If we banned all guns

It isn't going to happen. We are not England or Australia. It's part of our culture, the libs have figured out it's the third rail of politics, touch it and you die.
It isn't going to happen. We are not England or Australia. It's part of our culture, the libs have figured out it's the third rail of politics, touch it and you die.

I know it wont happen. Even the Dems know it wont happen.
But what happens if it does? Then what? Does anyone think it will really reduce crime and violence? It will increase crime and violence!
We know who has the guns, you buy bullets. In that case, if you didn't turn them in, we blow your house up. See ya.

Good luck with that. If that happened, the revolution would begin. The Army won't, for the most part, engage in that sort of warfare. That leaves the Federal law enforcement agencies and they are heavily outnumbered. And if they did engage in that sort of activity the consequences would be terrible for everyone.
OK. let's say the Diane Feinsteins of the world got their wish and the US imposed a total ban on guns, no private citizen was allowed to own one. I realize the Supreme Court made that impossible, but let's say it's wet dream week at the DNC.
Then what?
The civil disobesdiance would make Prohibition look like child's play. If the gov't tried to enforce the edict going to house to house they would have a rebellion of major proportions in many places. Sure, not in Commieformia, where men are limp dicks. But in more rural areas, forget it. There isn't an army big enough to enforce that.

OK, so let's say we simply enacted "common sense" gun control like they want. Basically a re-enactment of the Assault Weapons Ban and other provisions like registration of guns, no private sales, etc.
We know what the old AWB did. Nothing. OK, not nothing It drove up the price of hi cap mags and pre ban weapons. It sure didnt stop a single shooting or crime. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over hoping for a different result.
There are over 300M guns in this country. The genie is not going back in the bottle.

It's amazing the fantasies you people indulge about the left. There's reality about the left, and theres the reality you wish was true Rabbi. It really simplifies your understanding about things doesn't it? It makes it easy for you to demonize those who have different political beliefs from you doesn't it?

NO ONE IMPORTANT wants to ban ALL guns. No democrat in office wants to repeal the 2nd amendment. None of them. Many democrats are gun owners themselves.
The rich like Feinstein would still own guns and as well as criminals.

Joe Schmoe living in middle America wouldn't because he would be afraid to lose his job and go to jail over a gun.
The rich like Feinstein would still own guns and as well as criminals.

Joe Schmoe living in middle America wouldn't because he would be afraid to lose his job and go to jail over a gun.

The vast majority of Americans don't own a gun.
Shitstain....how many blacks and Hispanics live in Japan???

Japan has a different culture than the US too, idiot.

In 2008, the U.S. had over 12,000 firearm-related homicides. All of Japan experienced only 11, fewer than were killed at the Aurora shooting alone. By comparison, also in 2008, 587 Americans were killed just by guns that had discharged accidentally.

A Land Without Guns: How Japan Has Virtually Eliminated Shooting Deaths - Max Fisher - The Atlantic

Racism, the core Republican value.
What would really be nice would be if people actually focused on the real cause of these mass shootings what does just about every one of these shooters have in common? A history of mental illness instead of concerning ourselves so much with who owns what type of gun maybe we should try to figure out some way to get these people committed and get them help before they go on a killing spree instead of after.
asswipe....are you claiming there is no violence difference between the Japanese and blacks/Hispanics in this country???

It looks like you are racist against the Japanese.....:eusa_whistle:

Shitstain....how many blacks and Hispanics live in Japan???

Japan has a different culture than the US too, idiot.

In 2008, the U.S. had over 12,000 firearm-related homicides. All of Japan experienced only 11, fewer than were killed at the Aurora shooting alone. By comparison, also in 2008, 587 Americans were killed just by guns that had discharged accidentally.

A Land Without Guns: How Japan Has Virtually Eliminated Shooting Deaths - Max Fisher - The Atlantic

Racism, the core Republican value.

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