If Trump runs in 2024, who should he pick for VP?

I would say Gov Abbott of TX

his lt gov would probably do as good a job...

actually, maybe that would be better than Rand Paul... We need Paul where he is..

I don't think the VP should be taken from the group of good Rs in Congress... so maybe Abbott would work.. but VP is kind of beneath him..? not a very important job usually
You're so funny! Thanks for the laugh.

Your long-assed earlier post was all about how great Trump is (in your poor, misguided opinion).

I provided you with loads of ways you could find information, and verify it, for yourself, that proves conclusively that Trump is a fraud, a liar, a thief, and an all around clown.

Now you come back with a silly-assed "What Aboutism." "What about Joe Biden," you stupidly ask.

I already answered that. Joe Biden, like Donnie-boy Trump, is a worthless twat. They're both incompetent assholes. Open your eyes.
/———/ Your whataboutism is a defection. So what about the Biden crime family? Why do you give them a pass? Shouldn’t you be consistent?
trump's support among republican leadership is dwindling. The majority no longer support him as a candidate. So why even bother talking about it. He's proven over and over again he's not worth it.
That is a lie. You must be desperate.
DeSantis is a hero to people all over the country. The majority do not support covid tyranny. The majority does not support institutionalized racism in schools. The nation is roiling in suppressed rebellion. DeSantis is well known and well liked.
He'd be an excellent choice & was my first thought, but again, it may need to be strategic to carry a crucial swing state.
Since Trump is a chronic norm-breaker - he would happily pick his own daughter for VP. It would thrill his deranged base and piss off almost everyone else. Then, he would get really serious about destroying our remaining American democracy. Trump on demonic steroids.
Since Trump is a chronic norm-breaker - he would happily pick his own daughter for VP. It would thrill his deranged base and piss off almost everyone else. Then, he would get really serious about destroying our remaining American democracy. Trump on demonic steroids.
The TDS never ends...
/———/ Your whataboutism is a defection. So what about the Biden crime family? Why do you give them a pass? Shouldn’t you be consistent?
Please. Get your act together or stop posting.

The thread is about trump. Our original posts were about trump. Then, when I suggested ways you can educate yourself about trump's sleazier activities, you want to change the topic to biden.

Please don't post to me again. You're wasting both of our time. Unless you can learn to stay on topic. Thanks.
DeSantis is a hero to people all over the country. The majority do not support covid tyranny. The majority does not support institutionalized racism in schools. The nation is roiling in suppressed rebellion. DeSantis is well known and well liked.

Rebellion would be what was needed to name DeSantis as VP for Trump.
DeSantis is the obvious bet

But if DeSantis campaigns against him and does well Trump will be too mad to do it.
DeSantis saying something bad about Trump is the dems wetdream---they want a fight between the two where there isn't one so they try to make one up. DeSantis isn't running 2024 for PRESIDENCY, he has already said he won't and his wife has just come down with breast cancer with them having 3 children age 4 and under. DeSantis has his hands full as it is right now which is the time that people toss their hats in the ring for presidency runs.

Both Trump and DeSantis plan ahead btw....DeSantis as loved as he is would not be able to get more supporters than Trump and he knows this. Trump can only be president one more term........why would DeSantis tarnish his name picking an unnecessary unfruitful war with Trump? Time is on DeSantis' Side.

DeSantis knows Trump likes him and since both men plan in advance----it is possible that Trump and DeSantis have already worked out who is running for president and who is running for Vp. Sorry Dems the VP choice does not have to run for president to be chosen for the VP spot....Trump will easily win the presidential nomination, and he can just chose DeSantis as the VP making their followers very very happy.
DeSantis saying something bad about Trump is the dems wetdream---they want a fight between the two where there isn't one so they try to make one up. DeSantis isn't running 2024 for PRESIDENCY, he has already said he won't and his wife has just come down with breast cancer with them having 3 children age 4 and under. DeSantis has his hands full as it is right now which is the time that people toss their hats in the ring for presidency runs.

Both Trump and DeSantis plan ahead btw....DeSantis as loved as he is would not be able to get more supporters than Trump and he knows this. Trump can only be president one more term........why would DeSantis tarnish his name picking an unnecessary unfruitful war with Trump? Time is on DeSantis' Side.

DeSantis knows Trump likes him and since both men plan in advance----it is possible that Trump and DeSantis have already worked out who is running for president and who is running for Vp. Sorry Dems the VP choice does not have to run for president to be chosen for the VP spot....Trump will easily win the presidential nomination, and he can just chose DeSantis as the VP making their followers very very happy.
You are correct.
I doubt it would be pence. My best guess would be Ivanka - to carry on his "legacy" and create a Trump dynasty. What do you think?


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