If we all came from 2 people

Let me put it this way.

If you do not approach the study of scripture intelligently, your spirit will remain without life. Without intelligent thought the development of your spirit to its fullest potential is impossible.

Lack of intelligence, not intelligence, limits the spirit. Living according to the delusions of an unrestrained imagination is not living in the spirit. It is not walking by faith. It is not intelligent. It is not living at all.

Ask Taz.
My spirit is FULL of life. You just like to draw these little scenarios in your head where everyone who doesn't think like you is lost... When you yourself aren't coherent and can't seem to give a straight answer to anything, except belittle, belittle, belittle... You must be one small, sad person.

lol... you are full of it.. not life. Belittle belittle belittle? I' must be a sad person? lol.. give me a break .

Were your feewings hurt?

Maybe you were the result of accidental dribbling after your mother had anal sex...

Oh right, sorry, thats your line.

BTW you are the one displaying impenetrable confusion daily.. Pretty fucking stupid shit.

You aren't lost cupcake? You are a really happy guy?. sure, I believe you.
I think we figured out Taz by now.
It is the disgruntled, uneducated asshole who always needs to be the center of attention.
Notice nothing but insults.
I am going to simply ignore Taz posts for a bit.
Taz is merely repeating what the so called teachers, preachers and many rabbis have taught throughout the ages. Can you really lay fault on a blind person for following other spiritually blind peeps in their erroneous precepts about the spiritual writings that have been taught from carnal precepts?
I have an idea...provide a Link or a book I can find in a Jewish book store.
I bet your Jewish bookstore has a HUGE gay section. Amitire or AMIRITE?
Let me put it this way.

If you do not approach the study of scripture intelligently, your spirit will remain without life. Without intelligent thought the development of your spirit to its fullest potential is impossible.

Lack of intelligence, not intelligence, limits the spirit. Living according to the delusions of an unrestrained imagination is not living in the spirit. It is not walking by faith. It is not intelligent. It is not living at all.

Ask Taz.
My spirit is FULL of life. You just like to draw these little scenarios in your head where everyone who doesn't think like you is lost... When you yourself aren't coherent and can't seem to give a straight answer to anything, except belittle, belittle, belittle... You must be one small, sad person.

lol... you are full of it.. not life. Belittle belittle belittle? I' must be a sad person? lol.. give me a break .

Were your feewings hurt?

Maybe you were the result of accidental dribbling after your mother had anal sex...

Oh right, sorry, thats your line.

BTW you are the one displaying impenetrable confusion daily.. Pretty fucking stupid shit.

You aren't lost cupcake? You are a really happy guy?. sure, I believe you.
Because nobody can be happy if they don’t believe in your mass murdering and rapist ghost for which you have not one shred of evidence? Um... no.
Hindus believe we begin by wanting pleasure. This is natural, but it is too trivial to satisfy one's total nature. Then the time comes when the individual's interest shift to the second major goal of life, which is worldly success with its three prongs of wealth, fame, and power. This too is a worthy goal but individuals whose development is not arrested will move through delighting in success and the senses to the point where their attractions have been largely outgrown. So in the end all worldly rewards prove insufficient and leave us lacking because we were made for more.
Nobody cares about that. Please stick to the topic.
I care about being happy. You don't care about being happy? Then why did you say nobody can be happy if they don’t believe in your mass murdering and rapist ghost for which you have not one shred of evidence?
lol... you are full of it.. not life. Belittle belittle belittle? I' must be a sad person? lol.. give me a break .

Were your feewings hurt?

Maybe you were the result of accidental dribbling after your mother had anal sex...

Oh right, sorry, thats your line.

BTW you are the one displaying impenetrable confusion daily.. Pretty fucking stupid shit.

You aren't lost cupcake? You are a really happy guy?. sure, I believe you.
I think we figured out Taz by now.
It is the disgruntled, uneducated asshole who always needs to be the center of attention.
Notice nothing but insults.
I am going to simply ignore Taz posts for a bit.
Taz is merely repeating what the so called teachers, preachers and many rabbis have taught throughout the ages. Can you really lay fault on a blind person for following other spiritually blind peeps in their erroneous precepts about the spiritual writings that have been taught from carnal precepts?
That was your all time dumbest post.
So answer the questions Taz posed if you are so enlightened and I am so dumb in your sight.
You and Taz can go dancing together.
Taz is a complete idiot I've decided to ignore for a few days until he makes one intelligent post in any thread.
Who is the actual idiot that won't answer the original OP but yet calls out someone else's faith and still won't or can't answer the question but is willing to spew forth crap.

i have answered that original op question several times in this forum. You have given only your lame rhetoric.
My spirit is FULL of life. You just like to draw these little scenarios in your head where everyone who doesn't think like you is lost... When you yourself aren't coherent and can't seem to give a straight answer to anything, except belittle, belittle, belittle... You must be one small, sad person.

lol... you are full of it.. not life. Belittle belittle belittle? I' must be a sad person? lol.. give me a break .

Were your feewings hurt?

Maybe you were the result of accidental dribbling after your mother had anal sex...

Oh right, sorry, thats your line.

BTW you are the one displaying impenetrable confusion daily.. Pretty fucking stupid shit.

You aren't lost cupcake? You are a really happy guy?. sure, I believe you.
I think we figured out Taz by now.
It is the disgruntled, uneducated asshole who always needs to be the center of attention.
Notice nothing but insults.
I am going to simply ignore Taz posts for a bit.
Taz is merely repeating what the so called teachers, preachers and many rabbis have taught throughout the ages. Can you really lay fault on a blind person for following other spiritually blind peeps in their erroneous precepts about the spiritual writings that have been taught from carnal precepts?
I have an idea...provide a Link or a book I can find in a Jewish book store.
I bet your Jewish bookstore has a HUGE gay section. Amitire or AMIRITE?
Actually Jesus did say something on the subject. He was Jewish.
My spirit is FULL of life. You just like to draw these little scenarios in your head where everyone who doesn't think like you is lost... When you yourself aren't coherent and can't seem to give a straight answer to anything, except belittle, belittle, belittle... You must be one small, sad person.

lol... you are full of it.. not life. Belittle belittle belittle? I' must be a sad person? lol.. give me a break .

Were your feewings hurt?

Maybe you were the result of accidental dribbling after your mother had anal sex...

Oh right, sorry, thats your line.

BTW you are the one displaying impenetrable confusion daily.. Pretty fucking stupid shit.

You aren't lost cupcake? You are a really happy guy?. sure, I believe you.
Because nobody can be happy if they don’t believe in your mass murdering and rapist ghost for which you have not one shred of evidence? Um... no.
Hindus believe we begin by wanting pleasure. This is natural, but it is too trivial to satisfy one's total nature. Then the time comes when the individual's interest shift to the second major goal of life, which is worldly success with its three prongs of wealth, fame, and power. This too is a worthy goal but individuals whose development is not arrested will move through delighting in success and the senses to the point where their attractions have been largely outgrown. So in the end all worldly rewards prove insufficient and leave us lacking because we were made for more.
Nobody cares about that. Please stick to the topic.
I care about being happy. You don't care about being happy? Then why did you say nobody can be happy if they don’t believe in your mass murdering and rapist ghost for which you have not one shred of evidence?
I have no idea why you bother with someone who is purposely wasting your time.
I suppose this is where we part ways in actual knowledge of the spirit as it isn't one in the same as earthly "intelligence".

I didn't say that they were one in the same, I said there is no spiritual knowledge without intelligence.

If you have not arrived at your beliefs as a result of intelligent rational thought and if you do not see what you believe conform to and confirmed by reality every single day all you really have faith in is a fantasy.
Is that why the Jews said, "We will do and we will study"?
God rewards the effort put into a task, not the final product.

Actually, here is what was really said, along with a bit of commentary about it.

Doing and Hearing (Mishpatim 5776) - Rabbi Sacks

One of the most famous phrases in the Torah makes its appearance in this week’s parsha. It has often been used to characterise Jewish faith as a whole. It consists of two words: na’aseh venishma, literally, “we will do and we will hear” (Ex. 24:7). What does this mean and why does it matter?

There are two famous interpretations, one ancient, the other modern. The first appears in the Babylonian Talmud,[1] where it is taken to describe the enthusiasm and whole-heartedness with which the Israelites accepted the covenant with God at Mount Sinai. When they said to Moses, “All that the Lord has spoken we will do and we will hear”, they were saying, in effect: Whatever God asks of us, we will do – saying this before they had heard any of the commandments. The words “We will hear”, imply that they had not yet heard – not the Ten Commandments, or the detailed laws that followed as set out in our parsha. So keen were they to signal their assent to God that they agreed to His demands before knowing what they were.[2]

This reading, adopted also by Rashi in his commentary to the Torah, is difficult because it depends on reading the narrative out of chronological sequence (using the principle that “there is no before and after in the Torah”). The events of chapter 24, on this interpretation, happened before chapter 20, the account of the revelation at Mount Sinai and the Ten Commandments. Ibn Ezra, Rashbam and Ramban all disagree and read the chapters in chronological sequence. For them, the words na’aseh venishma mean not, “we will do and we will hear”, but simply, “we will do and we will obey.”

The second interpretation – not the plain sense of the text but important nonetheless – has been given often in modern Jewish thought. On this view na’aseh venishma means, “We will do and we will understand.”[3] From this they derive the conclusion that we can only understand Judaism by doing it, by performing the commands and living a Jewish life. In the beginning is the deed.[4] Only then comes the grasp, the insight, the comprehension.
Good post...
The Torah is not in chronological sequence because God is not limited to time.
Yes he is, he had one week to make everything but he made it all in 6, so he could chill out on the 7th day, probably with a bong. :biggrin:

Why not? After all, He did create all the plants! Might have even had a couple of shrooms as well.

By the way, did you know that one of the ingredients of the Holy Anointing Oil for the Kings of Israel was cannabis oil?

Jesus was anointed with it as well. If it's good enough for Jesus, then it's good enough for me!
My spirit is FULL of life. You just like to draw these little scenarios in your head where everyone who doesn't think like you is lost... When you yourself aren't coherent and can't seem to give a straight answer to anything, except belittle, belittle, belittle... You must be one small, sad person.

lol... you are full of it.. not life. Belittle belittle belittle? I' must be a sad person? lol.. give me a break .

Were your feewings hurt?

Maybe you were the result of accidental dribbling after your mother had anal sex...

Oh right, sorry, thats your line.

BTW you are the one displaying impenetrable confusion daily.. Pretty fucking stupid shit.

You aren't lost cupcake? You are a really happy guy?. sure, I believe you.
Because nobody can be happy if they don’t believe in your mass murdering and rapist ghost for which you have not one shred of evidence? Um... no.
Hindus believe we begin by wanting pleasure. This is natural, but it is too trivial to satisfy one's total nature. Then the time comes when the individual's interest shift to the second major goal of life, which is worldly success with its three prongs of wealth, fame, and power. This too is a worthy goal but individuals whose development is not arrested will move through delighting in success and the senses to the point where their attractions have been largely outgrown. So in the end all worldly rewards prove insufficient and leave us lacking because we were made for more.
Nobody cares about that. Please stick to the topic.
I care about being happy. You don't care about being happy? Then why did you say nobody can be happy if they don’t believe in your mass murdering and rapist ghost for which you have not one shred of evidence?
It was a question, not a statement.
because God is not limited to time.
Yes he is.
You are limited...period.
And I will be ignoring you until you post something intelligent on any thread.
You're just another cynical naysayer on any topic.
Not true. Stop throwing a hissy. I say God IS limited by time. You say he is not. How do we tell who is correct?
Easy...God said every nation will hate the Jews until the end days.
No one has been able to eliminate us and everyone really hates us.
lol... you are full of it.. not life. Belittle belittle belittle? I' must be a sad person? lol.. give me a break .

Were your feewings hurt?

Maybe you were the result of accidental dribbling after your mother had anal sex...

Oh right, sorry, thats your line.

BTW you are the one displaying impenetrable confusion daily.. Pretty fucking stupid shit.

You aren't lost cupcake? You are a really happy guy?. sure, I believe you.
Because nobody can be happy if they don’t believe in your mass murdering and rapist ghost for which you have not one shred of evidence? Um... no.
Hindus believe we begin by wanting pleasure. This is natural, but it is too trivial to satisfy one's total nature. Then the time comes when the individual's interest shift to the second major goal of life, which is worldly success with its three prongs of wealth, fame, and power. This too is a worthy goal but individuals whose development is not arrested will move through delighting in success and the senses to the point where their attractions have been largely outgrown. So in the end all worldly rewards prove insufficient and leave us lacking because we were made for more.
Nobody cares about that. Please stick to the topic.
I care about being happy. You don't care about being happy? Then why did you say nobody can be happy if they don’t believe in your mass murdering and rapist ghost for which you have not one shred of evidence?
I have no idea why you bother with someone who is purposely wasting your time.
Like god with you?
I didn't say that they were one in the same, I said there is no spiritual knowledge without intelligence.

If you have not arrived at your beliefs as a result of intelligent rational thought and if you do not see what you believe conform to and confirmed by reality every single day all you really have faith in is a fantasy.
Is that why the Jews said, "We will do and we will study"?
God rewards the effort put into a task, not the final product.

Actually, here is what was really said, along with a bit of commentary about it.

Doing and Hearing (Mishpatim 5776) - Rabbi Sacks

One of the most famous phrases in the Torah makes its appearance in this week’s parsha. It has often been used to characterise Jewish faith as a whole. It consists of two words: na’aseh venishma, literally, “we will do and we will hear” (Ex. 24:7). What does this mean and why does it matter?

There are two famous interpretations, one ancient, the other modern. The first appears in the Babylonian Talmud,[1] where it is taken to describe the enthusiasm and whole-heartedness with which the Israelites accepted the covenant with God at Mount Sinai. When they said to Moses, “All that the Lord has spoken we will do and we will hear”, they were saying, in effect: Whatever God asks of us, we will do – saying this before they had heard any of the commandments. The words “We will hear”, imply that they had not yet heard – not the Ten Commandments, or the detailed laws that followed as set out in our parsha. So keen were they to signal their assent to God that they agreed to His demands before knowing what they were.[2]

This reading, adopted also by Rashi in his commentary to the Torah, is difficult because it depends on reading the narrative out of chronological sequence (using the principle that “there is no before and after in the Torah”). The events of chapter 24, on this interpretation, happened before chapter 20, the account of the revelation at Mount Sinai and the Ten Commandments. Ibn Ezra, Rashbam and Ramban all disagree and read the chapters in chronological sequence. For them, the words na’aseh venishma mean not, “we will do and we will hear”, but simply, “we will do and we will obey.”

The second interpretation – not the plain sense of the text but important nonetheless – has been given often in modern Jewish thought. On this view na’aseh venishma means, “We will do and we will understand.”[3] From this they derive the conclusion that we can only understand Judaism by doing it, by performing the commands and living a Jewish life. In the beginning is the deed.[4] Only then comes the grasp, the insight, the comprehension.
Good post...
The Torah is not in chronological sequence because God is not limited to time.
Yes he is, he had one week to make everything but he made it all in 6, so he could chill out on the 7th day, probably with a bong. :biggrin:

Why not? After all, He did create all the plants! Might have even had a couple of shrooms as well.
The Vilna Gaon was able to use the word B'reishis to detail all 613 mitzvot.
Let me put it this way.

If you do not approach the study of scripture intelligently, your spirit will remain without life. Without intelligent thought the development of your spirit to its fullest potential is impossible.

Lack of intelligence, not intelligence, limits the spirit. Living according to the delusions of an unrestrained imagination is not living in the spirit. It is not walking by faith. It is not intelligent. It is not living at all.

Ask Taz.
My spirit is FULL of life. You just like to draw these little scenarios in your head where everyone who doesn't think like you is lost... When you yourself aren't coherent and can't seem to give a straight answer to anything, except belittle, belittle, belittle... You must be one small, sad person.

lol... you are full of it.. not life. Belittle belittle belittle? I' must be a sad person? lol.. give me a break .

Were your feewings hurt?

Maybe you were the result of accidental dribbling after your mother had anal sex...

Oh right, sorry, thats your line.

BTW you are the one displaying impenetrable confusion daily.. Pretty fucking stupid shit.

You aren't lost cupcake? You are a really happy guy?. sure, I believe you.
I think we figured out Taz by now.
It is the disgruntled, uneducated asshole who always needs to be the center of attention.
Notice nothing but insults.
I am going to simply ignore Taz posts for a bit.
Taz is merely repeating what the so called teachers, preachers and many rabbis have taught throughout the ages. Can you really lay fault on a blind person for following other spiritually blind peeps in their erroneous precepts about the spiritual writings that have been taught from carnal precepts?
I have an idea...provide a Link or a book I can find in a Jewish book store.
I don't do jewish bookstores. Maybe Taz can help you out.
My spirit is FULL of life. You just like to draw these little scenarios in your head where everyone who doesn't think like you is lost... When you yourself aren't coherent and can't seem to give a straight answer to anything, except belittle, belittle, belittle... You must be one small, sad person.

lol... you are full of it.. not life. Belittle belittle belittle? I' must be a sad person? lol.. give me a break .

Were your feewings hurt?

Maybe you were the result of accidental dribbling after your mother had anal sex...

Oh right, sorry, thats your line.

BTW you are the one displaying impenetrable confusion daily.. Pretty fucking stupid shit.

You aren't lost cupcake? You are a really happy guy?. sure, I believe you.
I think we figured out Taz by now.
It is the disgruntled, uneducated asshole who always needs to be the center of attention.
Notice nothing but insults.
I am going to simply ignore Taz posts for a bit.
Taz is merely repeating what the so called teachers, preachers and many rabbis have taught throughout the ages. Can you really lay fault on a blind person for following other spiritually blind peeps in their erroneous precepts about the spiritual writings that have been taught from carnal precepts?
I have an idea...provide a Link or a book I can find in a Jewish book store.
I don't do jewish bookstores. Maybe Taz can help you out.
I don't think either one of you is capable of explaining anything intelligently.
Easy...God said every nation will hate the Jews until the end days.
Whether or not that is true does not mean god is not bound by time. And you dont get to assert a statement by god as true to support your point, without also proving it is true. I say NOT every nation will hate the jews until the end if time. You say otherwise.

How do we tell who is correct?
lol... you are full of it.. not life. Belittle belittle belittle? I' must be a sad person? lol.. give me a break .

Were your feewings hurt?

Maybe you were the result of accidental dribbling after your mother had anal sex...

Oh right, sorry, thats your line.

BTW you are the one displaying impenetrable confusion daily.. Pretty fucking stupid shit.

You aren't lost cupcake? You are a really happy guy?. sure, I believe you.
Because nobody can be happy if they don’t believe in your mass murdering and rapist ghost for which you have not one shred of evidence? Um... no.
Hindus believe we begin by wanting pleasure. This is natural, but it is too trivial to satisfy one's total nature. Then the time comes when the individual's interest shift to the second major goal of life, which is worldly success with its three prongs of wealth, fame, and power. This too is a worthy goal but individuals whose development is not arrested will move through delighting in success and the senses to the point where their attractions have been largely outgrown. So in the end all worldly rewards prove insufficient and leave us lacking because we were made for more.
Nobody cares about that. Please stick to the topic.
I care about being happy. You don't care about being happy? Then why did you say nobody can be happy if they don’t believe in your mass murdering and rapist ghost for which you have not one shred of evidence?
It was a question, not a statement.
It was a window into your soul. A Freudian slip so to speak.

Do you care if you are happy?
Easy...God said every nation will hate the Jews until the end days.
Whether or not that is true does not mean god is not bound by time. And you dont get to assert a statement by god as true to support your point, without also proving it is true. I say NOT every nation will hate the jews until the end if time. You say otherwise.

How do we tell who is correct?
How many times do II have to tell you? There is only one Creator out there. He will be the only one who will hear you calling him. He doesn't care which name you call him.

You are without excuse.
Easy...God said every nation will hate the Jews until the end days.
Whether or not that is true does not mean god is not bound by time. And you dont get to assert a statement by god as true to support your point, without also proving it is true. I say NOT every nation will hate the jews until the end if time. You say otherwise.

How do we tell who is correct?
How many times do II have to tell you? There is only one Creator out there. He will be the only one who will hear you calling him. He doesn't care which name you call him.

You are without excuse.
FFI is on the same field as T.
have answered that original op question several times in this forum
If your answer was anything but "I don't know", then you did not give the correct answer.
Wrong but you are free to think as you like. The Bible is talking about adam aka the human and humankind and the spiritual host of and with humankind. Eve is a portion in adam. Pretty simple really but again teachers, preachers and rabbi are stuck in carnal mode just like you.

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