If Trump were to run in 2024, a new poll shows he will easily win.

VERIFY: No, 6,000 ‘fake votes' for Biden were not found in Arizona Apparently you didn't read your own link. The article is stating there is no fraud.
It was just to show a compilation of rants from the Trump bashers, of course blabbering that the election was OK. Like we didnt know they say that ? And they claim it was OK. Imagine that! Well whoopee. What a revelation. :rolleyes:

I notice you cherry picked without any mention of the other 90% of that Arizona report.
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If they were stuffed, as they suggest, it's probably because 1688 polling places were closed down in minority areas. Thank God for mail in and drop boxes, or folks wouldn't be able to vote. This crowd can turn critical thinking upside down. Of course, we all know that's the whole point. Present as many conspiracies as possible, and slipping in more suppression bills, run out the clock on the election stealing schemes, and that's what they invest their time in.
Oh God what total bullshit. The 2020 election broke records in turnout. Nobody was deprived of the ability to vote. Too much (illegal ) voting was the problem, not too little..

What is needed is more voter SUPPRESSION > of illegal alien voting. Designed to elect Democrats > the whole reason for the current border insanity.

They will try, and they're trying every day by letting millions of illegal liens to come into the country and then fly them around the country, to boost VOTES for Bid You are a liar with no proof. So, where's the part about them boosting votes for Biden? Next?
HA HA HA. How pitifully ignorant liberals are. I can understand that they would have no idea about the massive illegal alien voting machine, from watching CNN, MSNBC, et al stations of that ilk, which carefully screen out all such information to these information-deprived airheads, but the proofs have been posted in HERE in USMB for years.

No excuse. So for the idiots who are clueless about illegal alien voting, why the border is opened up, why the airlifts, etc, for the 200th time >>>

Texas Democrats ask noncitizens to register to vote

Poll: 13% of Illegal Aliens ADMIT They Vote - California Political Review



Finally Proof of Illegal Alien Voting

Noncitizens, Voting Violations and U.S. Elections | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Illegal Aliens Really Do Vote – a Lot


Exclusive: Florida Investigating Potential Non-Citizen Voters
HA HA HA. How pitifully ignorant liberals are. I can understand that they would have no idea about the massive illegal alien voting machine, from watching CNN, MSNBC, et al stations of that ilk, which carefully screen out all such information to these information-deprived airheads, but the proofs have been posted in HERE in USMB for years.

No excuse. So for the idiots who are clueless about illegal alien voting, why the border is opened up, why the airlifts, etc, for the 200th time >>>
I can assure that BWK's janitors are trespassers though he will deny such.
This gigantic post (# 5,572) from Oct.27, 2021, replying to Faun's idiot post, is proof that Faun knows all about the mountains of evidence of voter fraud, and he's just another liberal liar pretending he doesn't know about it, while pushing the lamebrain notion that there was no fraud, in the hope that dumb people will believe that.

Dismantled in #5584, #5593 & #5601.
It was just to show a compilation of rants from the Trump bashers, of course blabbering that the election was OK. Like we didnt know they say that ? And they claim it was OK. Imagine that! Well whoopee. What a revelation. :rolleyes:

I notice you cherry picked without any mention of the other 90% of that Arizona report.

You got owned again, gramps. And with your own "evidence."

It was just to show a compilation of rants from the Trump bashers, of course blabbering that the election was OK. Like we didnt know they say that ? And they claim it was OK. Imagine that! Well whoopee. What a revelation. :rolleyes:

I notice you cherry picked without any mention of the other 90% of that Arizona report.
You are spending all your time trying to excuse the fake electors from the various states, while Trump himself is admitting to trying to steal an election. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: He's made you into a fool. Don't you see that?

How about it BWK ? Your landscapers ? Maintenance guys ?
??????????? You and others keep giving the store away. If you've got questions, that says it all about you. In the meantime, Trump has admitted to trying to steal an election. You should be feeling stupid right now, but if you don't, that means you really are stupid.

Here's the clue that these Trump toadies need to understand. Lies, allegations, and questions will get you no where. Get it?
HA HA HA. How pitifully ignorant liberals are. I can understand that they would have no idea about the massive illegal alien voting machine, from watching CNN, MSNBC, et al stations of that ilk, which carefully screen out all such information to these information-deprived airheads, but the proofs have been posted in HERE in USMB for years.

No excuse. So for the idiots who are clueless about illegal alien voting, why the border is opened up, why the airlifts, etc, for the 200th time >>>

Texas Democrats ask noncitizens to register to vote

Poll: 13% of Illegal Aliens ADMIT They Vote - California Political Review



Finally Proof of Illegal Alien Voting

Noncitizens, Voting Violations and U.S. Elections | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Illegal Aliens Really Do Vote – a Lot


Exclusive: Florida Investigating Potential Non-Citizen Voters
A poll? That's proof? You said in your post that they were flying around. Now they are voting. Get your story straight.

American Thinker?" You're not serious?
Oh God what total bullshit. The 2020 election broke records in turnout. Nobody was deprived of the ability to vote. Too much (illegal ) voting was the problem, not too little..

What is needed is more voter SUPPRESSION > of illegal alien voting. Designed to elect Democrats > the whole reason for the current border insanity.

Show us proof where it is wrong. If you don't, it's your bullshit, not mine.

"Gateway Pundit?" :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: Dude, give it up. Why do you think that information is on that site? Thank you! Look up the BBC and see if you find the same garbage.
Dismantled in #5584, #5593 & #5601.
When there go to arguments are about landscapers and maintenance guys, and they are still here, says more about their own intelligence than their ridiculous arguments.
It was just to show a compilation of rants from the Trump bashers, of course blabbering that the election was OK. Like we didnt know they say that ? And they claim it was OK. Imagine that! Well whoopee. What a revelation. :rolleyes:

I notice you cherry picked without any mention of the other 90% of that Arizona report.
When Trump admitted he tried to steal the election, everything else takes a back seat. Trump destroyed your conspiracy a hundred times better than I ever could.
Oh God what total bullshit. The 2020 election broke records in turnout. Nobody was deprived of the ability to vote. Too much (illegal ) voting was the problem, not too little..

What is needed is more voter SUPPRESSION > of illegal alien voting. Designed to elect Democrats > the whole reason for the current border insanity.

When Trump admitted he tried to steal the election, everything else takes a back seat. Trump destroyed your conspiracy a hundred times better than I ever could.
That,s another aspect liberal looniness. They make up goofy things (typically the opposite of reality), pretend them to be true, and then blabber them all over the internet. Is there a doctor in the house ?
That,s another aspect liberal looniness. They make up goofy things (typically the opposite of reality), pretend them to be true, and then blabber them all over the internet. Is there a doctor in the house ?
Yea, me. I'm called the "documented fact finding doctor", not the "make believe doctor" like you, who can't back up what you say. We have Trump on video admitting to trying to steal the last election. You call it "goofy." That's great. Because when the shit hits the fan about his admission, remember I told you so. Don't go running around this forum with your hair on fire that you weren't aware of it before.
You are spending all your time trying to excuse the fake electors from the various states, while Trump himself is admitting to trying to steal an election. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: He's made you into a fool. Don't you see that?

While Biden is trying to steal future elections by actually flying trespassers all over the US and Dems are trying to pass legislation to allow trespassers to vote.

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