If Trump Were A Democrat


Putin's not going into Ukraine, OK, just so you understand. He’s not going to go into Ukraine, all right? You can mark it down. You can put it down. You can take it anywhere you want.
Would you have voted for him? Considering his platform was the same? I would have. Trump is NOT a traditional Republican he just aligned with that party because today, it more represents his views which is supporting America.

I think the parties are in for big changes because, as far as I can see, neither party's platforms represent their representatives. We The People, with the election of Trump, signaled big changes in our political system.
No. Democrat, republican, he's still a lying sack of shit treasonous criminal with the morals of a drunk alley cat and all the integrity of a crack dealer.


If you were American, you'd vote exactly as the party instructed, creep.

Just as you do in China.

And just thinking to myself right now, we should just cancel the election and just give it to Hillary, right? What are we even having it for? What are we having it for?

Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the tax returns that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.

Trump's tax returns are not "missing" like Hillary's Rose Law Firm billing records were while UNDER SUBPOENA....

QUEER-O's bigoted white and America hating IRS audited Trump EVERY YEAR.

Didn't find anything...

Maybe we need to get rid of the two party system.

How about a no-party system. The Founders warned about political factions.
It could work.
No country in the world has a real no party system. There are plenty of one party systems, we call them dictatorships. Best seems to be three or four major parties forcing the government to work by coalition on individual issues.
We made to cut how easy it is to obstruct. Filibusters back to the old way. They should be able to pass stuff and we can see what works. IE the Democrat way if it ever got a chance....
A two party system works well enough when both parties hold close to the ideals of democracy. The problem is not the system, it is the republican's efforts to circumvent rule of law for a far more authoritarian and arbitrary style of governance.

Comrade, the ideals of this nation are the Constitution. You hold close to the ideals of Joseph Stalin as does your party, but that has nothing to do with America.

As for your lie, what "far more authoritarian and arbitrary style of governance" are you referring to? "I have a phone and a pen?"
Maybe we need to get rid of the two party system.

How about a no-party system. The Founders warned about political factions.

They did?

Tell us what you know about how the founders felt about factions. First, be careful to
define what they meant by the term "faction".


No time to pull the quotes and write the book for you today. Dig, boy.

Awwwww. You don't want to learn how your understanding of the term "faction" has little to do with what the founders understood it to mean?

Sad. Believe me.

Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the tax returns that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.

Trump's tax returns are not "missing" like Hillary's Rose Law Firm billing records were while UNDER SUBPOENA....

QUEER-O's bigoted white and America hating IRS audited Trump EVERY YEAR.

Didn't find anything...

So you would have been fine with Hillary asking Russia to hack Trump tax returns and release them to the public.

Yeah, okay. Sure.


Putin called me a genius, I like him so far, I have to tell you.

It’s in the book that Ben Carson's got a pathological temper. That’s a big problem because you don’t cure that ... as an example: child molesting. You don’t cure these people. You don’t cure a child molester. There’s no cure for it. Pathological, there’s no cure for that.
So you would have been fine with Hillary asking Russia to hack Trump tax returns and release them to the public.

QUEER-O's IRS audited Trump 8 times. 8 times, QUEER-O's bigots at IRS failed to find anything wrong.

Trump isn't just clean. He is MR CLEAN.

Hillary's "missing billing records" were proof that HILLARY was GUILTY of FRAUD. Only a last minute lie from Chelsea's bio daddy Webb Hubbell prevented Hillary from doing TIME.... that Hubbell ended up doing.
So you believe Rush Limbaugh is right and law enforcement and.the entire respected world of Journalism everywhere in the world is wrong? The GOP is a giveaway to the rich scam, super duper.

Limbaugh is correct about many things, and journalism as we knew it is dead, replaced globally in the main by Leftist propagandists. They are respected by no one other than themselves.

What is law enforcement's relevancy here?
Limbaugh is a partisan propagandist, nothing more.

Well, that certainly answers the question about law enforcement, eh? :auiqs.jpg:

A partisan propagandist can be right about many things. No reference to Limbaugh, but the best propaganda always contains as much truth as possible.
Republicans are doing their best to make the FBI sound not legitimate. Its obvious they don't support law enforcement.

They do not appear to be legitimate of late.
Because of a few emails between FBI lovers who weren't impressed with Trump, along with everyone else at the time. Perfect garbage GOP propaganda, super duper.

It’s in the book that Ben Carson's got a pathological temper. That’s a big problem because you don’t cure that ... as an example: child molesting. You don’t cure these people. You don’t cure a child molester. There’s no cure for it. Pathological, there’s no cure for that.
all investigated because of the great numbers of idiots like you that believe garbage propaganda. Nothing. Stupid on the face of it.
Would you have voted for him? Considering his platform was the same? I would have. Trump is NOT a traditional Republican he just aligned with that party because today, it more represents his views which is supporting America.

I think the parties are in for big changes because, as far as I can see, neither party's platforms represent their representatives. We The People, with the election of Trump, signaled big changes in our political system.

I wouldn't have. Even on those issues where we agree, Trump is just the wrong man for the job.

It’s in the book that Ben Carson's got a pathological temper. That’s a big problem because you don’t cure that ... as an example: child molesting. You don’t cure these people. You don’t cure a child molester. There’s no cure for it. Pathological, there’s no cure for that.
all investigated because of the great numbers of idiots like you that believe garbage propaganda. Nothing. Stupid on the face of it.
You are aware that is a direct quote of Donald Trump...right?
I would have voted for Trump if he were a Dem.

I like the fact that he's a billionaire who couldn't be bought and he says what he thinks and he doesn't give a shit if anyone likes it.

I owe no allegiance to any party and I vote for the person I think best represents what I believe.

Oh and if he were a Dem today the lefty loons would be praising him up one side and down the other. They wouldn't be accusing him of colluding with the Russians and flat out wouldn't believe anything in Steeles dossier. He would be the best POTUS the country ever had.
Do the dupes recognize there are policies that separate the two parties? Things like taxing the rich more, living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training good infrastructure and vacations, Social Security ID 2 end illegal immigration etc etc. There is no way Trump can run as a Democrat with the BS he is spewing. On the other hand right now he probably should start doing that kind of stuff so he doesn't get impeached. His base will go anywhere Fox Rush excetera say....

It’s in the book that Ben Carson's got a pathological temper. That’s a big problem because you don’t cure that ... as an example: child molesting. You don’t cure these people. You don’t cure a child molester. There’s no cure for it. Pathological, there’s no cure for that.
all investigated because of the great numbers of idiots like you that believe garbage propaganda. Nothing. Stupid on the face of it.
You are aware that is a direct quote of Donald Trump...right?
I'm reacting to the typical innuendo of that quote with a picture of Hillary and that whole rat hole GOP propaganda.
Would you have voted for him? Considering his platform was the same? I would have. Trump is NOT a traditional Republican he just aligned with that party because today, it more represents his views which is supporting America.

I think the parties are in for big changes because, as far as I can see, neither party's platforms represent their representatives. We The People, with the election of Trump, signaled big changes in our political system.
No. Democrat, republican, he's still a lying sack of shit treasonous criminal with the morals of a drunk alley cat and all the integrity of a crack dealer.

Perfect answer, end thread!
'If Trump Were A Democrat'

Hillary, Brazile, and the DNC would have stacked the deck against him, rigged primaries, cheated in debates, and eventually would have given Hillary HIS earned nomination just like they gave her Sanders'.

It was, after all, HER TURN.


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