If Trump wins? If Clinton wins?

Why would you vote for your candidate?

  • I genuinely like Trump- he's dynamic, forceful, doesn't take any crap - he can be the change we need

    Votes: 13 27.1%
  • Trump's positions match mine far more closer than the other candidates.

    Votes: 14 29.2%
  • I am voting for Trump because the possibility of Clinton as POTUS is frightening.

    Votes: 18 37.5%
  • I genuinely like Clinton - she's measured, thoughtful, has a good grasp of the issues we are facing

    Votes: 6 12.5%
  • Clinton's positions match mine far more closely than the other candidates

    Votes: 9 18.8%
  • I am voting for Clinton because the possibility of Trump as POTUS is frightening.

    Votes: 11 22.9%
  • I'm not voting.

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • I'm voting 3rd party because both candidates are too flawed to even consider supporting.

    Votes: 9 18.8%
  • I'm voting 3rd party because neither major candidate's positions align with mine.

    Votes: 5 10.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
As I told my son, Donald Trump is a wild card as foreign relations are concerned. Really, same on domestic issues. He could be great or could be a disaster.

Hillary represents a takeover of the American public, if not an attempt to take over the world. If she's elected watch your ass.

Wow. Where do people get stuff like this? There is no reason to believe this and yet ---
With regard to the two major party candidates:

They both have positions that align with mine and they both have positions that don't.​
They both have character flaws that I don't like, but I could probably live with either of them being President and having those flaws were either of them to just own their flaws instead of trying to hide them, not make amends for them, and misrepresent them.​

Truly, had Trump not insulted everyone and displayed a "fair weather friend" attitude toward everyone who had something to say about him, I would vote for him. But he did do that, and I will not vote someone who does that. I won't even talk to people who do that.
Both candidates are corrupt. Both have the laws written so they benefit and working class folk take it on the chin. Uber rich means uber corrupt. This is irrefutable.
The poll allows up to 3 responses. Virtual M&M's to anyone who can discuss this without accusations of shill, partisan hack, etc.

This is why I would vote for Clinton over Trump. Trump is a tremendously scary candidate - NOT because his positions, which are impossible to pin down and promises which he can in no way fulfill (making Mexico pay for a wall) - but it's his inherent and deeply flawed character which I find incomprehensible in a POTUS.

If he wins...what happens? If Clinton wins...what happens? I honestly have never felt this worried about an election, about the bad choices we are faced with, about a potentially horrible future for our country. I've been through a lot of elections...I've swallowed very distasteful choices (8 years of Bush) but nothing like this EVER.

I have to ask, and it would be nice to get meaningful answers rather than idiotic memes, this of Trump voters?

Does any of this worry you? Any of his character flaws? Can you really excuse them away?

I GET that Clinton is deeply flawed...but is Trump really a better choice?

He is shallow, highly vindictive and thin skinned, unable to control his temper or stay on topic, his ignorance is fueled not by a lack of education but a lack of interest. His total lack of preparation for the debates is a worrisome indicator of his ability or willingness to prepare for the highest office in the country and the problems he would face as president. For all the complaints (many justified) about Clinton - she knows what she's doing and she certainly does her work beforehand to study the issues.

This editorial says it best:
Election prediction: Trump loses even if he wins

The best analogy I've heard for this election is that a terrible storm is bearing down upon us. You can either join in raising the alarms and aiding in getting the people to safety, or you can stand by and criticize the fine points of evacuation plans, cast doubt on the strength of the storm and disparage the reputations of the emergency managers.
I voted for all 3 Trump ones and I mean it. No none of his character flaws worry me. People need to grow a spine and a set of balls and get over mean words and worry about what Clinton has actually DONE and will do. She is unstable,psychotic,and power hungry.
Words mean things.....trump a wacko. I will vote 3rd party because neither trump nor Clinton deserves a vote from me. Neither knows what hard work is and both are corrupt up to their eyeballs.
The supreme court, character, and competency are why I'm voting mcmullin.
Listening to Trump's own words, the man is not mentally stable. Clinton played him in all three debates, getting him totally off subject and off balance. Someone like Putin would play him like a fiddle.

Trump's demonstrated ignorance on all subjects is demonstrable from his speeches. We do not need a President that has a belief system based on the same kinds of conspiracy theories we see posted by the most far out there loons on these boards.

Trump makes the claim that he would balance the budget by making sure that the income of the government is far less than it is today. And increase the military at the same time. Simple insanity from any point of view.
Listening to Trump's own words, the man is not mentally stable. Clinton played him in all three debates, getting him totally off subject and off balance. Someone like Putin would play him like a fiddle.

Trump's demonstrated ignorance on all subjects is demonstrable from his speeches. We do not need a President that has a belief system based on the same kinds of conspiracy theories we see posted by the most far out there loons on these boards.

Trump makes the claim that he would balance the budget by making sure that the income of the government is far less than it is today. And increase the military at the same time. Simple insanity from any point of view.
Maybe Trump will balance the budget by declaring the USA is bankrupt and start all over again. He has experience of this trick.
The poll allows up to 3 responses. Virtual M&M's to anyone who can discuss this without accusations of shill, partisan hack, etc.

This is why I would vote for Clinton over Trump. Trump is a tremendously scary candidate - NOT because his positions, which are impossible to pin down and promises which he can in no way fulfill (making Mexico pay for a wall) - but it's his inherent and deeply flawed character which I find incomprehensible in a POTUS.

If he wins...what happens? If Clinton wins...what happens? I honestly have never felt this worried about an election, about the bad choices we are faced with, about a potentially horrible future for our country. I've been through a lot of elections...I've swallowed very distasteful choices (8 years of Bush) but nothing like this EVER.

I have to ask, and it would be nice to get meaningful answers rather than idiotic memes, this of Trump voters?

Does any of this worry you? Any of his character flaws? Can you really excuse them away?

I GET that Clinton is deeply flawed...but is Trump really a better choice?

He is shallow, highly vindictive and thin skinned, unable to control his temper or stay on topic, his ignorance is fueled not by a lack of education but a lack of interest. His total lack of preparation for the debates is a worrisome indicator of his ability or willingness to prepare for the highest office in the country and the problems he would face as president. For all the complaints (many justified) about Clinton - she knows what she's doing and she certainly does her work beforehand to study the issues.

This editorial says it best:
Election prediction: Trump loses even if he wins

The best analogy I've heard for this election is that a terrible storm is bearing down upon us. You can either join in raising the alarms and aiding in getting the people to safety, or you can stand by and criticize the fine points of evacuation plans, cast doubt on the strength of the storm and disparage the reputations of the emergency managers.
Neither party gave us a good choice. Trump has no qualifications for the office and Clinton has the qualifications but has too much baggage.
Donald Trump is a typical American. I think he can do it.
I don't see how billionaires and sociopaths are typical of Americans in any way.
Forgive me but, you see, in Europe, Americans have a reputation for thinking that they are exceptional and better than anyone else, that they like to brag, and come across as brash egotistical bullies, not very unlike the English. But maybe I am unfair.
Donald Trump is a typical American. I think he can do it.
I don't see how billionaires and sociopaths are typical of Americans in any way.
Forgive me but, you see, in Europe, Americans have a reputation for thinking that they are exceptional and better than anyone else, that they like to brag, and come across as brash egotistical bullies, not very unlike the English. But maybe I am unfair.
Sounds like your typical republican...
I was set to write in my choice simply because Clinton appeared she didn't need my vote .. the race is close enough now I will be voting against Trump.

He may have some money, but he damn sure doesn't have any class.
I was set to write in my choice simply because Clinton appeared she didn't need my vote .. the race is close enough now I will be voting against Trump.

He may have some money, but he damn sure doesn't have any class.
--------------------------------------------------------- good , look at Sietes admission . Thankyou , you made me , a Trump supporter smile Siete !!
I expect the TRUMP to do whatever he needs to do to get rid of Obamacare and same goes for whatever he needs to do to push forth MY and His agenda Carbineer !!
Why would you think Trump would behave any differently as president than during his campaign and much his life. He goes out of his way to pick fights and insult people. He's not a politician or a team builder. He will be what he has always been, a loner who craves the spotlight.

Trump's republican support in Congress would begin disappearing the day after he took office. The only reason they supported him was to get a republican in the white house to appoint conservative judges and Pence would be far more reliable than an irascible, unpredictable Trump.
Listening to Trump's own words, the man is not mentally stable. Clinton played him in all three debates, getting him totally off subject and off balance. Someone like Putin would play him like a fiddle.

Trump's demonstrated ignorance on all subjects is demonstrable from his speeches. We do not need a President that has a belief system based on the same kinds of conspiracy theories we see posted by the most far out there loons on these boards.

Trump makes the claim that he would balance the budget by making sure that the income of the government is far less than it is today. And increase the military at the same time. Simple insanity from any point of view.
Maybe Trump will balance the budget by declaring the USA is bankrupt and start all over again. He has experience of this trick.

The biggest loser in that situation would be the biggest holder of US Debt. It ain't China. It's us.
I expect the TRUMP to do whatever he needs to do to get rid of Obamacare and same goes for whatever he needs to do to push forth MY and His agenda Carbineer !!
Why would you think Trump would behave any differently as president than during his campaign and much his life. He goes out of his way to pick fights and insult people. He's not a politician or a team builder. He will be what he has always been, a loner who craves the spotlight.

Trump's republican support in Congress would begin disappearing the day after he took office. The only reason they supported him was to get a republican in the white house to appoint conservative judges and Pence would be far more reliable than an irascible, unpredictable Trump.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------TRUMP is still better than 'hilary' even if you are correct . And Conservative Judges are exactly what I want . Concerning Pence , he may be a good influence on the Trump . All we gotta do is elect the TRUMP to find out what he does Flopper !!

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