If Trump were to run in 2024, a new poll shows he will easily win.

And..as predicted, the deficit/righteous/God fearing conservatives are flocking back to the mountain once
again proclaiming anyone with a "D" after their name...to be the Devil!
You said it first, Jack. Hey, steal any good elections, recently?

Trump is our savior!!
You said it first, Jack. But he sure is a far cry better than Biddum! In EVERY MEASURABLE WAY.

Yeah..about that. Assuming he doesn't get snared in the mountain of legal proceedings
Still waiting on those from 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021, Jack. Ain't lookin' good.

he's going to have to get around people like DeSantis
Hey Jack-- -- Trump is the one that put DeSantis on the map.
"Gateway Pundit?" :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: Dude, give it up. Why do you think that information is on that site? Thank you! Look up the BBC and see if you find the same garbage.

Standard leftist MO.. Attack the messenger when they can't defeat the message. (while not addressing the message). Ho hum. yawn**** :rolleyes:
Yea, me. I'm called the "documented fact finding doctor", not the "make believe doctor" like you, who can't back up what you say. We have Trump on video admitting to trying to steal the last election. You call it "goofy." That's great. Because when the shit hits the fan about his admission, remember I told you so. Don't go running around this forum with your hair on fire that you weren't aware of it before.
Fool. I back up everything I say. You're the one who doesnt'. Weren't you the idiot who tried to claim that Trump inherited a good economy from Obama, only to have Trump mess it up in his first 2 years ? Which I corrected - you're welcome.

Oh, so you have Trump ON VIDEO (you now claim), "trying to steal the last election." (which he, of course, was the VICTIM of that). So where's the VIDEO. Mr DODGE ?
I dont see it in any of YOUR posts.
You are spending all your time trying to excuse the fake electors from the various states, while Trump himself is admitting to trying to steal an election. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: He's made you into a fool. Don't you see that?

After watching 6 of the 8 minutes of this sickening attempt at word twisting and demonization, it is easily apparent that Lawrence O'Donnell's silly rant holds abot as much water as a cooking strainer.

No, Loony Larry, Trump did not say he wanted to overturn the election, except as a correct/proper, eventual outcome of what Pence could and should legally have done. Just another dopey attempt to put words in someone else's mouth by changing a true scenario, by giving THEIR pretended interpretation of what the person said.

Liberals do this all the time. When you read what the words were, you clearly see it wasnt what these scammers try to claim. Ho hum. Yawn again ******
??????????? You and others keep giving the store away. If you've got questions, that says it all about you. In the meantime, Trump has admitted to trying to steal an election. You should be feeling stupid right now, but if you don't, that means you really are stupid.

Here's the clue that these Trump toadies need to understand. Lies, allegations, and questions will get you no where. Get it?
What I "Get" is you being a lousy scammer. Your laughable video that you claimed was Trump admitting to trying to steal an election, wasn't even close to that. Just more dumb Democrat bullshit, that an 8 year old kid wouldn't fall for.

A poll? That's proof? You said in your post that they were flying around. Now they are voting. Get your story straight.

American Thinker?" You're not serious?
Biden is flying them around the country to boost Democrat VOTES in various states. The migrants of course will VOTE Democrat, knowing their stay in the US depends upon Democrats being in power. Hard to believe that information-deprived leftist victims of liberal OMISSION media could be this ignorant.

As for American Thinker, it another excellent source that liberals pretend is bad. HA HA. Boy, do they look ridiculous.

INVALIDATION is hard-wired into liberals. :rolleyes:
Dismantled in #5584, #5593 & #5601.
The only thing "dismantled" is YOU. You cry about "claims" as not being proof. That itself is merely a "claim" of yours, holding no water. I say the posts WERE proof, with thousands of people testifying at state hearings, many of them poll workers, and vote counters, as well as scores od video evidence. You are a joke.
Liberals shouldn't be posting in here. They should be preparing to move to Venezuela, Mexico, Syria, China, or some other hellhole. The know 2022 is their demise. 2024 even worse - FOR THEM. :biggrin:
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The only thing "dismantled" is YOU. You cry about "claims" as not being proof. That itself is merely a "claim" of yours, holding no water. I say the posts WERE proof, with thousands of people testifying at state hearings, many of them poll workers, and vote counters, as well as scores od video evidence. You are a joke.
with thousands of people testifying at state hearings


Not hardly, since your quote was the same post that I refuted him by. ... and YOU KNOW IT.

Dumbfuck, your own link showed it wasn't a case of fraud.

Your own link posted by YOU. :lmao:

You owned yourself. AND you demonstrated exactly what I said you're doing. That is posting claims of fraud, virtually all which have been debunked. You're not posting proof of fraud.
Liberals shouldn't be posting in here. They should be preparing to move to Venezuela, Mexico, Syria, China, or some other hellhole. The know 2022 is their demise. 2024 even worse - FOR THEM. :biggrin:
Still asking? Did they close 1688 polling places in the south in minority areas? Yes or no?
Still asking? Did they close 1688 polling places in the south in minority areas? Yes or no?
Why aren't you asking about how many illegal VOTES they got from Biden's illegal migrants ? Being airlifted all over the US, and then shielded by illegal sanctuary city laws.

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