If we banned all guns

OK. let's say the Diane Feinsteins of the world got their wish and the US imposed a total ban on guns, no private citizen was allowed to own one. I realize the Supreme Court made that impossible, but let's say it's wet dream week at the DNC.
Then what?
The civil disobesdiance would make Prohibition look like child's play. If the gov't tried to enforce the edict going to house to house they would have a rebellion of major proportions in many places. Sure, not in Commieformia, where men are limp dicks. But in more rural areas, forget it. There isn't an army big enough to enforce that.

OK, so let's say we simply enacted "common sense" gun control like they want. Basically a re-enactment of the Assault Weapons Ban and other provisions like registration of guns, no private sales, etc.
We know what the old AWB did. Nothing. OK, not nothing It drove up the price of hi cap mags and pre ban weapons. It sure didnt stop a single shooting or crime. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over hoping for a different result.
There are over 300M guns in this country. The genie is not going back in the bottle.

Where is Commieformia? Oh yeah, where Ronald Reagan and the Terminator were governors. You are so right.
Reagan was governor there before you were born, shitstain.
Arnold governed like a pussy.
If we banned all guns
As already correctly noted: no one is advocating ‘banning all guns,’ consequently this thread fails as inane and hyperbolic.

Actually Paintmystool was all for it. So I guess you fail there.
The rest of the post considered other lesser options. So I guess you fail there.
You're just one big ole fail, aren't you?
OK. let's say the Diane Feinsteins of the world got their wish and the US imposed a total ban on guns, no private citizen was allowed to own one. I realize the Supreme Court made that impossible, but let's say it's wet dream week at the DNC.
Then what?
The civil disobesdiance would make Prohibition look like child's play. If the gov't tried to enforce the edict going to house to house they would have a rebellion of major proportions in many places. Sure, not in Commieformia, where men are limp dicks. But in more rural areas, forget it. There isn't an army big enough to enforce that.

OK, so let's say we simply enacted "common sense" gun control like they want. Basically a re-enactment of the Assault Weapons Ban and other provisions like registration of guns, no private sales, etc.
We know what the old AWB did. Nothing. OK, not nothing It drove up the price of hi cap mags and pre ban weapons. It sure didnt stop a single shooting or crime. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over hoping for a different result.
There are over 300M guns in this country. The genie is not going back in the bottle.

nice rant. but who wants to ban all guns? i just don't want them in the hands of criminals and crazies.... like most normal people.

Dianne Feinstein for one. But then you know this and like Jones you lie about it.


No member of Congress advocates ‘banning all guns,’ nor has any legislation been introduced designed to ‘ban all guns.’

This is the type of hyperbolic idiocy common to most on the right that succeeds in only making gun rights advocates appear extreme and irresponsible.
In 2008, the U.S. had over 12,000 firearm-related homicides. All of Japan experienced only 11, fewer than were killed at the Aurora shooting alone. By comparison, also in 2008, 587 Americans were killed just by guns that had discharged accidentally.

A Land Without Guns: How Japan Has Virtually Eliminated Shooting Deaths - Max Fisher - The Atlantic

It just means we need to eat more sushi. Have you ever seen a mass shooting in a sushi restaurant? No, that's why.

Doesn't take much to make you flop like a fish out of water.

It's about as relevant as the homicide rate in Japan. I realize subtle nuances of logic are beyond so, so I'll spell it out.
Mexico has very strict gun laws and huge amounts of gun violence.
Finland has fairly lax gun laws and ot much gun violence.
We'll make it even more relevant.
Memphis TN and Knoxville TN have exactly the same laws. And Memphis has 4 times the level of gun violence per capita as Knoxville. It is entirely cultural. Gun laws dont prevent gun violence.
nice rant. but who wants to ban all guns? i just don't want them in the hands of criminals and crazies.... like most normal people.

Dianne Feinstein for one. But then you know this and like Jones you lie about it.


No member of Congress advocates ‘banning all guns,’ nor has any legislation been introduced designed to ‘ban all guns.’

This is the type of hyperbolic idiocy common to most on the right that succeeds in only making gun rights advocates appear extreme and irresponsible.
Oops. You're stupid.
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It just means we need to eat more sushi. Have you ever seen a mass shooting in a sushi restaurant? No, that's why.

Doesn't take much to make you flop like a fish out of water.

It's about as relevant as the homicide rate in Japan. I realize subtle nuances of logic are beyond so, so I'll spell it out.
Mexico has very strict gun laws and huge amounts of gun violence.
Finland has fairly lax gun laws and ot much gun violence.
We'll make it even more relevant.
Memphis TN and Knoxville TN have exactly the same laws. And Memphis has 4 times the level of gun violence per capita as Knoxville. It is entirely cultural. Gun laws dont prevent gun violence.

No guns, no gun violence.
January 26, 2013
Gun activists designated last Saturday “Gun Appreciation Day” in an attempt to highlight their opposition to gun safety laws. The PR stunt proved to be more of an embarrassment, however, when 5 people were shot at 3 different gun shows on Gun Appreciation Day. On Friday afternoon, an Iowa gun dealer closed out the week by becoming the sixth person shot at a gun show. The man claims he was “showing off a .25 caliber pistol he thought was unloaded when he slid the action of the gun.” The gun was not unloaded, and a bullet went through his left palm.

Gun Appreciation Day: Five injured at three gun shows - Los Angeles Times
Doesn't take much to make you flop like a fish out of water.

It's about as relevant as the homicide rate in Japan. I realize subtle nuances of logic are beyond so, so I'll spell it out.
Mexico has very strict gun laws and huge amounts of gun violence.
Finland has fairly lax gun laws and ot much gun violence.
We'll make it even more relevant.
Memphis TN and Knoxville TN have exactly the same laws. And Memphis has 4 times the level of gun violence per capita as Knoxville. It is entirely cultural. Gun laws dont prevent gun violence.

No guns, no gun violence.
There are over 300M guns in the US. How do you propose to get rid of all of them?
And that doesnt count the ability to make them, which requires a high school machine shop and some metal.
The rich like Feinstein would still own guns and as well as criminals.

Joe Schmoe living in middle America wouldn't because he would be afraid to lose his job and go to jail over a gun.

The vast majority of Americans don't own a gun.

Actually the last figure I saw said 48 percent do in fact own firearms. That is about 150 million people. You want a war ban firearms.

You’re clearly delusional.
It's about as relevant as the homicide rate in Japan. I realize subtle nuances of logic are beyond so, so I'll spell it out.
Mexico has very strict gun laws and huge amounts of gun violence.
Finland has fairly lax gun laws and ot much gun violence.
We'll make it even more relevant.
Memphis TN and Knoxville TN have exactly the same laws. And Memphis has 4 times the level of gun violence per capita as Knoxville. It is entirely cultural. Gun laws dont prevent gun violence.

No guns, no gun violence.
There are over 300M guns in the US. How do you propose to get rid of all of them?
And that doesnt count the ability to make them, which requires a high school machine shop and some metal.

I did not propose getting rid of all of them.

Just have universal background checks for all gun purchases.

And legalize drugs and treat them as a public health problem. That will take away the money from the criminal gangs.
No guns, no gun violence.
There are over 300M guns in the US. How do you propose to get rid of all of them?
And that doesnt count the ability to make them, which requires a high school machine shop and some metal.

I did not propose getting rid of all of them.

Just have universal background checks for all gun purchases.

And legalize drugs and treat them as a public health problem. That will take away the money from the criminal gangs.

Two criminals meet and exchange a gun for dope. How is there going to be a background check performed?
There are over 300M guns in the US. How do you propose to get rid of all of them?
And that doesnt count the ability to make them, which requires a high school machine shop and some metal.

I did not propose getting rid of all of them.

Just have universal background checks for all gun purchases.

And legalize drugs and treat them as a public health problem. That will take away the money from the criminal gangs.

Two criminals meet and exchange a gun for dope. How is there going to be a background check performed?

MCW researchers found that states that implemented local-level background checks had 22% lower firearm homicide rates and 27% lower firearm suicide rates than states that relied on just the federal check. States with state level background checks also had lower rates of firearm suicides and homicides than states without them, but local checks appear to be the most effective.

These additional checks can unearth disqualifiers that the NICS overlooks. For instance, local records may show that an individual has been convicted of a crime or has become the subject of a restraining order before sluggish federal records do. In particular, local records may be more up-to-date on an individual’s mental status.

Study Suggests Additional Background Checks Deter Gun Deaths
I did not propose getting rid of all of them.

Just have universal background checks for all gun purchases.

And legalize drugs and treat them as a public health problem. That will take away the money from the criminal gangs.

Two criminals meet and exchange a gun for dope. How is there going to be a background check performed?

MCW researchers found that states that implemented local-level background checks had 22% lower firearm homicide rates and 27% lower firearm suicide rates than states that relied on just the federal check. States with state level background checks also had lower rates of firearm suicides and homicides than states without them, but local checks appear to be the most effective.

These additional checks can unearth disqualifiers that the NICS overlooks. For instance, local records may show that an individual has been convicted of a crime or has become the subject of a restraining order before sluggish federal records do. In particular, local records may be more up-to-date on an individual’s mental status.

Study Suggests Additional Background Checks Deter Gun Deaths

OK so it wont prevent that transaction. Nor will it eliminate crime. It will make it harder for honest people to buy guns, which is all liberals care about.
So you've proposed a useless solution that fails to address the problem. Typical.

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