If we banned all guns

OK. let's say the Diane Feinsteins of the world got their wish and the US imposed a total ban on guns, no private citizen was allowed to own one. I realize the Supreme Court made that impossible, but let's say it's wet dream week at the DNC.
Then what?
The civil disobesdiance would make Prohibition look like child's play. If the gov't tried to enforce the edict going to house to house they would have a rebellion of major proportions in many places. Sure, not in Commieformia, where men are limp dicks. But in more rural areas, forget it. There isn't an army big enough to enforce that.

OK, so let's say we simply enacted "common sense" gun control like they want. Basically a re-enactment of the Assault Weapons Ban and other provisions like registration of guns, no private sales, etc.
We know what the old AWB did. Nothing. OK, not nothing It drove up the price of hi cap mags and pre ban weapons. It sure didnt stop a single shooting or crime. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over hoping for a different result.
There are over 300M guns in this country. The genie is not going back in the bottle.

nice rant. but who wants to ban all guns? i just don't want them in the hands of criminals and crazies.... like most normal people.

The criminals are getting their hands on guns in areas with some of the most restrictive gun law zones. Take DC. A portly old man gets his house ransacked in upper Georgetown for storing ammunition; yet on a monthly basis, black kids are gunned down in Southeast Anacostia. Think there is illegal guns and ammunition in Southeast? How come no ransack? Southside Chicago: what more can be said given the gun violence in Chicagoland where they keep passing more and more restrictive gun laws?

what of Hollywood? Perpetuating a violence culture to sell films, win awards, and wag fingers at law abiding citizens in flyover country who own guns? Takoma Park Maryland is land of peacenicks and aged hippies who have declared their town a "nuclear free zone" yet gun shots can be heard from their porches in yet another land of restrictive gun laws.

Keeping the guns out of crazy people? What is the definition? Who gets to determine that? What is the common criteria for that? Who is the enforcement?

Stop enabling the gun toting criminal culture by demonizing the law abiding citizens who own firearms.
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Has anyone noticed how the right-wing gun owners always love the US military which they buy more guns to defend themselves against?
Civil disobedience? Oh, you mean the bunch of red necks who would go violent if their precious weapons were taken away?

Typical right wingers.

So only right wingers care for the right to life and to defend the same?


They care more about owning a gun than about preventing a mass shooting.

Those two things are not mutually exclusive.

Google up the NRA, read with an open mind, and you might not always be a biased dumbass!
Civil disobedience? Oh, you mean the bunch of red necks who would go violent if their precious weapons were taken away?

Typical right wingers.

So only right wingers care for the right to life and to defend the same?


They care more about owning a gun than about preventing a mass shooting.

How do you predict when a fucktard , who is still a virgin, is going to go berserk?

Are they responsible for GUN FREE ZONES?

Are they responsible for OVERZEALOUS PROSECUTORS who persecute those who use a firearm to defend themselves or their property?

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Civil disobedience? Oh, you mean the bunch of red necks who would go violent if their precious weapons were taken away?

Typical right wingers.

Yeah, people defending their rights to keep arms, what assholes.

On April 14, 1775, Gage received instructions from Secretary of State William Legge, Earl of Dartmouth, to disarm the rebels, who were known to have hidden weapons in Concord, among other locations, and to imprison the rebellion's leaders, especially Samuel Adams and John Hancock. Dartmouth gave Gage considerable discretion in his commands.[15][16]

Battles of Lexington and Concord - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The following timeline examines law enforcement's experience with assault weapons since the federal ban lapsed:

[wall of text snipped]

What Law Enforcement Says About Assault Weapons - Coalition to Stop Gun Violence


First, you are being deceptive by interweaving actual shooting incidents with just fluff pieces on weapons orders and police officers talking about how they want the AWB restored.

Second, the police should not be able to own any weapon not possess-able by other civilians. The police are civilians, just like us. They have no more rights than us either.
Back to my original point. Anyone with intelligence recognizes the need for common sense gun laws. Only an idiot would think "what problem" or "no restrictions at all on anyone" is even remotely sane.

You dont know what the Constitution means and you talk about anyone with intelligence?
Get outta town.

Still waiting to hear about the militia you're in. Do you wear 3 corner hats?

Once again, the forming a militia is the right of the states, the PEOPLE retain the right to keep and bear arms to make forming a militia possible.
Oh guns are for those in the militia. Tell us about the militia you belong to.

You're not very bright or well informed, are you, Sparky?

So you're not in a Militia? As per the constitution, you should not have a gun. Yet another reason you shouldn't be allowed to have a firearm.

It doesn't say you have to be in a militia to own a firearm, you dense twatwattle.

The PEOPLE retain the right to keep and bear arms, not the militia.
No intelligent person thinks a total gun ban is feasible or practical.

No intelligent person is against common sense gun laws that prevent people who aren't capable of handling a gun from possessing one.

Missed the first line of the OP, eh?
What are "common sense gun laws"? People crowed the '94 AWB was common sense. It didnt do anythng but enrich some dealers. No one wants to see people who shouldn't own guns owning guns. The problem is how you pass a law outlawing stupidity, ignorance, and apathy.

Common sense laws would involve mandatory hands on training, testing on a regular basis.
Tighter background checks on private sales.
Longer wait times for first time gun buyers.
No tolerance ownership policy for mental illness and convicted felons.

Those sort of laws would make sense in some iteration.

So are the police going to be required to provide 24-7 protection to the person who is waiting for their gun?
Missed the first line of the OP, eh?
What are "common sense gun laws"? People crowed the '94 AWB was common sense. It didnt do anythng but enrich some dealers. No one wants to see people who shouldn't own guns owning guns. The problem is how you pass a law outlawing stupidity, ignorance, and apathy.

Common sense laws would involve mandatory hands on training, testing on a regular basis.
Tighter background checks on private sales.
Longer wait times for first time gun buyers.
No tolerance ownership policy for mental illness and convicted felons.

Those sort of laws would make sense in some iteration.

So are the police going to be required to provide 24-7 protection to the person who is waiting for their gun?

The Failure of 911

"In spite of the call for better 911 service after this and other cases, the answer is that police do not have a specific duty to protect you from criminal attack in most of the United States or even respond to your emergency 911 call. Suing any level of government for incidents such as this is difficult since "the government" is not considered an entity such as a person or business. "

Missed the first line of the OP, eh?
What are "common sense gun laws"? People crowed the '94 AWB was common sense. It didnt do anythng but enrich some dealers. No one wants to see people who shouldn't own guns owning guns. The problem is how you pass a law outlawing stupidity, ignorance, and apathy.

Common sense laws would involve mandatory hands on training, testing on a regular basis.
Tighter background checks on private sales.
Longer wait times for first time gun buyers.
No tolerance ownership policy for mental illness and convicted felons.

Those sort of laws would make sense in some iteration.

So are the police going to be required to provide 24-7 protection to the person who is waiting for their gun?

Longer wait times for first time gun buyers.

California has a 10 day waiting period

didnt stop elliot rodgers
Common sense laws would involve mandatory hands on training, testing on a regular basis.
Tighter background checks on private sales.
Longer wait times for first time gun buyers.
No tolerance ownership policy for mental illness and convicted felons.

Those sort of laws would make sense in some iteration.

So are the police going to be required to provide 24-7 protection to the person who is waiting for their gun?

Longer wait times for first time gun buyers.

California has a 10 day waiting period

didnt stop elliot rodgers

Connecticut has a waiting period and it didnt stop Adam Lanza. It did cost his mother her life though.
Missed the first line of the OP, eh?
What are "common sense gun laws"? People crowed the '94 AWB was common sense. It didnt do anythng but enrich some dealers. No one wants to see people who shouldn't own guns owning guns. The problem is how you pass a law outlawing stupidity, ignorance, and apathy.

Common sense laws would involve mandatory hands on training, testing on a regular basis.
Tighter background checks on private sales.
Longer wait times for first time gun buyers.
No tolerance ownership policy for mental illness and convicted felons.

Those sort of laws would make sense in some iteration.

So are the police going to be required to provide 24-7 protection to the person who is waiting for their gun?

Same as it is now.

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