If trump is not convicted...the GOP will become the QOP

I doubt it. They're scare of Trumps influence, The secret vote on Cheney proves that most of Trumpybears support in the House is pseudo support
I dunno about the House. McCarthy seems to have traded the fate of bat shit crazy QAnon/Trump congresspeople for Cheney's. RW media excused Trump's attempt at insurrection by continuing Trump's lie that the election was "stolen."

The GOP has a chance to drive a stake through the heart of QAnon. If they fail to convict the Liar in Chief, they will embolden the Q movement and trump will drag them around like chained puppies for the next decade. This is the chance for the GOP to get out from under the trump umbrella and return to responsible, conservative ideology. If they let him off the hook, he will rule the QOP for a generation or beyond.
How does Trump run again? He lost to President Biden in a landslide, one of the greatest political defeats in history, the largest popular vote defeat in history. More impeachments than any other President in history, supporter of far right wing fringe movements, q-anon, anti-Semitics, 9-11 deniers, etc., liar extraordinary, etc, etc. I hope he does run, guaranteeing another Democrat landslide victory.
Care to cite where those numbers come from? Several presidents have had vastly more impressive victories than Quid Pro. Check FDR, Nixon, and Reagan.
Any Trumper or Republican that supports any part of the q-anon agenda, I now just refer to as a "qpub."
I think you leftists invented Qanon just so you could beat it like a strawman.
Any Trumper or Republican that supports any part of the q-anon agenda, I now just refer to as a "qpub."
I think you leftists invented Qanon just so you could beat it like a strawman.
It is funny when they attempt to associate you with organizations you have no connection to. Narrative over truth, every time.
This is like the number they did on the Tea Party.
A group that never existed.....yet they accused anyone who wasn't brainwashed of being a member.
I doubt it. They're scare of Trumps influence, The secret vote on Cheney proves that most of Trumpybears support in the House is pseudo support
I dunno about the House. McCarthy seems to have traded the fate of bat shit crazy QAnon/Trump congresspeople for Cheney's. RW media excused Trump's attempt at insurrection by continuing Trump's lie that the election was "stolen."

The House is kind of iffy. The media is hopelessly opinionated. Breaking Opinion 24/7
How does Trump run again? He lost to President Biden in a landslide, one of the greatest political defeats in history, the largest popular vote defeat in history. More impeachments than any other President in history, supporter of far right wing fringe movements, q-anon, anti-Semitics, 9-11 deniers, etc., liar extraordinary, etc, etc. I hope he does run, guaranteeing another Democrat landslide victory.

Trump runs again and wins because you won't have mail in voting in such high numbers to cheat the system again. And who knows, maybe after we get leadership of the House back in 22, they will impeach Biden three times since the commies started this phony impeachment war.
The GOP has a chance to drive a stake through the heart of QAnon. If they fail to convict the Liar in Chief, they will embolden the Q movement

WHY? Who cares? A movement based on the belief that the world is run by atheistic pedophiles? How often do you people proudly chant that belief in God is for fools? And hasn't child and sex trafficking been found replete throughout Hollywood?

How many other crazy ideas are out there?

And what are you convicting Trump on again? For daring to believe that he was cheated out of his presidency? There is MOUNTAINS of evidence to support that. He'd be crazy if he DIDN'T believe he was ripped off. That's his belief and opinion and no one has proven him wrong. Just denied it.

So what of the "Q movement?" Why don't you worry about the crazies in your own party. In an effort to cancel out every single thing you can find that runs counter to accepting your ideas and party as if they are somehow golden calves, you are crossing the line of becoming worse fanatics than the ones you dream are lurking under your own bed.

Any Trumper or Republican that supports any part of the q-anon agenda, I now just refer to as a "qpub."
Have yet to find any Republican who gives two shits about this Dimwinger created boogeyman. You clowns are obsessed with them.

They are your problem, Simpleton.
This is the chance for the GOP to get out from under the trump umbrella and return to responsible, conservative ideology. If they let him off the hook, he will rule the QOP for a generation or beyond.
It's just not gonna happen. This is Trump's party, and even if he disappeared tomorrow, the Q/Trumpsters are in control.

The rest of the party has to decide if it's going to play along and enable these loons, or if they're going to rip of the scab and lose in the short term. But they'd almost certainly have to start a new party.

That's a real mess. But they voluntarily sold their soul to this guy, so...
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The GOP has a chance to drive a stake through the heart of QAnon. If they fail to convict the Liar in Chief, they will embolden the Q movement and trump will drag them around like chained puppies for the next decade. This is the chance for the GOP to get out from under the trump umbrella and return to responsible, conservative ideology. If they let him off the hook, he will rule the QOP for a generation or beyond.
How does Trump run again? He lost to President Biden in a landslide, one of the greatest political defeats in history, the largest popular vote defeat in history. More impeachments than any other President in history, supporter of far right wing fringe movements, q-anon, anti-Semitics, 9-11 deniers, etc., liar extraordinary, etc, etc. I hope he does run, guaranteeing another Democrat landslide victory.
Total bullshit.

Trump’s 2020 defeat was comparatively close and, in retrospect, will likely be viewed as surprisingly so given arguably any president’s worst re-election year trifecta: impeachment, pandemic and economic collapse. He lost the popular vote by nearly 47 to 51 percent and the electoral vote 232 to 306.​
In 2020, Trump’s percentage of the popular vote increased — in addition to him winning over 11 million more votes. This increase is overlooked, but since 1916, he is the first defeated incumbent to see an increase, which is usually the hallmark of winning re-election.​
Trump 2024!
The GOP has a chance to drive a stake through the heart of QAnon. If they fail to convict the Liar in Chief, they will embolden the Q movement and trump will drag them around like chained puppies for the next decade. This is the chance for the GOP to get out from under the trump umbrella and return to responsible, conservative ideology. If they let him off the hook, he will rule the QOP for a generation or beyond.

Any Repub that goes along with conviction will be committing political suicide. Most Republicans won't join with the Nazis. Those who do are just as un-American as they are. They are trying to convict an ex-President for exercising his constitutional right to free speech. Just like they removed a member of Congress from committee because she exercised her right to free speech before she even ran for office. You anti-constitution anti-Americans are going to regret your actions some day.

The GOP has a chance to drive a stake through the heart of QAnon. If they fail to convict the Liar in Chief, they will embolden the Q movement and trump will drag them around like chained puppies for the next decade. This is the chance for the GOP to get out from under the trump umbrella and return to responsible, conservative ideology. If they let him off the hook, he will rule the QOP for a generation or beyond.
Thank you for your unsolicited advice...

We totally understand you only have OUR best interests at heart and we promise we will give your opinion 100% of the consideration it so richly deserves...


The GOP has a chance to drive a stake through the heart of QAnon. If they fail to convict the Liar in Chief, they will embolden the Q movement and trump will drag them around like chained puppies for the next decade. This is the chance for the GOP to get out from under the trump umbrella and return to responsible, conservative ideology. If they let him off the hook, he will rule the QOP for a generation or beyond.
Thank you for your unsolicited advice...

We totally understand you only have OUR best interests at heart and we promise we will give your opinion 100% of the consideration it so richly deserves...

But what happens when Trump is gone?

People are leaving the GOP is droves. These people do not want to associate with a party that embraces lies, conspiracy theories, and violence. But if that is what you want, then hold onto to trump with both hands. You will become the QOP and will never be given a chance to govern again.

That is a Win/Win for Democrats. THANK YOU!

They may be leaving to become independent. I did that decades ago. Win/Win for Trump.
I found out the actions that Trump took to that arranged for the impeachment, this time.


B. Feelings might lead one to believe he caused HUNDREDS of Trump fanatics, ANTIFA, spectators and PROGS to "storm" the Capital.

C. AOC feared for her life because she was close by.

D. PROGS fixed security to build a fabrication.

E. It's a good-bye present for the guy who remains an enemy of the establishment, courtesy China-Joe.

F. It's a symbol for a coming of unity (cough).

G. Actions aren't important when your feelings are involved.

H. Political staging and divert attention away from real problems.

I. Democrat congress is at a loss for things to do and they have money to blow.

J. Projection is the primary distraction in PROG. First you claim the other guy steals an election & threatens democracy, then you steal an election, and then you blame the "loser" he tried to steal our democracy again.

K. Your head is run off misinformation.

L. Ocean-view heads determine who is best suited to run stuff now. They're the boss and prefer chaos, high taxes and a drastic reduction in small business & middle class.

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