If Trump were to run in 2024, a new poll shows he will easily win.

The word "there" indicating place, is spelled T-H-E-R-E, Einstein. The word you wrote (their) means plural possession of something. Back to the 3rd grade for you. :rolleyes:

You don't see any evidence of illegal aliens voting ? I just posted it yesterday, in no less than 9 source links, in Post # 624. Liberal dishonesty is flourishing, but who expected it to be this foolish & naive ?
:laughing0301: So you are Einstein.
The word "there" indicating place, is spelled T-H-E-R-E, Einstein. The word you wrote (their) means plural possession of something. Back to the 3rd grade for you. :rolleyes:

You don't see any evidence of illegal aliens voting ? I just posted it yesterday, in no less than 9 source links, in Post # 624. Liberal dishonesty is flourishing, but who expected it to be this foolish & naive ?
You know, you just have to keep walking behind your foot tracks to keep up with all the lies. In post# 624, you claimed illegals were voting right? You posted a Right-wing link that is talking about a survey. That's where you come up with the claim of evidence? :laughing0301: Sonny boy, you must be one stupid mf to use a survey as evidence. Where are the arrests? And why did these illegals answer to a survey? Are fucking kidding me? You mean to tell me a bunch of illegals answered a survey that they were breaking the law? Dude, why do you come to look stupid?
I'm having quite a time keeping up with all your constant ERRORS, and having to correct them and patch them up.

1. Yes the coronavirus has been a hoax. Democrats inflated the numbers in 2020, using the CARES Act and the hospitals' vested interest to report comorbidities as Covid cases and deaths. By accepting the fictional numbers they had an excuse for lockdowns, thereby hurting the Trump economy, and taking away Trump's top campaign issue - his excellent economy before the pandemic.

2. No, DUPE, there are not almost a million dead from Covid, or even 1/10 that many. The only reason the numbers grew so high is because from the CARES Act, hospitals were PAID according to how many Covid deaths there were - so every ailment became written up as Covid. This was reported by the CDC in March of 2020, right after the CARES Act came out, and you still don't know it now. What a pathetic DUPE. :rolleyes:

3. Whatever Obama has in 2015, it was obliterated by his lousy SINKING economy a year later. Luckily for us, Trump got elected and 2017 rescued us from 2016.

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901,000 deaths in the U.S. A real hoax alright. What an insensitive pos you are. The stats prove you wrong, but please, are you still watching Alice in Wonderland? death toll from coronavirus in us - Google Search

As always, you are a pathetic pos liar; PolitiFact - Fact-check: Hospitals and COVID-19 payments

Hospital Payments and the COVID-19 Death Count - FactCheck.org You are a dumb fuck who watches too much social media and FOX fucking propaganda news.
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901,000 deaths in the U.S. A real hoax alright. What an insensitive pos you are. The stats prove you wrong, but please, are you still watching Alice in Wonderland? death toll from coronavirus in us - Google Search

As always, you are a pathetic pos liar; PolitiFact - Fact-check: Hospitals and COVID-19 payments

Hospital Payments and the COVID-19 Death Count - FactCheck.org You are a dumb fuck who watches too much social media and FOX fucking propaganda news.
I explained to you that what you call "the facts" are absolutely no such thing, They are concocted numbers of comorbitities resulting from CARES Act $$$$$$$$$$ going to hospitals reporting Covid deaths.

Politfact! Factcheck.org! OMG. You are so naive and lost. Fool, the CDC openly admitted their own numbers were wrong, highly inflated, but they kept reporting them anyway, because that what they kept getting from the hospitals. This is very old news, and you are clueless on it after almost 2 years. Sheeesh! :rolleyes:

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:laughing0301: So you are Einstein.

You know, you just have to keep walking behind your foot tracks to keep up with all the lies. In post# 624, you claimed illegals were voting right? You posted a Right-wing link that is talking about a survey. That's where you come up with the claim of evidence? :laughing0301: Sonny boy, you must be one stupid mf to use a survey as evidence. Where are the arrests? And why did these illegals answer to a survey? Are fucking kidding me? You mean to tell me a bunch of illegals answered a survey that they were breaking the law? Dude, why do you come to look stupid?
HA HA.Oh "rightwing link" is it? And where do you think a story about illegal aliens voting is going to appear ? In the Washington Post ? New York Times ? Mother Jones ?

You really have no idea what's going on about illegal aliens. I ask illegal aliens about their immigration status all the time (in Spanish of course). They openly brag about their illegallity, and how they have jobs (show me their photo IDs), steal videos from the library, vote in US elections, drive without a license, start wildfires, and engage in rape (acceptable in Mexico). They were also drinking beer while on the job (construction), which probably added to their open way of talking.

As for arrests, how would there be any ?,,,when not one state in the US requires proof of citizenship to vote. Illegals walk right up and register and vote just like anybody else. Democrat election officials arent going to stop them, and republican election officials have no way to stop them, as they have no idea who is a citizen and who isnt.
Hell, in about 20 states, there is no ID requirement OF ANY KIND. NONE.


You're getting an education. 😐
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HA HA.Oh "rightwing link" is it? And where do you think a story about illegal aliens voting is going to appear ? In the Washington Post ? New York Times ? Mother Jones ?

You really have no idea what's going on about illegal aliens.
I suggested that at least one member of his family is a member of BLM and he didn't deny it.
HA HA.Oh "rightwing link" is it? And where do you think a story about illegal aliens voting is going to appear ? In the Washington Post ? New York Times ? Mother Jones ?

You really have no idea what's going on about illegal aliens. I ask illegal aliens about their immigration status all the time (in Spanish of course). They openly brag about their illegallity, and how they have jobs (show me their photo IDs), steal videos from the library, vote in US elections, drive without a license, start wildfires, and engage in rape (acceptable in Mexico). They were also drinking beer while on the job (construction), which probably added to their open way of talking.

As for arrests, how would there be any ?,,,when not one state in the US requires proof of citizenship to vote. Illegals walk right up and register and vote just like anybody else. Democrat election officials arent going to stop them, and republican election officials have no way to stop them, as they have no idea who is a citizen and who isnt.
Hell, in about 20 states, there is no ID requirement OF ANY KIND. NONE.

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You're getting an education. 😐
Poor, unhinged gramps. :cuckoo:

That's a map of state requirements to vote. To vote and have the vote counted, one must first be registered to vote and no state registers illegal aliens to vote in federal elections.

You lose as always because you're a loser.
I suggested that at least one member of his family is a member of BLM and he didn't deny it.
Nothing dumber than BLM. Their leaders own mansions from the donations$$$$$ that donor thought were going to improve lives of millions of black people. In the meantime, they oppose Donald Trump, who has done more to help blacks than anyone in America.
Poor, unhinged gramps. :cuckoo:

That's a map of state requirements to vote. To vote and have the vote counted, one must first be registered to vote and no state registers illegal aliens to vote in federal elections.

You lose as always because you're a loser.
You idiot. EVERY state registers illegal aliens to vote, and it is done for millions of them. There are no citizenship proof requirements for registering or voting. No election official is able to ascertain any illegal alien's nationality or citizenship, at any time.

The mass voting of illegal aliens is the whole reason why they are being allowed to pour into the country by the millions, and why Biden is airlifting them to red states like Florida and Texas, in the hope of turning those high electoral vote states blue in time for November 2024. You're an ass.
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You idiot. EVERY state registers illegal aliens to vote, and it is done for millions of them. There are no citizenship proof requirements for registering or voting. No election official is able to ascertain any illegal alien's nationality or citizenship, at any time.

The mass voting of illegal aliens is the whole reason why they are being allowed to pour into the country by the millions, and why Biden is airlifting them to red states like Florida and Texas, in the hope of turning those high electoral vote states blue in time for November 2024. You're an ass.

You're beyond help, gramps. It's illegal in all states for illegal aliens to register to vote in federal elections. No state registers them.
You're beyond help, gramps. It's illegal in all states for illegal aliens to register to vote in federal elections. No state registers them.
Illegals vote when people die or move away from a district as zero proof is required at polls to vote.
Anyone associated with a political club can get the voter rolls.

Then they hand out the names and addresses to the trespassers.
Illegals vote when people die or move away from a district as zero proof is required at polls to vote.
Anyone associated with a political club can get the voter rolls.

Then they hand out the names and addresses to the trespassers.


Because illegal aliens monitor the movements of American residents and the poll books, right?


Because illegal aliens monitor the movements of American residents and the poll books, right?

Before your next ad hominem, answer this question...
Is that what I posted?

You see, living behind a gate, you don't get to see all the trespassers working in food service, mowing lawns and construction.
You're beyond help, gramps. It's illegal in all states for illegal aliens to register to vote in federal elections. No state registers them.
Oh, it's "illegal" ....."in all states for illegal aliens to register to vote in federal elections."

Oh GEE WILIKERS: thanks so much for informing me of that, Faun. And after all, we all know how law-abiding illegal aliens are, :rolleyes: and that they wouldn't dream of doing anything illegal. :muahaha:

EARTH TO FAUN: Unless they openly state that they are non-citizens, yeah :right:, the election authorities have no way of ascertaining that they are illegal. Proof of citizenship is not required in a single US state.
Not rocket science >> So they simply claim that they are citizens (OMG, would they ever do something like that?), and just register and vote, like everyone else.

I hope this doesn't give you a neurosis, but this has been going on since before I was born, non-stop, increasing leaps & bounds every decade, especially now. The fact is there is no state in America that does NOT register them. They vote by the MILLIONS, and this is why Biden has eliminated the Mexican border.
You're welcome.

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