If Trump runs in 2024, who should he pick for VP?

I doubt it would be pence. My best guess would be Ivanka - to carry on his "legacy" and create a Trump dynasty. What do you think?
I doubt it would be pence. My best guess would be Ivanka - to carry on his "legacy" and create a Trump dynasty. What do you think?
Well, Pence is certainly willing to carry water for Trump. Trump has a pics of Pence f*cking a goat & he'll use them so he has to play ball.
Not to worry... it's all about continuing to spread the word of your Orange Baboon-God's unfitness for high office and his autocratic and traitorous nature.

Love how all you can focus on is all the good from having democrats in charge of the entire Federal government!

This time in the Trump Presidency, Born in Kenya Barack was a rounding error, a pimple on the world's ass
Love how all you can focus on is all the good from having democrats in charge of the entire Federal government!

This time in the Trump Presidency, Born in Kenya Barack was a rounding error, a pimple on the world's ass
None of that $hit matters... Obumble was good on domestic policy but sucked on the foreign front... Sleepy Joe is a placeholder and is screwing-up in half a dozen ways or more... but the important thing for now is that both did or will give-up their office once their terms are over and will not attempt to usurp an election or the US Constitution like your Orange Baboon-God did... and your Baboon-God must NOT be given another chance to become President-for-Life.
Trump has to pick a VP who shares his character and values. Someone like Daffy Duck.

Imo Trump would be a nightmare as prez, as he was the first time. But Biden and Kamelface have to go. They've allowed America to be flooded with illegal immigrants from every shithole country you can name.

I want the illegals found, arrested, and sent home. Like...yesterday.
Trump was a nightmare as PREZ? By every metric he made things better. I'd settle for shooting the illegals as invaders....make them run home as fast they can....send their offspring with them.
None of that $hit matters... Obumble was good on domestic policy but sucked on the foreign front... Sleepy Joe is a placeholder and is screwing-up in half a dozen ways or more... but the important thing for now is that both did or will give-up their office once their terms are over and will not attempt to usurp an election or the US Constitution like your Orange Baboon-God did... and your Baboon-God must NOT be given another chance to become President-for-Life.
You left out...except for spying on candidate and President Trump...
Imo, Trump can easily get the GOP nomination. But Trump has engaged in so much sleazy, and likely criminal, behavior that he has turned off a huge number of Americans.

Also, trump's non-stop whining about his election loss has made him look incredibly weak and childish. It's not good for a wannabe leader to look like a fucking crybaby. Trump is disgusting in every way. I did like his immigration policy though.

As an Indie, I'll vote for the best candidate. But, I will never vote for the Orange clown.

Hopefully the GOP will nominate a competent, decent, candidate.

On the Dem side, I hate Biden and Kamelface. Sadly, I see no other Dems that would get my vote. They have a lot of work to do if they're going to keep Congress and the Whitehouse. I don' t think they can do it. Fuck Biden and Harris.
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Imo, Trump can easily get the GOP nomination. But Trump has engaged in so much sleazy, and likely criminal, behavior that he has turned off a huge number of Americans.

As an Indie, I'll vote for the best candidate. But, never will I vote for the Orange clown.

Hopefully the GOP will nominate a competent, decent, candidate.

On the Dem side, I hate Biden and Kamelface. Sadly, I see no other Dems that would get my vote. They have a lot of work to do if they're going to keep Congress and the Whitehouse. I don' t think they can do it. Fuck Biden and Harris.
On Biden's wost day he can't hold a candle to where the mind of that orange knuckle dragger's is. And it's in the gutter.
President Trump's handler was Netanyahu, maybe President Trump could appoint Him as VP..... It's a long shot though.
They can rig the election again.
President Trump's handler was Netanyahu, maybe President Trump could appoint Him as VP..... It's a long shot though.
They can rig the election again.
Like Trump, Netanyahu is one of the most corrupt leaders Israel has ever had. They both have a big mouth which they think they can use to get their own way. They make a good pair.

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