If Trump were to run in 2024, a new poll shows he will easily win.


Dumbfuck, your own link showed it wasn't a case of fraud.

Your own link posted by YOU. :lmao:

You owned yourself. AND you demonstrated exactly what I said you're doing. That is posting claims of fraud, virtually all which have been debunked. You're not posting proof of fraud.
HA HA. FOOL.That link (nothing but anti-Trump propaganda-what do you expect all those leftists to say ?)) was accidently popped into a massive compendium of election fraud evidence.

Here's another little tidbit of Faunism. Points to what he THINKS is a "gotcha", magnifies that, while ignoring 99% of all the rest of what was posted.

And nothing is "debunked" (another favorite liberal catchword) on words from liberals. Just look at the laughable Lawrence O'Donnell claim in this thread (video and all) purporting that Trump allegedly "admitted" to trying to overturn "the" election.

EARTH TO BWK, FAUN, & ALL MINDLESS LIBERALS: There WAS NO election to be overturned. What would have been "overturned", would have been the THEFT of a legitimate election, and thereby would have established a legitimate election.
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Still asking? Did they close 1688 polling places in the south in minority areas? Yes or no?
"THEY" ? Looks like you don't know WHO your "they" is. Maybe you should do a bit of research before you go carelessly throwing words around. For your edification, the closing of the polling places you're talking about occured in 2013, under the OBAMA administration.

Secondly, LaShawn Warren, the vice president of campaigns for the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, one of the biggest gripers about the polling closures, admits that it was the 2013 Supreme Court decision, which essentially struck down elements of the Voting Rights Act, that required areas of the United States with a history of discrimination to attain “pre-clearance” for changes to voting access including, for example, the closure of polls.

And guess who the members of the 2013 SCOTUS was. In case you dont know, here they are > Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayer, Stephen Breyer, Anthony Kennedy, John Roberts. 6 liberal justices, all notorious for voting for Democrat favored positions.
Did they close the polls or not?
What is "WRONG" is the tons of deliberate manipulations carried out by unscrupulous Democrats, who thwarted the people's will, by steering the election to Joe Biden- a mindless idiot, who in actuality, got very few votes at all, other than blind voting Democrats, and illegal aliens. 20 million votes at best, and most of them, illegal.
What is "WRONG" is the tons of deliberate manipulations carried out by unscrupulous Democrats, who thwarted the people's will, by steering the election to Joe Biden- a mindless idiot, who in actuality, got very few votes at all, other than blind voting Democrats, and illegal aliens. 20 million votes at best, and most of them, illegal.
Thanks for admitting you can't answer, and that 1688 polling places closed was why the Democrats had to have mail in and absentee voting, so the minorities could vote again. Which by the way, is the crust of the argument. The rest of your post is a cowardly rant, where none of what you say can be proven or is documented. Did I forget to tell you that you are a loser.
What is "WRONG" is the tons of deliberate manipulations carried out by unscrupulous Democrats, who thwarted the people's will, by steering the election to Joe Biden- a mindless idiot, who in actuality, got very few votes at all, other than blind voting Democrats, and illegal aliens. 20 million votes at best, and most of them, illegal.
Ha liar, prove illegal aliens changed the outcome of the election? That's right, you can't. Which is why you are nothing but a pathetic pos liar.
HA HA. FOOL.That link (nothing but anti-Trump propaganda-what do you expect all those leftists to say ?)) was accidently popped into a massive compendium of election fraud evidence.

Here's another little tidbit of Faunism. Points to what he THINKS is a "gotcha", magnifies that, while ignoring 99% of all the rest of what was posted.

And nothing is "debunked" (another favorite liberal catchword) on words from liberals. Just look at the laughable Lawrence O'Donnell claim in this thread (video and all) purporting that Trump allegedly "admitted" to trying to overturn "the" election.

EARTH TO BWK, FAUN, & ALL MINDLESS LIBERALS: There WAS NO election to be overturned. What would have been "overturned", would have been the THEFT of a legitimate election, and thereby would have established a legitimate election.
You are a straight fucking idiot;

HA HA. FOOL.That link (nothing but anti-Trump propaganda-what do you expect all those leftists to say ?)) was accidently popped into a massive compendium of election fraud evidence.

Here's another little tidbit of Faunism. Points to what he THINKS is a "gotcha", magnifies that, while ignoring 99% of all the rest of what was posted.

And nothing is "debunked" (another favorite liberal catchword) on words from liberals. Just look at the laughable Lawrence O'Donnell claim in this thread (video and all) purporting that Trump allegedly "admitted" to trying to overturn "the" election.

EARTH TO BWK, FAUN, & ALL MINDLESS LIBERALS: There WAS NO election to be overturned. What would have been "overturned", would have been the THEFT of a legitimate election, and thereby would have established a legitimate election.
If Lawerence's segment was laughable, then where in the fuck is your counter argument making it laughable? Answer, no fucking where.
Thanks for admitting you can't answer, and that 1688 polling places closed was why the Democrats had to have mail in and absentee voting, so the minorities could vote again. Which by the way, is the crust of the argument. The rest of your post is a cowardly rant, where none of what you say can be proven or is documented. Did I forget to tell you that you are a loser.
So if 1688 polling places were closed, and this was all set up during the Obama admin, by a liberal SCOTUS,, what are you crabbing to me for ? Go bitch out Breyer,, Sotomayer,, etc
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Ha liar, prove illegal aliens changed the outcome of the election? That's right, you can't. Which is why you are nothing but a pathetic pos liar.
Haha. I didn't say illegals changed the outcome. As always, they changed the vote counts, but Trump still would have easily won if not for all the fraud.
You are a straight fucking idiot;

Foolish liberal buffoon thinks I'm going to waste perfectly good time looking at MSNBC idiocy/lunacy ? These guys don't know how lost they are.
Check MSNBC's ratings to see how much credibility those clown shows have.
Thanks for admitting you can't answer, and that 1688 polling places closed was why the Democrats had to have mail in and absentee voting, so the minorities could vote again. Which by the way, is the crust of the argument. The rest of your post is a cowardly rant, where none of what you say can be proven or is documented. Did I forget to tell you that you are a loser.
Liberal SCOTUS set it up. Go bitch at them.
So if 1688 polling places were closed, and this was all set up during the Obama admin, by a liberal SCOTUS,, what are you crabbing to me for ? Go bitch out Breyer,, Sotomayer,, etc
:laughing0301: It wasn't all set up during Obama. It's still ongoing. That article dates the closings going all the way into 2018. No telling how many more there are today.

Breyer and Sotomayer never said they were for poll closings. That's on the Right to paralyze the minority vote. To cheat. That's why mail-in, early voting, and absentee voting should be expanded.

You are a pos cheater.
Foolish liberal buffoon thinks I'm going to waste perfectly good time looking at MSNBC idiocy/lunacy ? These guys don't know how lost they are.
Check MSNBC's ratings to see how much credibility those clown shows have.
You are weak, a coward, and intellectually bankrupt to lock horns with me over the truth. Because the truth is not on your side. Get lost coward.
Fool. I back up everything I say. You're the one who doesnt'. Weren't you the idiot who tried to claim that Trump inherited a good economy from Obama, only to have Trump mess it up in his first 2 years ? Which I corrected - you're welcome.

Oh, so you have Trump ON VIDEO (you now claim), "trying to steal the last election." (which he, of course, was the VICTIM of that). So where's the VIDEO. Mr DODGE ?
I dont see it in any of YOUR posts.
When you are publicly announcing pardons of the Jan.6th attackers, you are admitting guilt. Trump is an idiot.
Biden is flying them around the country to boost Democrat VOTES in various states. The migrants of course will VOTE Democrat, knowing their stay in the US depends upon Democrats being in power. Hard to believe that information-deprived leftist victims of liberal OMISSION media could be this ignorant.

As for American Thinker, it another excellent source that liberals pretend is bad. HA HA. Boy, do they look ridiculous.

INVALIDATION is hard-wired into liberals. :rolleyes:
Biden is flying them around the country to boost votes? No evidence of that. You are a liar.

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