If Trump were to run in 2024, a new poll shows he will easily win.

I don't know where he lives, but he's a Democrat (obviously), and they are all GLOBALISTS, who approve of outsourcing and disapprove of national borders. These internationalist communists have zero nationalist affiliation. Human filth is an adequate description.
Do you really care about national borders? CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor

Only a baboon would not know what Biden is doing, or a shallow phony, pretending to not know. So why do you think Biden is flying them into Texas and Florida ? Because he wants to grace us with their presence ? Because they're all top notch scientists and violin vituosos ?

You are cheapening this forum.
Good, then let's bypass the Baboon and go straight to you. What is he doing? Not your opinion, but something documented?
No, you're not. The arrests of the Jan 6 attackers was overdone. Long sentences with zero due process of law. The guilt is with the fascist Biden Admin. for locking these people up for so long unconstitutionally. YOU're the "idiot".
"Overdone?" What does that even mean? Should they have been half way arrested? Explain in detail what was "overdone? " What Constitutional amendment was violated?
"THEY" ? Looks like you don't know WHO your "they" is. Maybe you should do a bit of research before you go carelessly throwing words around. For your edification, the closing of the polling places you're talking about occured in 2013, under the OBAMA administration.

Secondly, LaShawn Warren, the vice president of campaigns for the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, one of the biggest gripers about the polling closures, admits that it was the 2013 Supreme Court decision, which essentially struck down elements of the Voting Rights Act, that required areas of the United States with a history of discrimination to attain “pre-clearance” for changes to voting access including, for example, the closure of polls.

And guess who the members of the 2013 SCOTUS was. In case you dont know, here they are > Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayer, Stephen Breyer, Anthony Kennedy, John Roberts. 6 liberal justices, all notorious for voting for Democrat favored positions.
Wrong, they didn't occur in 2013. They have been slowly closing them down all the way to 2018. Try again.
Fool. I back up everything I say. You're the one who doesnt'. Weren't you the idiot who tried to claim that Trump inherited a good economy from Obama, only to have Trump mess it up in his first 2 years ? Which I corrected - you're welcome.

Oh, so you have Trump ON VIDEO (you now claim), "trying to steal the last election." (which he, of course, was the VICTIM of that). So where's the VIDEO. Mr DODGE ?
I dont see it in any of YOUR posts.
Trump did mess up the economy before he left. We lost millions of jobs because he dropped the ball on Covid, telling us it was a hoax.
Why aren't you asking about how many illegal VOTES they got from Biden's illegal migrants ? Being airlifted all over the US, and then shielded by illegal sanctuary city laws.
Then I'll ask you. How many? Where are the documented numbers? That's right, you don't know. You know why? Because your a piece of shit liar, that's why.
Trump did mess up the economy before he left. We lost millions of jobs because he dropped the ball on Covid, telling us it was a hoax.
1. I see no source/link of what you claim about what Trump said about Covid.

2. Even if you had a link, it wouldn't matter, because early on, when not much information was available yet, lots of people (includingDemocrats) were minimizing the Covid threat (ex. Nancy Pelosi shopping in population congested San Francisco Chinatown (without a mask), encouraging people to come there and shop, rather than staying at home.

3. Eventually, the entire Covid scenario DID become a hoax, and still is, as the Covid death rate has been overstated (Comorbidities gone wild and reported as Covid), and is currently reported on the liberal media as being ludicrously higher than it actually is (as a result of hospitals profiting big bucks$$$ from the CARES Act)

4. The economy in 2020 is generally not a year that can be correlated with Trump, because too much of it was lockdowns of the pandemic. Note that when Republicans began to denounce the lockdowns, and businesses reopened in the 3rd quarter of 2020, we had the BIGGEST GDP INCREASE in US history.

5. Before the Covid pandemic disrupted everything including the US economy, Trump's economy was extremely good, with record highs in the stock markets, very low unemployment, and gave us a recovery in 2017 over the disastrous sinking economy of Obama in 2016, as shown by the famous V-GRAPH (famous on conservative TV shows that is (never shown on CNN, MSNBC, PBS)


6. BWK - you're getting an education. You're welcome. :biggrin:
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Then I'll ask you. How many? Where are the documented numbers? That's right, you don't know. You know why? Because your a piece of shit liar, that's why.
I DON'T HAVE TO KNOW. Anybody that pretends that millions of illegal aliens arent voting in US elections (when there is nothing to stop them, and their precense in America, depends on Democrats being in power) is a JOKE.

Some things don't need exact numbers. Wanna tell us how many clouds pass over each year ? How many fish in the Atlantic Ocean ? Answer: very many -with or without a number. :biggrin:

You'd know this if you werent such a liberal media DUPE.
1. I see no source/link of what you claim about what Trump said about Covid.

2. Even if you had a link, it wouldn't matter, because early on, when not much information was available yet, lots of people (includingDemocrats) were minimizing the Covid threat (ex. Nancy Pelosi shopping in population congested San Francisco Chinatown (without a mask), encouraging people to come there and shop, rather than staying at home.

3. Eventually, the entire Covid scenario DID become a hoax, and still is, as the Covid death rate has been overstated (Comorbidities gone wild and reported as Covid), and is currently reported on the liberal media as being ludicrously higher than it actually is (as a result of hospitals profiting big bucks$$$ from the CARES Act)

4. The economy in 2020 is generally not a year that can be correlated with Trump, because too much of it was lockdowns of the pandemic. Note that when Republicans began to denounce the lockdowns, and businesses reopened in the 3rd quarter of 2020, we had the BIGGEST GDP INCREASE in US history.

5. Before the Covid pandemic disrupted everything including the US economy, Trump's economy was extremely good, with record highs in the stock markets, very low unemployment, and gave us a recovery in 2017 over the disastrous sinking economy of Obama in 2016, as shown by the famous V-GRAPH (famous on conservative TV shows that is (never shown on CNN, MSNBC, PBS)

View attachment 597506
6. BWK - you're getting an education. You're welcome. :biggrin:
Trump calls coronavirus Democrats' 'new hoax' That's no problem.

Almost a million people dead. Yea, it's a real hoax. That's why there's a thing called natural selection I guess.

I noticed in 2015, it was higher than Trumps ever was. :laughing0301: Thanks! Love the graph. Trump says he built a great economy. Numbers tell a different story.
I DON'T HAVE TO KNOW. Anybody that pretends that millions of illegal aliens arent voting in US elections (when there is nothing to stop them, and their precense in America, depends on Democrats being in power) is a JOKE.

Some things don't need exact numbers. Wanna tell us how many clouds pass over each year ? How many fish in the Atlantic Ocean ? Answer: very many -with or without a number. :biggrin:

You'd know this if you werent such a liberal media DUPE.
You must be pretending, because we don't see any evidence now do we? Of course not, and we won't see any. Do you read Alice in Wonderland daily?

"Some things don't need exact numbers?" :laughing0301:You don't have any numbers. Remember, you're the piece of shit liar everyone knows you are.

"Liberal media dupe!" Great comeback their Einstein. Think of that one all by yourself did you?
Trump calls coronavirus Democrats' 'new hoax' That's no problem.

Almost a million people dead. Yea, it's a real hoax. That's why there's a thing called natural selection I guess.

I noticed in 2015, it was higher than Trumps ever was. :laughing0301: Thanks! Love the graph. Trump says he built a great economy. Numbers tell a different story.
I'm having quite a time keeping up with all your constant ERRORS, and having to correct them and patch them up.

1. Yes the coronavirus has been a hoax. Democrats inflated the numbers in 2020, using the CARES Act and the hospitals' vested interest to report comorbidities as Covid cases and deaths. By accepting the fictional numbers they had an excuse for lockdowns, thereby hurting the Trump economy, and taking away Trump's top campaign issue - his excellent economy before the pandemic.

2. No, DUPE, there are not almost a million dead from Covid, or even 1/10 that many. The only reason the numbers grew so high is because from the CARES Act, hospitals were PAID according to how many Covid deaths there were - so every ailment became written up as Covid. This was reported by the CDC in March of 2020, right after the CARES Act came out, and you still don't know it now. What a pathetic DUPE. :rolleyes:

3. Whatever Obama has in 2015, it was obliterated by his lousy SINKING economy a year later. Luckily for us, Trump got elected and 2017 rescued us from 2016.



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Trump is in, in 2024. What will liberals do when that day arrives ? Woe is them.
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You must be pretending, because we don't see any evidence now do we? Of course not, and we won't see any. Do you read Alice in Wonderland daily?

"Some things don't need exact numbers?" :laughing0301:You don't have any numbers. Remember, you're the piece of shit liar everyone knows you are.

"Liberal media dupe!" Great comeback their Einstein. Think of that one all by yourself did you?
The word "there" indicating place, is spelled T-H-E-R-E, Einstein. The word you wrote (their) means plural possession of something. Back to the 3rd grade for you. :rolleyes:

You don't see any evidence of illegal aliens voting ? I just posted it yesterday, in no less than 9 source links, in Post # 624. Liberal dishonesty is flourishing, but who expected it to be this foolish & naive ?
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The word "there" indicating place, is spelled T-H-E-R-E, Einstein. The word you wrote (their) means plural possession of something. Back to the 3rd grade for you. :rolleyes:

You don't see any evidence of illegal aliens voting ? I just posted it yesterday in Post # 624. Going blind ? ...or just when you find it convenient ?
BWK is pro-BLM and insists there were no riots after George Floyd died.
Your attempts to engage in a rational discussion with the hateful idiot are futile.

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