the clear and obvious sweet spot of support would be for standing up for American Interests vs. China. He would definitely get some support from other vulnerable nations that are currently U.S allies, but might have to alter their course if America doesn't take the communist threat more seriously.

His tariffs on Chinese goods has failed. It did not create any significant number of American jobs, and China just shifted to selling to other markets.

Finally, he pissed off the Chinese enough that they launched a biological warfare attack (COVID-19) against us. China has been doing well in stopping COVID-19 (a bit too well) while Western civilization is collapsing.

I don't have any answers for dealing with China, but it's obvious that Trump's policies have been a monumental failure. Extending them would intensify the catastrophe.

Let's hope that when Biden takes office he can initiate some intelligent policies towards China.

I agree that his tariffs on China failed, but not for the reasons you stated. US imports from China continued unabated because Americans no longer have the manufacturing capacity to make these goods - all low end manufacturing having been outsourced to Asia. Imports from China continued to increase regardless of the tariffs, but exports to China dropped off a cliff, and they're not coming back any time soon.

Xi is using China's trade surplusses with the first world to fund infrastructure investment in Africa and South America - just as the USA did throughout the free world when it was running massive trade surplusses throughout the world. Using this investment to leverage strategic alliances throughout the world. Your own playbook is being used against you just as Trump withdraws from the world stage and cancels "foreign aid" under his "America First" strategy.

Xi ordered all imports of American soy beans to cease and all contracts cancelled. He then bought up all of the Mexican and South American soy beans he could lay hands on. Not only were these soy beans cheaper than American products, the farmers were extremely grateful for the opportunity. The current burning of the Amazon rainforest is a direct result of greater demand for land to produce crops for the Chinese market.

Donald Trump could have not possibly done more to further the interests of Xi and Putin and increase their power and influence throughout the world. I don't know what Joe Biden could possibly do that could help the Chinese more than what Donald Trump did with his stupid trade war. Instead of the USA being the Lead Partner in the TPP, China has that role.

Instead of Trump getting a better deal for American farmers, his policies have lead to the greatest number of farm bankruptcies in US history mostly of small, family owned farms, which are being bought up by farming corporations whose owners don't live on the land, and have no interests in good stewardship or sound sustainable, ecological practices, and preservingn the groundwater, but only in maximizing profits.

Furthermore, his interim deal with the Chinese requires the Chinese to get back to 2017 levels of soy bean imports by 2022. The American soy bean farmer will have endured 5 years of fiscal pain to get back to where they were when they started.

The idea that Covid19 was a biological attack by the Chinese is beyond ridiculous. They didn't do this to us, and the only first world country in danger of collapse, is the USA. The sickness, death and collapse of your economy didn't need to happen, just as the trade wars didn't have to destroy the American family farm.

The trade wars were stupid, and have increased your trade deficits by hundreds of billions of dollars.

You have repeated the fallacy that so many have, many on here from the U.S quite frankly, and only from time to time do I correct them. China is NOT a member of TPP.

As it were, the solution to Chinas influence isn't going to be (solely) foreign aid. There is no way any nation can keep up with foreign aid when China is gifted $500B a year in trade surplus.

The only solution is something akin to how Reagan dealt with Russia. It's going to be a tough task as China rapidly grabbed onto the abusing of Western economies and leaders. Buying them and selling them like cattle.

So, now, it's going to take a Herculean effort, in a hemisphere full of peopel who lack patriotism and for which police agencies (at least in Canada) care more about their own theft of taxpayers than principle.

It's come at a massive cost and will continue.

I checked and you're right. China is not part of the TPP. But neither is the USA. The rest of the TPP Nations have gone on without you, weakening US influence.

I find it laughable that Americans complain about Chinese trade mark abuses. Who gave them their proprietary information in the first place? American corporations. Given their history of lying cheating, and screwing the norms of modern life over, again and again, only the Russians have been less trustworthy than the Chinese, and only because the Russians have been at it longer.

Why do you suggest the TPP have gone on without you, when you know I'm Canadian?

The fact that you always try this lends credibility to my argument about Canada, it doesn't weaken it. Keep trying though, Canada will continue to slip steeply, thanks to the spineless covert police and their dumb offspring.
Canada is done like a juicy thanksgiving turkey. Now, USA may follow Canada footsteps because they choose "anyone but Trump" too.
The people have spoken. America now desires China, cheap labor, cheap goods, a fabricated society inside safe-spaces and an incapable leadership high on dementia.

When we finally right the ship Biden's going to solve how the sun affects Earth known as climate change. There will be a build up of love everywhere, for example, we're going to remind blacks they're black daily. Dissensions, anomaly's and victim roles unifies the American spirit in favor of Democrats.

Americans have always desired cheap goods. Price before everything - quality, workmanship, and point of origin.

The American economy has always been built on cheap/slave labour. First slavery, then "guest workers", and now illegal immigrants. Slave labour was used to supress the wages of the sharecroppers and farmhands.
If I am Trump, I put forward some hard hitting E.O's with teeth that protect the U.S economy from Chinas influence/pillaging. It would not only make it very politically difficult for the incoming administration to alter them, it would also surely get support from those loyal patriots (not the bad apples) with their asses on the line in this battle (FBI, CIA, NSA).

I'm not talking about a full withdrawal from China, the global supply chain doesn't move that fast. However, he should consider making tariffs difficult to lift and strong sanctions to particular companies (he has done some of this already against military-linked Chinese companies) and hold local businesses and individuals legally accountable for violating the sanctions.

Furthermore, if he or any of his family were to run again, the clear and obvious sweet spot of support would be for standing up for American Interests vs. China. He would definitely get some support from other vulnerable nations that are currently U.S allies, but might have to alter their course if America doesn't take the communist threat more seriously.

You forget that anyone charged with enforcing these EO's, will probably ignore them. Most of these departments have no leadership, only acting leadership - members of the Deep State. How is Trump going to ensure his EO's gum up the works as he intends. He's already having problems with the Pentagon appointees he hired to do just that. Members of the military are pushing back on Trump's attempts to subvert the transition process.

Trump did everything by EO, so anything he's done is easily reversed, by Biden signing an EO ending Trump's earlier EO. The only EO's which are not easily reversed, are those involving the border camps. That's because the systems and infrastructure carrying out these EO's has to be dismanted and the programs shut down in ways that does the least amount of harm to the immigrants and the communities where these camps are located.

Let's just be clear - the United States of America is facing and enormous amount of legal liability stretching out for the next 20 years, as the childen who were separated come of age to sue the government for what was done to them. The 40,000 people being held in ICE detention camps are also in a position to sue for false imprisonment and a whole range of civil rights abuses.

That's what happens when a government commits war crimes against an innocent civilian population. You keep going on about what illegal immigrants are costing you, well get ready, and bend over. The price just went WAY, WAY up. The litigation is just about to hit the fan.

I have no ide what you are talking about over the last couple of paragraphs.

If this is a war crime against their innocent, then let me tell you, Canadian Police agencies would be disbanded and sent to the coal mines for what they did to me and my family. I, of born here, Canadian at birth having his rights abused.

I'm still waiting for the correction of my birth certificate almost 2 calendar years later. On top of the employment interference and harassment in my life.

Stop pretending you care about civil liberties.

You have been bleating about everything that was done to you by Canadian authorities without producing a shred of evidence that these things happened. Quite frankly, you stories are completely unbelievable. Even the G20 anarchists weren't treated as badly as you claim to have been, and some of them were suspected of building bombs. You also have a complete dearth of understanding of the Canadian economic and governmental system.

Stop pretending you're a victim of governmental abuse. You wouldn't have internet access if anything you claimed was true.
Our biggest monthly trade deficit in 14 years came in August after the Senate's pandemic stimulus dough went out. Trump and the Democrat controlled House probably has China licking its chops in delight with their desire for a $2000 give-away this time.
The people have spoken. America now desires China, cheap labor, cheap goods, a fabricated society inside safe-spaces and an incapable leadership high on dementia.

When we finally right the ship Biden's going to solve how the sun affects Earth known as climate change. There will be a build up of love everywhere, for example, we're going to remind blacks they're black daily. Dissensions, anomaly's and victim roles unifies the American spirit in favor of Democrats.

Americans have always desired cheap goods. Price before everything - quality, workmanship, and point of origin.

The American economy has always been built on cheap/slave labour. First slavery, then "guest workers", and now illegal immigrants. Slave labour was used to supress the wages of the sharecroppers and farmhands.
If I am Trump, I put forward some hard hitting E.O's with teeth that protect the U.S economy from Chinas influence/pillaging. It would not only make it very politically difficult for the incoming administration to alter them, it would also surely get support from those loyal patriots (not the bad apples) with their asses on the line in this battle (FBI, CIA, NSA).

I'm not talking about a full withdrawal from China, the global supply chain doesn't move that fast. However, he should consider making tariffs difficult to lift and strong sanctions to particular companies (he has done some of this already against military-linked Chinese companies) and hold local businesses and individuals legally accountable for violating the sanctions.

Furthermore, if he or any of his family were to run again, the clear and obvious sweet spot of support would be for standing up for American Interests vs. China. He would definitely get some support from other vulnerable nations that are currently U.S allies, but might have to alter their course if America doesn't take the communist threat more seriously.

You forget that anyone charged with enforcing these EO's, will probably ignore them. Most of these departments have no leadership, only acting leadership - members of the Deep State. How is Trump going to ensure his EO's gum up the works as he intends. He's already having problems with the Pentagon appointees he hired to do just that. Members of the military are pushing back on Trump's attempts to subvert the transition process.

Trump did everything by EO, so anything he's done is easily reversed, by Biden signing an EO ending Trump's earlier EO. The only EO's which are not easily reversed, are those involving the border camps. That's because the systems and infrastructure carrying out these EO's has to be dismanted and the programs shut down in ways that does the least amount of harm to the immigrants and the communities where these camps are located.

Let's just be clear - the United States of America is facing and enormous amount of legal liability stretching out for the next 20 years, as the childen who were separated come of age to sue the government for what was done to them. The 40,000 people being held in ICE detention camps are also in a position to sue for false imprisonment and a whole range of civil rights abuses.

That's what happens when a government commits war crimes against an innocent civilian population. You keep going on about what illegal immigrants are costing you, well get ready, and bend over. The price just went WAY, WAY up. The litigation is just about to hit the fan.

I have no ide what you are talking about over the last couple of paragraphs.

If this is a war crime against their innocent, then let me tell you, Canadian Police agencies would be disbanded and sent to the coal mines for what they did to me and my family. I, of born here, Canadian at birth having his rights abused.

I'm still waiting for the correction of my birth certificate almost 2 calendar years later. On top of the employment interference and harassment in my life.

Stop pretending you care about civil liberties.

You have been bleating about everything that was done to you by Canadian authorities without producing a shred of evidence that these things happened. Quite frankly, you stories are completely unbelievable. Even the G20 anarchists weren't treated as badly as you claim to have been, and some of them were suspected of building bombs. You also have a complete dearth of understanding of the Canadian economic and governmental system.

Stop pretending you're a victim of governmental abuse. You wouldn't have internet access if anything you claimed was true.

That's why I have named names and allowed the UN to know the details. Anything I can do to expose the creepy Canadians and impact, with facts; our once good reputation. It has been my objective since understanding that clearly these sons of w's will never face accountability here and believe me I tried. Just as in East Germany, unethical and immoral nations do as they do.

We have become a warehouse for low wage foreign factories and massive debt in order to fund the kakistocracy. Inventors of little, innovators of only creepy activities. Producers of talent that find freedom and opportunity on other shores. Just as I predicted 15 years ago.

I've contacted foreign businesses and make them aware of activities in their corporations in the name of "security", often ccing our top politcians and even domestic executives. I've advised them as to why "doing business in Canada" is no different than many other 3rd world shyteholes, but, with more costs and less talent. So why would ANYONE do business in Canada? Bribery ridden, "3rd nation central"?

Contact foreign governments, decision makers and human right defenders who understand that making allies with civil liberty abusers is never a wise decision. As one lawyer told me "the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, great in theory". Now we see day in and day out Canadas massive decline. First socially, now more drastically, economically. Last in Access to Justice in the G20, we are but a fart in the wind to progressive nations.

When I'm on my deathbed, after a life on earth stolen from me by cowards and their flaky, genetically weak, talent deficient, cuck-embracing sons and bimbo daughters, I will at least expire a man of character. My soul was never for sale, I've even taken physical beatings to protect others without fear or concern. The worms who destroyed our reputation, with both allies and enemies alike, the least impressive among us; will have their day in hell.

I didn't destroy the future of this nation for a few coins in my pocket. Unlike so many others.

Have a great night!
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If I am Trump, I put forward some hard hitting E.O's with teeth that protect the U.S economy from Chinas influence/pillaging. It would not only make it very politically difficult for the incoming administration to alter them, it would also surely get support from those loyal patriots (not the bad apples) with their asses on the line in this battle (FBI, CIA, NSA).

I'm not talking about a full withdrawal from China, the global supply chain doesn't move that fast. However, he should consider making tariffs difficult to lift and strong sanctions to particular companies (he has done some of this already against military-linked Chinese companies) and hold local businesses and individuals legally accountable for violating the sanctions.

Furthermore, if he or any of his family were to run again, the clear and obvious sweet spot of support would be for standing up for American Interests vs. China. He would definitely get some support from other vulnerable nations that are currently U.S allies, but might have to alter their course if America doesn't take the communist threat more seriously.

His tariffs on Chinese goods has failed. It did not create any significant number of American jobs, and China just shifted to selling to other markets.

Finally, he pissed off the Chinese enough that they launched a biological warfare attack (COVID-19) against us. China has been doing well in stopping COVID-19 (a bit too well) while Western civilization is collapsing.

I don't have any answers for dealing with China, but it's obvious that Trump's policies have been a monumental failure. Extending them would intensify the catastrophe.

Let's hope that when Biden takes office he can initiate some intelligent policies towards China.

I agree that his tariffs on China failed, but not for the reasons you stated. US imports from China continued unabated because Americans no longer have the manufacturing capacity to make these goods - all low end manufacturing having been outsourced to Asia. Imports from China continued to increase regardless of the tariffs, but exports to China dropped off a cliff, and they're not coming back any time soon.

Xi is using China's trade surplusses with the first world to fund infrastructure investment in Africa and South America - just as the USA did throughout the free world when it was running massive trade surplusses throughout the world. Using this investment to leverage strategic alliances throughout the world. Your own playbook is being used against you just as Trump withdraws from the world stage and cancels "foreign aid" under his "America First" strategy.

Xi ordered all imports of American soy beans to cease and all contracts cancelled. He then bought up all of the Mexican and South American soy beans he could lay hands on. Not only were these soy beans cheaper than American products, the farmers were extremely grateful for the opportunity. The current burning of the Amazon rainforest is a direct result of greater demand for land to produce crops for the Chinese market.

Donald Trump could have not possibly done more to further the interests of Xi and Putin and increase their power and influence throughout the world. I don't know what Joe Biden could possibly do that could help the Chinese more than what Donald Trump did with his stupid trade war. Instead of the USA being the Lead Partner in the TPP, China has that role.

Instead of Trump getting a better deal for American farmers, his policies have lead to the greatest number of farm bankruptcies in US history mostly of small, family owned farms, which are being bought up by farming corporations whose owners don't live on the land, and have no interests in good stewardship or sound sustainable, ecological practices, and preservingn the groundwater, but only in maximizing profits.

Furthermore, his interim deal with the Chinese requires the Chinese to get back to 2017 levels of soy bean imports by 2022. The American soy bean farmer will have endured 5 years of fiscal pain to get back to where they were when they started.

The idea that Covid19 was a biological attack by the Chinese is beyond ridiculous. They didn't do this to us, and the only first world country in danger of collapse, is the USA. The sickness, death and collapse of your economy didn't need to happen, just as the trade wars didn't have to destroy the American family farm.

The trade wars were stupid, and have increased your trade deficits by hundreds of billions of dollars.

You have repeated the fallacy that so many have, many on here from the U.S quite frankly, and only from time to time do I correct them. China is NOT a member of TPP.

As it were, the solution to Chinas influence isn't going to be (solely) foreign aid. There is no way any nation can keep up with foreign aid when China is gifted $500B a year in trade surplus.

The only solution is something akin to how Reagan dealt with Russia. It's going to be a tough task as China rapidly grabbed onto the abusing of Western economies and leaders. Buying them and selling them like cattle.

So, now, it's going to take a Herculean effort, in a hemisphere full of peopel who lack patriotism and for which police agencies (at least in Canada) care more about their own theft of taxpayers than principle.

It's come at a massive cost and will continue.

I checked and you're right. China is not part of the TPP. But neither is the USA. The rest of the TPP Nations have gone on without you, weakening US influence.

I find it laughable that Americans complain about Chinese trade mark abuses. Who gave them their proprietary information in the first place? American corporations. Given their history of lying cheating, and screwing the norms of modern life over, again and again, only the Russians have been less trustworthy than the Chinese, and only because the Russians have been at it longer.

Why do you suggest the TPP have gone on without you, when you know I'm Canadian?

The fact that you always try this lends credibility to my argument about Canada, it doesn't weaken it. Keep trying though, Canada will continue to slip steeply, thanks to the spineless covert police and their dumb offspring.
Canada is done like a juicy thanksgiving turkey. Now, USA may follow Canada footsteps because they choose "anyone but Trump" too.

Canada is hardly "done". Our economy has remained fairly stable throughout this mess. Our GDP will only slip about 3% this year, and next year is looking strong, as the vaccines come online.

You've got 7 million people sick and over 340,000 dead. Just the costs of testing and treatment, is draining your economy, and states lack the funds or the staff to distribute vaccines.

None of these things are factors for Canada, Asia or most of Europe.
If I am Trump, I put forward some hard hitting E.O's with teeth that protect the U.S economy from Chinas influence/pillaging. It would not only make it very politically difficult for the incoming administration to alter them, it would also surely get support from those loyal patriots (not the bad apples) with their asses on the line in this battle (FBI, CIA, NSA).

I'm not talking about a full withdrawal from China, the global supply chain doesn't move that fast. However, he should consider making tariffs difficult to lift and strong sanctions to particular companies (he has done some of this already against military-linked Chinese companies) and hold local businesses and individuals legally accountable for violating the sanctions.

Furthermore, if he or any of his family were to run again, the clear and obvious sweet spot of support would be for standing up for American Interests vs. China. He would definitely get some support from other vulnerable nations that are currently U.S allies, but might have to alter their course if America doesn't take the communist threat more seriously.

His tariffs on Chinese goods has failed. It did not create any significant number of American jobs, and China just shifted to selling to other markets.

Finally, he pissed off the Chinese enough that they launched a biological warfare attack (COVID-19) against us. China has been doing well in stopping COVID-19 (a bit too well) while Western civilization is collapsing.

I don't have any answers for dealing with China, but it's obvious that Trump's policies have been a monumental failure. Extending them would intensify the catastrophe.

Let's hope that when Biden takes office he can initiate some intelligent policies towards China.

I agree that his tariffs on China failed, but not for the reasons you stated. US imports from China continued unabated because Americans no longer have the manufacturing capacity to make these goods - all low end manufacturing having been outsourced to Asia. Imports from China continued to increase regardless of the tariffs, but exports to China dropped off a cliff, and they're not coming back any time soon.

Xi is using China's trade surplusses with the first world to fund infrastructure investment in Africa and South America - just as the USA did throughout the free world when it was running massive trade surplusses throughout the world. Using this investment to leverage strategic alliances throughout the world. Your own playbook is being used against you just as Trump withdraws from the world stage and cancels "foreign aid" under his "America First" strategy.

Xi ordered all imports of American soy beans to cease and all contracts cancelled. He then bought up all of the Mexican and South American soy beans he could lay hands on. Not only were these soy beans cheaper than American products, the farmers were extremely grateful for the opportunity. The current burning of the Amazon rainforest is a direct result of greater demand for land to produce crops for the Chinese market.

Donald Trump could have not possibly done more to further the interests of Xi and Putin and increase their power and influence throughout the world. I don't know what Joe Biden could possibly do that could help the Chinese more than what Donald Trump did with his stupid trade war. Instead of the USA being the Lead Partner in the TPP, China has that role.

Instead of Trump getting a better deal for American farmers, his policies have lead to the greatest number of farm bankruptcies in US history mostly of small, family owned farms, which are being bought up by farming corporations whose owners don't live on the land, and have no interests in good stewardship or sound sustainable, ecological practices, and preservingn the groundwater, but only in maximizing profits.

Furthermore, his interim deal with the Chinese requires the Chinese to get back to 2017 levels of soy bean imports by 2022. The American soy bean farmer will have endured 5 years of fiscal pain to get back to where they were when they started.

The idea that Covid19 was a biological attack by the Chinese is beyond ridiculous. They didn't do this to us, and the only first world country in danger of collapse, is the USA. The sickness, death and collapse of your economy didn't need to happen, just as the trade wars didn't have to destroy the American family farm.

The trade wars were stupid, and have increased your trade deficits by hundreds of billions of dollars.

You have repeated the fallacy that so many have, many on here from the U.S quite frankly, and only from time to time do I correct them. China is NOT a member of TPP.

As it were, the solution to Chinas influence isn't going to be (solely) foreign aid. There is no way any nation can keep up with foreign aid when China is gifted $500B a year in trade surplus.

The only solution is something akin to how Reagan dealt with Russia. It's going to be a tough task as China rapidly grabbed onto the abusing of Western economies and leaders. Buying them and selling them like cattle.

So, now, it's going to take a Herculean effort, in a hemisphere full of peopel who lack patriotism and for which police agencies (at least in Canada) care more about their own theft of taxpayers than principle.

It's come at a massive cost and will continue.

I checked and you're right. China is not part of the TPP. But neither is the USA. The rest of the TPP Nations have gone on without you, weakening US influence.

I find it laughable that Americans complain about Chinese trade mark abuses. Who gave them their proprietary information in the first place? American corporations. Given their history of lying cheating, and screwing the norms of modern life over, again and again, only the Russians have been less trustworthy than the Chinese, and only because the Russians have been at it longer.

Why do you suggest the TPP have gone on without you, when you know I'm Canadian?

The fact that you always try this lends credibility to my argument about Canada, it doesn't weaken it. Keep trying though, Canada will continue to slip steeply, thanks to the spineless covert police and their dumb offspring.
Canada is done like a juicy thanksgiving turkey. Now, USA may follow Canada footsteps because they choose "anyone but Trump" too.

Canada is hardly "done". Our economy has remained fairly stable throughout this mess. Our GDP will only slip about 3% this year, and next year is looking strong, as the vaccines come online.

You've got 7 million people sick and over 340,000 dead. Just the costs of testing and treatment, is draining your economy, and states lack the funds or the staff to distribute vaccines.

None of these things are factors for Canada, Asia or most of Europe.
I am sorry for not making myself clear. I mean Canada will have a hard time digging herself out of the "throwing $ at the coronvirus to see what sticks" hole. And, don't even mention vaccines and Canada in the same sentence :') I know the Canada coronavirus situation because I have been in lockdown mode on and off since March.

W.T.F.???? 340,000 dead. It was 290K before Dec, a 60000 jump in a month
If I am Trump, I put forward some hard hitting E.O's with teeth that protect the U.S economy from Chinas influence/pillaging. It would not only make it very politically difficult for the incoming administration to alter them, it would also surely get support from those loyal patriots (not the bad apples) with their asses on the line in this battle (FBI, CIA, NSA).

I'm not talking about a full withdrawal from China, the global supply chain doesn't move that fast. However, he should consider making tariffs difficult to lift and strong sanctions to particular companies (he has done some of this already against military-linked Chinese companies) and hold local businesses and individuals legally accountable for violating the sanctions.

Furthermore, if he or any of his family were to run again, the clear and obvious sweet spot of support would be for standing up for American Interests vs. China. He would definitely get some support from other vulnerable nations that are currently U.S allies, but might have to alter their course if America doesn't take the communist threat more seriously.

When Trump exited TTP he gave all the Asia-Pacific markets to China.

His tariffs on Chinese goods has failed. It did not create any significant number of American jobs, and China just shifted to selling to other markets.

His diplomacy regarding N. Korean nukes was a complete failure.

Finally, he pissed off the Chinese enough that they launched a biological warfare attack (COVID-19) against us. China has been doing well in stopping COVID-19 (a bit too well) while Western civilization is collapsing.

I don't have any answers for dealing with China, but it's obvious that Trump's policies have been a monumental failure. Extending them would intensify the catastrophe.

Let's hope that when Biden takes office he can initiate some intelligent policies towards China.

The only ones supporting the Status Quo on China are import/exporters and those self serving.

You can feel free to list what intelligent policies towards China we saw with Biden as V.P...for eight years. How many more presented by Harris/Biden in the many decades they have had in politics.

Sure they can change, i hope they do. I highly doubt those in Chinas orbit are sitting back in "wait and see mode". For them, the war has already begun. America will be like creepy, covert police state Canada and bankrupt Ontario if you don't wake up.

What some apologist are suggesting is "hey, better to send Germany our oil and steel than to confront them after they rolled into Czechoslovakia. We need to engage intelligently, not confront".

I'm not some guy pulling out my hair, I'm calling it as I see it, I'm fairly certain of the outcome. More certain unless there is a drastic change in position and tactics of the last 30 years.

Kudos to China for having the West fund your expansion while decimating our Middle Class. I doubt they could have estimated how weak leadership would be which made it that much easier for them. Chamberlains abound.

I agree that the U.S. was drunk on capitalism back in the 1990s and made a major mistake by believing that investing in China would somehow change China to a free society.

There's no undoing the past, but there's a smart way and a dumb way to deal with things.

Obama did almost nothing - but at least he negotiated TTP - that would have fixed a lot..

Trump took the dumb-ass route. Somehow he's too dumb to realize that China would respond. He never thinks anything through.

A direct confrontation with China is idiotic. Any military confrontation will be a disaster.

Thanks to Trump we've out maneuvered ourselves and handed China a win at every turn. China barely needed to do a thing.

Patients and wisdom is what we need, not more thoughtless rash acts.

Comparing China with Nazi Germany is idiotic. They haven't invaded anyone. We have yet to prove that COVID-19 was intentionally spread.
TTP was DOA, and Obama had acted too late. Now, they have something called "R?????." However, China bans Australia's coal import now. Don't think it is a good idea to trade with China, just look at NBA and Hollywood.
Where have you been in the last ten years? They built islands in the north sea and boldly said that the pacific ocean is big enough for two superpowers.

China "built islands in the North Sea"?????

Perhaps you should learn basic geography before you post any statements about international policies!

" The North Sea is a sea of the Atlantic Ocean located between Great Britain, Denmark, Norway, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and France. "

If I am Trump, I put forward some hard hitting E.O's with teeth that protect the U.S economy from Chinas influence/pillaging. It would not only make it very politically difficult for the incoming administration to alter them, it would also surely get support from those loyal patriots (not the bad apples) with their asses on the line in this battle (FBI, CIA, NSA).

I'm not talking about a full withdrawal from China, the global supply chain doesn't move that fast. However, he should consider making tariffs difficult to lift and strong sanctions to particular companies (he has done some of this already against military-linked Chinese companies) and hold local businesses and individuals legally accountable for violating the sanctions.

Furthermore, if he or any of his family were to run again, the clear and obvious sweet spot of support would be for standing up for American Interests vs. China. He would definitely get some support from other vulnerable nations that are currently U.S allies, but might have to alter their course if America doesn't take the communist threat more seriously.

When Trump exited TTP he gave all the Asia-Pacific markets to China.

His tariffs on Chinese goods has failed. It did not create any significant number of American jobs, and China just shifted to selling to other markets.

His diplomacy regarding N. Korean nukes was a complete failure.

Finally, he pissed off the Chinese enough that they launched a biological warfare attack (COVID-19) against us. China has been doing well in stopping COVID-19 (a bit too well) while Western civilization is collapsing.

I don't have any answers for dealing with China, but it's obvious that Trump's policies have been a monumental failure. Extending them would intensify the catastrophe.

Let's hope that when Biden takes office he can initiate some intelligent policies towards China.

The only ones supporting the Status Quo on China are import/exporters and those self serving.

You can feel free to list what intelligent policies towards China we saw with Biden as V.P...for eight years. How many more presented by Harris/Biden in the many decades they have had in politics.

Sure they can change, i hope they do. I highly doubt those in Chinas orbit are sitting back in "wait and see mode". For them, the war has already begun. America will be like creepy, covert police state Canada and bankrupt Ontario if you don't wake up.

What some apologist are suggesting is "hey, better to send Germany our oil and steel than to confront them after they rolled into Czechoslovakia. We need to engage intelligently, not confront".

I'm not some guy pulling out my hair, I'm calling it as I see it, I'm fairly certain of the outcome. More certain unless there is a drastic change in position and tactics of the last 30 years.

Kudos to China for having the West fund your expansion while decimating our Middle Class. I doubt they could have estimated how weak leadership would be which made it that much easier for them. Chamberlains abound.

I agree that the U.S. was drunk on capitalism back in the 1990s and made a major mistake by believing that investing in China would somehow change China to a free society.

There's no undoing the past, but there's a smart way and a dumb way to deal with things.

Obama did almost nothing - but at least he negotiated TTP - that would have fixed a lot..

Trump took the dumb-ass route. Somehow he's too dumb to realize that China would respond. He never thinks anything through.

A direct confrontation with China is idiotic. Any military confrontation will be a disaster.

Thanks to Trump we've out maneuvered ourselves and handed China a win at every turn. China barely needed to do a thing.

Patients and wisdom is what we need, not more thoughtless rash acts.

Comparing China with Nazi Germany is idiotic. They haven't invaded anyone. We have yet to prove that COVID-19 was intentionally spread.
TTP was DOA, and Obama had acted too late. Now, they have something called "R?????." However, China bans Australia's coal import now. Don't think it is a good idea to trade with China, just look at NBA and Hollywood.
Where have you been in the last ten years? They built islands in the north sea and boldly said that the pacific ocean is big enough for two superpowers.

China "built islands in the North Sea"?????

Perhaps you should learn basic geography before you post any statements about international policies!

" The North Sea is a sea of the Atlantic Ocean located between Great Britain, Denmark, Norway, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and France. "

My bad :oops:
If I am Trump, I put forward some hard hitting E.O's with teeth that protect the U.S economy from Chinas influence/pillaging. It would not only make it very politically difficult for the incoming administration to alter them, it would also surely get support from those loyal patriots (not the bad apples) with their asses on the line in this battle (FBI, CIA, NSA).

I'm not talking about a full withdrawal from China, the global supply chain doesn't move that fast. However, he should consider making tariffs difficult to lift and strong sanctions to particular companies (he has done some of this already against military-linked Chinese companies) and hold local businesses and individuals legally accountable for violating the sanctions.

Furthermore, if he or any of his family were to run again, the clear and obvious sweet spot of support would be for standing up for American Interests vs. China. He would definitely get some support from other vulnerable nations that are currently U.S allies, but might have to alter their course if America doesn't take the communist threat more seriously.

His tariffs on Chinese goods has failed. It did not create any significant number of American jobs, and China just shifted to selling to other markets.

Finally, he pissed off the Chinese enough that they launched a biological warfare attack (COVID-19) against us. China has been doing well in stopping COVID-19 (a bit too well) while Western civilization is collapsing.

I don't have any answers for dealing with China, but it's obvious that Trump's policies have been a monumental failure. Extending them would intensify the catastrophe.

Let's hope that when Biden takes office he can initiate some intelligent policies towards China.

I agree that his tariffs on China failed, but not for the reasons you stated. US imports from China continued unabated because Americans no longer have the manufacturing capacity to make these goods - all low end manufacturing having been outsourced to Asia. Imports from China continued to increase regardless of the tariffs, but exports to China dropped off a cliff, and they're not coming back any time soon.

Xi is using China's trade surplusses with the first world to fund infrastructure investment in Africa and South America - just as the USA did throughout the free world when it was running massive trade surplusses throughout the world. Using this investment to leverage strategic alliances throughout the world. Your own playbook is being used against you just as Trump withdraws from the world stage and cancels "foreign aid" under his "America First" strategy.

Xi ordered all imports of American soy beans to cease and all contracts cancelled. He then bought up all of the Mexican and South American soy beans he could lay hands on. Not only were these soy beans cheaper than American products, the farmers were extremely grateful for the opportunity. The current burning of the Amazon rainforest is a direct result of greater demand for land to produce crops for the Chinese market.

Donald Trump could have not possibly done more to further the interests of Xi and Putin and increase their power and influence throughout the world. I don't know what Joe Biden could possibly do that could help the Chinese more than what Donald Trump did with his stupid trade war. Instead of the USA being the Lead Partner in the TPP, China has that role.

Instead of Trump getting a better deal for American farmers, his policies have lead to the greatest number of farm bankruptcies in US history mostly of small, family owned farms, which are being bought up by farming corporations whose owners don't live on the land, and have no interests in good stewardship or sound sustainable, ecological practices, and preservingn the groundwater, but only in maximizing profits.

Furthermore, his interim deal with the Chinese requires the Chinese to get back to 2017 levels of soy bean imports by 2022. The American soy bean farmer will have endured 5 years of fiscal pain to get back to where they were when they started.

The idea that Covid19 was a biological attack by the Chinese is beyond ridiculous. They didn't do this to us, and the only first world country in danger of collapse, is the USA. The sickness, death and collapse of your economy didn't need to happen, just as the trade wars didn't have to destroy the American family farm.

The trade wars were stupid, and have increased your trade deficits by hundreds of billions of dollars.

You have repeated the fallacy that so many have, many on here from the U.S quite frankly, and only from time to time do I correct them. China is NOT a member of TPP.

As it were, the solution to Chinas influence isn't going to be (solely) foreign aid. There is no way any nation can keep up with foreign aid when China is gifted $500B a year in trade surplus.

The only solution is something akin to how Reagan dealt with Russia. It's going to be a tough task as China rapidly grabbed onto the abusing of Western economies and leaders. Buying them and selling them like cattle.

So, now, it's going to take a Herculean effort, in a hemisphere full of peopel who lack patriotism and for which police agencies (at least in Canada) care more about their own theft of taxpayers than principle.

It's come at a massive cost and will continue.

I checked and you're right. China is not part of the TPP. But neither is the USA. The rest of the TPP Nations have gone on without you, weakening US influence.

I find it laughable that Americans complain about Chinese trade mark abuses. Who gave them their proprietary information in the first place? American corporations. Given their history of lying cheating, and screwing the norms of modern life over, again and again, only the Russians have been less trustworthy than the Chinese, and only because the Russians have been at it longer.

Why do you suggest the TPP have gone on without you, when you know I'm Canadian?

The fact that you always try this lends credibility to my argument about Canada, it doesn't weaken it. Keep trying though, Canada will continue to slip steeply, thanks to the spineless covert police and their dumb offspring.
Canada is done like a juicy thanksgiving turkey. Now, USA may follow Canada footsteps because they choose "anyone but Trump" too.

Canada is hardly "done". Our economy has remained fairly stable throughout this mess. Our GDP will only slip about 3% this year, and next year is looking strong, as the vaccines come online.

You've got 7 million people sick and over 340,000 dead. Just the costs of testing and treatment, is draining your economy, and states lack the funds or the staff to distribute vaccines.

None of these things are factors for Canada, Asia or most of Europe.
I am sorry for not making myself clear. I mean Canada will have a hard time digging herself out of the "throwing $ at the coronvirus to see what sticks" hole. And, don't even mention vaccines and Canada in the same sentence :') I know the Canada coronavirus situation because I have been in lockdown mode on and off since March.

W.T.F.???? 340,000 dead. It was 290K before Dec, a 60000 jump in a month

I don't really think it will be that hard to dig ourselves out.

1. We gave no money to big corporations or big business, and gave the money directly to the people. Much cheaper. The Trump Administration gave billions to the hospitality industry - hotels, airlines, and the entertainment industry - all businesses which will be slow to recover, if they recover at all.

2. Our costs in testing and treating the virus are miniscule, in comparison with the costs of treating 20 million sick people. The USA has administered twice the number of tests per million of population as Canada. Tests cost money. So does collecting the samples, and processing the results. Our medical costs are much lower, and we're using the WHO tests, not a Disney Land of private lab tests which cost more.

3. We started buying PPE in January, and our stocks never got low. Even better, we never participated in any of the "bidding wars" for PPE that happened in the USA, so our costs were lower.

4. We have 15,000 cases per million of population, versus 60,000 cases per million in the USA. So our overall costs in treating the sick, are less than 1/4 that of the USA.

While it may seem like Canada has "thrown money" at the pandemic, we really haven't. In squashing transmission between waves, and in keeping transmission rates to 80th in the world, we have both saved lives, and saved our economy. Unlike the USA, which subsidized corporations, and left the people to starve, we subsidized the people, and said we'd deal with corporations later.

And we've already bought enough vaccine for the whole country. Investors around the world wanting access to the North American markets are looking more and more to Canada to make that investment for the following reasons:

1. Stable government which provides good governance to the nation. What happens to the USA if another "Trump" is elected in 4 years? Best not chance it.

2. Our population is better educated, and our public school system is one of the best in the world.

3. Universal government funded health care - a big deal for executive looking to transfer to the new North American facility. As is the education system.

4. NAFTA guarantees tariff free access to North American markets.

As the USA continues to be mired in political dysfunction, and failed Republican economic policies, investors will be less and less willing to bank on success in the USA. 3 economic crashes in 40 years doesn't inspire confidence in Republicans ability to govern the nation, while Canada is consistently at the top of the "best places to live in the world" rankings, with the fastest growing middle classs in the world.

Canada just looks better and better.

We have sustained less economic damage than most of the rest of the first world.
If I am Trump, I put forward some hard hitting E.O's with teeth that protect the U.S economy from Chinas influence/pillaging. It would not only make it very politically difficult for the incoming administration to alter them, it would also surely get support from those loyal patriots (not the bad apples) with their asses on the line in this battle (FBI, CIA, NSA).

I'm not talking about a full withdrawal from China, the global supply chain doesn't move that fast. However, he should consider making tariffs difficult to lift and strong sanctions to particular companies (he has done some of this already against military-linked Chinese companies) and hold local businesses and individuals legally accountable for violating the sanctions.

Furthermore, if he or any of his family were to run again, the clear and obvious sweet spot of support would be for standing up for American Interests vs. China. He would definitely get some support from other vulnerable nations that are currently U.S allies, but might have to alter their course if America doesn't take the communist threat more seriously.

His tariffs on Chinese goods has failed. It did not create any significant number of American jobs, and China just shifted to selling to other markets.

Finally, he pissed off the Chinese enough that they launched a biological warfare attack (COVID-19) against us. China has been doing well in stopping COVID-19 (a bit too well) while Western civilization is collapsing.

I don't have any answers for dealing with China, but it's obvious that Trump's policies have been a monumental failure. Extending them would intensify the catastrophe.

Let's hope that when Biden takes office he can initiate some intelligent policies towards China.

I agree that his tariffs on China failed, but not for the reasons you stated. US imports from China continued unabated because Americans no longer have the manufacturing capacity to make these goods - all low end manufacturing having been outsourced to Asia. Imports from China continued to increase regardless of the tariffs, but exports to China dropped off a cliff, and they're not coming back any time soon.

Xi is using China's trade surplusses with the first world to fund infrastructure investment in Africa and South America - just as the USA did throughout the free world when it was running massive trade surplusses throughout the world. Using this investment to leverage strategic alliances throughout the world. Your own playbook is being used against you just as Trump withdraws from the world stage and cancels "foreign aid" under his "America First" strategy.

Xi ordered all imports of American soy beans to cease and all contracts cancelled. He then bought up all of the Mexican and South American soy beans he could lay hands on. Not only were these soy beans cheaper than American products, the farmers were extremely grateful for the opportunity. The current burning of the Amazon rainforest is a direct result of greater demand for land to produce crops for the Chinese market.

Donald Trump could have not possibly done more to further the interests of Xi and Putin and increase their power and influence throughout the world. I don't know what Joe Biden could possibly do that could help the Chinese more than what Donald Trump did with his stupid trade war. Instead of the USA being the Lead Partner in the TPP, China has that role.

Instead of Trump getting a better deal for American farmers, his policies have lead to the greatest number of farm bankruptcies in US history mostly of small, family owned farms, which are being bought up by farming corporations whose owners don't live on the land, and have no interests in good stewardship or sound sustainable, ecological practices, and preservingn the groundwater, but only in maximizing profits.

Furthermore, his interim deal with the Chinese requires the Chinese to get back to 2017 levels of soy bean imports by 2022. The American soy bean farmer will have endured 5 years of fiscal pain to get back to where they were when they started.

The idea that Covid19 was a biological attack by the Chinese is beyond ridiculous. They didn't do this to us, and the only first world country in danger of collapse, is the USA. The sickness, death and collapse of your economy didn't need to happen, just as the trade wars didn't have to destroy the American family farm.

The trade wars were stupid, and have increased your trade deficits by hundreds of billions of dollars.

You have repeated the fallacy that so many have, many on here from the U.S quite frankly, and only from time to time do I correct them. China is NOT a member of TPP.

As it were, the solution to Chinas influence isn't going to be (solely) foreign aid. There is no way any nation can keep up with foreign aid when China is gifted $500B a year in trade surplus.

The only solution is something akin to how Reagan dealt with Russia. It's going to be a tough task as China rapidly grabbed onto the abusing of Western economies and leaders. Buying them and selling them like cattle.

So, now, it's going to take a Herculean effort, in a hemisphere full of peopel who lack patriotism and for which police agencies (at least in Canada) care more about their own theft of taxpayers than principle.

It's come at a massive cost and will continue.

I checked and you're right. China is not part of the TPP. But neither is the USA. The rest of the TPP Nations have gone on without you, weakening US influence.

I find it laughable that Americans complain about Chinese trade mark abuses. Who gave them their proprietary information in the first place? American corporations. Given their history of lying cheating, and screwing the norms of modern life over, again and again, only the Russians have been less trustworthy than the Chinese, and only because the Russians have been at it longer.

Why do you suggest the TPP have gone on without you, when you know I'm Canadian?

The fact that you always try this lends credibility to my argument about Canada, it doesn't weaken it. Keep trying though, Canada will continue to slip steeply, thanks to the spineless covert police and their dumb offspring.
Canada is done like a juicy thanksgiving turkey. Now, USA may follow Canada footsteps because they choose "anyone but Trump" too.

Canada is hardly "done". Our economy has remained fairly stable throughout this mess. Our GDP will only slip about 3% this year, and next year is looking strong, as the vaccines come online.

You've got 7 million people sick and over 340,000 dead. Just the costs of testing and treatment, is draining your economy, and states lack the funds or the staff to distribute vaccines.

None of these things are factors for Canada, Asia or most of Europe.
I am sorry for not making myself clear. I mean Canada will have a hard time digging herself out of the "throwing $ at the coronvirus to see what sticks" hole. And, don't even mention vaccines and Canada in the same sentence :') I know the Canada coronavirus situation because I have been in lockdown mode on and off since March.

W.T.F.???? 340,000 dead. It was 290K before Dec, a 60000 jump in a month

I don't really think it will be that hard to dig ourselves out.

1. We gave no money to big corporations or big business, and gave the money directly to the people. Much cheaper. The Trump Administration gave billions to the hospitality industry - hotels, airlines, and the entertainment industry - all businesses which will be slow to recover, if they recover at all.

2. Our costs in testing and treating the virus are miniscule, in comparison with the costs of treating 20 million sick people. The USA has administered twice the number of tests per million of population as Canada. Tests cost money. So does collecting the samples, and processing the results. Our medical costs are much lower, and we're using the WHO tests, not a Disney Land of private lab tests which cost more.

3. We started buying PPE in January, and our stocks never got low. Even better, we never participated in any of the "bidding wars" for PPE that happened in the USA, so our costs were lower.

4. We have 15,000 cases per million of population, versus 60,000 cases per million in the USA. So our overall costs in treating the sick, are less than 1/4 that of the USA.

While it may seem like Canada has "thrown money" at the pandemic, we really haven't. In squashing transmission between waves, and in keeping transmission rates to 80th in the world, we have both saved lives, and saved our economy. Unlike the USA, which subsidized corporations, and left the people to starve, we subsidized the people, and said we'd deal with corporations later.

And we've already bought enough vaccine for the whole country. Investors around the world wanting access to the North American markets are looking more and more to Canada to make that investment for the following reasons:

1. Stable government which provides good governance to the nation. What happens to the USA if another "Trump" is elected in 4 years? Best not chance it.

2. Our population is better educated, and our public school system is one of the best in the world.

3. Universal government funded health care - a big deal for executive looking to transfer to the new North American facility. As is the education system.

4. NAFTA guarantees tariff free access to North American markets.

As the USA continues to be mired in political dysfunction, and failed Republican economic policies, investors will be less and less willing to bank on success in the USA. 3 economic crashes in 40 years doesn't inspire confidence in Republicans ability to govern the nation, while Canada is consistently at the top of the "best places to live in the world" rankings, with the fastest growing middle classs in the world.

Canada just looks better and better.

We have sustained less economic damage than most of the rest of the first world.
JT, is that you???? :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
But at least we can look back at the 1990s and realize that it was liberals that opposed free trade with China, China's being granted "most favored nation" and China's admittance into the WTO.

Bill Clinton may have been a liberal as far as social policies, but he was a Conservative on economic policies.

Bill Clinton was in thrall with Milton Friedman and the "capitalism unchained" policies of the Chicago School of Economics.

These policies were imposed throughout South America in the 1970's under Richard Nixon and resulted in higher prices, lower wages, increased poverty, and declining rates of literacy, education and public health. Last but not least, it resulted political oppression and murder of leftist leadership, to suppress opposition and protest. People just "disappeared" off the streets never to be seen or heard from again. These "disappearances" often occurred in broad daylight to frighten and cow any further "opposition". It took generations for South American nations to recover and oust the dictators, but the gap between rich and poor, and the oligarchies which resulted from these policies, are now firmly in place.

Reaganism was the backlash of the wealthy to the New Deal economic policies instituted by Roosevelt, which lead to the rise of the American Middle Class, and the War on Poverty started by Lydon Johnson, and which lowered the poverty rate in the USA from 40% to just over 10%.

With a large consumer class, Republicans have killed the goose that laid the golden egg. Instead of maintaining an equitable share of the pie for American workers, they helped destroy the middle class by busting unions (something necessary for Friedman's plan to succeed), promising workers "big raises" when their raises and promotions were based on "merit", not contracts.

Nearly 90% of American wealth is now owned by the the top 20%. That figure is under 50% in Norway, and under 40% in Canada. Income statistics are equallyu skewed to the top. 80% of income goes to the top 20%. The gap between rich and poor is growing faster under Donald Trump than under any previous President.

Successful economies depend on "supply and demand". American corporations have limited "demand" at home by using illegal immigrants, off-shoring low wage/low skills jobs, and providing no retraining for workers displaced by the de-industrialization of Amerca, further suppressing wages for the working class. Instead of insisting corporations pay a living wage, Republicans then uses revenues from the middle class tax payers to subside low wages for your most profitable corporations through EIC's, and food stamps, and lower taxes to both the corporations and their largest shareholders.

With adequate wages, there is enough pent up demand among the working and middle class, to fuel economic growth for a decade, but workers need a bigger cut of the pie.
W.T.F.???? 340,000 dead. It was 290K before Dec, a 60000 jump in a month

At 2000 to 3000 deaths per day, the deaths add up quickly. With 1 million people testiing postive every 3 days, it's another 30,000 deaths for every million people getting sick. So the deaths are just accelerating faster and faster.
If I am Trump, I put forward some hard hitting E.O's with teeth that protect the U.S economy from Chinas influence/pillaging. It would not only make it very politically difficult for the incoming administration to alter them, it would also surely get support from those loyal patriots (not the bad apples) with their asses on the line in this battle (FBI, CIA, NSA).

I'm not talking about a full withdrawal from China, the global supply chain doesn't move that fast. However, he should consider making tariffs difficult to lift and strong sanctions to particular companies (he has done some of this already against military-linked Chinese companies) and hold local businesses and individuals legally accountable for violating the sanctions.

Furthermore, if he or any of his family were to run again, the clear and obvious sweet spot of support would be for standing up for American Interests vs. China. He would definitely get some support from other vulnerable nations that are currently U.S allies, but might have to alter their course if America doesn't take the communist threat more seriously.

You're nuts.
........yes--we know you lefties HATE America...why would we want a POTUS to protect America and her interests!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????
just let China/etc fk America over--REAL smart
If I am Trump, I put forward some hard hitting E.O's with teeth that protect the U.S economy from Chinas influence/pillaging. It would not only make it very politically difficult for the incoming administration to alter them, it would also surely get support from those loyal patriots (not the bad apples) with their asses on the line in this battle (FBI, CIA, NSA).

I'm not talking about a full withdrawal from China, the global supply chain doesn't move that fast. However, he should consider making tariffs difficult to lift and strong sanctions to particular companies (he has done some of this already against military-linked Chinese companies) and hold local businesses and individuals legally accountable for violating the sanctions.

Furthermore, if he or any of his family were to run again, the clear and obvious sweet spot of support would be for standing up for American Interests vs. China. He would definitely get some support from other vulnerable nations that are currently U.S allies, but might have to alter their course if America doesn't take the communist threat more seriously.
Executive Orders by a president with 3 weeks left are pretty toothless to use in the same sentence as a descriptive phrase as "hard hitting", as are subject to change before the ink is good and dry.
Like secretly sending billions to iran?
But at least we can look back at the 1990s and realize that it was liberals that opposed free trade with China, China's being granted "most favored nation" and China's admittance into the WTO.

Bill Clinton may have been a liberal as far as social policies, but he was a Conservative on economic policies.

Bill Clinton was in thrall with Milton Friedman and the "capitalism unchained" policies of the Chicago School of Economics.

These policies were imposed throughout South America in the 1970's under Richard Nixon and resulted in higher prices, lower wages, increased poverty, and declining rates of literacy, education and public health. Last but not least, it resulted political oppression and murder of leftist leadership, to suppress opposition and protest. People just "disappeared" off the streets never to be seen or heard from again. These "disappearances" often occurred in broad daylight to frighten and cow any further "opposition". It took generations for South American nations to recover and oust the dictators, but the gap between rich and poor, and the oligarchies which resulted from these policies, are now firmly in place.

Reaganism was the backlash of the wealthy to the New Deal economic policies instituted by Roosevelt, which lead to the rise of the American Middle Class, and the War on Poverty started by Lydon Johnson, and which lowered the poverty rate in the USA from 40% to just over 10%.

With a large consumer class, Republicans have killed the goose that laid the golden egg. Instead of maintaining an equitable share of the pie for American workers, they helped destroy the middle class by busting unions (something necessary for Friedman's plan to succeed), promising workers "big raises" when their raises and promotions were based on "merit", not contracts.

Nearly 90% of American wealth is now owned by the the top 20%. That figure is under 50% in Norway, and under 40% in Canada. Income statistics are equallyu skewed to the top. 80% of income goes to the top 20%. The gap between rich and poor is growing faster under Donald Trump than under any previous President.

Successful economies depend on "supply and demand". American corporations have limited "demand" at home by using illegal immigrants, off-shoring low wage/low skills jobs, and providing no retraining for workers displaced by the de-industrialization of Amerca, further suppressing wages for the working class. Instead of insisting corporations pay a living wage, Republicans then uses revenues from the middle class tax payers to subside low wages for your most profitable corporations through EIC's, and food stamps, and lower taxes to both the corporations and their largest shareholders.

With adequate wages, there is enough pent up demand among the working and middle class, to fuel economic growth for a decade, but workers need a bigger cut of the pie.

If I am Trump, I put forward some hard hitting E.O's with teeth that protect the U.S economy from Chinas influence/pillaging. It would not only make it very politically difficult for the incoming administration to alter them, it would also surely get support from those loyal patriots (not the bad apples) with their asses on the line in this battle (FBI, CIA, NSA).

I'm not talking about a full withdrawal from China, the global supply chain doesn't move that fast. However, he should consider making tariffs difficult to lift and strong sanctions to particular companies (he has done some of this already against military-linked Chinese companies) and hold local businesses and individuals legally accountable for violating the sanctions.

Furthermore, if he or any of his family were to run again, the clear and obvious sweet spot of support would be for standing up for American Interests vs. China. He would definitely get some support from other vulnerable nations that are currently U.S allies, but might have to alter their course if America doesn't take the communist threat more seriously.

You're nuts.
........yes--we know you lefties HATE America...why would we want a POTUS to protect America and her interests!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????
just let China/etc fk America over--REAL smart

Ah yes, the sheep bleats the current Republican litany of hate and lies. Barrack Obama spent 8 years saving the US economy from collapse, and rebuilding American jobs and GDP, because he hates America.

Donald Trump crashed your economy, killing 350,000 Americans, and handing world leadership in trade and foreign investment to the Chinese, destroying mid-Western Farmers and all of your trade deals because he just loves the USA so much more than any Democrat.

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