If Trump ran on legalizing cannabis, how would the left respond ?

He just instituted billions of dollars of tariffs that have impacted American business and Republicans support it wholeheartedly. I support it but only because i understand why it’s necessary for the bigger picture. Most of those idiots support it literallly because it’s trump and he walks on water. They’ve got no idea why tariffs are good or bad they’ve never read about them since they learned about the smoot Hawley tariff in 7th grade. This man can do almost no wrong with his party right now. This is the best time ever to legalize and get it over with.
It would have to be by executive order most likely , because even if the pathetic Democrats in the House approved a bill, most experts are saying Mitch McConnell will not allow a vote on it in the Senate. He signed off on legalizing hemp, but that's completely separate.
He just instituted billions of dollars of tariffs that have impacted American business and Republicans support it wholeheartedly. I support it but only because i understand why it’s necessary for the bigger picture. Most of those idiots support it literallly because it’s trump and he walks on water. They’ve got no idea why tariffs are good or bad they’ve never read about them since they learned about the smoot Hawley tariff in 7th grade. This man can do almost no wrong with his party right now. This is the best time ever to legalize and get it over with.
It would have to be by executive order most likely , because even if the pathetic Democrats in the House approved a bill, most experts are saying Mitch McConnell will not allow a vote on it in the Senate. He signed off on legalizing hemp, but that's completely separate.
At this point a federal bill is almost unnecessary anyway. Just remove it from schedule and stop prosecuting it. The market will take it from there. States obviously don’t seem to care about the feds’ position on it
Personally, I hope he does and I think liberals will be so confused
they truly wouldn't know what to do at this point.

Cannabis legalization is a hot topic. With the sudden boom in the cannabis industry, legalization at the national level is vital. Last week, President Trump might have dropped a hint about cannabis legalization.

Cannabis Legalization: Did President Trump Drop a Hint? - Market Realist
He would lose 40% of republicans.. democrats would still hate him. He would gain 30% more libertarians
You’re nuts if you think as popular as he is with his party that literally just legalizing weed would lose him 40% of them. That’s just crazy talk. He’s the most popular president with republicans since Reagan.
A republican Legalizing weed is like have yankees co own the Red Sox, very unpopular..

Plenty of Republicans partake. But Americans know that.....
There’s no fighting it at this point. It’s taking a really long time to develop because there’s an insane amount of money to be made with licensing and they’re going to make sure only the political buddies get them. That’s what’s taking NJ so long right now I have no doubt about it, they’re just making sure they line up all their buddies to get the licenses to open shops and then they’ll finally legalize.
Well he's not as bad as Sessions, but......

Attorney General William Barr told senators Wednesday that he favors a federal law against states legalizing marijuana....
Well he's not as bad as Sessions, but......

Attorney General William Barr told senators Wednesday that he favors a federal law against states legalizing marijuana....

Yeah but even under sessions they didn’t go after the states. I don’t think they really care anymore honestly but they’re also not just going to go balls out and give a full legalization. They know they can do the same thing essentially by just not enforcing the law and nobody has to be the one that’s forever known for being the one that legalized drugs :ack-1:
Personally, I hope he does and I think liberals will be so confused
they truly wouldn't know what to do at this point.

Cannabis legalization is a hot topic. With the sudden boom in the cannabis industry, legalization at the national level is vital. Last week, President Trump might have dropped a hint about cannabis legalization.

Cannabis Legalization: Did President Trump Drop a Hint? - Market Realist

I would agree with him on that issue.

He did say in the campaign that he agrees with medical marijuana but he changes his positions on issues with a blink of an eye.

He has not done anything to get it legalized for anyone. He has not at least had it taken off the schedule 1 ranking of drugs.

I hope he does do something about it. I'm not going to hold my breath.
Personally, I hope he does and I think liberals will be so confused
they truly wouldn't know what to do at this point.

Cannabis legalization is a hot topic. With the sudden boom in the cannabis industry, legalization at the national level is vital. Last week, President Trump might have dropped a hint about cannabis legalization.

Cannabis Legalization: Did President Trump Drop a Hint? - Market Realist

I would agree with him on that issue.

He did say in the campaign that he agrees with medical marijuana but he changes his positions on issues with a blink of an eye.

He has not done anything to get it legalized for anyone. He has not at least had it taken off the schedule 1 ranking of drugs.

I hope he does do something about it. I'm not going to hold my breath.
If he simply didn’t enforce the law anymore that would already be huge. We don’t need them to “legalize” it with legislation and fan fare we just need them to stop prosecuting it, and by the fact that so many states have dared to legalize against federal law and the feds aren’t fighting it kind of tells you all you need to know.
He would lose 40% of republicans.. democrats would still hate him. He would gain 30% more libertarians
You’re nuts if you think as popular as he is with his party that literally just legalizing weed would lose him 40% of them. That’s just crazy talk. He’s the most popular president with republicans since Reagan.
A republican Legalizing weed is like have yankees co own the Red Sox, very unpopular..
He just instituted billions of dollars of tariffs that have impacted American business and Republicans support it wholeheartedly. I support it but only because i understand why it’s necessary for the bigger picture. Most of those idiots support it literallly because it’s trump and he walks on water. They’ve got no idea why tariffs are good or bad they’ve never read about them since they learned about the smoot Hawley tariff in 7th grade. This man can do almost no wrong with his party right now. This is the best time ever to legalize and get it over with.
He dumb ass China devalued there dollar so guess what WE ALL GET A DISCOUNT!
We are in a trade war.. either get behind your President or gtfo
God you’re a fucking moron. Either go read my post again or I don’t know, kill yourself maybe? I’m a trump supporter you stupid fuck. Im trying to explain to you that he can do no wrong and that he’d barely notice a change in the polls from his party if he legalized weed. The man literally said the words “I like to tske the guns first, due process second” and he lost NO ONE. You’re fucking delusional if you think legalizing weed is going to lose him any support. I hate his current record on the 2nd so far but im still willing to give the guy a shot.
He will
Personally, I hope he does and I think liberals will be so confused
they truly wouldn't know what to do at this point.

Cannabis legalization is a hot topic. With the sudden boom in the cannabis industry, legalization at the national level is vital. Last week, President Trump might have dropped a hint about cannabis legalization.

Cannabis Legalization: Did President Trump Drop a Hint? - Market Realist

The only way they'd vote for him is if he legalized before the election. They will not vote on promises he makes while running.
The Top 5 Industries Lobbying Against Cannabis Legalization Will Infuriate You


Private prison never should be allowed to exist. I'm glad they don't exist in my state.

It's not surprising that the 5 top industries are against it only for personal and financial gain.

It's disgusting.
Yeah but even under sessions they didn’t go after the states. I don’t think they really care anymore honestly but they’re also not just going to go balls out and give a full legalization. They know they can do the same thing essentially by just not enforcing the law and nobody has to be the one that’s forever known for being the one that legalized drugs :ack-1:
They don't talk about it , but they're watching what happens in Canada real closely.
Top 3 Cannabis Stocks to Buy Ahead of Canada's 2.0 Legalization | The Motley Fool

Marijuana Startup Backed by John Boehner Goes Public in Canada
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Private prison never should be allowed to exist. I'm glad they don't exist in my state.

It's not surprising that the 5 top industries are against it only for personal and financial gain.

It's disgusting.
I’m a hardcore minarchist I want as little as possible that the government controls, but prisons have no business being in the private sector. There should never be a profit motive for incarceration, ever.
and shove the wall down Americans throats by decree?
What shove?
What throat?
He ran on that. His voters want that. So did Obama, Hillary and every other Democrat for the past 30 years until Trump got in and said he'd actually BUILD it!

Oh sweet baby Jesus, I was borrowing a phrase from the ODS crowd. Nixon wanted National Healthcare didn't he?
At least Obama didn't do by decree.
He didn't?
How many republicans voted for it?
Who said they had to pass it in order to find out what was in the bill?

He did.

So what? The people spoke with their votes to give the Senate 58 Democrats + 2 Independents to close the debate. (but the people were fickle and gave Kennedy's seat to a Republican soon thereafter...hahahaha)

It passed and became the law.
Yeah but even under sessions they didn’t go after the states. I don’t think they really care anymore honestly but they’re also not just going to go balls out and give a full legalization. They know they can do the same thing essentially by just not enforcing the law and nobody has to be the one that’s forever known for being the one that legalized drugs :ack-1:
They don't talk about it , but they're watching what happens in Canada real closely.
Top 3 Cannabis Stocks to Buy Ahead of Canada's 2.0 Legalization | The Motley Fool

Marijuana Startup Backed by John Boehner Goes Public in Canada
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Eventually the market will realize it’s an archaic law that isn’t really being enforced and those stocks will prosper simply because the market learned it could produce weed without penalty.
It would cost him probably close to 50% of the Conservative vote and ensure he’s a one term President.

Actually a large number of conservatives really don't care one way or another.

He would lose some of his supporters, and he can't afford to lose any.

He would gain as many or more back.
Highly doubtful. Do you think he would get credit for giving in to the inevitable? Like I said, jumping on the bandwagon at the last minute won't fool anybody.
Personally, I hope he does and I think liberals will be so confused
they truly wouldn't know what to do at this point.

Cannabis legalization is a hot topic. With the sudden boom in the cannabis industry, legalization at the national level is vital. Last week, President Trump might have dropped a hint about cannabis legalization.

Cannabis Legalization: Did President Trump Drop a Hint? - Market Realist

I would agree with him on that issue.

He did say in the campaign that he agrees with medical marijuana but he changes his positions on issues with a blink of an eye.

He has not done anything to get it legalized for anyone. He has not at least had it taken off the schedule 1 ranking of drugs.

I hope he does do something about it. I'm not going to hold my breath.
If he simply didn’t enforce the law anymore that would already be huge. We don’t need them to “legalize” it with legislation and fan fare we just need them to stop prosecuting it, and by the fact that so many states have dared to legalize against federal law and the feds aren’t fighting it kind of tells you all you need to know.

The country needed a Constitutional Amendment to make alcohol illegal across the entire country. Until then it was up the the States and the various countries in each State. Why didn't they need a new Amendment to ban Marijuana across the entire country. By the time the first prohibitive tax on marijuana was declared unconstitutional, the Feds had amassed enough extra-constitutional power that they merely pass a law overriding the States.

And the Sheep munched on.......

They need to allow federal funds for research into the medical benefits of Cannabis compounds.

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